Read 21 December 2012 - The Calendar Beckons Page 10

  “Nope lost me. I’m plum Thuttered out,” laughed Roche.

  “It’s simple. Our Mrs. Friedman WAS Hatshephut and later named Maaktare the ‘Lost Queen of Egypt’. Now we know why she was lost. She was not in the royal line. She was not even Egyptian!

  Later Maaktare’s or Mrs. Friedman’s images were destroyed from all public buildings and monuments. The Egyptians acted as if they wanted her name to be erased from their history. Thus the “Lost Queen’. The Egyptians had to have known she was not Tut II’s ‘real’ daughter.”

  Continuing to beat on the wall proved to be all Roche said it was - thick and strong. Exhausted the three sat down to take a break giving Lou a chance to continue his history lesson.

  Sitting on the dusty floor with his back resting against the wall he began again, “If the room next door CONTAINED the mummy of Thutmose II then the room we are sitting in must have been the burial place of his queen. I know that Pharaoh Thutmose II is not in the room with Gabby. His mummy was discovered, along with dozens of other royal mummies, in the ‘Royal Cache of Mummies’ by the Frenchman Gaston Maspero in 1881. It is believed the royal mummies were removed thousands of years ago and hidden by Egyptian priests to prevent grave robbers from mutilating their remains. Since Thutmose II was among those found he cannot be in the sarcophagus in the next room.

  “Wait a minute Lou. Mrs. Friedman’s mummy came from this room, right?”

  “Right. Now do you see the importance of this discovery?”


  “As I said Thutmose II was married to Queen Hatshephut, again our Mrs. Friedman - known as The Lost Queen. This is a staggering discovery in itself and...”

  Before he could complete his sentence Gabby emitted an ear-piercing scream from the Pharaoh’s room. Jumping to their feet and racing to the opening Lou yelled, “Gabby! Gabby! What’s happening?”

  Moaning and barely able to speak she said, “Lou I tried to move the lid on this coffin and it slid off and has me pinned.”

  “Gabby, can you free yourself?”

  “No, don’t think so. I can barely breath. If I try to wiggle very much I believe its whole weight will fall on me. Lou it’s heavy, hurry Lou hurry, get me out. Jacque can you hear me?”

  “Yes, Gabby I can hear you.”

  “Help me. Please Roche…help…I cannot breath.

  “Hang on Gabby we’re coming…hang on.”

  Roche didn’t need an order from Lou to begin on the wall - sledgehammer in hand he frantically started to work on the brick and plaster wall. Like a mad man he swung the 16-pound wooden handled chunk of iron. Time after time he struck it against the seemingly impenetrable obstruction. Finally a crack appeared - blow-by-blow it grew larger. The light from Gabby’s flashlight became faintly visible. Desperately the three began digging at the stones with their hands. Tearing and throwing masonry pieces like their lives depended on it - theirs didn’t but Gabby’s did.

  With each blow the brick and masonry fell exposing a growing hole. Finally…they could get into the room where Gabby was trapped.

  Running to the sarcophagus the three grabbed the heavy stone lid and tried to slide it back into its original position on top of the coffin. It was just too heavy for them to move. Using all their strength they were able to lift the top just enough to allow Gabby to wiggle her ‘scrawny’ butt free.

  “Thanks guys, you saved my life…I love you all…

  “Whoa!” Hollered LJ excitedly. “Whoa!”

  Whoa Hell! LJ we have to move this piece of rock!”

  “No Lou, not that. Look inside the sarcophagus.”

  Gabby had freed herself and stood upright. They could now loosen their hold on the lid and let it rest where it was lying. Turning from Gabby Lou and Roche stepped to the coffin and peered inside.

  “Son... of... a... bitch...,” said Lou slowly emphasizing each word as he looked into the stone box.

  Gazing into the bottom of the burial box they did not see a Pharaoh; in fact, they did not believe what they were seeing was even a person.

  Whatever it was, was wrapped in something that felt like linen but was shiny like gold…gold aluminum foil. It covered the five-foot tall body from head to foot.

  The head caught their immediate attention: it was wrapped but they could see it was elongated like the ones they discovered still sitting on the shelf behind them next to the wall.

