Read 15 Minutes Page 12

  Brandt laughed at that, then gave me a nod and replied, “I look forward to working with you, Brock.” Then he let himself out.

  Victoria squeezed my bicep, causing me to look down at her. “Everything alright?”

  “Other than the most eligible bachelor in town making a play for my girl?” I countered with a grin. “Perfect.”

  Victoria smiled, pleased that I’d called her my girl, then tip toed up to brush her lips against mine.

  “You almost ready to go? I don’t want to be late to dinner.”

  We were heading to her parents’ house for dinner that night. I was surprised when she’d brought it up, but was pleased at the direction in which we were heading. I had to laugh when I thought back to our first few meetings, when I’d warned her that I wasn’t the kind of man her father wanted for her. And although I hoped, for her sake, that things went well, gaining their approval didn’t mean shit to me.

  So I was doing this for my girl, just like she’d endured a dinner with my brothers for me. I was happy with the way our relationship was progressing, even though I’d never seen it coming.

  She made me happy, and brought out the need in me to protect and nurture. Now that my brothers were on their own, I hadn’t realized that I had a hole in me needing to be filled, until Victoria had filled it. We gave each other what we needed, and I was becoming dependent on that.

  “Yeah, let me just lock up, then we can hit it,” I replied.

  As we drove to her parents’ house on the other side of town, I thought about the week, and the few times I’d stopped by to check the progress of the office.

  “It looked like Gwen was working out. I hope I didn’t place more burden on you by offering her a job.”

  “Not at all, she’s been great. She’s a really sweet girl, and very hard-working. She worships the ground you walk on.”

  I’d been worried about that, and tried my best to be gentle with her. She was a good kid, and I knew she’d go far in life.

  “Did you know that she’s a photographer?” Victoria asked, her tone excited. “She showed me her portfolio, and she’s really good. I could tell that she’s shy about it, and a little unsure, but she’s signed up for some classes at school, and I know she’ll learn to hone her craft and gain confidence.”

  “There were a couple times that Gaby and I took her out, and she always had a camera with her, but I didn’t know she wanted to pursue it. I thought it was just a hobby,” I replied, my memory flashing back to Gwen. Her long blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, a camera held up to her face, her lens focused on me and Gaby as chatted over coffee in a diner we’d all gone to.

  “Well, she’s really good,” Victoria said. “And she was a great help in getting things accomplished this week. I’m sure she’ll have your paperwork organized in no time.” She paused for a moment, then turned her eyes to me. “I do think there’s something going on with her and Craig though. She’d seemed upset when she found out that he was working for you too, and had done her best to avoid him every time she seems him, much to his chagrin.”

  “Hmmmm, well, I’m sure whatever it is, they’ll work it out. They’ve been friends forever,” I replied, not really wanted to get into a discussion of teenage drama. Luckily, we had arrived. “Ready?”

  Victoria took a deep breath, released it, then turned to me with a smile and a nod.

  I followed her up the walkway and into the house. There was no denying, it was magnificent. Huge house, tons of fancy shit inside, all done up perfectly, just like Victoria’s apartment. It was obvious that she’d been raised to appreciate the finer things in life. As we walked through the house, I had to admit that even if I had the kind of cash that these people had, I wouldn’t choose to live like this. I loved my parents’ Spanish-style home, and the fact that it was just that … a home. I wanted my kids to be raised in an environment of love and comfort, not a sterilized one.

  “Victoria.” The greeting was smooth, cultured, and feminine, and when we rounded the corner, I saw a beautiful, poised woman heading toward us. It was obvious that she’d been a knockout when she was younger, and the smile on her face was genuine.

  The two woman embraced, then turned to me.

  “Brock, this is my step-mother, Felicia. Felicia, this is Brock.”

  In heels, Felicia came almost to my chin, so I lowered to allow her to do that air kiss thing by my cheek, before taking her hand and giving it a firm shake.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said when she took a step back.

  Her eyes were sincere when she replied, “And it’s lovely to meet you. Victoria has told me so much about you, and I have to thank you for helping her find her passion.”

