Read 3 Seconds Page 12

  Suddenly feeling like an intruder on a touching scene, I was about to find a corner to hide in while I waited for the brothers to finish their celebration, when I heard another voice from behind me.

  “Good to see you, Brock,” the male voice said, and I turned to see who had joined the men.

  Tall, with jet-black hair, and a suit perfectly tailored to his body, was a man about my age. Curious, I paused, wondering what he would want with them.

  “Carson,” Brock said, standing to shake the other man’s hand. “I didn’t expect to see you here,” then he turned and introduced the incredibly handsome man to his brothers. “Carson, you remember my brother Brady, from O’Malley’s, and this is our youngest brother, Brendan. Brendan, meet Carson Brandt.”

  Brady nodded at Carson, as Brendan stood and shook his offered hand.

  “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Brandt. I’ve heard great things from my brothers, and Victoria. Thanks for all the business you’ve given my family.”

  “Carson, please… And I wouldn’t have used O’Malley Brothers or Victoria’s services if I didn’t think they were the best fit for my company.” Carson paused before adding, “Business is actually what brings me here…”

  “What kind of business?” Brock asked.

  “I’ve been talking with some music producers about branching out Brandt Industries. I’ve heard great things about you from Scott and Gaby, and wanted to check out your sound for myself. Would you be interested in setting up a meeting sometime this week?”

  Brock looked at his brothers and it seemed as though they were communicating to each other silently, when he nodded then turned to Carson and said, “Let us discuss it and I’ll give you a call.”

  “I look forward to hearing from you,” he replied, shaking each of the brother’s hands before leaving them to their drinks.

  “Holy shit?” Brendan asked, his face beaming with excitement. “Do you think he’s serious?”

  “Carson Brandt never jokes about business. If he says he’s interested, he’s telling the truth,” Brock said, then leaned back in his chair. “It’s a crazy time right now though, with Victoria being pregnant, and Brady joining the police force…”

  “Can we let the opportunity pass us by though?” Brendan asked, and I knew he was thrilled at the chance of making one of his dreams come true. “We should at least set up the meeting, see what he has to say.”

  Brock looked to Brady, who nodded his consent, then turned to Brendan and said, “Okay, I’ll set it up.”

  “Fucking awesome!” Brendan said, slapping the table in his excitement.

  Deciding that maybe now was not the right time to add more to Brendan’s already full plate … with finals next week, and a possibility at a record deal, our relationship already seemed to be on the back burner of Brendan’s mind. I moved through the crowd and exited as quietly as I’d entered.

  As I got in my car and headed home, I tried to be happy at the opportunity that Carson Brandt was providing for Brendan and his brothers, but all I could focus on was the fact that this was just another path leading him away from me.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven ~ Brendan

  I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked out of my classroom. The final was over, and I was officially done with culinary school. Even though I’d taken a break, and the course had taken longer to complete than it should have, I’d never had any doubt that I would graduate and be ready to take my place in the culinary world.

  Now I just had to figure out what that looked like.

  Until now, I’d been so sure that after graduation I would go to France and work under Chef Agard, but Bronagh changed all that. And sure, after she’d kicked me to the curb, I’d been hell bent on getting out of the country, but after a lot of soul searching, and advice from my friends and family, I knew now that I wasn’t giving up that easily. And not only that, but Brock and Victoria were having another baby, which I didn’t want to miss out on, and Brady was going to the police academy. No way was I going to be on another continent when that happened.

  Add to all that the possibility of Whiskey Heat recording a record, and there really was no choice. Staying home won, hands down.

  Now I just needed to convince Bronagh to take me back…

  “Brendan O’Malley,” a familiar voice with a French accent said from behind me, and my heart clenched painfully when I turned to see the man who was once my mentor smiling broadly at me as he walked my way.

  “Chef,” I said, careful to keep my tone respectful.

  He held out his hand to me as he neared, and I shook it half-heartedly, my face void of expression.

  “It’s good to see you again,” he said, seemingly unaware of my less-than-enthusiastic greeting. “I’ve been hoping to run into you. I wanted to give you the good news, man to man, before the big reveal at the ceremony tomorrow.”

  I remained quiet, although I knew what he was referring to.

  Chef Agard looked at me curiously, then pushed on. “I’d like to officially offer you the position. You can take some time to get your affairs in order here, then come to us in France.”

  “No thanks,” I said simply, containing the laughter that wanted to spill over at the look of total shock on his face. I’m sure no one ever turned down a chance to work with him.

  His face got red after a moment and he sputtered, “I don’t understand.”

  I took a step closer and stared the older man in the eye.

  “I have family and friends here that I don’t want to leave right now, but even if that weren’t the case,” I took a step closer and lowered my voice, “I’d never work for a man who has no loyalty, no values … Someone who was lucky enough to marry a beautiful, talented, amazing woman, and then proceed to break her trust by cheating on her throughout their marriage.”

  I watched his back stiffen as I spoke, but didn’t give a fuck if he was insulted; everything I said was the truth.

  “Be careful, boy,” Chef Agard said, his tone as hard as the look on his face. “Don’t speak of things that don’t concern you.”

