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13 Kinds of Blue

  13 Blues Song Lyrics

  Paul Whybrow

  Copyright 2015 Paul Whybrow

  Published by Paul Whybrow

  Cover Art—Google Images

  13 Kinds of Blue

  13 Blues Song Lyrics

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  13 Kinds of Blue

  13 Blues Song Lyrics


  This book is a work of fiction. While some of the place names are real, characters are the product of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  13 Kinds of Blue

  13 Blues Song Lyrics

  'My soul is a broken field, ploughed by pain.'

  Sara Teasdale


  The Song Lyrics

  I Remember Happiness

  No One Wants The Truth

  Running Away From Sadness

  I've Been Wrong Before

  Ways Out

  My Man's a Dog

  The Dreams You Can't Have

  Take It Out And Use It

  All Kinds of Blue

  Free Me

  Blues for Flight


  Make It Go Away

  The End

  About The Author

  Also by Paul Whybrow


  Short Stories

  Song Lyrics



  Connect with the author

  13 Kinds of Blue

  13 Blues Song Lyrics

  Paul Whybrow

  I Remember Happiness

  It's been a while since I had good cause to smile.

  Quite a time I've been alone, I've learned to fade away.

  The shadows hold no fear for me, I melt into the dark.

  Cold comfort holds me tightly, her claws enmeshed in mine.

  But I remember happiness, how you gazed into my eyes.

  Yes, I remember happiness, the moan of your soft sighs.

  Oh, I remember happiness, we clung on through the night.

  As I just remember happiness, things might be alright.

  The loneliness I embrace now is my constant friend.

  There's no one but me staking my heart through,

  As bait for carrion-feeders to fall upon and gorge.

  I watch them come to grief, poisoned by my bile.

  But I remember happiness, how you gazed into my eyes.

  Yes, I remember happiness, the moan of your soft sighs.

  Oh, I remember happiness, we clung on through the night.

  As I just remember happiness, things might be alright.

  Some say that I'm a loner, a man you shouldn't cross.

  I'll look you right in the eyes if you come at me.

  I won't back down, with nothing left to lose.

  This stray dog's bite is worse than his bark.

  But I remember happiness, how you gazed into my eyes.

  Yes, I remember happiness, the moan of your soft sighs.

  Oh, I remember happiness, we clung on through the night.

  As I just remember happiness, things might be alright

  No One Wants The Truth

  We teach children to tell the truth.

  But how do we behave?

  We lie, cheat and double-deal,

  Betray and steal what we crave.

  No one wants the truth,

  It's too damn hard

  To live your life that way.

  No one wants the truth,

  It hurts too much

  If that is all you say.

  Better keep your words unsaid,

  For no one wants to hear

  What you really think of them.

  Our lives are ringed with fear.

  No one wants the truth,

  It's too damn hard

  To live your life that way.

  No one wants the truth,

  It hurts too much

  If that is all you say.

  We talk of dreams and fantasize

  About how life should be.

  If only we could get the luck,

  Then I'd be a better me.

  No one wants the truth,

  It's too damn hard

  To live your life that way.

  No one wants the truth,

  It hurts too much

  If that is all you say

  But we really know the only way

  To get ahead is with a lie.

  Confession is good for the soul,

  So what, we're all going to die.

  No one wants the truth,

  It's too damn hard

  To live your life that way.

  No one wants the truth,

  It hurts too much

  If that is all you say

  You'll like me a lot better

  If I say nice things to you.

  It's easy to fake sincerity,

  Such trickery gets me through.

  No one wants the truth,

  It's too damn hard

  To live your life that way.

  No one wants the truth,

  It hurts too much

  If that is all you say

  Running Away From Sadness

  I've spent my whole life on the road,

  Trying to keep ahead of the blues.

  My whole life looking over my shoulder

  At the thing that scares me the most.

  I'm running away from sadness,

  looking for a happy place.

  Running away from sadness

  searching for a sweet face.

  Could you find me a place to hide?

  A refuge from trouble and woe,

  Some safe harbour to shelter

  My battered soul from harm.

