Read 2180, A Future Reborn Page 8

  Chapter Seven

  Jules skyped her parents, who had dropped everything and were down in Red Bank with Beth and Anne by their side in six hours after the call. Lynn had been regulated to taxi service yet again, and the five barely fit in the little electric car now that she had her personal vehicle back in her possession. They all went straight to Julsey and Sky's. Lynn had answered Marc immediately without thinking when he asked where the kids were, and that is what she said, “Julsey and Sky's”. She had realized what she had said and how she said it, refering to her son's home as both of theirs. Julsey had just gotten there and something in his mom made her attach a sort of ownership to this young lady. She looked at Lucinda and smiled, the two mothers connecting as only two mothers can when their children had fallen in love and taken a mate. Marc was oblivious to the nuance of Lynn's answer, didn't even notice, being too worried about the situation. No human was in danger, but there was an urgency because a life was. The Shore had been one thing, but now this dashing young man was taking their little girl to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with him.

  They arrived and looked down to the dock where Al was helping his son load his skiff. He was not only intending to use it to meet the Watson, the Watson's draft was just a little too deep to dock there except the highest of tides maybe, but also to take it aboard and use it when he got there. It was an unsinkable boat with a great hybrid drive water jet propulsion system. It would be a great asset, because there were no props and no prop blades which could scare or hurt the big blue mother to be or calf. It was a stable platform and even had mini bow thrusters, so could keep a GPS position in auto-pilot mode.

  Lawrence was also helping, and was quick to notice Beth as Lynn's vehicle came up the drive. Despite the first hour being tense and a little confrontational, he had also developed a little bit of interest for Julsey's loyal sidekick. Getting either one to admit it would be like pulling teeth, as the expression goes, and they would remain mildly confrontational for a while yet to come, but acts of mutual aggravation and antagonistic attitudes and rude comments were made by both parties because they actually did have a crush on each other. In two weeks they would get into a heated argument while Beth would be helping Lawrence set a pen for the salmon on the Delaware River near the Village of New Ewing, and he would push her in the water and laugh, and she would grab his foot and make him follow in, and they would splash each other until they stopped, looked each other dead in the eyes, hesitated a moment longer, and passionatly kissed. They still had some false pride and tension and other issues to deal with still, and denial naturally of course. .

  The Watson had come into view and anchored. Professor Mazza and Louis Dempsey joined him on the Watson's zodiac style skiff and docked. Just then Denise had shown up and Sk'lar was at an impasse as to who to greet first. The issue was resolved when they all made their way to him. Sk'lar hugged his old professor. “I'm heading back from here, and as soon as Doctor Planter shows up looks like you can head out.” He said, having nodded to Denise. They all went inside and sat in the living area of the old church. Lynn, Julsey, Al and Lucinda rushed together a dinner after commandeering the kitchen. Sk'lar just sat there looking at his computer until his old professor said to him, “Whatever it is son ya think ya better go take care of it, eh?” He got up in a flash and began to show his mentor his files on salmon, and dinner was being set when Doctor John Planter finally arrived. What could have been relaxing socializing time was taken up with instructions and work, but that in a strange way was their form of socializing with each other that evening. It was productive, and that eased some of the mild tension and apprehension about the tasks yet to come.

  “They all set crammed around the table with Lawrence, Beth, Anne, and Louis having to sit on stools at the kitchen counter for lack of room. The conversation revolved around discussing whales, salmon, telling stories of youth and adventures aboard the Watson when Sky was studying under Professor Mazza until dinner was done. After the last remnants of the meal were given to Orion, put to the side for his chickens, or composted, they all made their way to the dock. Julsey and Sk'lar knelt down to say goodbye to Orion, who had been happy to have so much company and attention lately, until Professor Mazza told him there was no reason he couldn't go as well, just to bring some kibble for him. This was a departure from his “No pets on board” rule. Sk'lar didn't hesitate and told his dog to get on the boat which he did so eagerly; the dog loved going for boat rides, and even had his own life vest. They all made their goodbyes and started to board the skiffs. Al approached his son and shook his hand saying, “You'll never know how proud I am of y'a son, eh?” He looked like he was ready to cry when Lynn put her hand on his shoulder. For a man who always tried to act so hard he was as soft inside as could be, like a clam sort of. Julsey had just experienced a similar goodbye. They threw off ropes and made their way to the Watson, both their parents standing together on the dock united in their concern, pride, and happiness that they had such very special children. It had the same feeling as being at a wedding and they parents being left standing at the front of the church as the newlyweds drive off to a honeymoon.

  Once they were aboard and the skiffs were out of the water the Watson got underway; and Sk'lar took his time going over the entire boat, meeting the entire crew, half of whom he already knew. He didn't waste much time re-familiarizing himself with the boat, he was too busy taking stock of the heavy responsibility that had been thrust upon him in such short notice. Julsey stayed right by his side. She would be his right hand on this journey. He brought Julsey to the captain's cabin and told her to get some sleep. She had been yawning about every thirty seconds and insisted. Orion was there inside and greeted her then went to Sky's side, insisting to remain there. He gave her a quick kiss goodnight and went to the bridge, and took the helm. They were making 28 knots and were at full speed now, but would have to slow later when the seas started to swell more. The frigate sized research vessel gently rose and sank meeting the oncoming swells with ease. The mission was the kind of thing he lived for, and there really was no one as qualified as he was to take on this venture. He settled in behind the wheel, relieving Sharon, a junior and marine biology student who had come aboard the day before he was made captain of the boat the first time two years ago. Orion curled up at his feet and slept peacefully as he got lost in mesmerizing contemplation staring at the moonlight reflecting off the water. He had missed this boat.

  It was 670 miles to the last reported spotting of the big blue. A North American Navy cruiser and a cargo ship were trying to keep tabs on her. If he kept this pace he'd be there in 26 to 27 hours. He made a silent prayer he'd be able to get there in time. Sk'lar let out a deep breath and Orion stretched and came over to him and after making eye contact made a sound which sounded like “awwwwwoooooph!” with a high pitched squeal in the middle, and an inflection like a yawn mixed with a question mark at the end; then he laid on his feet. Sk'lar rubbed the dog with his feet a little then looked up, and then forward over the bow. He loved going bluewater.