Read 21 Days Page 5

  I put my stuff down and went to the kitchen to grab a glass and pour myself some wine. Once I had a nice hefty glass of Shiraz, I took the wine to my room and got undressed, picking out my favorite flannel pajama pants and a matching tank. I went to the bathroom and scrubbed my face, then pulled my hair back into a loose tail and secured it with a headband.

  Feeling more relaxed, I went back out toward the living room, glancing at TJ’s closed door as I passed. I stopped and turned back to stand in front of his door.

  Should I knock? See how he’s been the last few days? Apologize?

  Before I could knock, the door opened and TJ stood in the open door, startled to see me standing there.

  Like a stalker.

  A stalker in pajamas with a glass of wine in her hand.

  I smiled uncertainly at him, unsure if I should say something first.

  TJ broke the silence first. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” I replied back with a smile.

  “You going to the living room?” he asked, gesturing at my wine.

  “Yeah, I was headed that way,” I replied, trying to sound normal, but failing. “I just got home.”

  “Cool, I’ll join you,” TJ responded.

  I nodded and turned on my heel to continue my walk to the living room feeling awkward and uncertain, but trying not to show it. He seemed cool and collected, not awkward at all. I just needed to breathe and act like nothing happened.

  I sat on the couch and turned the TV on while he went to the kitchen, presumably to get a drink.

  TJ walked in, placed his beer on the table, took the remote out of my hand, and turned the TV back off.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, a bit annoyed that he’d turned the TV off.

  “We need to talk, Sash,” TJ said turning to me. “Have you been avoiding me?”

  My stomach dropped.

  “Um … No, I’ve just been busy,” I answered lamely.

  “Sasha … I’m living in your house, and I haven’t seen you in three days. How busy can you be? Have you been sleeping somewhere else?” TJ was looking at me intently.

  “What? No, I’ve been here every night,” I said, not wanting him to think I’d been sleeping around, even though it shouldn’t matter if I had been or not.

  “Then you were avoiding me. Look, I know you were upset when I kissed Gaby, I saw it on your face, and I told you we’d talk about it. Then you disappeared.”

  Shit! I fucking hated confrontation. Of any kind. Why was he calling me out on this? Why couldn’t he just let it go?

  “I’m sorry.” I figured since he was calling me out, I might as well just be honest. “I just felt awkward, and I didn’t want things between us to get weird. I know we kind of set you up with that game, and I didn’t expect to feel jealous … but I was. It took me by surprise.”

  TJ leaned in to me slightly and said huskily, “I like that it made you jealous.”

  My heart started pounding, and I felt suddenly breathless. Did he really just say that?

  “You do?”

  TJ nodded and his gaze flitted from my eyes to my lips, then back up again.

  “What are we doing?” I asked thinly.

  He shrugged and said, “Exploring a new facet of our relationship.”

  “What if something goes wrong?” I asked, trying to be the voice of reason when all I wanted to do was move in two inches and feel his lips on mine.

  “What could go wrong? We’re both single adults,” TJ encouraged, his hot breath caressing my skin.

  I swayed slightly, bringing our lips closer. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on keeping my wits.

  “I couldn’t stand it if we were no longer friends,” I whispered.

  “Never happen,” TJ responded softly, right before I felt his lips gently brush mine. I whimpered softly and licked my lips, my tongue caressing his as well, causing him to groan deeply.

  “TJ,” I croaked, making my eyes open.

  “Yeah,” he responded, eyes focused on me.

  “You’re too important,” I said regretfully as I leaned back, picking up my wine and putting some distance between us.

  “You’re important to me too, Sasha, you know that.” TJ ran his hand through his sandy-colored hair, causing me to wonder what it would feel like if I did the same.

  Stop it. Those thoughts aren’t helping.

  TJ took a long pull of his beer then said, “You’re one of my best friends. I love you and nothing will change that, but there’s something here.” He gestured between us. “And there always has been. Shit, Red, I’ve wanted you since the day we met.”

