Read 'Star-fire'-A Bo Jon Little-horse p.i. novel Page 16

skills; reference the banks of flights-national and international; find local trustees, long or short-term isolation. If I'm right, he's left the country, or area... He could be in back-land or recently, relocated'...

  The evidentiary vectors were on their way. By 1 p.m. Iraqi-time the crew of Star-fire were in temporary reexamination residement-role. ...The General was astonished and immediately signed-out orders and went to inform his ordinates... Bo's duties had proven-worthy of his reputation. He was not done yet. If anything his true-role was to lead to the apprehension of the assailant(s). It was insinuation a first-prime order which he knew would, with remunerations by heavy weight authorities, extend the long-arms of national officials. It probably, would alert many of the responsible agencies, affiliated in any way... He could be certain but the head on military could get another feather in their cap. Which they deserve as handling the brunt of official-work.

  He was waiting for the shoe to drop by that evening. ...'Sgt. Little-horse, we have they data you've requested'... His attaché gave him a data-retrieval device, holding the ins and-outs of official Iraq magisterial-information...and with a wide 'drama'-search of Iraqi official; several had moved-back into the interior. He cross-reference and examined ideologies, in cause and consequence. A man, now known, as a 'Caliph' with both personal and professional-learning had left the establishment, years ago... An official and international, dignity he left the regime... He was thought to be settled in the southeast country-side. And the rest fell-into place, a wire-cause came-in men who'd worked at Star-fire; and were Iraqi, had been posted as leaving the U.S. for differing-areas... First-sign-'guilt', before he received another cause from Homeland Security and National Security as onset, agencies. It was transitioning to an governmental-issue... At the start, it was a national-pride; and then, an international-event. 'Star-fire' was an 'all-inclusive', consideration. Major-nations were all involved in its interests. A reflective vision of multiple-nations. After the reality of the situation was inured everyone went-into action. The deliberation of the crucial tentative of vise and vehemence was in a portal of their-enacting. Then Bo Jon was enabled-to pursue as much of the inception as possible.

  There was a preeminence of vice and virtue; effectually, propensity to afford, affect and officiate to give full 'advantage' to define the art of detection, recovery and intersect by what was a risk and regiment. A resigning-impart very close to convening-personal and protection to Bo Jon, normal responsibility, duty and purpose. What gave the endorsement of Sgt. Little-horse as the lead, was his reputation as an excellent, p.i... His-profile presided-upon him by friends and military-recognition. It had been rarely, done mostly in executive office. But he fit-the-bill, indubitably. And he didn't want to let them down. His competence went right to work. It was facilitating, and gratifying-work. From recovering-clues, to the final legal-charge and arrest. Bo had made an eloquent career-of crime investigator and enactor. This great-case was the vowed-venture into sophisticate-supposing. An enigmatic-vocal of a spans of confirmatory, could use his-service. The vantage provisions across dissertate-lines... The best accord and account was to keep it simple. And not get caught-up in politics, grand designs or deciduous-schemes... Though, a once soldier some time ago, he wanted little more than apprehending, the terrorists either before or while the incident occurred.

  Seeing the history-of-terror, and the 'healing' time after, he knew it would have the greatest affect if he went-on the ground-running. The 'impact' of past and present-might collide-on national and policy-grounds. And with, what he'd done; how, he was a reliable-individual... His superior was a National Security agent back-in the states. He was the point-'in the know', and now he and those reliant with his-actions were prove a worthy-respective. He was running-on all wheels, and with the impose of military-premise they fell-into place. He had a full-man team: two Second Lieutenant and two-I.S.-first-class... They were as professional as the military came. He came to know them well, they'd been together for one-purpose. Each knew that purpose was the devotion to the cause to resolve a national-threat. They'd began, by discussing-things through their affiliation... Bo Jon, they realized was a competent investigator. He was trained as an I.S. in the '60s which now in his detective-work he could impart, as be capable.

