Read 8 Weeks Page 6

  "Doesn't that sound peaceful?” Shelly asked, and I tuned in to the sounds of the water lapping against the boat, the birds chirping, and a dog barking off in the distance.

  "Yeah, it does."

  I turned to look at her profile, and smiled when the stud in her nose blinked in the sunlight. She looked at peace sitting there with her face upturned and eyes half closed, basking in the sun.

  She opened her eyes and turned her to face me, that small smile still on her lips, and without thinking, I leaned in. I barely registered the widening of her eyes before my lips caressed hers softly.

  Her lips were soft and full, and although I wanted to deepen the kiss, instead I pulled back and smiled at her.

  Shelly didn't look angry or yell, she just sat very still and looked into my eyes. We sat there for a moment, neither of us speaking, just feeling. I knew that my body was a mix of emotions from that kiss, and I'd wager that she felt the same way.

  We paddled back, and although I wanted to go home with her and spend the night cradling her in my arms, I knew it was time for this date to come to an end.

  When I walked her to her car I said, "Thanks for coming with me today, Shelly."

  "You're welcome. It was fun."

  I helped her into her car, and she gave me one more slightly confused look before she pulled out of the parking lot and left me there.

  As I watched her leave me this time, rather than feeling the dread I had when she'd left me last weekend, I felt full of hope.

  Chapter 16 - Shelly

  I'd lain awake last night, reliving the events of yesterday’s date in my head.

  I'd felt happy, sad, and confused.

  The day with Cal had been almost perfect. It had felt normal and familiar. We'd been Us.

  Being with Cal that way, talking, laughing, and having fun, had made it easy to forget the pain of the last few weeks. And when he'd kissed me ... I'd wanted to sink into that feeling and pull him in closer.

  I missed him.

  I missed us.

  I missed sex.

  Seriously ... I missed the joy and comfort that came along with giving yourself fully to the person that you love. The utter abandon that came with having sex with that person. The contentment you felt afterwards, when you fell asleep in their arms.

  That's how I'd always felt with Cal, and I missed sharing that with him.

  I was beyond confused.

  On one hand, I missed and loved my husband. On the other, I hated the way he'd betrayed me and made me feel.

  I felt as if I were at war with myself.Now, I was preparing to move into a one-bedroom condo that Sasha had found for me. The current owners were looking for someone to rent to own, and I was about to become that person.

  I was nervous and excited about living on my own. I'd gone straight from my dad's to being married and living with Cal, so I'd never lived alone.

  I heard a knock and my dad talking, so I went out, expecting to see the girls, and was surprised to see Scott and TJ sitting on the sofa in the living room.

  "Hey, guys," I said. "What's going on?"

  Scott stood when he heard my voice and responded, "Gaby told me that you were moving today, so TJ and I thought we'd come help. We didn't want you ladies having fun without us."

  TJ grinned and I smiled back at the two of them, then my smile dropped when I wondered if that meant Cal was coming too.

  At the look on my face, Scott shook his head and said, "It's just us."

  I briefly wondered what Cal was up to, but understood that him helping me move into a new place would be hard on both of us. Moving out of our house had been difficult enough.

  "Thanks, guys."

  "We're your friends too, Shel, no matter what happens," Scott responded with a sad smile.

  I nodded and started to respond, when the door flew open and Sasha came whirling in.

  She even made workout clothes look fabulous.

  "Hey, Papa," she said, leaning in to give my dad a kiss on the cheek before turning to the rest of us. "Hey, guys. Let's get this party started."

  We headed outside, where I already had the truck backed up in the driveway. All of my stuff was still in boxes in the garage, where we'd left it last week.

  Gaby arrived in the mist of our loading up the truck, and jumped in to help out.

  With six of us working, we had everything loaded up in no time, and were heading off to my new home. It wasn't much, but I was ready to be out of my father's house and back out on my own.

