Read 'Star-fire'-A Bo Jon Little-horse p.i. novel Page 7

man of diplomatic-dignity and duty, but his 'heart' had changed. A deep-malaise fell upon him in some strange ways until he could not absorb especially, in his honorable-state.

  It was a long-tale one of hope, honor and duty; like that of P.L., but he was once in a different place, almost a different time. At 16, he was arrested and imprison for tossing-rocks at the police during an uprising, fighting for their-rights in a close religious-autocracy. He eventually was released and began taking a nonviolent-role in changing his-country. At 22, his was appointed an associate leader of the eastern provisional-committee. Then, as a secretary to the country's newly installed-president. At 28, he over saw the governmental work bureau, he knew governmental-work bureaucracy he knew both honorable and deceptive-leaders which went-along with the 'job'. Emerging, was his-skill at caring for others, a rare-quality, and he knew it. Becoming Ambassador, to the understanding, with missions into America. His career history was solid yet not without careful diligence... Then after moving back home, his 16 year old daughter committed-suicide after taking drugs for sometime. His son, a college-graduate got killed in a car accident.

  Then his wife of 20-years decided she wanted to move to Dubai, being fixatively, homesick for all they'd been through... He kept-up official duties, began to drink and date which turned-out bad. Then he thought he'd throw himself into aiding his country's improvement. He'd accomplished a lot, but his heart was 'broke', then a Muslim-cleric from his tribal-area spoke with him. He gave up all he had and joined the sect of devoted orthodox-Muslims... He cleansed the 'impurities' from his-life. ...Dressing-in tradition-garb and praying all-day. He lost 40-lbs, walking through-out the countryside to meet with others, as he was. But as 'honor' in the devout-grew, the society and local-thinking, changed-him. ...They-exalted everything about the Quran and becoming abject-perceivers against those of the 'outside'-world. As he had been successful with men there-in society; he became so, with the Bedouin-culture... Being astutely, capable, it was turned into a diabolical-'entity' of dividedness and division. In his 'hope', becoming that way by tyrannical-derision. But as some men, his-abilities were-of use.

  Within four-years, he rose-to the rank of 'Caliph'; by those needing and using, his-skills. Men of the Clan had become devotees, and this came easier than professionally, honored work.,, And with the infamy to anything foreign; he too, was given-induction to be the 'Jihad' of world-realigning, and in his new-role plotted the greatest-destruction of the West. Being 'no-simple' infidel he mastermind it with the full-blessing of caste and the reprove of the subculture. The intensities by being advantageous and oracle-'glued' and binding, by those into a mission in a personal avowal to 'oppose' the meager-dimension of the weak, un-profound, aggregate of western men. His-teachings were filled with divided and exclusions, of divorcing and dichotic-allusion. ...Until with cause and 'clarity', he was transformed into a cleric/political-leader; to command men and deny any-'modern', factuality... A superimposed-reprehension, to work against-all who would be 'impure' and secular. It was an honor to carry-out 'Jihad'; against those who'd taken over their-land and changed its native-people...

  Until finally, commissioned a 'Fatima' to take-revenge against the mightiest, most-powerful symbol of infidel-achievement... To destroy the Saturn mission trans-planetary flight project. Which, in the eyes of the simple people was arrogant, defiant and an imposing upon all the world. ...His greatest-followers were those who had abandoned the world-view mostly, for a self-dissatisfaction. What became an a-way station for the 'disenchanted'; those lost-in the change of events, caught-on a 'spire' of xenophobia... In all-fields there were men, willing to follow what was considered an assault-on 'purity'. A silent-resolve for capacious-loss and duty. They would do anything to account for a depressed-perspective. So with men-willing, the mission was hatch with the steeled-brick and mortar of war, and the materials and money, to assume a project-assailing in self-concerting.

