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  12 Country & Western Lyrics

  Paul Whybrow

  Copyright 2015 Paul Whybrow

  Published by Paul Whybrow

  Cover Art: Google Images

  12 Country & Western Lyrics

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  12 Country & Western Lyrics


  This book is a work of fiction. While some of the place names are real, characters are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  12 Country & Western Lyrics

  'They were playing that old country waltz,

  In this empty bar, echoing off the walls.'

  'Country Waltz'

  Neil Young


  The Song Lyrics

  It Might Happen Someday

  Not The One

  SoTell Me About It

  Some Prefer Heartache

  The Shape of My Heart

  Be Careful With That It's My Heart

  Now That We've Found Each OtherWhat Are We Going To Do?

  Jigsaw Heart

  I Miss Her (We Haven't Even Met)

  Settle Sideways

  If-Only Moments

  I'm the Hinge on the Door

  The End

  About The Author

  Also by Paul Whybrow


  Short Stories

  Song Lyrics



  Connect with the author

  12 Country & Western Lyrics

  Paul Whybrow

  It Might Happen Someday

  I travel hopefully.

  Missing you by my side.

  A lonely life without you

  Is all I have for me.

  It might happened someday,

  That I fall in love with you.

  And you fall in love with me.

  May someday happen soon.

  Wishing it was so

  Doesn't bring my dream.

  To be alone with you

  Is all I hold true.

  It might happened someday,

  That I fall in love with you.

  And you fall in love with me.

  May someday happen soon.

  What's a man to do?

  My love might be in vain.

  All I hold precious and dear

  Could just blow away.

  It might happened someday,

  That I fall in love with you.

  And you fall in love with me.

  May someday happen soon.

  Not The One

  You're still the one I thought you were.

  I still love you, though you don't love me.

  Which means that we must finish.

  It's all over far too soon.

  I'll miss you forever,

  There'll always be a place for you

  in my sad and lonely heart.

  You're not the one any more,

  we're just about to part.

  I see myself reflected in your lovely eyes.

  As you turn and walk away from us.

  This is the saddest moment.

  Will it never ever end?

  I'll miss you forever,

  There'll always be a place for you

  in my sad and lonely heart.

  You're not the one any more,

  we're just about to part.

  I thought we'd be together for eternity,

  Would stay in love and true.

  But I'll get through somehow.

  Can we still be friends?

  I'll miss you forever,

  There'll always be a place for you

  in my sad and lonely heart.

  You're not the one any more,

  we're just about to part.

  So, Tell Me About It

  Getting to know you,

  We share, opening up,

  reciting histories.

  Who we once were.

  I really like you,

  and want to know more.

  You seem to like me.

  So, tell me about it.

  We've been down some roads,

  you and me both,

  travelling to this place

  to set out together.

  I really like you,

  and want to know more.

  You seem to like me.

  So, tell me about it.

  It's hard to begin again,

  but we've made a good start.

  Splicing our lives together,

  creating support.

  I really like you,

  and want to know more.

  You seem to like me.

  So, tell me about it.

  Fondness and warmth

  beat cold solitude.

  The chance of an 'us',

  a new you and me.

  I really like you,

  and want to know more.

  You seem to like me.

  So, tell me about it.

  Some Prefer Heartache

  It was easy to fall for her,

  To hold her in my arms.

  Getting lost within her,

  Enraptured by her charms.

  But she turned away from me.

  She couldn't let things be.

  Tore what we'd made apart,

  Trampled on my loving heart.

  For some prefer heartache.

  They seek reasons not to love.

  Thinking, but not feeling love.

  Switching off what's already lit.

  I loved a woman one time.

  Made her my wife forever.

  Thought we'd last a lifetime,

  That I would lose her never.

  But she went off with another,

  Took herself a fresh young lover.

  Dumped him too, when she tired

  Of romance, for all men are liars.

  For some prefer heartache.

  They seek reasons not to love.

  Thinking, but not feeling love.

