Read 'Star-fire'-A Bo Jon Little-horse p.i. novel Page 2

Captain, the second-youngest. Credited-with excellent Command-skills, history and decision-making. Trusted-by his higher-ups, and crew. ...Men, waited to be sent to his-ship for duty.

  ...A 'policy-maker', and collateral-rule, ameliorate. ...Could act-in an instant, as well as having a keen extending protocol. ...A 'head-on' directive in an image, by accord. He was 'hard-tack' on the members' radar. They-wanted to see, in every-aspect from positive to negative. He was 'succinct', and distinctively, an excellent-individual followed by his crew. Never had 9-persons fitted a space-flight... It was as if a 'dream', had come true. And, on the other-side, the 'dream' of a truly especial-implication. It-began as strategic-invest of human-resources. The group-of assigners had a mammoth-tasks not solved-by 'politics' or pretension. There began an interpretation, the fulfilling values in stoicism, standards and structure aside, those men and women had to make the world's first world-constituted designees. ...Then, the 'ultimate-human project'.

  From the private, public and social-classes they had to make 'material', in the final-representation by human-offering. They had a-year and a half to perform-decisions on what would 'idyllic', to suit the world. With 'zeal', they-joined forces sharing-ideas, mentalities and interests in-order to make profound-decisions. The 'doable-impact', would need to expound-on the world. As the nine-men and women-studied their ultimate-spaceship each realized that a dream, and an achievement was about to be made. None could possibly, conceive-of the notion of what would be fully-accomplished. They sat there equally, visualizing, the virtual-reality that would come.

  There, each member-began questioning the 'placid', self-inquiry which all told would-require their full-knowledge. In some-way, the 'impact' would need their most exacting-attention. Each knew of 'great-men' who rose-to the occasion, objective and its circumstance. ...To fulfill, a commence-calling in period of three-hours the questions, considerations and answers-seized and the vision and commitment-of duty-authenticated. It-would be fully-built in eight-months. And its predicted-performance, predicated-into an existence. Lessons had begun as men and women were given grand-total actuations, and by enrolling as a 'scepter'-of proliferation by meddle and mind, met in elision. It was becoming 'real', and that reality intimately, ratified. An acceptance, by reverence and revelation. If man were meant for the stars; now, would prove to be that time. The history-of-man had always been 'prolific', a reaching for higher-things. A determination of empirical, a passion-pedantic and now in inspiration would be no different.

  Each member had to act with ideal-objectivity, they were not acting-alone but as the provers of challenge, choice and ‘chance’. Each needed-to emerge-intact, aiding his fellow-members, keeping a certain vestment alive to meet and accomplish resonate in terms. Embellishing, in a vision of self-totality. And emerge in victory as one. This preeminent-promise set-in motion, though too, often a part and particular of the whole. There was no room for denigration. This would not only be the ‘ode’ and order, but operant-obligation... They had 6-months till final lift-off. And that rise from earth-orbit would be the 'crest' by intimate-valor. 40-million pounds of exhaustible energy, would allow nine-crew members to begin a final-victory to the stars.

  ‘Star-fire’-an equipped stellar navigation-vessel, was to orbit Mars 12-days and return with samples, atmospheric-collections and dozens of data-storages. The main-object was human-collective exploratory-observations. Each member was a virtual data-resource. Not only were they subjects, but itinerate-beings of a proof-by life. Each, dubbed-in the unit-of 'duty and discovery'. Emotions, had nothing to do in this sincere-endeavor. An 'oath', was made that one’s devotion, dedication and duties were to succeed and uphold the stipulate-rules of execution-in priorities, set-upon the materialization by this dream; the concept, coordinate-commission, and completion; all-owed to the actual-reality of 'rationalizing'-mankind... The prime-mover, in a manifesto in the realm of mind and multitude. A very promise of 'solidarity', across the world... 7-men and 2-women were declared: astronautic-pilots of 'Star-fire'. Their-duties were sacrosanct-to an announced-declaration in-knowing the relevance in the appointed-purpose. Beyond any time before, they were to comply, and imposed a disciplined-relegation. An instilling-reverence of 'exaction'... The promise, pride and prevalence were beyond-recognition. A new-role, as a capacity; to be enrolled-to a program, without exponent.

