Read 4| Diversion Page 1


  by Becky Miller

  Doctor Who is owned by the BBC. This document is made for entertainment purposes only. No infringement intended.

  No content may be reproduced, copied or multiplied in any way and under no circumstances may this document or any content be sold, shown or shared with out explicit written permission.

  Please respect the creative rights of the author.

  Becky Miller 2005.


  1. To be or not to be 3

  2. The slower path 7

  3. The return 12

  4. A hot cocoa day 15

  5. Old ladies gossip 18

  6. One child missing 21

  7. Silence before the storm 27

  8. The Doctor's theory 35

  9. Nightmare 40

  10. In the dark 44

  11. What's in a name 52

  12. Reversion 60


  1. To be or not to be

  "Don't run up and down the isles like that!' the father said to his daughter. He took her by the hand and continued shopping for groceries. "There are other people doing their shopping here." the father said to teach the child good manners.

  As he took the little girl along down the isle they passed a woman who had just come in the store too.

  "But she is not a person. She's not a person!" the child yelled as she pointed furiously at the unknown woman. They looked each other straight in the eyes, but the child did not realise what it had just done.

  The woman looked around anxiously after the child's shouting spree. "How does she know? Is it that obvious?" the woman thought to herself. "Don't I look human?"

  Quickly the woman finished her shopping and left the shop.

  It was a cold but sunny day in January. The woman was dressed in a pair of dark coloured trousers with brown hiking boots and a chocolate brown velvet coat which went all the way down to her knees and had two pockets at about hip height. The ensemble was topped off by a long golden brown knitted scarf which was thrown casually around the neck once and over the shoulder, so that one end hung down the front and the other end swung down her back. Her long braided hair almost blended in with the chocolate brown of the coat.

  From one of her pockets, the woman took a key and placed it in the lock of a blue wooden door. She turned the key, opened the door with a good push and entered.

  "Ha, Lynne. You're back!" she was greeted by a familiar voice.

  "Hello!" she answered as she carefully closed the door behind her.

  "You are home early. How was your day?" Lynne asked as she unpacked the groceries in the kitchen.

  "Oh, Patrick gave me a lift home." the man said from within the adjacent room.

  "A quiet day, huh? Would you like some tea?" Lynne asked him and went to prepare two cups already.

  "Yes please." he answered but the tea had already been made and she brought it out to the living room. Lynne placed both mugs of hot steaming tea on the table and sat down next to him on the couch.

  "Ah, you know how to make a man comfortable." he said and put his arm around her as she snuggled up to him cosily.

  The man next to Lynne on the couch was tall, had wild looking spiky hair and outspoken hazel eyes. He wore red trainers, dark blue jeans and a white T-shirt with a red vest.

  "So, Doctor. How was your day? Did the children behave themselves?" Lynne asked him. He had made a point about being called Doctor when they had first met, a long time ago.

  "Oh, yes. We've finished the final chapter on Roman times, so they will get a test tomorrow." he answered.

  "Turbulent times, those were. Lots to ask about." Lynne commented.

  "And how was your day?" the Doctor asked, "Did anything interesting happen?"

  "No, not really." Lynne answered. She looked into her mug of tea as she though about the child in the store. "We're having stew tonight." she added absently.

  "Not really? Come on, Lynne. I know you longer than today. Tell me." the Doctor said and he rubbed her shoulder comfortingly and he watched her over the brim of his steaming tea mug as she told him what had happened in the store just then.

  "'She is not a person' the girl said and the strangest thing is how she kept looking straight at me as her father took her past me down the vegetable isle."

  "She probably didn't mean it that way."

  "Still, I found it quite disturbing." Lynne said and put her mug down on the table.

  "I am sure they don't know about us. How could they? We don't do anything out of the ordinary." he said reassuringly.

  "I suppose." Lynne said and stood up from the couch. She went into the kitchen again. "Do you want boiled potatoes with the stew or mash?"

  "Are you making lam stew? Then I prefer mash." the Doctor answered. He took his glasses and a book from the side table and started reading todays paper.