Read 2 Shorts, a Novella and a Haiku Walk Into a Bar Page 6


  They blared the music while she got ready that evening. Her dad was already sitting vigil in the front study awaiting their guests. He didn't like the idea at all and he wouldn't be swayed by the guys looks or charms. He didn't trust Sara emphatically and he certainly didn't want Laura to be corrupted if he could avoid it. All of this they had heard with ears pressed against the library door where her father had created his work command center for their month away. She really hoped that the guys came dressed nicely like in their formal uniforms or a three-piece suit, something, anything that hid their tattoos and impressed her father. Sara had gone on and on about the one peeking out from Darren's left arm sleeve. Both guys had two tattoos that were barely visible other than a glimpse, covered by their t-shirts. Sara loved guys with tattoos. To Laura, the whole idea of a guy with a tattoo felt like Adam Levine or Ryan Sheckler but better, interested in her, kind of, well it seemed so earlier.

  "You can't wear that Laura!"

  "Shhh, she'll hear," Laura hissed at Jenna. They had the music blaring to help disguise their conversation. Sara was in her war room pulling out all the stops to end whatever madness had occurred earlier where the guys hadn't fallen hand over feet to lick her toes in adoration. All that 'maybe Laura wouldn't be so bad' nonsense needed to end. Looking at herself in the mirror, Laura didn't think she looked so bad. She had on some loose jeans and a tank with a red and black check flannel thrown over. She was planning on wearing her Sanuks. "What's wrong with this? It looks casual."

  "But it's a date right?" Jenna nodded her encouragement in the mirror. "You know what she's putting on right now. Rich ho gear. You want to compete, right? So he keeps interested?”

  Laura almost felt bad for John. It was obvious she and Sara were in a, so far, subtle fight for the final attentions of Darren. John, in all his niceness, was being slowly forgotten. "Dad's not going to let her out of here like that you know that."

  "Yeah, but she'll get out of here in something that will take over the conversation."

  "Yeah," Laura felt defeated already.

  Jenna bounded up and pulled out a dress. It was short, much shorter than most things Laura ever wore. She needed to cover up her bubbling knees and lack of thigh gap and thick calves and, and, well surely something else was wrong down there but she couldn't put her finger on it at the moment. She shook her head, "no not that."

  Jenna looked disappointed, "why not? You look great in it and you never wear it. You have to wear it."

  "Not tonight ok," Laura begged and she knew Jenna would never force her. "If we go out again."

  "Ahhh, ok. Let's see. Ok, these." She pulled out a pair of boyfriend jeans cut girlie style, tight in the right place, loose others, cropped and rolled. She found the silky white tank they had bought to go with the jeans that Laura never wore and the strappy white and black sandals with their inches that finished the look to a T. It had all been bought together and then never worn. "This. And I won't take no." Jenna flopped back on the bed with a defiant look.

  Laura smiled, "ok this."

  She could wear this, maybe stand against the wall all night so nobody could see her flabby upper arms. She got dressed and they did her hair in a full blow out. Jenna was a magician with a round brush and hairdryer. Then Jenna did her makeup. When they finished they stood in her three sided floor length mirror

  "Wow Laura. You really are beautiful." Laura rolled her eyes and Jenna swatted her hard. "You are. If you'd give yourself a break."

  For a second Laura maybe agreed, until she noticed how wide she looked in the hips and how even the billowy forgiving nature of her tank couldn't hide the obvious roll underneath and, and, well and. Her arms instinctively came up to fold over her body. Jenna yanked them down hard.

  "No. You look great. No matter what she comes out in. You look great." They stared each other down in the mirror for a few long moments. Jenna was ever Laura's protector. She had the confidence of the baby of the family but the kindness as well. She was destined to give Sara a run for her money when the time came and it would be no contest because she was beautiful on the inside and outside. The dogs started barking downstairs and they both smiled.

  "They're here." They said together. Laura took one last nervous glance at her image in the mirror and sighed.