  ...Kate Winslow, Second-in Command, 30 years-old, speaks six-languages, a Masters in economics, biometrics and aeronautics, a former CEO of a biotech firm, a computer aficionado from Chicago. One of the first-picked by the committee... Unmarried, adopted to three-kids from orphanages while vacationing in Russia, Chad and Mozambique, her firm invented treatments for Cancer and AIDS, worth 23-billion dollars. Once picked as a candidate for Health and Human Services Chief. A Russian-delegate for the economic cooperation during the improvements of times. A devoted-scientist partly, responsible for health improvements in three-nations. A pilot, leader and confirmed-entrepreneur/philanthropist.

  Calvin Suttlefield, Marti De Suet, Orga Robensky; Salvadore Emboli, Sarti Muriochi, Preirt Dorki, and Simon Darmon, rounded-out the ultimate 'dream-team', and declarative-definitive to the Mars exploratory-committee... All met the scheme, and set the mark-of mission none-wavered in character, competence and commitment... Beyond-capable impeccability, earnest-devotees, and beyond credible-imploring; a certain-composure, comprising-men and women; exacting, expounding and being-impacting and exceeding-individuals. The ‘Arista’ and Novella, of the terms of their-spirits, to impose the predicate-of human-kind and the 'earth’s life'. An imperative of implicit-vision, vocal and vitality, carrying-forward the promise-of sufficiency.

  As they walked-through NASA’s program-grounds, everyone knew their-role. It’s attempt, the mightiest achievement to human-kind’s accomplishments... The mission was to carry-on the project, succeed at overcoming and empower a great-deed. The world-news was spoken of by many...That with the wholeness of the world-society's cultures and communities, there were a declaration that human-kind was to cooperate to attain the 'promise' by self-purporting. The long-envelope of time, would be revealed-into probable 'progress'. As they had overcome hard-times; so hard, it was able to prove its 'best'-bestowal.

  Denoting in the emulation of a total-world order to conceive of inner-vision, and to be of account. What had long been the conception-of culmination. As the plan was endorsed and decided, the concept was set into-motion. At the start men and women, proposed the plan to be totally, beneficent, benevolent and benign on all-sides. The manifest of the many, the great people of theory, work and wealth, joined-forces; determined to ‘fuse’ what had been an unequaled-portent. The committee realized its fate. The greatest-men of society, affirmed in consistent and concise resolve to out-due those before... A Nobel-prizesque team bent to carry-out an implicit, defining. Many thought the caliber was too, ‘broad’ and in-concise. Yet the media believed it was truly a commendable, inculcation.

  An intense-committee, followed; no one denied it would be ‘tough’. No illusion was found to their cause. Meeting in a New York boardroom under 'secret-code'... As a Jewish diamond-merchants group could not have devised a more covert-circumstance. Embellished to reach a resolution, and implicated to deduce a high-order, sophistication. These men and women-accorded a symposium of succinct-sanctity; enforcing the best-'diameter', to press-forward a certain-compendium, to all that was intended. 10-men and 6-women were given the 'nod'-to gather and assert the 'ultimate'-consigning.

  None, were too impetuous or imposed-upon not to see the purpose of their-cause. Having the characteristics of efficiency, effectiveness and integrity. They wanted to rise to the cause. A focus to reach the goal. The details came, with proficiency. So was the impetus of their resolved-convictions. The new-visage was to draw the tentative of a new-scope. Time, trust and treaty was to use all of the resources to unveil the new regency of hope, honor and higher-principl
es, enterprising a new digest of technical, theoretic and objective-complicity. An across-the-board, presiding and professing that the design meet the 'mission'.

  A posterity-provision, to put the higher-hand into crafting-culmination. They-all agreed, this would be the best-definitive. A prerequisite to be set and expounded-upon to make a foundation to framework. A new perspective to base, build, emboldened and believe... A proposing in to be proven and profound. An order of origination. What held, mastered and harbored a new-auspice of form. Everyone knew the pretense would have to prevail under all circumstances. The allot, advanced in the definitive-development to promulgate the virtue in vigil by people owing to the product of prevailing. This, was no easy task. Yet great men don't get to be great without purpose and refining. Many spend their time working-out the precepts while others realized the logistics to unveil to the world. A purposeful-import to bring into bend the most extensive prototype plan and representation left