  We made quick work of unloading the truck and I ordered pizza for everyone to thank them for helping me out. We were sitting around my new living room floor eating when Scott said, "I have to go, Victoria and I are meeting to plan our rehearsal dinner."

  I noticed his eyes go straight to Gaby's. They looked at each other, seeming to have a private conversation with one look, before she turned her head and looked down at her pizza.

  That was weird ...

  "Okay," I responded. "Thanks again for coming and helping out. It would have taken us a lot longer without your muscles."

  TJ stood, flexed dramatically, and said, "That's what all the ladies say."

  Sasha snorted at that, and TJ leaned over and tweaked her nose.

  "You love it," he said with a grin.

  "Thanks again," I said with a chuckle, giving first TJ, then Scott, a hug.

  I walked them to the door, and after TJ walked out I stopped Scott by placing my hand on his arm.

  "Is he doing okay, Scott?" I asked quietly.

  Scott looked at me, his deep brown eyes reflecting concern. "He misses you, Shel. Look, I know it's none of my business, but I've known Cal forever, and I know what you mean to him. He's a great guy, the best. He made a terrible mistake, and I feel horrible that this all came about at my bachelor party. We never should have let him leave. We never should have separated. I love you both and I hate to see you both in so much pain." He put his hands on my shoulders. "You have to know, Shel, he's gutted over this. No one will love you the way that he does. He will love you forever. Just think about that before you make any final decisions."

  I nodded slowly, unable to stop tears from falling at his words. He lifted a hand and wiped them off of my cheek before pulling me in for another hug.

  "You'll both get through this. I love ya, Shel."

  He released me and walked out to where TJ was waiting, a look of sorrow on his face. I closed the door slowly, then turned and leaned against it, my eyes closed.

  I heard feet approaching and opened my eyes to see Gaby coming toward me, a glass of wine in her hand.

  "What do you say we have a drink, then get started on making this house a home?"

  "Okay," I said, then laughed when Sasha ran over and pulled me into a bear hug.

  It was great having friends who could see you through anything.

  Chapter 17 - Cal

  While the guys were over helping Shelly move into her new condo, I was pacing a hole in Scott's floor, telling myself over and over why I couldn't join them.

  Oh, but I wanted to.

  Even though it would hurt to see her moving in to a place without me, I would rather be with her and in pain, than without her and pain free.

  I missed being with her.

  I missed talking to her.

  I missed lying with her in my arms.

  I missed sex.

  God, did I miss sex.

  I didn't have anything to compare it to, because I still didn't remember sleeping with that blonde in Vegas, but sex with Shelly had been perfect. Just listening to Scott and TJ talk about their different sexual experiences, I knew that what Shelly and I had together was rare.

  When I heard the key in the door, I froze and got ready to shoot a barrage of questions at Scott about Shelly's new place, but it was Victoria who walked through the door.

  She entered and paused when she saw me in the living room. She didn't even bother to hide her distain.

  Five foot seven, thin as a rail, and
always dressed to impress, Victoria should have been impressive herself, with her sleek bob and perfectly manicured nails. The problem was, she was a total bitch, and that made her a troll in my eyes. I hated that she'd spun her web around Scott, and he seemed unable to see her for what she really was.

  "Cal," Victoria said dryly. "Still imposing on Scott, I see."

  "Victoria," I responded with a glare. "Scott's not here. Is there something that I can help you with? A new broom perhaps?"

  She curled her lip and replied, "You always think you're so cool, don't you. Although ... it's not too cool to be sleeping on your old friend’s couch, rather than in bed with your wife."

  I saw red and was about to let her have it, when Scott walked in the still open door.

  "Victoria!" he said softly, his tone dangerous. I knew from the look on his face that he'd heard our exchange. "That's uncalled for. I wish the two of you would make an effort to get along ... For my sake."