  I decided to let the “boy” comment go, and walk away.

  “You’re making a mistake,” he called out as I reached the exit, but I continued walking without giving him a response.

  A million things were running through my mind as I reached the parking lot, so I didn’t notice Calla waiting for me until I practically ran into her.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered under my breath, before glaring at her and practically growling, “What?”

  “Let me lay it out straight,” Calla began, looking pissed. I don’t know if she was angry because she knew I’d finished at the top of the class, she was worried about the job with Agard, or if it was because men steered clear of the hot, but obviously fucking crazed woman, and she hadn’t had a dick in her for years. She practically seethed when she continued, “I will not hesitate to go to the board of directors and tell them all about your love affair with Chef Callaghan…”

  I put my hand up to stop her as I pinned her with an angry gaze. I was not in the mood for this shit right now.

  “Unless what, Calla?” I asked sharply. “What exactly are you threatening me with here?”

  She looked taken aback by my heated response. Calla swallowed nervously, then took a deep breath and said with less confidence, “Turn down the job with Chef Agard, and I won’t tell…”

  Moving forward so that I was so far in her space, she was breathing my air, I lowered my head to look her dead in the eye and told her, “You say shit about anything to anyone, you’ll answer to me … You’re threat is empty, and you know it. Chef Callaghan and I aren’t seeing each other. We aren’t dating. We aren’t anything … I’ve already turned down the position with Agard for my own reasons, but I promise you this, Calla, you spread your venom to anyone in this school, or anyone at all for that matter, I’ll make sure you don’t have a chance in hell of getting that job. You’re the one who told me, aren’t you, that
Callaghan and Agard were married? Well, rumor has it, that he isn’t over her, so how do you think he’d react if I told him you were blackmailing her?”

  Calla swallowed, and I could almost see her brain trying to catch up as she figured out what her next play would be.

  “I don’t have time for this,” I said before she could make a decision and spew more acid at me. “You do what you have to do, and I’ll do what I have to do. And I have to say, Calla, I wouldn’t be upset if I never had to see your brand of crazy again.”

  Without giving her time to respond, I turned and made the short distance to my bike and got the hell out of there. That relief I’d felt was short-lived, now I was just pissed.

  As I rode home I pushed my thoughts to tomorrow’s meeting with Carson Brandt, and eased my tension by going over what songs I wanted to show him in my head. I felt my anger lift as I thought of the opportunities that Brandt could offer us, which would lead to me being a more plausible catch for Bronagh.

  If I was going to convince her that taking a chance on me wouldn’t be a bad bet, I needed to show that I would be a good husband. Someone she could trust, who would be successful in my own right, just like she is.

  It was time for me to grow up and act like an adult. To be the man that Bronagh needs to make her happy … And I was ready to be that man.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight ~ Bronagh

  I was sitting on my front porch, in the wicker furniture I’d lovingly picked out last summer. I kept potted flowers on the porch, and had a neighborhood boy come and mow my grass once a week. It was a calming spot, and I loved having my coffee out here on mornings where I had the time to sit back and enjoy my little oasis.

  Still in my pajamas, I was enjoying the fact that school was finished for this class, and that I had a little extra time to myself. Chef Gordon, the instructor I’d been filling in for at the school, was feeling better and ready to resume his position at the school. The board had said they’d be willing to hire me on full time, if I wanted to stay, but I’d actually been relieved to step down. Not that I hadn’t loved teaching and sharing my experiences, but I was ready to be back at the pub full time and give it one-hundred percent of my attention. Plus, with all of the talks Brendan I had about traveling, made me realize how much I’d missed it … Maybe I’d take a break once my da came home from Ireland in a couple days.

  I’d missed him so much and couldn’t wait to see him again. I’d be happy to have him close by, so I could see him whenever I wanted. It was crazy to realize that he didn’t know Brendan; it almost made it as if that chapter of my life was a fantasy.

  I was holding the warm cup in my hands, about to bring the ceramic mug to my lips, when a movement caught my eye and I watched as that fantasy came right toward me.

  “Hey,” Brendan said as he walked up the steps and sat in the wicker chair next to mine. I took the opportunity to soak him in. He’d shaved, and it looked like he had his hair trimmed, although most of the length was still there. He was casual, in jeans and a KROQ Weenie Roast T-shirt, with Birkenstocks on his feet. He looked good. Amazing actually. Totally lickable.

  I controlled the urge to lick and simply said, “Hey,” back.

  “I hope it’s okay I stopped by,” he said, the only hint that he gave of his nerves was when he rubbed the palms of his hands on his jeans. “I wanted to talk to you in person.”

  “Sure,” I replied, wondering how this was all going to play out. I’d come to a decision about our relationship, and I really needed to stick to my guns this time.

  “I would have come by sooner, but I wanted to get some stuff settled first.”

  I gave him a small smile and revealed, “I heard about the job offer from Maxime. He said you handed it back to him, along with his ass…” I laughed at that, thinking of how pissed off Maxime must have been when Brendan not only denied the offer, but reamed him about his character. He was livid when he’d relayed the conversation, and asked me if there was something going on between Brendan and me. He’d seemed to believe me when I assured him there wasn’t.