  Her candor earned her a grin, and I decided, dinner may not be so bad after all.

  Victoria and Felicia were chatting, so I looked around and noticed Victoria’s sister, Abigail, was sitting on a window seat, looking out over the impressive landscape. Happy to see not only someone that I’d at least met before, but girl a little more on my level, I walked over to say hello.

  “Abby, right?” I asked when I got closer, causing her to turn to look at me. I noticed her frown a second before she recognized me and gave me a saucy grin.

  “Well, if it isn’t the hot guitarist from Whisky Heat.” Abigail stood up and gave me a quick hug before pulling back and whispering, “I’m so glad you’re here. Don’t leave me alone with these people.”

  I chuckled, because I could tell she expected me to, but I wondered at the sadness in her eyes.

  “We are ready to serve, Madame.” I turned in surprise to see a what could only be described as a servant at the door.

  “Are you shitting me?” I asked Abigail in a low voice.

  Abby replied wryly, “Unfortunately, no.”

  “Brock, Abigail, shall we?” Felicia called to us, indicating the doorway, which I assumed led to the dining room.

  I crooked my arm and Abigail put her hand through it, then we walked a few feet and I crooked my other arm at Victoria, who played along and did the same. I ushered the girls into the dining room, smiling as they chatted to each other. When we entered the room, there was a tall, distinguished-looking man, with salt and pepper hair and a tight smile standing at the head of the table, speaking with Felicia.

  “Brock, this is Victoria’s father, Edward,” Felicia said in introduction.

  “Sir,” I said, offering my hand.

  He shook it firmly and replied, “Brock.”

  Felicia indicated that I should take the seat next on his right, and she took the one on his left. Victoria sat next to Felicia and Abigail next to me. I had the feeling that Abigail tried to sit as far away from her dad and step-mom as she possibly could.

  With her short spiky hair, tank top, and jean skirt, she definitely looked like the odd man out in the family. The other three were conservatively dressed, with not a hair out of place, and the same stoic expressions. Abigail looked like she wanted to give them all the finger and run out the door.

  Interesting family dynamics.

  “So, Brock, tell us about yourself,” Edward said, as a waiter or something, began to give us our salads.

  Here goes nothing, I thought, before responding, “I’m twenty-seven years old. My parents died when I was a senior in high school, so I never graduated. Instead I got my GED and became both parents to my brothers. I didn’t go to college, I went to work, because someone had to pay the bills and put food on the table. I worked odd jobs, painting and working on cars mostly, before starting my own painting company. It’s grown into a good business now. One that I plan to work with my brothers, if that’s what they wish, then pass on to any of our kids that want it. I’m a simple kind of guy. Enjoy beer and barbecue. And on the weekends, my brothers and I have a band, and like to sing at local bars. Music isn’t something that I want to pursue outside of that, I have no dreams of being a rock star, but I like the connection I have with my brothers when we play. That’s about it … Other than the fact tha
t I really like your daughter, and am enjoying getting to know what makes her happy.”

  Abigail was laughing quietly beside me, Victoria was smiling at me broadly, and Felicia was looking at me with something akin to respect on her face. Edward’s face gave nothing away. I wasn’t sure if I’d pissed him off, or if he’d thought my rambling rude, but I figured I’d laid it all out, and there was nothing left for me to do but enjoy my meal.

  So I picked up my fork and began to eat.

  “That’s a lot to handle by twenty-seven,” Edward said thoughtfully.

  I nodded, and that was it. It was an understanding of sorts, and I could deal with it.

  The rest of the meal went smoothly, on my end at least. There were a couple of uncomfortable moments for Abigail, who seemed hell bent on keeping it that way, but overall the conversation was superficial, and the food delicious.

  I couldn’t say I wasn’t happy to have the evening come to an end, or that I’d be chomping at the bit to do it again, but overall, it went better than I’d expected. If nothing else it gave me a glimpse into Victoria’s family, and a better understanding of the environment she was raised in.

