Read (3 Book Romance Bundle) "Love Far Away" & "The Escort Next Door" & "Loving the Bull Rider" Page 29

  Chapter Four

  Second Chance

  It had been three days since Lucas was discharged from the hospital, and I missed him terribly, which was so silly. I barely knew him, had only spent one night talking to him. Of course, I had spent a majority of that night with him learning just how much we had in common, how sweet and compassionate he was. Even after I’d turned down his invitation to go out, he still wanted me around, wanted to talk and spend time with me. I did feel bad about turning him down like I had, but I just couldn’t allow myself to get any closer to him, to open up my heart to a man who would be leaving in a few weeks with no definitive return date.

  I’d told Michelle all about him, and she thought I was crazy for not taking a chance on him. She just didn’t get it. She was younger than me by a few years; she still had time to find a decent man – unlike that lowlife she was still in the process of leaving – and settle down, start a family. I didn’t have that luxury. My mother reminded me every chance she got that I wasn’t getting any younger and that no man wants a woman in her mid-thirties. That always made me feel good considering I was only twenty-eight. I had a couple years before I even reached thirty.

  Still, my thoughts had been consumed by memories of Lucas. I sighed as I washed my hands, preparing to check in and see where I was stationed today. Maybe Michelle was right. Maybe I should’ve taken a chance with Lucas. No harm could come from a single date, and it would be an easy transition back into the dating world. I was comfortable around Lucas; he was easy to talk to, and he made me laugh. Too bad I had no idea where he’d gone when he left the hospital.

  I dried my hands and left the nurses’ lounge. “Hey, Julie, where do you need me today?” I asked the head nurse on duty.

  “Sarah called in sick today, so I need you to cover her at the In-Patient Medical Center. I’m working on getting someone else in here so they can take over there, and you can go back up to the fourth floor.”

  The In-Patient Medical Center was technically part of the hospital, but it was in the new portion that had been built right before I started working here. It was like a walk-in doctor’s office for people who needed a check-up after being admitted to the hospital or for anyone who needed non-life threatening medical attention, but didn’t have a doctor of their own. As far as places to work within the hospital, it was one of the easiest places to be. I would love to be permanently assigned there.

  “Or maybe I’ll find someone to take your place up on four. Doctor Masters is working the medical center today, and I swear you’re the only one who likes that guy.” Julie said as she laughed.

  I shrugged. “He’s not so bad.”

  “If you say so.” Julie responded as she handed me a chart. “This is our first patient of the day. Post admission check-up. Vicki already signed him in.”

  I took the chart from her, not bothering to really look at it and went to the in-patient waiting room. I pushed the door open, prepared to call the patient back when I stopped cold. There was only one person in the waiting room – Lucas.

  My heart stopped, and I smiled at the sight of him. He sat in the uncomfortable chair, back stiff as a board, and he had a bouquet of daisies in his hand. Daisies – my favorite flower, homage to the character Daisy Buchanan from The Great Gatsby. I cleared my throat, and he looked in my direction. When he saw me, he stood, smiling. How could I have forgotten how handsome he was, how great his smile was in the couple of days I hadn’t seen him?

  “Rebecca,” he said as he approached, “these are for you.”

  It was completely unorthodox for a patient to bring a nurse flowers like this, but it was hands down the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me. I took them, bringing them to my nose to smell them. “Thank you, Lucas, but you didn’t have to do this.”

  “Sure I did.” He said. “You took such good care of me the night I was here. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciated it.”

  Nodding, I smiled. “Follow me.” I wasn’t horribly embarrassed by the gesture, but I also didn’t want another staff member to overhear anything and question what was going on. I led Lucas to the open room at the end of the hall.

  I stepped into the room behind him and closed the door. I sat the chart I was holding on the counter, and then paused. The flowers were professionally wrapped in plastic paper, but it seemed kind of rude to just set them on the counter. I grabbed a paper cup from the dispenser, filled it with water, and put the flowers in it, propping them against the wall so they wouldn’t fall over. Then I turned back to Lucas, who was standing near the bed, smiling.

  “What?” I asked self-consciously.

  “You are so much more beautiful than I remembered.” He told me in the most genuine tone.

  My eyes widened at his compliment. I hadn’t expected that. “Thanks,” I said, feeling the slow heat creep through my body. I hoped inside that I wouldn’t blush too hard in front of him. “Uh, go ahead and have a seat.” I nodded to the bed.

  Lucas hopped up on it, and I flipped open his chart, needing something to distract me from where my thoughts were leading – me, him, a private room, that bed. God, I had to stop the naughty thoughts.

  “So, how are you feeling?” I asked as I picked up the chart to jot down some notes.