  I lowered my eyes, then looked back up and met Scott's gaze. He was right. He was my best friend, and I owed it to him to make more of an effort. As much as I loathed Victoria, she was a major part of his life, and if I didn't get on board, there was the possibility that I would lose him in mine.

  I couldn't bear the thought of losing anyone else right now. Especially someone as important to me as Scott. He was like my brother.

  "You're right, man. I apologize to you, and to Victoria. Let me get out of your hair for a while, so you guys can have some privacy."

  "You don't have to leave, Cal," Scott replied.

  "No worries," I said with a smile to both of them. Victoria didn't smile back or reply. Whatever, one of us had to be the bigger person. "I need to go see my folks anyway."

  I walked out, leaving them to their evening of planning, and wondering how Scott was ever going to be happy with a woman like Victoria. I didn't understand why he put up with her. He knew what kind of person she was, it's not like she hid it.

  I thought about Scott and Victoria's relationship on the drive to my parents, and came to the conclusion that I would never get it. I just needed to be there for my friends and try not to push my opinions on him. He was always there for me, no matter how horrible my mistakes, and I would do the same for him.

  When I pulled up to my childhood home my stomach clenched as I thought of my parents, and the disappointment I knew would be apparent on their faces when they found out about me and Shelly.

  I walked through the gate and up the stone path. I smiled at the pots of flowers covering the porch. My mother loved flowers, and she thrived on filling her home with them.

  I took a deep breath and put my hand on the doorknob, then let it out as I opened the door and crossed the threshold.

  I inhaled spicy cinnamon and tart apples, my mother's favorite scent. She was always known to have some potpourri, candles, and oils scattered throughout the house. This was the smell of my childhood.

  "Hey, Cal, what's going on?" My brother was descending the stairs. I looked up and felt a surge of pride. Craig was a senior in high school and about to turn eighteen. He was smart, handsome, and a hell of a baseball player. He was my polar opposite, and I loved him for it.

  "Not much, Craig, how's school?"

  Craig walked over and put his arms around me briefly, before pulling away with a grin. We could have been twins. We were the exact same height, shared the same dark hair and facial features, but while I had dark brown eyes, his were an unnatural sea green. I'd never seen anything like it.

  "Great, only a few months left, and the season is about to start," Craig answered. "I'll send you the schedule."

  "Sounds good." I looked around the cozy living room and asked, "Mom around?"

  "Yeah," Craig said, thrusting his head toward the back of the house. "I think she's in the kitchen making bread. Dad's out at the golf course."

  I clapped my hand on his shoulder and said, "I'll come find you in a bit."

  "Sorry, brother," he said, his grin cocky. "I've got a date."

  "Shit." I grinned back. "Who allowed that?"

  He just snorted at me, grabbed his jacket from the closet, and walked out with a wave.

  I shook my head, then walked down the hallway toward the kitchen.

  "Is that my long-lost son I hear?" My mother's amused voice reached me before I turned in to see her smiling face. She was standing at the island in the middle of the kitchen, her hands full of flour and dough as she kneaded.

  "Hi, Mom," I walked over and kissed her on the top of her head. "Sorry I haven't been by recently.”

  She looked up at me with eyes that matched my own and said, "I figured your absence had something to do with the For Sale sign in front of your house."

  I should have known better than to think I would be able to hide anything from my mother.

  Chapter 18 - Shelly

  I looked over and studied Cal's face as he drove. He looked deep in thought, with a small frown on his face. I wondered if I should ask him what was wrong, or stay out of it. I'd left him, after all, so I didn't think I had a right to pry. I hated to see Cal upset though; he was always such a positive person. If he was troubled, there was a good reason for it.

  When he'd come by for our date, I'd met him outside, rather than having him come in the condo. I don't know if I was protecting him from the pain of seeing me on my own, or if I was protecting my newfound freedom. To ease the sting, I'd agreed to ride with him this time, rather than drive myself.

  Now that we were in the car and on our way to date number three, I found myself struggling. Should I remain quiet, or ask him what was wrong.

