Read 15 Minutes Page 6

  When the jacket was hung and the door was closed, I stopped him before he left to join the others.

  “Hey, Scott, there’s something I want to let you in on.”

  He turned his dark eyes to mine, his face curious.” What’s that?”

  “The other night, when I saw you all at the bar and we had that run-in with Victoria’s sister…”

  “Yeah?” he prodded.

  “Well, I’d seen Victoria earlier in the night, and I asked her sister where I could find her after you walked away. I ended up taking her for coffee the other day, and out to dinner the other night.”

  I watched as Scott’s jaw dropped, and it took every ounce of control I had not to chuckle. Until I knew how he was going to react to me dating his ex-fiancé, I figured laughing was a bad response to his shock.

  “You’re dating Victoria?” Scott asked, baffled. “Why?”

  “Why?” I asked his question back to him. When I imagined Scott’s first reaction to me telling him I was interested in Victoria, that was not what I had expected. In fact, I’d expected to deal with him thinking I was breaking man-code, or worse, that he would think it had something to do with he and Gaby’s relationship. But this reaction kind of pissed me off. “What do you mean why? I should think it would be obvious: she’s a very attractive, single woman. So … why not?”

  Scott stepped back for a minute, as my angry words penetrated, then he shook his head and held his hands up.

  “I didn’t mean anything derogatory, Brock,” Scott said with a frown. “I know Victoria has her good qualities, but as far as I know, none of you ever saw those. So, it just confused me, that based on my relationship with her, and what you know about her, why you would want to date her.”

  “I never really thought about it before. Like you said, when the two of you were together, there was really nothing that appealed to me,” I said, understanding where he was coming from, but wanting him to get where I was coming from too. “But, when I saw her that night at the bar, I saw her differently. She’s confident and sassy, and there was a spark between us. I wanted to see her again and find out if she was more than the uptight wench she projected, and I have to say, after hanging out with her a bit, there definitely is … And I like what I see.”

  Scott nodded slightly, still somewhat puzzled.

  “I wanted to tell you first, because I’m going to tell the guys tonight, and I didn’t want to blindside you with it. I know you guys are no longer an item, but out of respect for you, and the fact that you were engaged to her, I wanted to let you know upfront. I like her, and I’m going to continue to see her.” I regretted my words when I saw Scott flinch, and I knew he was assuming that I was referring to the fact that he and Gaby had started seeing each other behind my back. And although that wasn’t my intent, it was still a matter of contention between us, and I wasn’t about to lie and pretend that it wasn’t.

  “I appreciate that,” he replied after a few moments.

  I clapped him on the back and offered, “How about that beer now?”

  Scott accepted the change of subject and followed me into the kitchen. When we finally entered the dining room, the rest of the guys were seated around the table. The poker chips were divvied out, the cards were on the table, and they looked up at us expectantly.

  “You two done with your giggle party and ready to play cards?” TJ piped in, breaking the silence and causing the others to laugh.

  Scott and I sat down, threw our money in the pot, and I said, “Let’s go.”

  After the first few hands, and a couple beers, the jokes and jibes started rolling. Most of them courtesy of TJ, and his comedian in training, Craig. The two of them had me cracking up. I was still chuckling as I went to fix a plate and grab another beer.

  I was coming back into the room when Brady asked, “So, Brock, when is Victoria going to start decorating?”

  The room went from full of chatter and laughter, to silent as a tomb, and I looked around the room to find all eyes on me. Cal and TJ’s faces imitated Scott’s expression from earlier.

  “Victoria, Victoria?” Cal asked incredulously.

  “Scott’s Victoria?” TJ said at the same time.

  I turned to address TJ.

  “She is not Scott’s Victoria,” I responded with a growl, causing their surprise to turn to disbelief.

  “Sounds like she’s doing more than decorating,” was TJ’s response.

  “She’s working for you too?” Scott asked calmly, causing his friends to look at him suspiciously.

  “You already knew this?” Cal asked.