  “Much better. I’m a little sore first thing in the morning, but once I get up and move around it’s better. How are you?”

  I couldn’t stop from glancing over my shoulder at him and smiling. “I’m well, thank you.” I took a moment to double check that his weight and height were noted in the chart, and then I went through all the medical history questions with him. I was stalling, knowing I had to actually go over to him and take his vitals.

  Swallowing hard, I set my pen down on his chart and reached for the blood pressure cuff. “Hold out your arm, please.” I asked.

  When he did, I wrapped the cuff around his arm and kept my head down until I was finished. I then quickly took his temperature.

  “Am I dying?” he asked with a chuckle.

  “No, so far so good.” I responded as I stood in front of him. “Can I see your wrist, please?” When he turned his hand so his palm was up, I placed two fingers against his pulse point. I was struck with how smooth his skin was right there, how warm it felt.

  “I can assure you, my heart is working just fine.” He said sarcastically.

  The low, deep tone of his voice caused my insides to tremble. I looked up at him, awestruck by the intensity of his gaze. “You’re heart’s racing,” I whispered.

  He leaned forward a little, putting himself closer to me. “That’s because you’re touching me, Rebecca.”

  The way he said my name felt like a lover’s caress, something that should’ve been shared someplace private and romantic, not in the hard, sterile environment of an exam room.

  “I’m almost done,” I said, trying not to look him directly in the eyes for fear I would blush even more.

  He put his other hand over mine, holding my fingers to his wrist. “Will you please let me take you to dinner?”

  Now my heart was racing, too. I licked my lips, wanting to tear my gaze from his and tell him no again in a pathetic attempt to protect myself from heartbreak, but I had a feeling it was already too late. When I hesitated, Lucas lightly caressed my hand with his thumb, sending a jolt of burning desire through me. If such a simple touch had this effect on me, how would I ever survive a date with him?

  “It’s just dinner, Rebecca.” His voice whispered through my mind. “I will be the perfect gentleman, I promise.” He smiled, and my resolve cracked.

  “Okay.” I nodded. “Dinner.”

  His face lit up with excitement, and I guess a bit of shock, too. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I laughed.

  Lucas took my hand and brought it to his mouth, giving my knuckles a soft kiss. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  “I will give you my address before you leave today.”

  “Perfect.” He responded.
  Taking my hand back, I gave him a smile, wanting him to know I was excited about our date, but not wanting him to know how nervous I was. It had been a long time since I’d been on a date. I had no idea what to wear or what we’d talk about or… What if he wanted to kiss me? Would I let him? I let my gaze settle on his lips, and then lower, to his muscular arms and chest. I could envision my hands roaming over his while we kissed. Oh yeah, I would most certainly let him kiss me if he tried.

  “All right.” I said, as I closed his chart and tucked it under my arm. “Doctor Masters will be in to see you shortly.”

  Lucas nodded. “Any chance I can convince you to keep me company until he arrives?”

  “I’d love to, but there are other patients who need my attention, too.”

  He frowned. “I should probably tell you that I don’t like to share.” He winked, and then his face broke into the sexiest smile ever.

  “Neither do I,” I said before walking out and leaving him in the room alone. As I closed the door, I could hear his soft laugh, and I shook my head. Lucas Hudson was definitely one of a kind, and I was sure he’d be a lot more than I could ever handle, but I was determined to have some fun trying.

  Half an hour later, when Lucas was finished with Doctor Masters, I was at the front desk with the receptionist, Diane, trying to help locate prescription history for a patient. He came out of the back and stood at the desk, grinning. I straightened and pulled a folded piece of paper from my pocket.

  “Here’s that information I promised you, Mr. Hudson.”

  He took the paper, his hand brushing against mine when he did, and smiled.

  Mutual understanding passed between us, and I was thankful he got it without me having to tell him. I’m sure there weren’t any rules about a nurse dating a patient, but in a small town like this, news could travel fast, and I didn’t want anyone to know my personal business. Plus, I wanted to keep Lucas all to myself for a while, especially considering he was only here for a short amount of time.

  Who knows? Maybe a hot, passionate fling with a sexy bull rider was exactly what I needed to spice up my life. And I had no doubts it would be passionate. I could tell that just by the way he looked at me. My heart raced thinking about it now.

  “Okay, well, I guess I’m out of here,” Lucas said, disrupting me from my thoughts.

  I smiled. “Have a good day, Mr. Hudson.”

  “I will.” He smiled. “Although I have a feeling my evening is going to be a hundred times better.” Lucas tapped his hands on the desk, and then turned to leave.

  I blew out a shaky breath, knowing my concentration was shot. It was going to be a very long day. But I couldn’t wait to call Michelle and tell her. She’d be so excited for me!