  As we said our goodbyes and walked out with Abigail, Victoria asked her if she wanted to come to the bar tomorrow night.

  “Never miss a show if I can help it,” Abigail responded as she gave her sister a hug.

  “Thanks for coming,” Victoria said as she squeezed a little tighter. “I know you hate coming here, but I figured having a familiar face would make the evening a little more comfortable for Brock.”

  “Anything for my big sis,” Abigail replied. “But you owe me one.”

  I gave her a quick hug and said goodbye, then helped Victoria into my truck.

  Once I was settled in, I turned to Victoria, who was leaning back against the seat, eyes on me.

  “Thanks for coming, Brock, it really means a lot,” she said, her violet eyes intense.

  “Anything for you, babe,” I replied, then lowered my voice and trailed a finger up her exposed thigh. “But if you’re eager to express your gratitude, I have a few ideas.”

  Her eyes darkened and her face flushed, so I asked, “Your place or mine?”

  “Mine,” she said throatily, and I took off down the road with a grin.

  Chapter 18 ~ Victoria

  If someone had told me a few months ago that I’d be sitting in Sasha and TJ’s apartment, listening to Shelly and Gaby chatter happily about babies while Sasha did my hair and makeup, I would have said they were insane.

  Yet here I was, and I was having a great time.

  Sasha had gotten my number from TJ, who got it from Brock, and texted me to come and get ready at her place, then we would all drive together. I had my reservations, but Brock encouraged me to go, so I’d thought, why not!

  Once I’d arrived, Sasha had dressed me in shorts so tiny that I’d be afraid to bend over all night. She’d paired it with a flowery flowing tank, and cute sandals. At first I’d tried to argue that I was comfortable in what I already had on, but I learned pretty quickly that you didn’t argue with Sasha and win.

  “C’mon,” Sasha had pleaded prettily. Her wild red hair was loose, curling over her bare shoulders, with a sexy tube top and tight black skirt. The girl screamed sex. “These two preggos are on the wagon for-ever, so you’re my girl tonight. I need you ready to dance, flirt, and drink like nobody’s business. And you can’t do that in a pink top and khaki capris. I mean, don’t get me wrong, the outfit totally works … But for brunch, not for a night out at the bar.”

  I’d relented, which is why I’d been sexified by Sasha.

  “Perfect,” she muttered, indicating she was done.

  I walked into the bathroom to see what she’d done, one eye closed just in case I looked like a total harlot. Instead I smiled at my reflection in the mirror.

  I looked hot!

  Sasha had curled my hair and fluffed it out, giving me an untamed look, like I’d just got done having sex, and my makeup was heavier than normal, with smoky eyes and red lips … but I liked it. Not for everyday wear, but for a night out to see my boyfriend’s band? Perfect.

  “Brock isn’t going to know what hit him … or his dick,” Sasha said with a laugh, causing me to blush a bit.

  “Let’s get going,” Shelly said from her place on the couch. “I don’t want to miss anything. I don’t know when the next time I’m going to get out of the house will be. I’m just about to the point where ten o’clock is past my bedtime, and once the baby comes, my priorities will be totally different. At least for the first few months.”

  We piled out of Sasha’s apartment, and into Gaby’s VW Bug.

  “Are you sure you don’t want me to drive?” Shelly asked.

  “No, this has more room than your truck,” Gaby replied. “Besides, you’ve been the DD for months. It’s my turn.”

  I was quiet on the drive, listening to them talk, rather than participating in the conversation.

  I didn’t feel uncomfortable. They’d gone out of their way to show me that no one harbored any hard feelings, but I wasn’t quite one of the girls yet. For the first time though, I actually thought that I eventually could be.

  We found a place to park and walked into the bar. I was pulling the back of the shorts down, trying to make sure my rear end was covered, when I heard the first strums of a guitar. I looked to the stage and saw Brock. Big, manly, and beautiful, in his jeans and Whiskey Heat T-shirt. His hair was tousled and, since his head was bent, it dropped down to cover one eye. He must have trimmed his beard, because it was pretty close to his face. I wondered momentarily what he’d look like without it.