  A durable 'plexy', to fulfill the role of native-monarchy; what had existed for hundreds of years was now in-impetus and empowering. Just as the 'fundaments' of fore-vision, fortitude and fortune; became a realization-used as what was the development-ordinal to 'counter', in utter-absolving... A prosperity-hope with posterity's intention, to both determine the course of the world. An engineer-hosted by elementally, fortuned-men enveloped by the insistence of persevering and sacrifice, for others. The eight-men, would be exchanged for four-highly, skilled and accomplished men; whose devotion-lied in a foreign but facilitating-country. In an elaborate incentive to die for Alla, and change the course of history. From the frugal, simple means to the 'notoriety' to have skills to work, with the best-workers in the world... An accomplishment only fully-realized by dejected-intention and baring-focus... It had been an artifice of decision, to outwit those who'd formed, with demurring-duplicity; and those men would not waste, an opportunity...

  This, in concept was not simple for all; but in their-terms, they knew that their portrayal would be an 'edict' about the world. The new-role was to bring a new-realm to humanity, but those men could not comprehend such advanced-things instead; the basic-core of self-dedication to Alla, and the matter of respect to his 'greatness', was all they-required. In the ideological-ferment, was focused on this-assertive judgment... In the technical developmental, deed and declarative-invention little could not be accessed... Those leading-men, were the 'cream-of-the-crop'. Though, in theory and theological, the vault and vice were set-upon the 'Star-fire' project. Duty and devotion, were dutifully and deceptive-set alongside each-other. An emulate of toil and totality, to emerge in the victory of a human reality and human-derision... It could be believed, overcome or cataclysmic separated by de facto dimension. The mental-projective, schemed-in inceptive, intention... They went-on apprising the mission in full-view, of their-opposers...

  At the base of a mad-project, a bomb in state-of the art-explosives; equipped-to obliterate for 3-miles an all-directions... A hopeful-trauma to destroy the work-of-diligence of the world, and asset the sincere-despot-of evil; endeared-men to imposing their-relevance on a defiling-world. The impact, would serve-to rescind the many partakers into international-debacle. A lone-precipice, done-by a devoted-few. These men would be a code of malfeasance to overtly, adorn the world... ...And send the hope-of civilization into deriding-incursion. A beautiful-plot intensely, created and envisioned to an extinction and sacrifice; to the problems of a troubled-world... And in a diversion, the precise-culpability of certain-choice, and challenge. The superior-intellect of mankind, to arrive-at a repose-solution. In what are the vital-conditions to assail-in the world...

  The work-went on, as the plans-unfolded, in enlistment in the innovative-ordinal of consistence. A valuable and epitome to poise a proposition by vocal-enlistment. All work went on in devise and devotion that was enamor in distant-choices. The 'Star-fire' mission was an emblem-of empowerment; by a cultured deceit, by a division. The many steel, wires and diodes were put in place with vast-technical and implementations to forge a fifteen story mega-structure; all-crafted with inimitable care, concern and contention... Meant to be 'wear-tested', affixed and exacted. The many conforming indubitably, afforded-in the mind, hands and thoughts to be proud, preeminent and propounding. An official-'zeal' to consistently, and composedly construct a true-entity of exaction... Like the great-leaders who led a world, into new realizable reality... This, and all who took part, were workers-of the world and its achievements...

  ---P.L., was at home relaxing-with his-wife in Virginia; when his father in Maine called to see how he was doing. His father a Air Force Captain doing the 80's, had been awarded medals and was active in the VFW. He was the son of a G.I., during Vietnam. Each was a consummate soldier. Dr. Paul Lester Sexton Sr. was a math-professor at a local University. He'd retired from the Air Force 12-years, but kept-up his-connections... He was a voluntary-veteran's hospital-board member and taught classes on the USAF at the ROTC of t
he college. He loved the military so much he went-in for 6-terms... When he retired, he'd earned 7-medals of merit. Now, youths and retirement had taken-up most of his time. With all his training he was an excellent sea-goer learning all he could about the maritime. He'd seen Marines killed at Lebanon, the assault on Granada... He'd been through a lot serving his-country. And how he'd lived to see his son become the Commander of a 'great-mission'... He realized, his son was 'worthy'. It would be the greatest-duty ever, and his son deserved it...

  He'd called to talk about how he'd see after his wife, in the 1-month mission. And to tell him to have courage and rely-on God... He knew his son knew this, but he knew he wanted to hear it from him... P.L. could not talk about the mission and that he'd be better, listening to the media. He told his father that he'd be going into sequester for eventual-launch and that this would probably be the last time he'd hear from him. He expressed his certainty that the mission,