  “Yeah,” Brendan replied with a sheepish grin. “He was pretty surprised when I said no … But I think Calla will be a better fit than me anyhow.” He fiddled with the hem of his shirt, then stated, “I heard you aren’t going back to instruct.”

  I shook my head and said, “No, Gordon’s better now, and I’m happy to finally be strictly a pub owner again.”

  Brendan nodded. “That’s great…”

  “What about you? If you aren’t taking the job in France, what’s next up for you?”

  “Well, that depends,” he said, looking so intently at me that I momentarily got lose in the beauty of his eyes. “That’s actually why I’m here.”

  I didn’t say anything, just waited for him to go on as I tried to remain strong and sure of my pre-made decision.

  “We actually had a meeting yesterday, my brothers and I, with a music producer. He’s starting a new label and is interested in recording us … He and another producer are working hand in hand, and they also asked about buying some of my songs … for other artists to record.”

  I let pride and pleasure bloom on my face, not wanting to hold back the fact that I really was happy for him, even though my heart felt like it slowly cracking inside.

  “That’s wonderful, I’m so happy for you guys.”

  “It’s crazy,” Brendan said with a shake of his head, his smile huge. “The timing’s a little off, what with the stuff my brothers have going on now, but it’s an amazing opportunity, so we’re going to do it.”

  Not wanting to be rude, but needing him to get to the point so I could go inside and figure out how to forget him, I asked, “You said you were here because?”

  Brendan blinked at my question, his smile dimming a bit, then he replied, “Um, well, I wanted to talk about us. About the things that we said, and what we need to do to move forward.”

  I ignored the fact that my stupid heart leapt at his words and asked, “So the music stuff, that would all be local?”

  Brendan tilted his head, watching me cautiously.

  “Well, Brandt, the producer I mentioned, wanted me to go to New York for a while. The producer he’s working with has a studio there … but I told him I wasn’t interested in that. I want to work locally.”

  “That’s crazy, Brendan,” I said, trying to keep the emotion out of my voice. “New York would be perfect for you. It’s a chef’s dream, and I’m sure there’d be plenty of restaurants that would hire you in a heartbeat. I can put in a good word.”

  “Stop,” he replied, holding his hand up. “What about what I said … About us. I want another shot, Bronagh. I’ve been going crazy these last few weeks without you.”

  I swallowed painfully, and steeled myself against the hopeful look on his face.

  “We’ve gone over this, and I’m sorry that I confused things by practically attacking you in the closet. That was a shitty thing to do…”

  “It happened because we aren’t done, Freckles,” Brendan cut in, reaching out and placing his hand on my leg.

  It felt as if his imprint was burning through my pajama pants.

  “We are done, Brendan, I’m sorry. I hate that I keep hurting you, but we want different things. We just have to let this go,” I pleaded, hoping that he would leave before I broke down in front of him.

  “That’s what I want to talk about, Bronagh. I want what you want … I want you,” he insisted, before going in for the kill. “I’m in love with you.”

  I stood abruptly and watched as his hand fell to his side.

  “No, Brendan, please … stop. You were pretty clear about what you want and don’t want in your life. You can’t just change your mind in order to get me back. That isn’t fair to either of us, and would kill me later when you realized you regretted your decision now. Just let me go … please.”

  I left him there, sitting on my porch, his eyes on me as I swept into my house, closing and locking the door behind me. Then I
slid down the hard wood, my eyes filling with tears as my butt hit the floor.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine ~ Brendan

  A nicer guy would respect Bronagh’s wishes and leave her alone … Too bad I wasn’t that guy.

  I’d bungled my delivery when I’d gone to her house, not saying everything I’d wanted to say, and unintentionally given her another excuse to let me go.

  I wasn’t going to make that mistake again.

  I needed a grand gesture. To lay it all on the line and let her know exactly how I felt and what I wanted.

  It hurt like hell when she’d tossed my words back in my face without looking back, but I was convinced that she was doing it because she thought she was doing it for my benefit.

  I was tired of Bronagh letting me go, and this time I wasn’t going to take no for an answer. No, I’d never thought children were a part of my future, but having Bronagh, and then losing her, repeatedly, had taught me that I would do anything she wanted in order to keep her in my life forever. And if the only thing standing in my way was giving her a child. A child that would hopefully have my brothers’ strength and Bronagh’s hair and freckles, then I’d be a fucking idiot not to give that to her.

  Brock had laid it all out for me when I’d gone to see him after that morning at Bronagh’s house.

  “I get it, brother, I do.” He’d had one hand on my shoulder and the other cradling a sleeping Declan against his chest. “But you have to believe me when I say, that if I died tomorrow, I’d die a happy man.”

  My head swung up at his words, and my eyes watered at the mere thought of my brother dying.

  “No lie, Bren,” Brock said, his face serious. “I’d hate to miss out on what happens next for you and Brady, and not being there for Victoria and our children, but knowing that you all had each other, and that I would have not only you guys, but my kids to carry on my legacy … That’s a beautiful thing.”