  "You look great." Jenna took her hand firmly and started to walk her out of the room. She must have known Laura was secretly contemplating feigning illness to avoid going in spite of how much she wanted to go. Hand in hand they left her room and were almost at the stairs when Sara came bounding out. She was in a micro dress cut to there and strappy stilettos. Her hair and makeup was perfect. She was perfect. And Laura felt her hands start to sweat and her face start to flush and she wished she had stuck with the 'I didn't try outfit'. Then the 'I tried but failed' outfit wouldn't look so glaring. She started to pull back but Jenna had a fighter's grip on her hand. She gave Laura a searing look and yanked her along.

  "Hey girls," Sara sang as she swept past them. "You look… cute, Laura."

  "Thanks," Laura mumbled. Cute. Yep. Sara looked like a hot goddess and Laura looked cute. Like bunny rabbits. Only bunny rabbits could be mean and bite and scratch and Laura couldn't even do that. She wished she could think of one of those ‘nice nasties’ too. Sara was great at them. A lot of girls were. But Laura wasn't. Laura was face value. She wasn't good at playing that game. She never would be. And she knew she'd always be behind because of it. So her compliment was genuine when it came out. “You look great."

  "Thanks," Sara called over her shoulder confidently. There was never any doubt about that. The closer to the bottom they got the louder the voices drifting over to them sounded. She could hear her father and it sounded like he was laughing. These guys must have had some magic pixie dust they were sprinkling on her parents. Sara bounded in ahead and put on her megawatt smile. Teeth were permissible when you were showing someone how great you looked and how excited you were for them to see how great you looked. Jenna gave Laura a tight side hug before letting her go and following Sara into the room. Laura came in slowly and stood to the side as close to the corner as she could. She didn't want to see their reaction to Sara.

  "Hi, Laura," John was peeking around Sara who was moving over to Darren with what Laura knew Sara liked to refer to as her supermodel walk.

  Laura looked at John and smiled. "Hi." They were both dressed in kaki’s and golf shirts. This was a plus, plus in her father's eyes. "You clean up nicely." She laughed at his silly grimace.

  "You too," he was obviously appreciative of the way she looked and it helped. "You ready Darren? The guys are probably waiting on us."

  She finally took a moment to look over at Darren. Sara had attached to his side and he looked great, tan and just everything. He was obviously enjoying Sara's company which hurt even though it shouldn't, but his eyes were on Laura and that didn't hurt, not at all. They said a quick good bye, with her dad even offering them to come in as late as twelve as long as they called by ten to let them know. They walked down the gravel path to the huge shiny truck in the driveway. Darren pulled out some keys and headed to the driver's side. Sara immediately called shotgun claiming she got sick when she sat in the back. She was already reaching for the handle before anyone could call her bluff. She smiled back triumphantly at Laura. Laura plodded along thinking how nice John was and that there wasn't any real reason to feel like she lost if he was the one who became her summer love.

  John smiled at her and tugged her arm, "well, kid, you and me back there."

  To her surprise, Darren slipped a snug arm around her waist and began leading her over to the driver's side. She wished immediately she had worn her spanx, but it could be seen through the gauzy nature of the shirt. "Don't forget you two have a chaperone tonight." He threw it over his shoulder as he led her to the driver's side backseat door. He opened it for her and help
ed her up gently before closing it again. When she turned from the daydreaming haze she had let herself float into, Sara was glaring at her. Advantage, Laura. Laura laughed inwardly to herself.

  The pizza parlor was nothing special and when they arrived they were met by a group of young guys and girls some of whom were regular civilians like themselves and others who were Marines like John and Darren. Sara was in desperate for attention hog heaven because in this group Darren wasn't necessarily the best looking. She was having a hard time splitting her efforts between keeping his attention on her while also gaining the attention of the other desirables.

  "Having fun?" Sara sang out to Laura as she swung by. She had a beer in hand and Laura wondered who she'd persuaded to get that for her.

