Read 7,453 Words to Save the UK: A Socio-Capitalist Manifesto Page 1


  A Socio-Capitalist Manifesto

  By Anthony North

  Copyright Anthony North 2015

  Cover image copyright, Yvonne North 2015

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission.

  Other books by Anthony North




  Bard Stuff:

  Mind Burps:

  Verse Fest:


  I, Paranormal:

  I, Essayist:

  I, Society:

  I, Unexplained:




  What's Wrong

  Pervasive Media

  New Philosophical Approach

  New Economy

  New Worker

  New Housing

  New Trade & Industry

  Brit Co

  The 100

  The Estates

  Reverse Feudalism

  Politics & Administration

  Socio-Capitalist League

  Second Chamber

  Holistic Bureaucracy

  Public Services Groups

  Central Services & Foreign Affairs


  About the Author

  Connect With Anthony


  I’m not an expert on anything except the effect that knowledge, politics and economics have had on my life. It’s led me to ask: is there a better way? The following is the result of that question in the socio-political sphere.

  I’m not saying my ideas are what should be; I’m not even saying it will work – but I am putting forward the idea. I do so because without new ideas we simply exist and never thrive – except for those in power, who usually don’t deserve it.

  So how can I condense the following into a few words that would encourage you to read on? The best way of describing my methodology is to say I stir up the ideologies to see what comes out.

  You can also find my ideas on many other subjects, as well as my thoughts on current affairs, on my website:


  Man has always been born in chains, and for as long as we associate politics with power, the chains remain. We have always been tied to a ‘system’, be it religious or ideological, but at the heart of them all is an urge to power in an elite. I call upon the people of Britain to unite. You have nothing to lose but your chains. But rebel subtly, not violently.

  My entire philosophy is based around getting below knowledge and the power it produces and understanding its mechanics. I do this by attempting to identify patterns in terms of the whole rather than the specialized. I call it P-ology. And this same concept can be applied to society, infrastructure and the means to power.

  We need a new approach to systems, aimed at diluting power, leaving an administration with a single aim – to facilitate the ordinary and react to the extraordinary. If this can be achieved, the only chains would be those restraining the people who would claim to lead us.


  Many people think they are free today, but they’ve simply been dulled by the present system, bathing them in false promises and wealth decided by how much they can borrow. There’s a term for this kind of deal – a pact with the devil. Let’s look at what’s wrong with today.

  We’re told we live by the freedoms allowed by free market economics, but there’s no such thing. Centred round oil-based big business, free market economics is actually empire building and the exercise of power by a tiny elite, the end result eventually being 1% super rich and 99% serfs.

  It is fuelled, not by oil, but a huge confidence trick using you as a stooge. Oil-based big business is monolithic, unimaginative and capital intensive. It needs huge investment. This is achieved by:

  The destruction of social housing, needed to raise house prices in order to create huge mortgages to prop up (invest in) big business. This began with the call to buy your own council house, followed by moving the stock to housing associations, which promptly tripled rents (this is the real reason the housing benefit budget has tripled). This resulted in a rise in value of private housing.

  Feminism – a much needed thing in terms of society and equality – was allowed in order to create the two-wage household, pushing up mortgages even higher, resulting in everyone rushing about in their careers to survive house ownership, purely to fund the system that keeps them down. I call such people mortgage serfs, and if you really think you own your house, try missing a couple of payments for a reality check.

  Then there is the fear of an inadequate pension when you retire. The result is a mania for private pensions, slowly being made obligatory by government. This creates another huge investment process to prop up big business. Indeed, without these two forms of income, big business would collapse over night.

  The existence of huge mortgage/pension funds do more than merely allow big business to exist. Controlled by big business lackeys, they are more powerful than all the private investors combined. The result is, the private investor is neutered in terms of a real say, and the global economy becomes the play thing of a tiny elite.

  Politicians then become puppets in the hands of the tycoons. This is because an economy is essential to national wealth. And to guarantee any hope of wealth, the tycoons have to have their way. So much for democracy. And to further the ‘free’ market economy, the welfare system becomes geared to assisting big business to exist in other subtle ways.

  Typical are tax credits, which allow big business to slash wages at the lower end of the work force. The enforced introduction of Universal Credit is also outing itself as the means through which big business will impose zero hour contracts on a work force. So not only do the mortgage serfs pay through the nose to prop up the big business empire, but the poor become increasingly downtrodden and pay for it through their sweat, that being sweat from work and fear and resulting illness. And be under no illusions, the huge welfare budget is a requirement of the success of big business, and not the result of scroungers and skivers.


  Media plays a major role in our rising serfdom. First of all there is a naturally occurring filter system to keep ideas against big business at bay. Put simply, if a media outlet popularizes an anti-big business idea, the big advertisers pull out, thus causing a huge decline in income. This is why big business hates the BBC, which is funded by us, not advertising.

  Some may say the rising green stance argues against this. After all, big business is becoming green, isn’t it? After all, it has taken up wind power and recycling; you know, the green measures that blot the landscape with ugly windmills and fill our gardens with multi-coloured plastic bins. I can think of no better way to put people off green issues.

  Media is also becoming increasingly global in outlook. This is seen as a good thing, making us all one nice happy planet. But are we? Essential to the person is the need for belonging, meaning and direction. Without these we don’t know who we are, and suffer psychologically. Such meaning is to be found in our local communities and sense of nationhood – the very things the new media approach ignores. Which leaves us with only one thing to find meaning in – the
constant fads, fashions and devices we consume. In our Freudian way we even call it shopping therapy. And as all these products are trivia-based, they keep us suitably comatose.

  Also essential to big business is a need to take away any form of influence between them and the person. Traditionally, the firewalls between the power base and the person came with the predominance of family and tradition. Hence, media went on to popularize the politically correct thought police. Yes, minority rights are vital, most of them being won in law before the invention of political correctness. But beneath the idea of minority rights is a more malign influence – the total rubbishing of family and tradition; the very things that protected the person from the powerbase. Interesting, don’t you think?

  A better system would be to initially view media as an extended, and national, social media, allowing new ideas, music, writers, stars, journalists and film makers to rise. Studios and agencies should provide services, channels and other outlets but not generate their own media. They simply facilitate by