Read 2 Years, 2 Weeks, 2 Lives Page 15

Yet, to know for sure if another person could catch it would only be tested once deployed on a larger scale.

  The figures and graphs on his screen, detailing many stages of the subject’s demise, and the virus’s growth. His current view showed that the life of the virus would be many hours after the subject died. This all looked very impressive. The kill rate was 100%, and the cross-contamination rate would be 100%. A success. He thought to himself, and he allowed another slight grin to slip onto his lips.

  The door swished open at the far end of the laboratory, and Fink scurried into the room. Harrap was grateful that he was in a quieter part of the room, partially hidden by test equipment and monitors, and this afforded him a chance to watch the snitch / porter at work. He wondered was why Fink was there, at this time of the night cycle, when there were no more subjects to be moved around, when everyone would be asleep.

  Harrap watched Fink scurry his way across the work area, stopping every few paces to glance left and right, his head bobbing up and down as he peered into various specimen jars and check around the room. He’d read a few lines on a monitor, mumbling the key points, committing them to memory. This continued zig-zagging his stuttering way across the laboratory until he arrived at the sleeping area where he paused for a few more seconds. Harrap wondered if he was listening to everyone on the far side, checking that they all were sleeping before he continued his spying. He watched as, after a minute, the despicable creature drew the curtain back slowly and very quietly, revealing his staff behind. Harrap tensed, the protective fatherly side coming to the fore. If you harm any of my friends, then I’ll… His thoughts stopped as he watched Fink take a step forward, into the living area.

  This area was clearly visible to Harrap, until the voile-like curtain swished back into place behind Fink as he disappeared behind it. He knew that he would be standing next to where his loyal deputy, Crane, was sleeping. The thought crossed his mind to try to get a closer look, but decided that staying hidden would be a better strategy. Harrap’s only saving grace was that the curtain was semi-see-through, and as such could watch Fink’s shape continue his tasks, his feet fully visible underneath, as the curtain didn’t reach the floor. He held his breath as he saw him stop next to Cranes bunk.

  Fink glanced around the room, his head snapping back and forth, up and down, as he entered, “I’m being watched.” He thought to himself, and he glanced at each of the cameras in the corners of the room. “But then again, we’re all being watched, all the time, wherever we are on the ship……everyone being watched except Her.” He furrowed his brow as he wondered why she was being allowed that freedom. “I’d very much enjoy watching her secretly.” The frown was replaced by a smutty grin.

  Fink still felt that he was being watched, and not by Her, but as he couldn’t see anyone else in the laboratory, decided to continue his mission. He looked at Crane, sleeping peacefully, not knowing what was about to happen. Sliding his hand slowly into the breast pocket of his jacket, he withdrew a very small box. He opened it carefully and quietly, constantly checking to see if anyone was waking, or could hear his near silent movements. Fink removed one of the syringes that were filled with a blood red liquid. Carefully placing the needle against the bare neck of the deputy scientist, he gently pushed it, puncturing the skin. He continued to push until about 1centimetre of the needle had descended into Crane before slowly squeezing the contents into the unwary victim. Fink replaced the empty needle into the case and returned it to his pocket.

  He then reached into his left hand pocket and took out a small tablet computer. It glowed and shimmered in his hand and he marvelled at its power for a moment. He swiped a finger across the touch screen, waited a couple of seconds for the device to boot up before pressing a couple of symbols that had appeared. Fink held the device above Crane’s head and then slowly moved it down his body. Once he’d got down to his feet he pressed another symbol then replaced it into his left pocket.

  Fink repeated his actions on the next 3 scientists, giving each a fresh syringe and then waving the tablet computer slowly along the length of their body. Every so often he would stop and look around, uncertain if he’d heard anything, his eyes narrowing to help scan for any movement from anyone. When content that he was still secure, he continued his nightly task.