  Laura smiled over her iced tea but didn't bother answering. Sara wasn't interested in her reply anyway. She was cozying up to Josh the new hottest guy in the group. He'd just arrived. Luckily for Sara he seemed to be tight with Darren so it put her two objects of interest in close proximity. She wouldn't have to split her efforts too much. Laura hid a disgusted sneer as she sipped her drink again. Sara was so transparent.

  "She likes attention, huh?" John was lounged back with his legs stretched out watching the same show Laura was. Though his question was for Laura, his eyes were trained on Sara and there was a hint of wistfulness.

  "Yeah. How could you tell?" Laura gave him a helpless shrug. Poor guy, he was trying not to be, but he was interested and he must have known that only if he was the only guy there would he have even a halfway shot with Sara.

  He chuckled, "oh, I just could." Sara was bouncing back and forth between Josh and Darren. Josh was taking her signals positively, occasionally dishing out some PDA. Darren kept looking over at Laura and John, almost like he'd rather be with them. It gave her a little bit more hope. She started to realize how pitiful it was to need every single eye on her. Darren was awesome, hot was an understatement, and if he had eyes for Laura those would be the only eyes she ever needed on her.

  By then the music had started playing and some of them were dancing. Laura watched it all from her seat. She had no intention of dancing. It was no surprise when Sara headed out to the floor with Josh. His hand was sitting unapologetically on her butt. Sara couldn't dance the two step, but she didn't need to because she was fluent in the international language of men. She pressed her body to his and soon they weren't even really dancing anymore, just obscenely swaying. After a few more sways, he led her out a side door. Laura shouldn't care. It was Sara and she could handle herself. Still it was nagging to know Sara would walk out into the night with someone she had met only minutes before. While Laura was contemplating all of this, tugging on her lip nervously, John spoke.

  "Hey," his voice was soft and reassuring. "She's ok. He's a decent guy. Let's dance."

  Laura smiled at him, shaking her worry off a little. "I don't know how."

  He stood up and took her hands and pulled her up easily. "It's easy. Follow my lead."

  It was easy, really easy. Laura made the mental note to stop questioning herself and try things even if she didn't know how. She knew that conviction would last through the dance and not much longer than that. After a few songs, a slow one came on and the inevitable awkwardness struck shortly after. They cleared their throats and shifted uncomfortably as the couples began pouring out onto the floor.

  "Want something to drink?" He asked gamely.

  She nodded with relief, " yes please." They were walking off the floor when Darren's arm came around her again. It was becoming so familiar she knew even before she looked up into his smile that it was him.

  "I think it's my turn now." He winked at her and didn't wait for John to protest. Before she could protest, she was being molded to him, not unlike Sara. But there was something sweet about the way Darren was holding her. His hands weren't roaming her body as if she was a piece of meat on display for everyone to see how lucky he was. No, they were firm on the small of her back just above the curve of her bottom and his cheek was leaning softly on her temple. She could smell the slightest bit of clean smelling cologne and man. It was the perfect combination. It was the perfect assault of her desires and the comfort and obvious affection he seemed to have for her made it easy for her to reach up a little and bring him that much closer. She must have tapped an unknown signal because his arms tightened. One slowly ran up her back to wrap her neck softly. As his thumb was gently stroking her chin he said quietly in her ear, "I want to show you something."

  Incapable of words, she nodded her agreement. She floated out behind him marveling at their intertwined fingers. It's was so exciting holding his hand she didn't even notice he was leading her out the same door Sara had left through. When the cold dessert air hit her square in the face, the romantic stupor floated away bringing back reality. Hadn’t she just mentally reprimanded Sara for this same behavior? She didn't know him and it looked like he wanted to lead her away from the crowd. Years of training sounded warning bells in her ear. When he started to walk off towards the back of the restaurant, she resisted a little. She wanted to, but then again maybe not.

  He stopped with a curious smile and cupped her face. He leaned down and placed a soft, not exactly short, kiss on her cheek and she commanded her legs not to buckle. "I'll take care of you, Princess. Promise."

  She wondered what he intended to protect her from, himself or other dangers? She sighed shakily, "ok. For a minute."

  He smiled that smile of his. "Long as you want," he assured her.