  “Damn.” Said Roche. “We’ve found a big-headed golden midget.”

  “I know archeological protocol calls for this mummy to be taken back to the lab for examination,” said Lou. “To hell with protocol - lets get this sucker out of this rock coffin and unwrap it right here and now. I’ve got to see what we have found.”

  With great care they gingerly removed the Little Guy from his final resting place. Doc found a table sitting next to a wall and removed the burial items placed there allowing LJ and Roche to place the little mummy on it. Unwrapping its bindings they paid no attention to the rules of scientific procedure. Gold linen wraps were hastily removed and thrown on the floor; their hands pulled and ripped the gold colored covering as fast as they could remove them.

  At last the final piece of golden linen was removed. What lay before them was indeed a mummy…but of what? Was it a man…? At least they thought it was…not more than 4’11” or 5’ tall. Its head was elongated and its eye sockets were unusually large. Two other interesting features immediately caught their attention too - the fingers and toes. There were only three fingers and a thumb on each hand and only four toes on each foot.

  The one item that got Dr. Lou’s immediate attention was the gold chain and the round gold medallion hanging around the little guy’s neck. It looked to be exactly like the ones that adorned the taxi driver, Anhur, the bellhop, the waiter, Babu and Isis. Reaching down Lou removed the chain from the small mummy and turning it over slowly he looked at the gold medallion. Untarnished and as beautiful as the day it was made over thirty centuries ago. Doc recognized the symbol of the bull, the lion, the man and the bird. All the same symbols displayed on the side of their Toyota mini-bus.

  LJ was the first to speak pointing to the large cabinet resting against the wall. “Lou…look at this little mummy’s head…it’s looks just like those in that cabinet and the one we examined in the other room. And look, it’s lost a lot of teeth too.”

  “LJ you’re right. Check the cartouche on the sarcophagus.”

  LJ moved his flashlight over to the oval royal signature cartouche and studied it intently, turning he said, “Thutmose II. One thing’s for damn sure this golden dwarf sure ain’t him.”

  Further commenting he said, “we know golden boy is not supposed to be here but now we have really opened up a can of worms. Who is this shiny mummy? Who was Mrs. Friedman when she lived three thousand years ago in Egypt and what’s the deal with these deformed heads?”

  Gabby spoke first, “Heck Lou you’re the Chief we’re just the Indians. Can you answer LJ?”

  “Okay little Indian princess here’s your Chief’s best guess: I believe Mrs. Friedman was in fact Hatshephut the wife of Thutmose II. As I said before she is known as ‘The Lost Queen’. I believe we have found out now why she was ‘lost’. Archeologists have long believed she was the daughter of Thutmose I and half brother to Thutmose II. Tut the II was the son of Thutmose I and one of his other wives. Thutmose II supposedly married his half sister, but I believe we now know it was not his sister, half or otherwise.

  Gabby bewildered asked, “Lou I’m confused what are you saying?”

  “I believe Mrs. Friedman was married to Thutmose II!! That would make her Hatshephut. No longer queen Hatshephut her name was changed to Maatkare, Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt.

  “Who is the little golden elf in the box? Certainly that is not Pharaoh Thutmose II. Is it?”

  “No absolutely not. Pharaoh Thutmose II is already accounted off. He is resting in the Cairo Museum as we speak. But there are a number of questions we
must answer: Is Mrs. Friedman in fact Hatshepsut or Maatkare? What is the story about the skulls on the shelf? Who is the Golden One in the sarcophagus? What does the warning ‘21 December 2012’ mean?” Lou continued, “All these things are very important. These questions must be answered. We will just have to figure the answers to these questions later. Right now lets replace the funerary box and that odd shaped skull. Roche you and LJ hide the opening to our secret room.”

  Their work lights were dimming as they left through the small door but if they had glanced back enough light had filtered into the dark recesses of the Pharaoh’s room to have caught a glimpse of two wide spaced eyes peering over the back of the sarcophagus looking toward the opening. The eyes of...of...

  ...a small man in a golden suit adorned with an ethereal golden medallion and golden chain - watching their every move.