  I tried to swallow the massive lump that had formed in my throat at his words, but my mouth was too dry.

  “I know that we’ve always flirted, and I’ve always been attracted to you too … But what if something went wrong and one of us got hurt. What if we couldn’t get past it? You’re one of my best friends too, my family. I’d hate to lose that over just sex,” I admitted, unsure if I was trying to convince him or myself.

  “First of all, whatever is between us could never be just sex. Second, we wouldn’t hurt each other, because we’ll be totally honest at all times. Lastly, no matter what happens between us, we’ll always be in each others lives,” TJ argued. He was making it sound very easy.

  Too easy.

  “How can you be sure?” I asked.

  “Because we’re us, Red, and … if Gaby and Scott could lose their virginity to each other eight years ago, and still be as close as they are, I think we’ll be just fine.”

  “How’d you hear about that?” I asked, surprised that the cat was out of the bag on that one.

  “Just found out tonight,” TJ said with a grin, taking another drink of his beer. “Couldn’t believe it. I never suspected a thing.” He turned back to me, the grin gone. “But, Sasha, one night won’t be enough for us.”

  My body began to throb in all the right places as I absorbed his words. I had a feeling sex with TJ would be amazing, which just made this situation even harder. What if all of the flirting and build up over the last eight years made us expect too much?

  “So what are you talking about, TJ? Friends with benefits?” I asked, feeling stupid saying it out loud. “For how long? Would we be exclusive?” Now that his idea began to take root, I wanted to make sure we had all of our cards on the table.

  “If you want to call it something, that fits. Yes, we would be exclusive, totally. How long? I don’t know, let’s start with the rest of my time here. We’re down to what, two weeks? Then we can see what happens.”

  Once again, everything he was saying sounded pretty perfect, but could I do it? Could I sleep with TJ, then go back to being just friends? I had no problem separating sex and feelings with other guys, but none of them were an important part of my life.

  “And we’ll be totally honest about everything?” I asked, needing clarification. “If it gets to be too much, or one of us gets too involved, or … God forbid, we aren’t compatible. We’ll tell each other the truth, no hard feelings?”

  “Absolutely,” TJ said, then leaned over to say into my ear, “And, Red … There’s no way we aren’t compatible.”

  He kissed me lightly, right below my ear, and I let out a deep sigh.

  “Can I think about it?” I asked breathlessly.

  TJ pulled back and looked me in the eye. “Just don’t take too long.” He got up and walked back toward his room. I watched until he shut the door behind him.

  It didn’t look like I’d be getting much sleep, I thought with a loud sigh, as I took a big gulp of my wine.

  Chapter 11 – TJ

  Unable to toss and turn anymore, I’d given up on getting anymore sleep. I got up and went to the restroom, brushed my teeth, then laid back in my bed and covered up, picking up my latest Stephen King novel from the nightstand. I still had two hours until I needed to get up and get ready for work, I might as well see what was happening in Derry.

  Things were just getting interesting whe
n I heard a sound at the outside of the door and looked up to see it open. Sasha stood in the doorway. She was wearing the same pajamas as last night and her eyes were wide, with dark smudges underneath. She looked liked she’d been having as rough of a night as I’d had. I placed the book on my chest and watched her quietly. She walked soundlessly toward the bed and climbed in. I kept my eyes on her as she crawled slowly toward me and my heart started to beat erratically.

  She looked beautiful. Red hair wild and untamed, face free of makeup, skin creamy as fresh milk.

  When she got closer, I threw the covers back and she climbed inside, nestling her long body along the length of mine. I moved the book back to the table, careful to save my place, to allow her access to my bare chest. She laid her head down and placed her hand across my stomach, snuggling against me. I stroked her hair absently and closed my eyes as she began to trace small circles along my skin.

  We laid there quietly for a few moments, and I breathed in the fruity smell of her hair.

  “This is nice,” Sasha whispered, finally breaking the silence.

  I didn’t want to rush her and ask if her presence in my bed meant that she wanted to give this friends with bennies thing a try, so I just murmured, “Mmm-hmm.”