  They walked hand in hand until they reached the edge. Below was a straight and dangerous drop. Out was the most magnificent view of the lake that she had seen yet. The dim lights of faraway homes glowed in tandem with the soft light of the star filled night. He wrapped an arm around her waist and she thought about how she wasn't so worried anymore that he could feel the softness there. He ducked close, bringing his chin almost her level and pointed out.

  "Follow my finger." He kept pointing until her head was situated in about the right direction. “See that cluster of lights with the red and green?" She nodded. "That's your house. Well, old man Fischer's house."

  She smiled, “how do you know?”

  He straightened and she felt his distance immediately. “John told me. We've been going there all summer. Shootin’ rattlers.” He bent and picked up a sandy rock and hurled it into the inky hole. He added almost wistfully, “wish I'd known.”

  The wind was lightly ruffling them. Her hair was floating and falling as she tried to sweep it out of her eyes. “Wish you'd known what?”

  He stepped too close for comfort and gathered her hair in his hands loosely at the base of her neck. His arms rested on her shoulders with the perfect amount of weight. “Wish I'd known you were there.”

  Her smile spread with a whoosh of air leaving her lungs. She struggled with what to say next. Her limited experience with Davis Beachum, a year or so ago, fumbling with words, neither really ready for that adult reality, seemed so juvenile now. So did all of the other bumblings they had together. Darren wasn't fumbling and she guessed he had enough experience to terrify her. Her search for words ended in the dumbest thing ever. “Not Sara?”

  How could he want her with Sara right there willing? Was he playing with her? A mean game? Could people really be that cruel?

  His nose crinkled in distaste and there was humor in his answer, “Sara? Give me little credit.”

  It was her turn to be surprised. “R-really? But everyone loves her.”

  He smoothed her hair back and shifted her a little closer. A wave of heat swept over her in spite of the cold wind. “Yeah, for a time. I guess. ‘Till they realize there’s nothing there. You can only be with that for so long. She's not my type. And honestly she's not most guy’s type.”

  In spite of the tingles and insecurity she asked, “w-what is your type?”

  He smiled tilt
ing his head so close she knew this was it. That night she would get kissed by someone who made her knees weak. When his lips were almost on top of hers he said so softly she almost didn't hear, “you.”

  Then his mouth touched hers softly pressing. He was the perfect tall for her. Their heads tilted without effort. Her hands clung to his forearms. His hands were still wrapped about her neck. She could taste the slight wet of his mouth as she inched closer. Wanting more she raised up on her toes pushing her mouth deeper into his. Apparently she had discovered another signal because he wrapped her in tight, twisting his mouth to dominate hers. When his tongue pressed her to open she did and they both groaned a little. Her head was spinning so much she started smiling like a mad woman. He pulled back with a curious look but she wrapped her arms around his head reaching for his lips. She was still smiling when the kiss grew so deep that he couldn’t press her any closer to him. His hands were firm on her bottom as he folded her in half. All the confusion and excitement hit truth quickly when he quietly slipped a hand under her shirt. The burning heat from his hand splaying across her belly then traveling around to rest on her naked back jarred her and made her push hard on his shoulders. He didn't let go but he did end the kiss with a questioning look.

  She was breathing deeply, “I, I, uhh.”

  “Ewww,” the unmistakable squeal of Sara sounded out. Laura jumped and tried to move away but Darren held her firmly by his side. After a moment she wondered why she had felt like she needed to move at all. It was just a kiss. And judging from Sara’s thrashed hair and ripped zipper and the dirt on her legs, she and Josh hadn't just been kissing. There was a glittering mean to her eyes. “I can't wait to tell Dad.”

  “I-it was just a kiss.”

  “What are going to tell him about you, Sara? I can smell the sex on you from here. Where's Josh?” Darren threatened loudly enough to bring Sara’s surprised look.

  Sara sneered and looked at the bar. “I'm going in.”

  “Yeah you do that.” He countered and she lost a lot of her bravado.

  “Well aren't you guys going in?” She seemed hesitant.