  Scott shook his head. “Brock told me that he’s dating her, he didn’t mention hiring her as well.”

  Both heads swiveled back to me.

  “Dating?” they asked in unison.

  Brendan, Brady, and Craig sat back and watched our interaction, like it was a tennis match … heads turning to see what was going to happen next.

  “Yes, I hired Victoria to redecorate my offices.” I shifted my gaze to Scott. “You’ve seen her house, she’s very talented.” He nodded in agreement. “And my business is growing, so I’ve been wanting to upgrade for a while. Things just kind of clicked when I went to pick her up for dinner and saw what she’d done with her place.”

  “How long have you guys been dating?” TJ asked.

  “Not long. We met up at the bar the other night, and at first she wanted nothing to do with me, but I wore her down.” This last was said with a grin, which caused Cal to look at me with speculation. “We’ve had coffee and dinner, and she’s been by the office to look at the space. That’s about it so far.”

  “But she’s…” TJ began, but I stopped him with a sharp, “Don’t!”

  He didn’t finish his sentence, and the expression on my face must have conveyed that I would not allow anyone to talk disparagingly about Victoria in my presence, because he simply nodded.

  I knew from my time with Gaby that none of them had any love lost for Victoria, with the exception of Scott, and that Cal and TJ’s relationship with her had not been good, but I hoped that eventually, they would see her as I did. And if they didn’t, that was their problem, not mine.

  “Oh, Scott,” I decided it was time to change the subject, give them time to adjust to this new development in our relationships. “Brandt called me the other day. We have a meeting set up to talk about his new project. He said you recommended me to him. Thanks, man. It really means a lot.” I gestured to include my brothers. “To all of us.”

  “Yeah, of course,” Scott replied, pulling himself up closer to the table. “Brandt is a really great guy, and he loves supporting local businesses. He’s a self-made man, and takes pride in working with others who’ve worked hard to become successful, so I knew O’Malley’s would be a perfect fit.”

  “Well, thanks again,” I said again, really meaning it. Then I turned to the group. “Ready to get back to cards?”

  It took a few minutes, but the atmosphere eventually got back to jovial, and even thought I lost by going all-in against Craig, it was a great night. There was nothing better than hanging out, shooting the shit, and playing cards with the guys.

  Well, almost nothing, I thought as I remembered finding the thin lace of garters under Victoria’s skirt.

  I was shoveling some of Brendan’s dip in my mouth when Craig came up next to me and said sheepishly, “Sorry about that.”

  “No worries, man,” I assured him with a grin. “It’s the game.”

  I was picking up one of the little sandwiches when he cleared his throat next to me and asked, “Um, Brock?”


  “I was wondering … I’ve graduated, and I don’t start college for a couple months … I wanted to know if you needed any help. Like maybe you’re hiring?” He looked so nervous and hopeful that I wanted to give the kid a hug, but being a man, and raising two teenaged men myself, I didn’t want to be condescending, so I asked, “How old are you again?”


  “Have you had a job before?”

  Craig looked down at his shoes, then back at me.

  “No, my time off has always gone to baseball, so I’ve never had the chance to work.”

  “You don’t have baseball this summer?” I asked as I looked him over. Definitely a strong kid. Good height on him, and I knew he had a pleasant personality. It wouldn’t be a hardship to put him on a crew for the summer.

  “I’ll be playing for college, and training doesn’t start until the fall. I’ll go to the cages and maybe some pick up games to stay in shape, but nothing intensive.”

  I nodded and replied, “Okay. Stop by the office tomorrow, talk to either me or Brady; we’ll get you on a crew. Give you some hours.”

  Craig’s face split into a grin, “Thanks, Brock. You won’t regret it.”

  I smiled after him as he bounded out, probably to tell his brother, and maybe TJ, about his new job.

  I was still smiling when I heard excited chatter coming from the dining room. I turned as Brady entered the kitchen and sauntered over to me.

  “You keep this up and the unemployment agency is going to start referring everyone to you.” Brady’s eyes crinkled with mirth as I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

  I chuckled and replied, “It’s the right thing to do.”