  I’d slept with a few women in my day, and had even tried out a few relationships, which had ultimately failed, but I realized I missed the simplicity of holding a woman in my arms. It did feel good. She felt good.

  “What do you have going on today?” Sasha asked as her doodles moved up my chest.

  I gritted my teeth and tried to will my body to behave, but her soft hands were making it hard for the blood to stay in my head and hold a coherent thought.

  “Cal asked me to meet him this morning, then we have a job with Brock, but it looks like it’ll be a quick one, so I’ll have time to do a little apartment hunting. What about you?”

  “I have a couple appointments, but overall it’ll be a pretty slow day. I’ll probably get home earlier than usual,” she replied, scooting her body farther into mine, the heat of her seeming to brand itself into my side.

  I tried to grasp what she was saying, but my cock was hard as a rock and my mind was beginning to imagine what it would feel like to have it in her hot mouth.

  “TJ?” Sasha asked, lifting her head to look at me with a knowing smirk.

  “Hmmm?” I asked, confused, but suddenly aware that she knew exactly what she was doing to me.

  “I asked if you wanted to meet up for dinner,” she replied, her tone innocent, and her face anything but…

  I moved swiftly so that she was underneath me. Her legs opened and wrapped around me instinctively and I braced myself on my arms above her. Her eyes had gone from teasing to aroused, and she bucked up against me.

  “What are you doing?” I asked her, my mouth inches from hers.

  “I thought I’d give you my answer,” she responded, green eyes blazing, then arched her back so that her body rubbed mine in all the right places.

  Unable to hold back any longer, I crushed my mouth to hers and let her taste fill me. I dropped to my elbows to get closer, but not crush her beneath my weight, and felt her ample breasts brushing against my chest. I groaned and broke our kiss, trailing my lips down her throat toward them. I’d had fantasies about Sasha’s breasts and the thought of finally having them in my mouth drove me to distraction. I pumped my hips against hers, the thin fabric of my shorts and her pajamas only causing more friction as my dick rocked against her hot core.

  Sasha’s hands were everywhere. My chest, my shoulders, my back, until they finally rested on my ass and squeezed, pulling me forward to rock against her again. Her loud moan the only encouragement I needed, I rocked against her as I freed one hand to pull her tank top up and allow access to her tits. My brain clouded in a lusty haze as I gazed upon them for the first time. Shit! She was fucking perfect. I dropped my head and began to nuzzle them with my face before I clasped my mouth around her nipple and sucked. Rolling my tongue and nibbling softly, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.

  “TJ,” I heard Sasha pant out as I moved on to her other perfect breast. “I want you inside me.”

  I shook my head, then paused, dipping my head and shaking it again. Her skin was like fucking silk. “Not yet, baby.”

  Sasha’s hands fisted in my hair and pulled my face up to meet hers. She looked gorgeously aroused, and although I know she was trying to say something, I stole her mouth for another searing kiss.

  “Please, TJ,” she said as she pulled away, eyes half lidded and cheeks flushed. I knew she was close, and, as half crazed as I was, I wouldn’t be far behind her.

  I put my hands under her ass and lifted, then moved my ass in circles as I rocked against her. Her breath started to come out in little gasps and she said, “Oh, shit,” as she closed her eyes. I watched her face as she came, then lowered my head to the crook of her neck and found my own release.

  We were both breathing heavily, and I was barely coming back to my senses, when Sasha slapped me on the back.

  “What the hell was that?” she hissed in my ear.

  I chuckled and lifted my head to grin at her. “Foreplay?”

  “Dry-fucking TJ, really?” I leaned down to kiss her, playing with her mouth until the scowl was gone.

  “Just think of it as a beginning,” I said, leaning over to pull her tank top back down. “Like a couple of horny teenagers.”

  “I didn’t even dry hump as a teenager,” she argued.

  “Now you know what you were missing,” I said with a grin. “We have time, Sasha, let’s play a little bit.”