  He wrapped Laura up in his arms rubbing the goosebumps crawling up her arms. “Not this minute.”

  Sara huffed and stalked away. Laura waited until Sara rounded the corner to ask, “what was that?”

  He hunched over to kiss her neck as he laughed against her skin. “That, Beautiful, was a pissing match. And I just won. Your secret’s safe.” He swept her hair back from her shoulders admiring it. “Your hair is like autumn.” His eyes shifted to hers. “And your eyes are like summer rain.” His voice had a way of sending shivers up and down her spine.

  She sighed involuntarily. “That’s very poetic, beautiful really,” she whispered.

  “So are you,” he whispered back. Then his mouth closed over hers again before she could say anymore.

  It was eleven thirty. Sara was drunk enough that John didn't look so bad anymore. John was drunk enough that he didn't mind being sloppy seconds. Josh was firmly ensconced with his girlfriend who had caught him mid copulation with Sara. A lot of the dirt on Sara had more to do with the cat fight that had ensued than sex. Either way it was time to go. Laura was sitting on Darren's lap while he laughed at some story his friend was telling. He'd pretty much set his claim. Despite thinking she was a modern woman who wasn't like Sara and could make it without a man, or so she'd told herself, it felt pretty great sitting on the leg of a handsome Marine while his hand rested possessively around her waist. Every now and then it would stroke her thigh then find its resting place on the top curve of her waist. Reluctantly she shifted to move and his arm immediately tightened and his eyes found hers inquisitively.

  She cringed because the whole table hushed. “It's, uhh, umm it’s…” How did she say she had to go home without sounding like a 16-year-old baby?

  As if doing a mental shake Darren jerked up looking at his watch. “Shit. We gotta go. John and I have morning duty. And that is going to be one hurt puppy in the morning.” The table laughed their agreement as they took in John and Sara making out passionately, if sloppily, in the corner.

  Laura sighed relief that he'd given her an out. And when he winked at her as he slipped his hand over hers she knew that it had only been an excuse for her sake. He somehow herded the drunk ones out to his truck. As he tried to hand Sara into the back seat she plastered herself to him. Gone went Laura's confidence. He struggled briefly before getting her off and wiping his mouth a little dramatically on the back of his hand.

  He tossed her up roughly with a “get in. And if either of you two throw up in my truck so help me I'll make you clean it with your tongues.”

  He slammed the door cutting off Sara’s “eww.”

  He turned his attention back to Laura and she smiled as he pulled her to him with a wicked smile. The soft touch of his lips refilled her confidence meter enough for her to mold to his body and slip her arms around his neck. It was getting more and more comfortable, kissing and touching him and to have him kissing and touching her. He groaned his agreement to her thoughts, “I like kissing you, Laura.”

  She sighed. “I like it too.” Then her thoughts caught up to her words. “I-I mean I like kissing you.”

  He laughed and took her face in his hands to plant a hungry kiss. When he stopped he whispered more to himself, “why now?”

  She looked confused, “what?”

  He shook his head and opened the door. “Never mind. Let's get you home.”

  Inside the cabin she curled up into the soft leather as he walked around. She had noticed earlier the crucifix hanging next to a yen and yang pedant on his rear view. He jumped up and the heavy door sealed them in. It looked like he was going to put the key in the ignition then he stopped. He slumped back with a boyish smile then reached over quickly to kiss her again. He seemed to like having her face in his hands. She certainly didn't mind.

  When they pulled apart she said a little breathlessly, “I like your truck.”

  He looked proud. “Yeah?” She nodded smiling. “First thing I ever bought for myself. It's used. But it looks good. An old farmer had it for his Sunday ride before he passed. Bought it from his widow. Gonna take about 20 years before its mine…” He trailed off looking a little embarrassed that he’d said so much. She slid her hand over his and wove her fingers between. “Guess you have a really fancy car,” he stated with confidence.

  “Nothing like this.” She held her hands up when he huffed. “Really! Dad doesn't believe in spoiling us like that. It's a Toyota- safe and reliable.” It was her turn to trail off because it occurred to her it sounded like she was describing herself.