  Brady looked at me quietly for a moment, then managed to make my heart swell with pleasure, while at the same time it contracted with pain, when he said, “You remind me of Dad. He loved helping people out.”

  I tipped my head to him, not bothering to hide the fact that my eyes watered with emotion. My voice was gruff when I responded, “Yeah, I learned from the best.”

  Brady clapped me on the shoulder with a grin, then headed back to play the game. As I watched him walk away, I glanced over to the large family picture we had hanging in the hallway off the kitchen, and paused to take in the smiling faces of my parents. Then I shook it off and followed my brother.

  Chapter 10 – Victoria

  Brock had texted me earlier to say he’d be over by six, and asked if he should pick up dinner. Although I was totally immersed in decorating his offices, I’d told him that I would cook … That was why, at five thirty, I was hastily whipping potatoes as the meatloaf was cooking in the oven. I’d taken the time to dress in capris slacks and a floral top, but my hair was slicked back into a ponytail, and my face held only light makeup. I’d gotten so caught up in looking at a catalog of beautiful, large wooden desks online, that time had slipped away from me.

  The doorbell rang, causing me to turn a panicked eye toward the doorway. I leaned down to look through the window of the stove, then wiped my hand on a dishtowel and went to greet Brock at the door.

  I stood there for a moment after I opened the door, taking him in. His hair was a little shorter on the sides, but still long on top, and tousled in a sexy way. I had the sudden urge to sink my hands in it. His beard was shorter, trimmed close to his face, and his stormy sea-green eyes watched me intently as I unabashedly looked him over. He had on jeans with a white T-shirt, a brown leather jacket thrown over it, with motorcycle boots completing the dangerously appealing package.

  I swallowed visibly as I urged my heart to start beating again.

  When my eyes finally found their way to his, he grinned widely at me and said, “Hey.”

  “Hey,” I repeated dumbly, my voice rough due to the lump that had formed in my throat.

  My body screamed for me to attack him, right there in the open doorway, and all he’d done thus far was smile at me. I backed up a few steps, not only to let him in, but also to give myself some distance before I did something crazy.

  I heard him chuckle slightly as he walked past me, and I could swear I felt that low throaty sound deep in my belly. It felt really nice.

  I shut the door softly behind him. I stood there for a moment, still facing the door, eyes shut, and took a deep, calming breath. I’d been working all day, so I hadn’t had a chance to fret about what him coming over tonight might mean. But, now that he was here, freshly groomed and smelling of hickory and spice, my body was suddenly radiating with nerves.

  Calm down … it’s just sex, I assured myself as I breathed.

  I turned to find Brock watching me, a small smile playing on his lips.

  “Everything okay?” he asked, amusement filling his tone.

  “Yes, of course,” I said a little haughtily, embarrassed to have been caught trying to gather my wits. Did the man miss nothing?

  I breezed past him and asked, “Would you like a drink?”

  I sure as heck needed one.

  I felt him follow me as I made a beeline for the kitchen counter, where a bottle of Pinot Noir had been left out to breathe.

  I poured a generous glass, then turned to find him standing closer than acceptable. I tried to take a step back and my backside hit the edge of the counter.

  “You have beer?” Brock asked when I held the glass out to him.

  I was raised to pay attention to little details, so although he’d had a margarita at dinner the other night, I remembered that he’d been drinking beer that night at the bar, so I’d picked some up when I’d gotten the items I’d need for dinner. Still, I figured it couldn’t hurt to at least attempt to get him to try a more sophisticated beverage.

  I put the glass down and maneuvered around him to open the refrigerator, pulling out a bottle of Fat Tire and handing it to him. He looked from the offered beer, back to me, his face suddenly intense.

  “That’s my favorite beer,” he said softly.

  I was suddenly nervous by his reaction, so I smoothed my hair as I replied, “I remember you drinking it at the bar.”