  I'm running away from sadness,

  looking for a happy place.

  Running away from sadness

  searching for a sweet face.

  The thing about escaping is it's tricky,

  There's no safe place for me to go.

  How can I ever get away,

  When I carry the sadness within?

  I'm running away from sadness,

  looking for a happy place.

  Running away from sadness

  searching for a sweet face.

  I've Been Wrong Before

  Thought I knew what I was doing

  When I bought that grand old car.

  Reckoned it would suit me fine.

  Make me look real slick and cool.

  But the engine threw a rod

  And the body rusted like a boat.

  I've been wrong before,

  Lord knows, I've been wrong.

  Don't listen to a word I say,

  for I've been wrong before.

  Saw a lovely house and bought it.

  Made it my home for all to see.

  The bricks were red, the windows

  Huge, so folk looked in on me.

  But my place was set on swampy ground

  Dived like a whale in a stormy sea.

  I've been wrong before,

  Lord knows, I've been wrong.

  Don't listen to a word I say,

  for I've been wrong before.

  Bought myself some dandy new clothes,
r />   The latest fashion in all the magazines.

  Paid a pretty penny to look so neat.

  Promenaded like some turkey-cock.

  But style's in one year, out the other,

  And the threads soon came undone.

  I've been wrong before,

  Lord knows, I've been wrong.

  Don't listen to a word I say,

  for I've been wrong before.

  Planned to be respectable in a career,

  Climbed onto a ladder to better myself.

  Trained and learned, sure to earn status,

  Security and a steady income.

  But that job surely bored me to tears,

  Then I was hit with redundancy.

  I've been wrong before,

  Lord knows, I've been wrong.

  Don't listen to a word I say,

  for I've been wrong before.

  Looked for a nice town to live in,

  Found it, settled by the river-bank.

  Liked lots of folk who lived there,

  They seemed to like me right enough.

  But a twister came through one dark day,

  Blew that town to torn-up wasted hell.

  I've been wrong before,

  Lord knows, I've been wrong.

  Don't listen to a word I say,

  for I've been wrong before.

  My eye was taken by the prettiest woman.

  I courted her, won her sweet hand,

  Took her as my wife and made some babies,

  Happy a husband as a man could ever be.

  But she upped and ran off with my best friend.

  And I haven't seen my children for years.

  I've been wrong before,

  Lord knows, I've been wrong.

  Don't listen to a word I say,

  for I've been wrong before.

  Ways Out

  Easier to find a way out

  than locate a good way in.

  You can always wriggle free

  Of some sorry situation,

  Take off, wander away

  Into the loneliness of you.

  I've left partners, houses, jobs,

  cars, friends and places

  —all I knew.

  How about you?

  Tough to be toughing it out,

  On the outside looking in.

  No one wants you in their place.

  How are you going to sell yourself,

  Make them think that you fit?

  Be a part of something new.

  I've left partners, houses, jobs,

  cars, friends and places

  —all I knew.

  How about you?

  If you want to belong somewhere,

  You'll need to reinvent yourself.

  Make nice, become one of them.

  Don't think of easy compromise,

  For I'm sure you'll settle in,

  Before seeking the escape-hatch.

  I've left partners, houses, jobs,

  cars, friends and places

  —all I knew.

  How about you?

  My Man's a Dog

  My man's a dog.

  Look at him a-running,

  Wagging his tail at me.

  My man's a dog.

  Look at his tongue dripping,

  Lolloping my way.

  My man's a dog.

  Look at him scent-marking,

  Cocking his leg on my home.

  My man's a dog.

  Look at that hungry hound,

  Chasing them bitches around.

  My man's a dog.

  Look at him locked out,

  Barking at the lonely moon.

  The Dreams You Can't Have

  You want a lover.

  Someone you see every day.

  So fine and right for you,

  But they don't know you exist.

  Don't you fear,

  you lovely lover you.

  Hold them tight,

  the dreams you can't have.

  The job you chased after,

  suited you down to the ground.

  But they hired someone else,

  And you're outside looking in.