  * * * ~~~ * * *



  Opening the wooden entrance door the group left the coolness of the cave and the relics of times long ago. And once again Egypt’s modern day reality smacked them directly in the face - the heat.

  It must be 110 degrees.

  They descended the steep rock strewn trail to the valley floor. Stepping slowly to avoid slipping and falling no one spoke. The silence was intense. Arriving back at the bus Anhur, ever vigilant, quickly opened the door and one by one the group stepped up the metal steps and found a seat to fall into. They were all exhausted.

  The last to enter was Dr. Scarburg. As he reached the top step he spoke to Anhur. “Thank you Anhur for waiting patiently for us. I am sorry we took so long - unexpected events slowed us down a bit.”

  Anhur did not respond but he did reach out his hand. Dr. Scarburg thought he was offering a handshake and he likewise responded with his right hand.

  Anhur took the Doctor’s hand and to Dr. Scarburg’s surprise he felt something held within. As their hands parted an ‘object’ was left in Dr. Lou’s hand. He made no visible indication anything had happened. He merely folded his hand over, what felt like a piece of cellophane, and walked toward the rear of the bus and sat down. He wished to see what Anhur had slipped to him before he revealed to Dr. Wallasi their marvelous discovery.

  As the bus began to move he glanced down at the object in his hand. It was another note. This one read: “beware babu isis look isis pocket” ‘Strange’, he thought, ‘but what could this note mean?’

  Lou slipped the note into his briefcase, arose and sat down in the seat next to Dr. Wallasi. The two of them spoke quietly with heads close together; every moment or so Dr. Wallasi would react with a startled expression. Dr. Scarburg was filling in Dr. Wallasi on all the turn of events in the tomb. In addition, Dr. Scarburg was insuring Dr. Wallasi mount a quick excavation of the tomb before grave robbers had time to steal all the valuable artifacts located within.

  * * * * * *

  Arriving back at the Palm Valley Dr. Scarburg was surprised to find Babu and Isis standing in the hallway outside his room. “Can we have word with you? Babu asked.

  “Certainly, come inside, but I must get my things together to leave tomorrow.”

  Babu asked, “How did trip go...I sorry I forget correct burial place. It go okey dokey?”

  Without stopping his packing and not even looking up Lou nonchalantly answered, “Fine, everything went smoothly.”

  “You find discovery of mummy’s secret you looking for?”

  “All mummies have secrets... this one is no different. We should know more after the tests are performed in Cairo. It’s been a good trip I want to thank you and Isis for your assistance.”

  Heeding Anhur’s advice, he gave Babu no information whatsoever of the discovery in XM-78’s tomb. Without further discourse the three of them left Lou’s room. Walking to the elevator Lou pushed the ‘Lobby’ button and descended to Anhur, Dr. Wallasi and the remainder of Lou’s SCAR team waiting patiently downstairs.

  After a brief discussion they all returned to the parking lot and entered Anhur’s bus. In a few minutes they were back at Dr. Wallasi’s Department of Antiquities.

  Believing he could trust Dr. Wallasi, Lou pulled him aside and disclosed the note. He did not discuss the cryptic scribbling while they were in the bus.

  Without a word Dr. Wallasi walked over to Isis and spoke a few scornful words to her in Arabic. At the end of the verbal assault Isis reached unto her white lab coat and extracted the shiny amulet.

  A motion by Dr. Wallasi brought Dr. Scarburg over to see the amulet. Lou examined the amulet carefully. It was gold inlaid with precious stones and contained five symbols. The one on the front was the Crown of Osiris. The back had four symbols, a Bird, a Man, a Lion and a Bull.

  “Do these symbols mean anything to you Dr. Wallasi? I can see why Isis would want to steal this with all the gold and precious stones.”

  “Yes, we both recognize the Crown of Osiris but the other four I have only seen twice before - once on the wall in the tomb of XM-78 and the other painted on the side of your tour bus.”

  “Do those symbols suggest anything in Egyptian history?”

  “No Dr. Scarburg as far as I know I have never seen them anywhere else.”

  “Thank you for all your assistance Dr. Wallasi - we will return to our hotel and get a good night’s sleep and leave first thing in the morning. Thanks again.”