  Switching off what's already lit.

  There's a lady I know who's right

  For the man I feel myself to be.

  We'd fit together quite alright.

  She's the woman I want for me.

  I sense her doubts, see her fear

  When we become close and near.

  There's much sad pulling back,

  As she thinks what we might lack.

  For some prefer heartache.

  They seek reasons not to love.

  Thinking, but not feeling love.

  Switching off what's already lit.

  The Shape of My Heart

  I can feel my heart beating.

  A soft motion in my chest.

  Waves crashing on the shore

  Of my sadly twisted soul.

  The shape of my heart has

  Seen some changes.

  The shape of my heart

  Holds sadness and rages.

  Sometimes my heart hammers,

  Punching bruises into me.

  Other times a quiet timid mouse

  Afraid to make a move.

  The shape of my heart has

  Seen some changes.

  The shape of my heart

  Holds sadnes
s and rages.

  When my heart lifts and soars

  At sight of something bright,

  Dark chambers drain their

  Etched walls quite dry.

  The shape of my heart has

  Seen some changes.

  The shape of my heart

  Holds sadness and rages.

  Tight bars imprison my heart,

  Wracking it with pain.

  And quivering without form

  Seeps to the lowest point.

  The shape of my heart has

  Seen some changes.

  The shape of my heart

  Holds sadness and rages.

  Giving my heart away

  To careless fools and liars,

  I've watched it wither, crack

  And shatter, crumble into dust.

  The shape of my heart has

  Seen some changes.

  The shape of my heart

  Holds sadness and rages.

  Be Careful With That, It's My Heart

  Watching you fooling around

  With friends and folk I know,

  You think that I don't notice

  You sneaking soft and slow.

  Be careful with that,

  It's my heart.

  Be careful with that,

  We might part.

  Some say I shouldn't trust

  Sweet-talking strangers.

  Terrible flirts, like you—

  Two-timing trouble-makers.

  Be careful with that,

  It's my heart.

  Be careful with that,

  We might part.

  When we go out together,

  Will you hold me close?

  Keep your hand in mine,

  Kiss me when we dance.

  Be careful with that,

  It's my heart.

  Be careful with that,

  We might part.

  Now That We've Found Each Other, What Are We Going To Do?

  Searched the world over,

  For a love to call my own.

  We're finally together

  No longer all alone

  Now that we've found each other,

  What are we going to do?

  Keep seeing other people,

  Or just be me and you?

  We've looked for many years,

  To find a love so true.

  You'll always hold onto me.

  I'll never let go of you.

  Now that we've found each other,

  What are we going to do?

  Keep seeing other people,

  Or just be me and you?

  I thought I'd never find you.

  That an us would never be.

  Forever single we'd go on,

  Solo through eternity.

  Now that we've found each other,

  What are we going to do?

  Keep seeing other people,

  Or just be me and you?

  I want to be with you forever.

  Do you feel the same way too?

  Together we're simply the best

  Happy and no longer blue.

  Now that we've found each other,

  What are we going to do?

  Keep seeing other people,

  Or just be me and you?

  Jigsaw Heart

  The cracks and lines in any heart

  Are loops and curves and hollows.

  Fitting together, making the puzzle

  The story of our lives.

  Some pieces didn't fit,

  Though I tried for awhile.

  They were for someone else's

  Picture—not mine at all.

  It's hard to see what will be,

  How we will look in a while.

  We have no picture on a box

  To join the scattered pieces.

  Some pieces didn't fit,

  Though I tried for awhile

  They were for someone else's

  Picture—not mine at all.

  No matter how you join them,

  The picture will be the same.

  Some scenes you'll like a lot

  Others will cause some pain.

  Some pieces didn't fit,

  Though I tried for awhile.

  They were for someone else's

  Picture—not mine at all.

  I Miss Her (We haven't even met)

  I see her everywhere I go,

  The woman of my dreams.

  She's always in my heart

  Loving me soft and slow.