  Harrap was amazed as he watched Fink go through his routine of injecting the young Polt with the liquid. He wondered how many times the sneaky Porter had completed this task, as he seemed very adept at placing the needle into the neck without waking the victim. What created more interest for Harrap, was the device Fink retrieved from his other pocket. He was annoyed that he couldn’t see anything on the screen, but assumed it was scanning the scientists, taking many readings in a single sweep. He was jealous that such a despicable creature was using such a small, powerful and effective device.

  He watched as Fink finished with all the scientists in the main sleeping area and walked over to a further curtain, set across a corner at the rear of the room. Harrap’s heart froze, his eyes became huge as he realised where Fink was heading next, to his sleeping section. As Lead Scientist, he was given the special distinction of having his own curtained off area. He was fortunate to have a full length, floor to ceiling heavyweight curtain, which cut the corner of the laboratory off, creating a triangle 3 metre triangle. This was just big enough to place his bed along one wall, and a small cabinet next to it along the other, with the curtain just missing the corners of each piece of furniture. The small metal cabinet held his few private possessions, his most prized being the photograph of his wife and children waving at him from a currently very distant mountain top. This cordoned off area might not have seemed like a huge reward for his position, yet he was grateful, as it afforded him a small piece privacy from any prying eyes, even if it wasn’t from any sounds.

  Fink curled his fingers gently around the edge of the curtain, reaching up as high as he could, so he would be as close to the rail. He pulled it back a little so he could peer around. His head bobbed up, readjusting his viewpoint so he could properly check the bed. Horror struck him when he saw that it was empty. “Where is Harrap?” He whispered before clamping his hand over his mouth. He dipped down to check under the bed; it was empty. Fink span round and scanned under the other scientist’s beds, all of which contained very little apart from pairs of shoes, and a small chest of personal items.

  He checked all of the Scientists, ensuring that they were all asleep and his whisper hadn’t awoken any of them. Creeping back to the main work area, ensuring he didn’t make a sound, his eyes narrowed again as he carefully scanned all around the laboratory. He was a little dismayed to find that there was no immediate sight of the Lead Scientist, which increased Fink’s heart-rate. His fear increased moment by moment as his imagination ran riot. His heart thumped in his chest, his previously shallow breathing grew heavier, and noisier, making him panic more. Fink realised that he was losing control of the situation, wondering if Harrap had escaped from the room, or worse still, if his arrival had allowed him to escape. His mind raced as the thought’s pinged back and forth, theories and repercussions fighting for attention in his mind. Should he raise the alarm? No, he should check the room thoroughly first. Should he wake everyone else up? No, that could lead to the others realising his mistake.

  “Damn!” He called into the silent laboratory, glancing up at the cameras, hoping he hadn’t been spotted yet.

  “Erm, what?” Harrap said, raising his head off the keyboard and rubbing his eyes sleepily. He yawned very loudly and stretched his arms over his head, made a slapping noise with his lips, before blinking his eyes very wide 3 times. All this was part of the plan he’d quickly concocted when he realised that Fink was about to find he wasn’t in bed and would probably search the room. “Fink?” he made it sound like he questioned his own eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry, I was fast asleep,” He added another yawn and stretch for effect. “I didn’t rea
lise you had arrived. Can I help you?” Harrap asked, rolling his shoulders around and fighting another huge yawn back. He was amazed at his acting abilities, for even he would believe that he’d been asleep. Harrap rubbed the back of his left arm while he continued. “It’s been a very long day and my brain doesn’t always tell my body when to sleep.” He smiled at Fink. “And my body then decides it’s had enough and thud.” He smacked the back of his hand on the worktop. “I’m getting too old for this.” He rolled his shoulders round once more, and then looked at the clock on the far wall. “2:18am! Oh my! I should try to go to bed and get a few hours’ sleep before tomorrow starts, or should I say today starts.”

  Fink was very wary. He could see that it looked like Harrap was waking up after falling asleep at his desk, but he wasn’t fully sure if it wasn’t all just an act. “Ah Harrap.” He asked slowly while he thought of what to say next.

  “Yes Fink, can I help you?”

  “Ah, well, yes you can.” His eyes sparkled for an instant as the thought leapt into his mind. “I was passing by the