  * * * * * *

  The sun was still high in the cloudless azure sky, a few hours remaining before sunset when they returned to the Palm Valley.

  Gabby thought this an ideal time to enjoy the last couple of hours of sun before dinner.

  On her first floor secluded patio the Egyptian sun was strong and still blistering hot; none of the other hotel rooms overlooked Gabby’s sunning spot except Roche. She knew he would be in his room and hoped he would be watching. At least, this was her plan.

  Lying on her chaise lounge, Gabby decided it was time to add some more sunscreen to her beautifully suntanned body. She was scantly clad in a string bikini – knowing her Jacque was watching made her efforts even more teasing. She hated the bikini tan lines made by the traditional bikini; she wanted to leave the country with a bronzed Egyptian tan from her head to her perfect size five feet.

  As she had earlier contemplated on the plane, ‘my world has been withdrawn from men for a long time’. Now, almost four years later, after her husband’s death, she was beginning to feel the need for male companionship in her life, but she still had not gotten to the point of committing to a relationship with any man just yet. She was content enjoying her unencumbered single status for a while longer. Men can be a distraction and she was much too absorbed in her work to let them interfere.

  She squeezed out a palm full of the sweet smelling coconut oil and spread it across her body, paying particular attention to her voluptuous curves.

  Subconsciously, she pretended it was Jacque applying the silky smooth oil. His large manly hands, slick from the tanning oil, gliding effortlessly over her bronzed skin, felt good as they worked themselves around the curves of her body.

  Glancing toward Jacque’s balcony she thought she caught a glimpse of his drapes moving. He is watching she decided with this observation, to have some fun at her clandestine admirer’s expense.

  She sat up and snapped open the lid of the suntan oil. Slowly she turned and faced his room. Squeezing some oil into her soft velvety hand, she began to message the sweet smelling liquid onto her skin. Deliberately taking her time she reached every inch of her body. Slightly slipping the bikini top aside with one hand she squirted some oil onto her cleavage and slowly rubbed the lotion in with the other, making sure Jacque observed every move.

  ‘Knowing Jacque was watching’, she thought. ‘Was he enjoying this as much as I?’

  Every once in a while she caught a glimpse of Jacque peeping at her through his balcony’s sliding door.

  She had barely finished her little peep show for Jacque when she heard a soft t
ap...tap...tap... on the door of her hotel room. Slipping on her white cotton robe she quickly walked barefoot across the cool marble floor and opened the door. Standing there in a sleeve-less shirt and skintight blue jeans showing off all his muscular physique was...was...Jacque.

  Before she barely had time to even say ‘Hello’ Jacque swept her into his arms and pressed his lips against hers. Pushing her backward against the foyer wall they both slide entwined to the floor just inside the entranceway; Jacque pushed the door closed with his foot.

  ‘It has been too long....’, she thought as she melted into Jacque’s arms...‘toooo long....’

  * * * * * *

  The cool, star-studded, tranquil desert night passed quickly and just as quickly the night was replaced by the blazing hot Egyptian morning; a day just like all the ten of thousands others that had awaked the Egyptian for eons.

  Roche had only momentarily returned to his room from his evening spent with Gabrielle when the phone rang. “Hello...yes...okay be there in a minute.” On the other end of the call was Lou summoning all the SCAR members to assemble in the lobby to prepare to leave. They were ready to return to Cairo.

  Saying ‘ma salaam’ (good-by) to Dr. Wallasi who had come to see them off, the SCAR group retrieved their personal belonging. Walking from the coolness of the Palm Valley they traveled across the scorching hot parking lot and without a moment’s delay climbed aboard the refreshing air-conditioned Toyota.

  Anhur sat obediently at the wheel awaiting orders.

  “Anhur, it has been a very harrowing but enlightening trip but we need to return. Could you please drive us back to the Flairmount hotel in Cairo?”

  As usual there was no response from Anhur but he instantly responded. They headed back up the Bahariya el Wahat road to Cairo. Hopefully, the return trip did not have another sandstorm on the agenda. The bandits were not going to be a problem either; at least the last ones they ran upon were guaranteed not to cause trouble.