Read 7,453 Words to Save the UK: A Socio-Capitalist Manifesto Page 4

levels, facilitated by a socialist base, refined by a reverse feudal system.

  The £600b national closed economy is what can be reasonably expected to maintain an adequate economy for 60 million people and should not go below this figure, providing an anchor for the economy; and the administration is to ensure that it is not affected by inflation, thus guaranteeing the common person will always have a living wage, and a reasonable ability for further wealth creation.

  This does not mean that the economy cannot rise above the £600b; neither does it mean that the nation cannot trade vigorously with other countries. But any increase in the economy must come from innovation and quality and not rising prices or inflated housing costs. In other words, it must be a real economy and not a confidence trick at the cost of the common person.


  A P-ology Society Humanity Division will be created to devise new ways of dealing with health, education, social services, policing, applying technology to society and environment, and facilitating creativity in the arts and sciences. Along with the Technology Division, they will then create new-style universities and degree courses to train the new breed of primary workers, and adult education colleges and qualifications for secondary workers.

  Health services can be improved in a number of ways. Attempt to marry virtual reality with robotics and communications allowing emergency or routine surgery to be done closer to home or accident with specialists operating remotely (this could cut down on the number of over paid specialists who spend 90% of their working life doing what an ordinary doctor could do). The earliest known health principle was that nature provides a cure close to the cause. The latest health principle is found in the human genome. Can ancient and modern come together to produce natural medicines targeted to the patient through DNA? For pain relief can biofeedback (the ability to target your mind to control a specific part of the body) eventually replace painkillers? We should look to perfecting mechanical or electronic organs instead of transplants which require a lifetime of anti-rejection drugs.

  Agriculture should become as one with health. This does not mean that health evangelism should break out, interfering with people’s habits and freedom, but agriculture and food-processing should become organic and natural, without a chemical in sight, by the devising of technological grids that robotize and coordinate planting, pest control, harvesting, herd management, milking etc, on the small scale, whilst an integrated collection, processing and trading network delivers good quality food speedily, or through new storage and packaging principles. This would allow small farms to proliferate, produce cheaply and allow everyone to afford good quality, healthy food within a fast food concept.

  In education we need to see if a better integrated system can be achieved by a combination of games and rote – even see if subliminal means hold promise, if deemed safe. Education should become more community-based, with multi-agencies and local people playing their part (any abuses can be identified quickly by the Holistic Bureaucracy, detailed below). It is also essential to see education not only as a preparation for work, but education for education’s sake. As for adult education, I’m a firm believer in the idea that everyone is brilliant at something, but society rarely allows the person to find what it is. The three shift system above gives everyone the time to search for it, and the education system should be geared to assist and train accordingly, as well as working with other agencies to guarantee the person can successfully turn the found skills into value, allowing a proliferation of not only trade, but arts and crafts.

  Social services should not be just about reacting to a person’s problems. Without interfering in the person’s rights and freedoms, community and trade should be organized to lessen the possibility of such problems arising. Counsellors should move into other areas of life, such as crime and the penal system, identifying possibilities of crime breaking out, and working with perpetrators to lessen the possibility of re-offending. The elderly and disabled should become a priority in terms of keeping them in the community with purposeful lives - providing the particular person does not object.

  As can be seen, the above opens up a form of policing to be done by multi-agencies. And policing proper should reflect this. Rather than having cameras everywhere to spy on everyone, community must again be brought back into law and order, not to bully or shame a person into good behaviour, but provide a society in which he feels he does not want to be a criminal. The administration would also have a form of super-grass and whistle-blower, as is shown in the Holistic Bureaucracy, detailed below. As for policing proper, primary workers would man a fully modern police force, whilst secondary workers would bring back the community policeman, with the all important connection to the community to which he belongs.

  To achieve all this, I now identify a specific administration and politic.


  There is a malign force within democratic politics which guarantees that democracy will never really exist, and marginalizes a large part of a population, the result being that there is always conflict and stresses in society. This malign force is the political party.

  The Socio-Capitalist League will be created as an apolitical organisation to popularize and facilitate the election of Independent MPs, thus neutralizing the political party and removing it from any possibility of again holding power.

  A further advantage in doing so is that the new breed of MP, free of party restraint, would become a much more vigorous debater, ironing out many problems in legislation that political parties do not deal with. This rising fanaticism in the Independent MP would lead to more moderate and sensible legislation, not only through the power of debate, but when voting, the increasing fanaticism of left and right will cancel themselves out, leaving the centre stance predominant. One essential duty they should then undertake is a simplification of law and legislation, which is now far too complicated for most people to comprehend.

  One problem with this system is that no overall winning party would exist to form the administration. For a non-elected person such as this writer to suggest how the administration is created would constitute revolution. Hence, I make no such suggestion and leave it up to those elected to work it out for themselves. With a parliament devised for the good of the electorate rather than the imposition of a particular system or ideology, this should be relatively easy for them.


  A second parliamentary chamber – presently the House of Lords - is essential for neutralizing any fanaticism in the elected chamber, but we need a new model for guaranteeing its fairness in a democratic nation.

  A second chamber works best when it is also a think tank, filled with experts and representatives from all walks of life. For this reason the chamber needs a number of non-voting advisory elements. These should include representatives from The Estates, and elder representatives from Brit Co, The 100 and trade centres, as well as retired experts in public services, trade unions, etc, augmented by religious and legal representatives.

  Who will actually vote in the chamber? For this, we need to look, first, at the individual constituencies of the electorate. An MP is there to decide legislation and act as a saviour for those constituents having difficulties, the MP having the automatic right to intervene with a government ministry on the constituent’s behalf. The only problem is if the MP is right wing he will have little sympathy for a left wing constituent and vice versa. Hence, only part of any constituency is actually enfranchised by this system.

  This problem needs to be remedied. As such, the candidate who comes second in an election is to automatically go into the second chamber with full voting powers in the chamber and right of access to ministers on behalf of constituents. This will fully enfranchise everyone in the constituency, and seeing that the candidate who comes second in a constituency is invariably a centrist, he will add further moderation to legislation.


  Essential to democracy is the separation of po
wers between the legislature (which makes law), the executive (which administers as dictated by the law) and the judiciary (which interprets the law). However, who actually watches these three organs of power? No one. Hence, democracy needs to be refined by a fourth essential power. This will be the Holistic Bureaucracy.

  Fully independent, its purpose is to scrutinize the organs of power, public services and trade and industry. To guarantee this aim, every contract, account, instruction, initiative, report and judgement must be copied to the bureaucracy, which will then scrutinize the entire system of administration, trade and society for fraud, black-marketeering, intimidation, blackmail, missing people, corruption, incompetence, conspiracy, double dealing, waste and abuse of position or power, as well as identifying faults and discrepancies in the system as a whole, and offer, from such data, ideas on improving efficiency and honesty. Public reports will then be issued on every discrepancy on person, organisation or system, thus offering ideas for cutting down on waste or crime, and having the power to disclose so the relevant enforcement power can act against misdemeanour.