  Sasha pouted prettily at my words and said, “We only have two weeks.”

  I leaned down and nuzzled her neck with my nose, then licked and bit softly before promising, “That’s three-hundred-and-thirty-six hours, Red. Now c’mon, let’s get cleaned up and have some breakfast.”

  I rolled off her, aware of the sticky mess in my shorts, but feeling pretty damn good about it, then reached out to help her out of the bed. When she was standing before me, I bent down to kiss her again, smacking her on the ass and saying, “See you in a minute.”

  I turned the water on blast, then turned and took off my shorts, throwing them in the hamper in the corner. I stepped under the hot spray and closed my eyes, moaning as it hit my shoulders. I couldn’t erase the shit-eating grin that I wore.

  What a great way to start the day.

  I jumped, startled, when Sasha’s hand touched my back. I turned slowly and my grin widened when I saw her standing before me, wearing only a smile.

  “What are you doin’, Red?” I asked, my voice husky and my dick springing to life at the site of her perfect alabaster body.

  “Just playin’,” she responded saucily, as she stepped in and under the water.

  My breath caught as she moved past me and bent her head back and into the water. I watched as her hair slicked back and the water ran down every inch of her supple form. She lifted her head back up and quirked a brow at me.

  “You gonna stand there all day, or are you going to grab the soap and rub me down?”

  I grabbed the soap and squirted it in my hand, then began to lather it up and apply it to her breasts.

  “I never knew you were a boob man,” Sasha said through heavy lids.

  “Neither did I,” I answered, moving lower to pay homage to the rest of her.

  I dropped to my knees as I washed her long luscious legs, leaning in every few seconds to run my tongue along her skin. She moaned at every lick, and before long I could no longer think. I was so turned on by the sounds she was making, I just reacted. I skimmed my hands up the back of her thighs, pausing to cup her behind and bring her closer to my lips. Once I was in prime position, I ran my tongue up her thigh and paused to look up at her, dipping my head and getting my first taste of her. At first contact, Sasha grabbed onto my shoulders to brace herself, and moaned loudly.

  “Yes!” she called out in a throaty voice, and
when she said, “Add your fingers,” my dick went on high alert.

  I did as she asked, pumping my fingers in her as I licked and sucked, my movements timed by her reactions. When her legs began to quiver and she fisted her hand in my hair, I knew she was close, so I flicked her clit with my tongue, then brought it into my mouth and suckled it until she screamed my name.

  Once she finished trembling, I got to my feet and fused my lips to hers, eager to touch her, feel her, taste her … My body so aroused I was ready to beg her to touch me in turn. Sasha kissed me back frantically, her tongue moving through my mouth as her hands explored my body. I grabbed her hand and moved it to my throbbing cock.

  “Do you want me to …” She started to go down on her knees to return the favor, but I shook my head, almost manic with need.

  “No time … just touch me,” I begged, unashamed and eager to reach my own release.

  Sasha stroked my cock with one hand and cupped my balls with the other. I braced my hands against the wall behind her and shuttered as her lips trailed along my neck. It didn’t take long for me to come for the second time that morning.

  Did I say it was a great day? Looked like it had the makings to be a fantastic fucking day!

  Chapter 12 – Sasha

  I hadn’t been able to stop smiling all day. I’m sure it was pretty annoying to everyone around me, but starting the day with two orgasms was enough to cheer up even the most cynical person.

  I paused at the entry of the deli where I was meeting Shelly for lunch when my phone signaled a text.

  I’ll pick you up at 6 for dinner. And, Red, wear jeans, tennis shoes and socks.

  “What has you all giddy?” Shelly asked from a few feet in front of me.

  I looked up her as I sent off, See you then.

  “Giddy?” I asked, trying to hide my grin. “Giddy’s for schoolgirls. I don’t do giddy.”

  “Tell that to your face,” Shelly shot back, causing me to laugh out loud. “Who was the text from?” she asked, gesturing toward my phone.

  “TJ,” I responded simply, turning to open the door and allow her to walk ahead of me inside.