  I walked forward, as if in a trance. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was so handsome, and talented, I almost wanted to pinch myself; I couldn’t believe he was actually mine.

  “Whoa, sister,” Sasha said before I could gravitate toward the stage. “It’s drinking time, then dancing.”

  I let her pull me toward the bar, keeping my head to the stage, as I watched Brady get behind the drums. Then the lights dimmed and a spotlight hit the mike in center stage. Finally, Brendan sauntered out. Jeans and shirt tight, long dark hair finger brushed, and dark kohl lining his eyes, he definitely looked the part.

  The girls started going wild, and I barely heard Sasha say, “Four shots of tequila, and two tequila sunrises,” before the music started up and I couldn’t hear anything else.

  I felt Sasha tap my shoulder and turned. She pointed at the shots on the bar and said, “Go.”

  Never one to drink more than the occasional alcoholic beverage, I nodded and followed her lead.

  With two shots burning my belly, and a surprisingly delicious Tequila Sunrise in my hand, we waded through the sea of bodies to where Gaby and Shelly were holding a table off the side of the dance floor. I realized it was the same table I’d seen them at the night that I’d met Brock again. They must have it reserved or something.

  I was halfway through my drink when the music changed tempo and the girls dragged me on to the dance floor. I maneuvered close to the stage, so I could watch Brock play as I danced. He was so sexy as he stood there, his right foot resting on a speaker, eyes closed, and his fingers moving quickly as he played his guitar. His eyes opened and he saw me. His mouth turned up in a grin and he gave me a wink that I felt all the way to my toes.

  Another round of shots and fresh Tequila Sunrise later, and I was right back on the dance floor, watching Brock play. I was wondering if I was bothering him, or freaking him out by standing here, and thinking I would have to ask him later, when I felt someone tug on my arm and turned to see that my sister had finally made it.

  “Hey,” I shouted at her over the music, but it was so loud that although I saw her mouth the word back, I didn’t hear anything.

  Sasha saw Abigail and jumped up and down excitedly, then took us each by the hand and dragged us to the bar. I guess she’d found another victim. Next thing I knew I was downing two more shots,
and beginning to lose feeling in my lips.

  Back on the dance floor, I moved to what I hoped was the beat, as I allowed myself to bask in the feeling of blissful joy. I was there with my sister, and not just one, but three girl friends, something I’d never had … And my boyfriend, he was in the band. I laughed out loud to myself, not even caring that I probably looked like a loon, as I thought of me, straight-laced, uptight, and always proper, Victoria, having a boyfriend who was in a band. Not a marching band, or a polka band, but a Rock & Roll band.

  Who’d have thunk it?

  It suddenly registered that the music had stopped. Abigail pulled me off the floor and I looked around to see Brock and Brady talking by the stage exit. Then my eyes swung left, and I saw that people were starting to pack up the T-shirts and C.D.s that they’d been selling.

  “Oh, I want to buy a shirt before they pack up,” I yelled at Abigail, dragging her toward the merchandise. I thought it would be cool to have a T-shirt that actually fit me, that I could wear to show. Brock seemed to like to see me in his, so maybe he’d appreciate me wearing one out.

  “Can I get a small shirt please. Oh, and a C.D.?” I practically shouted at the lady who was packing up.

  Her eyes widened a bit, but she found the items I’d requested and handed them to me.

  “That’ll be thirty dollars,” she said, which made me realize that I didn’t have my purse on me, so I ran back to Shelly to ask if she knew where it was. Once she handed it to me, I ran back and paid, holding my purchases to my chest with a smile.

  I turned to say something to Abigail, but I lost my words when I saw her looking toward the bar, her face stricken. I followed her gaze and saw Brendan, making out with some bleach-blonde with enormous breasts, right there for the whole world to see.

  I shoved my new items in my purse and marched over to Brendan, the steam coming out of my ears surely laced with tequila.

  “Hey,” I said loudly, slapping Brendan hard on the back when I got close enough to touch him.