  Without warning, he took a large step, bringing his body flush with mine. He dipped his head swiftly, touching his soft lips to mine. Surprised, my lips parted slightly, then wider when Brock ran his tongue gently along the seam. Before I could sink fully into the kiss, he broke away, taking the beer from my hand as he took a step back.

  I opened my eyes and my body warmed at his pleased expression.

  “This is nice,” he said with a tip of his beer to me, bringing it to his lips and taking a long drink. I forced my gaze away from those tantalizing lips and reached for my wine, taking a necessary, if unladylike, gulp.

  “What’s for dinner?” he asked, looking around the kitchen curiously, as I stood there holding my glass clutched in my hands like a lifeline.

  “Meatloaf, potatoes, and corn,” I mumbled, wondering if it would look bad if I threw back another mouthful of wine.

  “You made me meatloaf?” he asked, his tone causing me to pull my eyes from the red liquid courage in my hands. His expression slightly amazed.

  “Yeah, why?”

  “I don’t know,” Brock said with a shrug. “I guess I expected something like Coq au Vin.”

  “I can make that,” I said with a smile. “But I thought after a long day at work, you might appreciate meat and potatoes more.”

  “You’re right,” he replied, bridging the gap between us. “What else can you make?”

  He was so close I had to tip my head back to look at him. I placed a hand on his chest to steady myself, enjoying the deep thud of his heart, as I responded, “I can follow a recipe pretty well, so I can make just about anything.”

  “You’re just full of surprises,” he said with a pleased grin.

  “Speaking of surprises, do you want me to show you what I’ve come up with for your office, while we’re waiting for the meatloaf to cook?” Suddenly excited, I grabbed his hand in mine and pulled him toward the dining room where I’d been working.

  “Please excuse the mess,” I said automatically when we entered the dining room and I realized the entire tabletop was full of catalogs, papers, and a large poster board, as well as my computer and printer, which I’d brought in here so that I’d have more space to work. “Guess I’ll have to clear this up so we have a place to eat,” I muttered under my breath.

I looked up, slightly embarrassed to see Brock grinning down at me, before sweeping his eyes across the table. “You’ve been busy.”

  Pleasure filled me at his reaction and his words, so I did something I normally didn’t do unless I was with my sister: I grinned back.

  “Yes,” I replied simply, then gestured that he should sit and walked around the table, gathering the poster board and a few pictures. I placed them in front of him, then leaned over his shoulder to walk him through my vision. “This place has beautiful pieces of chunky wood furniture that I think would look great. We could get big comfy chairs, maybe brown leather, that would compliment the desks, but still suit you better than a small swivel chair. These shelves, in various sizes, would accent the back wall, and these matching file cabinets would help you organize the paperwork.” I noticed his lips quirk at that, and I knew he was thinking of the piles of paper I’d seen on his desk. “For the decoration I was thinking potted plants. Not flowers,” I added when he started to turn his head, “but nice leafy greenery that could sit in the corner, or on a few end tables, and require low maintenance.”

  I reached for the catalog that offered artwork and custom prints, suddenly aware of how close I was when I felt my breast brush against his arm and heard his sharp intake of breath. I cleared my throat as I placed the book in front of him, mumbled, “It’s earmarked to a few options you may like,” then I moved quickly away.

  When I was finally able to breath, I maneuvered around the table, gathering the papers and books and placing them in a neat pile at the end of the table. I picked up my laptop, indecisive as to whether I should move everything off of the table, even though we only needed two spaces, or if I should leave what I was working on at the end.

  Somehow guessing my thoughts, Brock muttered, “Leave it.” When I just stood there, staring at him and wondering how he always seemed to be able to read me, he added, “There’s no use in taking everything away, when you’re just going to need it again once we’re done. Don’t worry about the clutter on my account, Tori.”

  I stood, rooted to the spot. He’d called me Tori. The first time he’d done it, at the bar, his tone had been mocking, and I was sure he was doing it just to piss me off, but now he’d said it absently, not even aware that he had … And I found I liked it.