  He'd learned their background, families, hopes and dreams. He knew they stood for the 'finest' of the present day military. One wanted to be an CIO for a major company, another to rise in the ranks and open his own company and one wanted to be a U.S. Envoy with the Iraq embassy. He'd figure that times were becoming robust and regent. That he be needed for such purpose. They were all healthy, unmarried and had the capacity, for a good job. Unlike in war-time, they'd came to like Iraq. Each admired General Patreaus who'd been the best General in the former-war. The night before was quiet and warm. There was no weapons fire, bombs or the aspect of suicide bomber. Now emergent was the solemnly understood acceptance of peace. The green-zone was no more, paved-over to be an asphalt through-way. The lights of Baghdad City glowed. There was vibrancy in the region. That evening, they were in a solemn-resolve to capture as a mass-conflict, in a huge City...

  Bo Jon had defined the profile and image of a culprit, his hinchmen and the 'what', he discovered was the most likely. A man once devoted to his-country, and the now direness of personal valued-perspective. An individual some how caught up in enlisting. And as an individual, he'd had personal concerns un-availed. Forming an enacted-terror cell. Some where on the territory of outer-Iraq. A 'splinter-cell' of one's long, loathing and lament. One of inoculated by practical-challenges... And as he went to sleep perhaps for the last-time, in the Iraq-peninsula; he knew a team of Navy-Seals; were on-the-way to Jeuai the Caliph's home residence. And that, except for place, he'd be captured being oblivious to what the U.S. military were up to...

  He wanted to realize, his job was done. But he had to believe his role was not done. Then, information went over radio, the home of one-Jeuai the Caliph was had gone to some other place. He'd probably, left the area. But where? He expressed the missing-terrorist, active-in that might lead to his where-about(s). An order went-out to Homeland-Security, National-Security and international-contingents; and by morning two of the men where located and detained-in Europe. The questioning had begun. The two-men, were hard to question, they declared themselves 'servants of Alla'... They'd interrogate them on the thought, dead-protocol of enemy-combatant since 2012, with the closure of Guantanomo Bay most thought terrorism, had ended. No more superficial-adjudging by a tempestuous Congress. Yet in the things had a way of reinventing themselves. Much lay on the agency with the 'hidden-box' somewhere on the in-limbo space-craft and the arrest of the one they called the Caliph. It was all sorted, but for a succinctly competent p.i., working for the government only he had the full-rundown of the schemes. Bo Jon had details for his dedicated deductions. He had no 'loose-ends'.

  He did have a more intrinsic reference that Jeuai and his fellow Jihadist still had their hand-on the device. By the third-day it would be all-decided, or the premonition by this newest American-enemy. Over the years, the many signs and schemes-by the terror-movement had coded a trouncing of the forces by world-resolve. No more new invention of the societal-wheel. This, incident was a small-'scab' on the skin of modern culture. In a world-imminently, availed of dispense. So this Caliph was acting in a 'void'... As in this void, he was still unfound-out or enacting... That second-night, Bo Jon stayed awake; trans-vectoring stewarded-data from and the Middle-East. What was very intriguing was the present area he was in. He looked at flights, international state security-checks and hotel-activities... Though, the Middle-East still held its secrets, the border-patrol had been beefed-up over the years. Much of this data came-in, every week.

  But the U.S. could speed it up with renewable-cause. Then, as the information came-in, an international group of local-leaders was revealed. A hig
h-order Caliph in back-country was given clearance... And that was 'dead-on'... The Star-fire craft was in stand-down. No one dared touch the complex-craft, for good and bad-reasons, that-in, as an international symbol... It was too, dangerous only the kept hidden-reality was to centrally, stall its take-off. They didn't want another 9-11, or Columbia, or even worse; world dissolution... This had been an event of multiple purporting. The ideas, of implicit. So Bo Jon was to be a major player in the solving of a disproportionate-crime for the early 21st century. The U.S.'s National Security was making plans for their next move. The implications of multiple contentions.

  The crew of Star-fire mission were in their quarters awaiting launch. A little of the alert-maneuvers, was in the details of the mission. Only, he was told the 'code' for delay, due to serious error: 'Shutdown-8'; a sub-label for unknown in-corroborate problem, from anything from mechanical to enemy-incident... It was a critical-definition, from placing to