Read 80AD - The Jewel of Asgard (Book 1) Page 22


  “Why do you desire the Jewel of Asgard, Warrior?” 

  Phoenix and the others knelt inside a small circle of glossy black stones, deep in the forest.  True to his word, Dewydd had led them through the eerily-lit trees and brought them before the Council of Druid Elders.  Brynn’s brother had shepherded them inside the stone circle and pushed them gently to their knees before bowing and retreating outside the stones.  Now, Phoenix and his companions must justify themselves and somehow convince the Druids to give up the Jewel.

  If that didn’t work, they would have to steal it, and Phoenix didn’t like their chances of that.  There was powerful magic at work in this ancient forest – even he could sense it.  By the way Jade kept blinking and squinting, every stone and trunk of the place must ooze power.

  He gathered his thoughts and replied to the question.  He couldn’t see the speaker but suspected the Elders were lurking in the shadows of the twelve tall standing stones that encircled them.

  “We have been placed under a geas, good sirs,” he began, trying to find the right words to impress these men of ancient power.  “We must complete five quests.  The first of these is to obtain the Jewel of Asgard.”

  “And what will you do with the Jewel if you get it?” a second disembodied voice asked.

  “Our second quest requires that we take the Jewel and return it to its owner in… in the land of the Norse people, across the sea.” 

  Phoenix was surprised to find that piece of information in his head just when he needed it.  Previously, he hadn’t been able to remember any details for Level Two or Three.  He caught Jade’s astonished look and shrugged.  Brynn’s jaw dropped and Marcus frowned darkly.  This was the first time their two Companions had heard where they were going next – if they managed to complete this level.

  There was a long silence.  Phoenix wondered if he’d said something wrong. 

  A third voice chimed in from behind him.  “So you do not wish to use the Jewel for the power it holds?”

  “Errr...” Phoenix glanced at Jade for help.  She pulled a face and shook her head.  Marcus and Brynn both returned his stare blankly.  “I’m sorry,” he felt like an idiot for saying it, “but we didn’t actually know the Jewel had a power.  We just want to keep it out of the Romans’ hands and return it to its owner so we can get on with the Third Quest.”

  This time the silence had a quality of surprise to it.  He hoped that was good.

  “What is the nature of your Fifth and final Quest, Warrior?”  Yet another voice asked.

  “We must master the Yu Dragon and defeat the Warlock, Feng Zhudai,” Phoenix announced boldly, repeating what had come up on the computer when he’d first created his character. 

  He tried to continue, to explain that Zhudai was now helping the Romans but he was drowned out by a babble of voices from the shadows.  As much as he strained to hear, the words were meaningless to him.  He glanced at the others but they obviously couldn’t understand the language, either.  Frustrated, Phoenix grimaced and stretched his back.  His knees hurt from all this kneeling.

  “Enough!” The disembodied voice cut across the blether, silencing the others.  “We have long known the Jewel must be returned, that is not what we must debate here.  Its power is too great.  We have used it for our own ends and have helped our people as much as we can against the Romans.  We cannot keep it any longer lest we become exactly the sort of tyrants we fight against.  Our destiny is fixed and nothing must prevent it or the balance will be disturbed.  The Jewel must be sent back before it falls into Roman hands. The question we must answer is ‘how’.  Dewydd; take them away.”

  “Come!”  Dewydd appeared out of nowhere beside them. 

  He looked troubled as he helped Jade and Brynn to their feet and led the way out of the stone circle.  Around them, the voices continued what sounded like a heated argument.

  “What’s going on?” Phoenix asked.  “Where are you taking us?  Can we have the Jewel or not?”

  “The Elders have heard your request and are considering it.” The druid ignored Phoenix’s other questions.  “I will take you to where you may await the outcome of their decision.”

  “And what if they decide not to give it to us?” Jade demanded.

  “Then your Quest will have failed.” Dewydd’s reply was flat and hard as stone.  “Come.”  He continued through the dimly-lit forest, ignoring even his young brother’s questions and pleas for help.

  Jade, Phoenix and Marcus dropped behind slightly.

  “I don’t like this at all,” Jade whispered.  “I have a bad feeling and a whole lot of questions.”

  “Me neither, and me too,” Phoenix agreed.  “Like: how did Dewydd know we wanted the Jewel but not why we wanted it?”

  “Yes,” she added, “and why did our reasons cause such an uproar in the Elder Council.”  She glanced up at Dewydd’s broad back.  “I can sense there is something really bothering him but I can’t tell what it is. The power here is different from Elven magic. It’s blocking me.”  With a grunt of frustration, she waved her hand in an odd little movement.  “I can’t even perform the simplest spell here.”  There was an edge of panic to her voice.

  “Don’t freak, Jade.  I’m sure the Druids don’t mean us any harm.” Phoenix tried to reassure her.  “I agree that it’s all a bit weird but what can we do?”

  “We wait,” Marcus said imperturbably.

  Phoenix winced.  “You keep saying that and I really hate it.”

  Marcus smiled.  “I know but can you think of another idea?”  When Phoenix shook his head, he added, “If we can get a look at what the Jewel is and where it’s kept, we might be able to come up with another plan.”  He clapped a hand on Phoenix’s shoulder.  “I don’t trust these druids but we are in their hands. We must wait.”

  “I still hate it,” Phoenix muttered.

  “Here.”  Dewydd halted at the base of two slender beech trees.  He swung an arm at the gap between the trunks.  “Step through here.  There are people waiting on the other side to look after you until a decision has been reached.”

  Phoenix felt Jade stiffen next to him.  She looked with suspicion at the druid and the trees.  There was a faint magical shimmer between the trunks.

  “Are we prisoners?” she asked sharply.

  Phoenix glanced at her in surprise then peered at the trees and back at Dewydd, trying to divine what had set her off.  She and Marcus both seemed to distrust Brynn’s brother.

  Dewydd shook his head.  “You are not our prisoners.”  He returned her piercing stare steadily for a few moments then looked down at his young brother.  “I would like to spend some time with Brynn.”  He nodded at the trees.  “Please step through.  He will be safe with me.”

  “I’d rather we all stayed together,” Phoenix tried to sound reasonable.  Jade’s unease was catching.  He didn’t want the party to be separated now, even by family.

  Dewydd’s fingers gripped Brynn’s shoulders till the tips whitened.  Brynn flinched and sent a puzzled look up at his brother.

  “You must go.  Brynn will remain.”  The druid was implacable.  From nowhere, two more druids appeared, big and armed with staves.  They stepped forward, crowding the three backward toward the beech trees.

  “Brynn?” Jade sent the boy a quick, questioning look. 

  The boy glanced uncertainly between his friends and his brother.  “I’ll be ok.  You go in and I’ll see you when you get back for the Elders’ decision.”  He bit his lip, visibly unsure; not wanting to abandon either friends or family.

  Jade nodded and sent one last fierce glare at Dewydd.  She turned and squared her slim shoulders before stepping through the shimmering gateway.  Marcus followed.  Phoenix hesitated, sent Brynn a quick salute then stepped through as well.  He really didn’t want to but there didn’t seem to be many other options.