  Don't you fear,

  you lovely lover you

  Hold them tight,

  The dreams you can't have.

  That house you yearned for,

  You'd scrimped and saved.

  Made an offer, but it was sold

  To one who beat you to it.

  Don't you fear,

  you lovely lover you

  Hold them tight,

  The dreams you can't have.

  The song that you wrote.

  Slaved hard on the verses,

  Scratched music all night long.

  Your thieving friend made it a hit.

  Don't you fear,

  you lovely lover you

  Hold them tight,

  The dreams you can't have.

  Take It Out And Use It

  I haven't used it for a while,

  But I think it works OK.

  It needs dusting, a squirt of oil,

  And it'll hum right into action.

  Take it out and use it,

  Go gently, don't abuse it.

  It's polished up quite nicely.

  Looks good for one so old.

  You're lucky to get your hands on one,

  They don't make them that way anymore.

  Take it out and use it,

  Go gently, don't abuse it.

  Just feel that refined performance.

  You're happy you took the ride.

  Sit back and enjoy the journey.

  Built for comfort, not speed.

  Take it out and use it,

  Go gently, don't abuse it.

  All Kinds of Blue

  There's all kinds of blue.

  You know that's true.

  You've felt them all yourself.

  All kinds of blue,

  Got a hold on you.

  So many kinds of hell.

  Don't bother yourself

  Trying to count them.

  They'll never go away.

  All kinds of blue,

  Got a hold on you.

  So many kinds of hell.

  You'll never be alone.

  At least that much is true.

  Those blues hold on forever.

  All kinds of blue,

  Got a hold on you.

  So many kinds of hell.

  Free Me

  I'm trapped inside my life.

  Lost in a world without you.

  Hurt and suffering, I linger

  In doubt, waiting for your touch.

  If you could free me.

  Free me from the fear,

  We'll fly through the world

  Together for eternity.

  I can't see a way out of the trap

  Which holds me tight and torn.

  This shouldn't be my fate,

  I was born for something else.

  If you could free me.

  Free me from the fear,

  We'll fly through the world

  Together for eternity.

  Hemmed in by bad luck

  I dream of what should be.

  I've tried and tried all I can

  To secure precious liberty.

  If you could free me.

  Free me from the fear,

  We'll fly through the world

  Together for eternity.

  Blues for Flight

  Down, always down.

  There ain't a way out

  Of this that I can see.

  I'm trapped and know it.

  Held here by all I am.

  Got those blues for flight.

  Blues for flight.

  If I had wings

  and I could fly,

  I'd take off out of here.

  Down, always down.

  Life's a bed of sorrow.

  Dreams are nightmares

  Awake or in sleep.

  No escape for me.

  Got those blues for flight.

  Blues for flight.

  If I had wings

  and I could fly,

  I'd take off out of here.

  Down, always down.

  Why would it be different

  To what it's always been?

  Some get the breaks,

  I just get broken.

  Got those blues for flight.

  Blues for flight.

  If I had wings

  and I could fly,

  I'd take off out of here.


  Always an outsider,

  Even when I'm in,

  You won't keep me tethered

  To whatever you're doing.

  I am going,

  always leaving.

  No way back,

  Alone on the trail.

  I'm the one you can't keep.

  Loyal to none but me.

  I'll keep company with you,

  But leave when I please.

  I am going,

  always leaving.

  No way back,

  Alone on the trail.

  Been used for what was needed.

  Sold myself short sometimes,

  Did what was right for free.

  Lit out when the time was nigh.

  I am going,

  always leaving.

  No way back,

  Alone on the trail.

  Don't know where I'm going,

  Ripped maps up years ago.

  Follow my nose into the wind,

  Never looking back.

  I am going,

  always leaving.

  No way back,

  Alone on the trail.

  Make It Go Away

  When we were children

  We'd cry out in fear,

  Seeking relief

  From what scared us.

  Make it go away.

  Now we're grown-up,

  Adults who know

  What to do.

  Things still go wrong.

  Make it go away.

  Losing a well-paid job,