  He smiled exuberantly and slipped his hand around her bottom and slid her over to the middle seat. “Put your belt on, Princess. I gotta get you home before your dad runs me outta town.”

  They eased out and headed back up the mountain on the dark winding roads. She didn't like going up those roads during the day but something about sitting next to Darren, warmed by his body heat, left her calm and a little drowsy. Soon she rested her head on his shoulder and he rested his hand between her legs by her knees. From behind them they could hear the moaning and slurping of a heavy make out session. Laura snickered a little. When it sounded like they had moved on to more than sucking each other's face off, Darren turned awkwardly for a second to see what they were up to. He turned back quickly.

  “Uh uh, I don't think so. No! Not in my car. Put that away.” Laura bit her lip to contain her humor. The backseat lovers took his warning because it was only a few more minutes before light snoring started. They both laughed out at the sound. She snuggled closer to his side and he kissed her softly on the crown of her head. Before she was ready they were pulling into the cottage driveway. She hid her frown of disappointment when he killed the engine and turned to her.

  He kissed her again more passionately than he should have so close to her front porch before saying, “let's g
et sleeping beauty in.”

  Sara took that moment to let out a most undignified snort in her sleep as they look down into the back seat. They dissolved in laughter. He helped Laura out and then opened the door Sara was leaning heavily on. She flipped out into his arms. Laura stood back and watch him sweep her legs up. It was so effortless. Had Sara looked a little less like a used up starlet more jealousy might have bubbled up seeing her in his arms like that. But he turned to Laura with her favorite smile, the soft one, and questioning eyes. She led him in and her dad shuffled out of his library obviously caught off guard in sleep. He rubbed his eyes under his reading glasses and his greying hair was disheveled.

  “What happened?” He asked with concern.

  Laura shrugged, “Sara.” They were all familiar with Sara. He'd had to go out more than once in the middle of the night to drag her home. There was no obvious reason for the rebellion or behavior. She was just that person destined to be unhappy for life. There was a look of disappointment and shame in her father’s eyes as they passed.

  Laura led Darren up the stairs to Sara's room. He placed her on the bed and she immediately flopped to a totally unladylike position before snorting again. They laughed quietly and Darren took her hand to lead her back down the stairs.

  Her dad met them at the bottom and he clearly noted the hand holding but only smiled and kissed her brow. “Lock up sweetheart.” He shook Darren's free hand and added, “thank you, son.” He was shuffling upstairs as he chuckled, “I'm too old for you girls…”

  She led Darren to the porch where he placed a few long and lingering kisses on her lips. She liked kissing, especially him, much better than Davis Beachum.

  “Want to cliff jump tomorrow?” There was excitement in his eyes that was not reflected back from hers.

  “Ok,” she said hesitantly. She didn't know what a cliff jump was but nothing about it sounded fun.

  He cupped her neck and laughed, “I told you, Princess, I'm never going to let anything happen to you. You’ll love it.” He kissed her then so softly that it ended with a sigh from both of them. “I really have to go. We really do have morning duty. I don't know how he's going to do it.” He nodded toward his still truck. They laughed again. He pecked her and shuffled away backwards with a satisfied grin calling, “2?”

  She nodded happily and his smile grew. She watched until his truck was out of sight. Her thoughts spun happily in her head making her giddy. Mark that down as the best night of her life. She trudged upstairs and shed her clothes. She didn't bother washing her face, praying no zits would appear. Then she crawled into bed and turned into a warm body. She cried out in fright before realizing it was Jenna. Jenna’s eyes opened slowly in a sleepy daze. When she realized who was there they flew open.

  “So?” She whispered excitedly shaking off the last of sleep.

  Laura thought to be mature, above kiss and tell. She thought that before she looked at Jenna waiting with bated breath. Then she dove right into the fun of being a girl and squealed quietly. Jenna squealed too not even knowing why. And they talked and giggled and giggled and talked until the early sun broke the night drapes and then they slept the sleep of the dead.