Read 'Star-fire'-A Bo Jon Little-horse p.i. novel Page 9

for 8-months, was down to the letter. The base-crew did all the instruction, learning every-facet from execution to alternative-action. They were taught from top to bottom. ...Jeuai had did the same thing with his insurgent and the dual-plan laying before him. As the directive-emoted into full-bloom, they were proud of themselves: 'Alla be praised'; and 'God bless'...

  The media had been kept-in the know, only in the last six-months. As the true-'gift' of a contending-world, had to remain out-of the loop, to allow a burgeoning of essential-minds. What was the defying of a diatribe-of once, reversion. Too much was at stake, and too little-gained from the inciting world-publicity. ...Many countries, were still growing-from limits and some-'uneasy' in international-reliance. In what was a merging-incentive. That with plural-cooperation was an enacting-of all with this posed-prevalence. A extenuation, undertaken as the 'Caliph', was the out-skirt corroboration of 1,000s of devotees. Men whose both simple-belief and honor-of duty, could account to 'shadow' the prefix of a 'unfaithful-world'... As the plan grew, the magnificent-plan was empowered the way 'Star-fire', was defined. Their-definition in the faith of Alla, was to accrue the duty in the most devoted and promise; as Starfire engineered, and quailed constant-suspicion.

  And these human-motifs were laid side-by-side in the hope for the future... Yet men's actions, defy logic yet act to be inspired, by promise to improve human entitlement; to 'act' to divulge the inspiration-of intervention under the code of intransitive with to out-distance intention. A mutually, cooperative in 'vision' and 'vice'. An integrity, and concision, to in-accord act-out a self-redeeming plan with courage, discipline and duty to undo what had been a once diaspora of a long-hardened world.

  This enamored-intention was an advise in investment. A prominent, and pathological-vision to inordinate a world now, relying-on the presiding to advance the world. An interstitial-in the co-variables of action and somber-issues... The many-priories of the one-who would destroy the-other, a dispatch-violent and foreign, to the whole of a congealing-world. A device-dynamo enacted-to oppose a greater-world. It was the 'deeds' of a former-world of a once despairing-dynasty, to now orchestrate a now, disparage- society. A way-from a 'dissolution' and defiant-regalia to innervate a designate-depiction. Now, anointed by a truly growing-vibrancy. As the international-civilization, awaited-together; a cell-prepared to be conspired, to exceed-into further-diversion.

  P.L., and the other Martianauts, awaited the greatest-time of their-life. As time-passed the world was fragilely, growing-'deeper'. And this 'defective', was the promise-of infinite-perdition. What was 'premise' of an intense-provocation. An ordinal-honor to be a devout of a 1,000-year conspiring to again divorce from the dissenting-voice, in the cloister of a world-culture. What was more an 'impression', which had long been an according with disaffection, as devotion. A millennia-of diversity 'under-study', to call-upon the world; a demand-on in declarative and directive-despondency. A new tantamount-of attainment; and assailing-travail. Man's great-course assimilated much in-order and intent, as a sanctioned-ideology.

  Jeuai, the Caliph, had not heard the final-word but the celebration began with the 6th-wave of 'insurgents'... The final-crew was sent-in by orders to set the plot into active-motion. A 7-ounce block of plastic-explosives inlayed in the vessels third-stage propulsion-booster. No one would notice a small-box in the multitude of assembly devices. A grey-painted metal unit with a detractor of satellite initiated by the final-unit, upon say so, by the seventh team within 4-hours of flight. The insurgents watches were set on the final-countdown. A series of protocols were to be done with the Caliph's say so. It was to be a celebration-ending, with a message, against the world. A savory-pronouncement re-ringing in the duality of the Islamic cause by them. There would be a signal with the seventh-team to activate the device and coordinately, give Jeuai the Caliph rightful-responsibility. And most hoped, was to give him 'morose-immortality'; from the time of Bedouin wars with the West and Christianity; times, having been made for a destructive-irreverence were a thousand understood-of strife, stridence and stress; that divided the West from East.