  I miss her so,

  though we've never met.

  I miss her so.

  The sky rains down on me.

  But sunshine's in my soul.

  My love provides me shelter,

  With her I'm always warm.

  I miss her so,

  though we've never met.

  I miss her so.

  I may meet her one day. I hope

  That this comes true and soon.

  She's been the only one for me.

  Without her I pine and mope.

  I miss her so,

  though we've never met.

  I miss her so.

  Settle Sideways

  I've heard it said many a time,

  How someone is settling down.

  Sounds like sinking to me,

  Falling into the earth or sea.

  Settle sideways,

  Lean in to life.

  Kick back,

  Take off your shoes.

  It's going to take a while.

  Who wants to fall into darkness?

  To disappear from view to others.

  Lose sight of who you really are.

  There's better ways to do things.

  Settle sideways,

  Lean in to life.

  Kick back,

  Take off your shoes.

  It's going to take a while.

  Stay at surface-level, don't crack up.

  The hard ground that you won in life

  Will swallow you soon enough.

  Watch what happens on it now.

  Settle sideways,

  Lean in to life.

  Kick back,

  Take off your shoes.

  It's going to take a while.

  Life is entertaining when you're audience.

  Take a look around at what's going on.

  Join in if you want, but a different angle

  On things can sure be lots of fun.

  Settle sideways,

  Lean in to life.

  Kick back,

  Take off your shoes.

  It's going to take a while.

  If-Only Moments

  We recall those times

  We didn't take a chance.

  Do the right thing

  Act on a spur-of-the-moment.

  Looking back

  I see them all.

  The fleeting times.

  Those if-only moments.

  I enjoyed what I did.

  Had quite a fine time.

  But wished things different,

  As I saw them slip away.

  Looking back

  I see them all.

  The fleeting times.

  Those if-only moments.

  No point looking back,

  I know that's the truth.

  Yet I yearn for lost chances,

  Things that will never be.

  Looking back

  I see them all.

  The fleeting times.

  Those if-only moments.

  I'm the Hinge on the Door

  You don't see me,

  You know you don't.

  I quietly do my job,

  Letting you move through

  The stages of your life

  I'm the hinge on the door,

  I watch you pass through.

  Push and pull, I see you go,

  While I remain the same.

  As the door opens,

  You hope this space

  Will offer a fresh chance,

/>   A new place to thrive and grow.

  Somewhere to stay a while.

  I'm the hinge on the door,

  I watch you pass through.

  Push and pull, I see you go,

  While I remain the same.

  You make your way alone,

  Afraid, crossing through

  The border that may transform

  Your life. I'll wait for you

  If you ever change your mind.

  I'm the hinge on the door,

  I watch you pass through.

  Push and pull, I see you go,

  While I remain the same.

  The End

  About The Author


  Paul Whybrow has a young head on old shoulders.

  Ex many things, including being a teacher, counsellor,

  librarian, dispatch-rider, milk-man, postman, bar man,

  house renovator, classic vehicle restorer, courier,

  van driver, factory worker, project manager,

  live-in carer for the elderly, editor, photographer,

  volunteer at a community centre, play-schemes,

  homeless campaigns and nature conservation projects.

  I wrote non-fiction magazine articles for ages,

  but turned to creative writing in the summer of

  2013. I've been my own boss for a long time,

  which means I'm working for an idiot and the

  pay is lousy—but the holidays are great.

  Paul Whybrow has a good heart inside a battered chest.


  * * *


  Also by Paul Whybrow




  * A Man Out Walking His Dog—A tale of mistaken identity.

  * Burpwallow Holler—Loyalty in post Civil War America.

  * Quarry—A gangster becomes prey in a lethal reality TV show.

  * Ghosting—How a lonely biologist finds peace with the ghosts of her life.

  * Is It Her?—A new start is offered to a grieving widower.

  * A Blue Tomorrow—Temptation and new beginnings on a farm.

  * Hearts On Tour—Small town friends support one another.