  Knowing Cal, he wouldn't feel better until he got whatever was bothering him off his chest, so I asked, "Is everything okay?"

  Cal turned briefly to look at me, almost as if he'd forgotten I was there, then turned his eyes back to the road before him.

  He was quiet for a minute, which made me rethink my decision to pry, then he sighed deeply.

  Uh-oh, a big sigh usually meant it was something personal, not work related.

  If it was something personal, it probably had to do with our situation.

  Maybe I didn't want to know ...

  "I went by my parents’ the other day," Cal began. "I had kind of been avoiding them since everything happened between us."

  "Cal," I said, my voice filled with surprise. He told his parents everything. "You didn't tell them we were ... separated?"

  "I couldn't, Shel," he responded. "Not only because I hope it's only temporary and I didn't want to worry them, but because I didn't want to disappoint them."

  My heart thumped loudly in my chest.

  "Cal, your parents adore you, you could never disappoint them."

  He turned to me, his eyes filled with sorrow.

  "They didn't raise their sons to cheat."

  I felt my anger at this entire situation ease a bit in my gut. I loved Cal's folks, and they loved me, but more than anything, they loved their boys. I knew that it would be hard for him to admit to them that he wasn’t perfect, and it would be hard for them to hear, but I had to believe that they loved him unconditionally.

  We pulled off and into a parking lot. Cal turned off the car, but we both just sat there.

  "Babe," I said, the endearment I'd always used for him rusty on my tongue. I reached out and touched his cheek. "They'll forgive you."

  Cal's eyes bore into mine.

  "Will you?"

  I dropped my hand and answered honestly, "I don't know."

  Cal nodded, and after a moment's pause, forced a smile to his lips.

  "Okay, enough of this depressing talk, it's time to get on with our date. Let's agree to leave the sadness in the car, and let the fun begin. Okay?"

  "Okay," I said, returning his smile.

  Cal walked around and opened my door, taking my hand to help me out of the car. I felt a familiar tug in my belly at the contact. Seeing him vulnerable was breaking down my defenses.

  I followed him inside,
too preoccupied with the sensations in my body to pay attention to where we were walking. The sound of Latin music made me look up, and I felt my jaw drop.

  I was staring at a dance floor with a mixture of men and women, twirling and shaking their hips as they danced to the music.

  "What is this?" I pulled Cal close to me and asked in his ear.

  He turned to me with a big grin.

  "We're going to learn Salsa dancing."

  I couldn't have been more surprised if he had said that we were going to learn how to fly on a trapeze.

  I let out a snort, then giggled, before pressing my hand to my mouth to try and hold it in. When Cal stopped, I tried to look up at him innocently.

  "Are you laughing at my dancing abilities?" he asked sardonically.

  I guffawed at that.

  "What abilities?"

  Cal was a notoriously bad dancer. Women ran in flocks of panic whenever he took to the dance floor.

  "I can do this," he said, his face set with determination.

  I reigned in my laughter.

  "Sorry, of course you can."

  I followed him to the dance floor, where he walked up to a woman dressed in a revealing gown and heels. He shook her hand and smiled. He must have set this up a head of time, because the woman called a man over to us, and they both turned to us with matching thousand-watt smiles.

  "Are you game?" Cal turned to me and asked.

  "Absolutely," I said confidently.

  After a few minutes being spun around the floor by my instructor, Raul, I was less confident.

  This was really hard.

  I looked over at Cal and his instructor, Maria, and laughed when I saw him woodenly spinning her around.

  He looked as stiff as a tin man.

  Poor guy.

  "At least he's trying," Raul said. "A lot of women have to come to lessons alone, because their men are afraid to look like fools."

  I nodded, and looked thoughtfully at Cal. He stepped on Maria's foot and winced, but she patted his arm and kept moving.

  I smiled to myself, then tried to focus on what Raul was saying.