  Yet this, inordinate-insignia had faded with compassion, cooperation and caring; that over-come by the dutiful, devoted and prideful-people, who'd grown tired of the killing-fields. What had been a destructive-deeming, had been resolved by benefit, bestowal and basing upon which, no war, could come to exact. A critical-resolve that spanned the world of Islam and conjoin an improved-reality for all people. An adjudicate-judgment that took strength and fortitude. In these enigmatic-orders change the elusion of personal, social and civil-justice. Many parties in youth, maturing and wise-people could no longer see the sentimentality of long-fought illusive angles... An implication come to improve public, social and economic-imperative. A new tentative-vision prevailed, and the new-dimensions in revitalized basic-culture. Becoming of new-reversal of recuperative, complacency. Afforded a future-of providing, in the insisting-of a deliberate-society. But the 'deep-seated' aversion, in-sensed and in dignity, still existed-with certain sub-cultures. It was a 'dynasty', of long-adversity; which-in a three-year period, had subsided-by the innovative-youthfulness, against the distraught and worn-leaders and the too, authoritative religions...

  To procure by absolving issues, was not easy; but the 'wisdom' and fortitude of what was a world-religion had gotten top-heavy and could have collapsed if not for a new-awakening. But greater-things were meant to be. And so as the religious-society realigned-itself. If it were to remain, it needed to adapted to the times and with funds, faster and a foundation in the millennia long-conundrum. And so as the terror-fell of the re-quaint by revival the idealized, fragile-faction had still the vividness of self-devotion, drive and a derisive-mentality... The carefully, constructed-design of imminent-destruction; was the insight of in-enigmatic-division... In the coordinate-insisting to prove the faith-in the Quran and the ultimate-defying of all-mankind.

  Many men had be repatriated-to the utter-demands of committed-culture; to ignore all-else, to isolate from the world. A reality-of absolution, in the worlds-of devotion. What, with a 'sage', became-adverse in incentive, incursion and recompense... So time had-transfixed the relic-culture of devout-men. Its main-facets of unyielding, convergence out of the past to attempt to revert-in a 'scepter' of commanding-dispense. In the devotion-to a God, set-in the ancient-reality... The incentive-to change was a challenge of choice. Which-in the primitive-areas of Iraq, isolated the many enduring-perceptions by what was a force and small-army of people. By family, fortitude and frame-work the manifest driven-virtue was interconnected and a trove-of men brought-to bare the prelude-of proctored-promotion. Unlike other-cultures a re-subversion had always been an inciting. A promulgate-venue to avert, advance and avenge people, rights and religion which seemed-to never come easy. A struggle and strife-leading in a line to the defiance of derived social-world devotion. What would be the result, the 'palm-leaf' of peace, or the 'rock'-of denial; to Jeuai, there could be no-choice...

  ...13-days, 6 hours, and 16-minutes till lift-off... The Japanese-worker whose power of observation had seen something strangely, out-of the ordinary... A 'grey-box', among the circuitry, and willing, he had watched as three-Middle-easterners had seemed-to hover-around it, in oblivious-behavior... He'd looked-over the box; a grey-metallic. After-all the construction-crew has began a 'last-run'; though, three-new Mid-easterners were hanging near-it... The Japanese Construction-League, had hired-him to be then, devotee to work on Mars mission for his long-devotion and discipline, in his life's work. He'd worked from England to Bangladesh, Australia to Austria seeing all the new-innovations, their uses and the new construction-concepts. He'd learned much about constructional-design... An imputing, individual, spent his free-time when not traveling the world, making papremache and writing Japanese-poems. He was head of his engineering-class, the leading master-technician in only 8-years... And a theoretic, in all works in his-career
. He was in-need from the Pacific to Indian Ocean; 5', 8", 150 pounds at most. He daily ate rice, vegetables and yogurt, which he acquired the taste in France...

  In his 'Titus'-skills, an intense-degree of attention to detail, spot-checks and design-protocol. He was living in an apartment in Orlando with his-wife, daughter and grand-mother he’d brought to the U.S. to work. He believed in the international-mission but was skeptical of all the many countries’ membership in its attainment... He wasn’t one to stand-out or disturb a job-situation. But as a Japanese national at-work on Star-fire mission some of his colleagues died for mistakes in detailed-judgment. He didn’t want to take his job too serious but he did privately want it looked-into. A driven-man, he-knew what was important and stood-by protocol. The Japanese, had taken great-strides to be immaculate and complete. His superiors had taught him to stand by his-duties had taught-him to stand-by his-duties. He knew what that meant when he set eyes-on