Read A Bachelor Husband Page 3

  THE game stopped abruptly, and between them Chris and Featherscarried Marie from the room. "It was the smoke, and the heat!"Atkins kept saying in distress. He felt angry with himself for nothaving noticed how pale she looked. "It was jolly hot! It was thesmoke and stuffiness. It's only an ordinary faint, isn't it?"

  Nobody took any notice of him, or answered him, but he kept ontalking all the same. He was young and impressionable, and hethought Marie was altogether charming. He was thankful when at lasther lashes fluttered and she opened her eyes.

  Feathers, who was bending over her, moved away, and Chris cameforward.

  "Better?" he asked. "It was the hot room; I'll take you upstairs.It's all right, you only fainted."

  Only fainted! Years afterwards he remembered the passionate look inher brown eyes as she raised them to his face, and wondered whather thoughts had been. Perhaps he would have understood a greatdeal of what she was suffering if he had known that the wild wordstrembling on her lips were:

  "I wish I could have died! I would like to have died!"

  Feathers picked up her gloves and fan, which had fallen to thefloor. His ugly face was commiserating as he looked at her.

  "The room was very stuffy. It was inconsiderate of us to let you bethere, Mrs. Lawless. I am afraid it was my fault!"

  His fault. Everything was his fault, she told herself bitterly, asshe turned away. And yet--surely it was better to know now the truefacts of her marriage than to learn them later on--when it was toolate.

  A bachelor husband. How infinitely funny it was! She looked atChris as he walked with her to the stairs. His eyes were concerned,but as he had said, she had "only fainted," and a faint wasnothing. She wondered if he would have cared had she been dead.

  He slipped a hand through her arm to steady her.

  "I am afraid it was all my fault," he said. "You told me you weretired. I'm sorry, Marie Celeste."

  Her lip quivered at the sound of the two little names. Nobody butChris ever called her that, and she turned her head away.

  "I'll fetch one of the maids to look after you," he said, as theyreached her room. He turned away, but she called him back.

  "Chris, I want to speak to you."

  "Well?" He followed her into the room. A pretty room it was thebest in the hotel, and the very new silver brushes and trinketswhich Aunt Madge had given her for a wedding present were laid outon the dressing-table.

  When she had dressed there for dinner only two hours ago she hadbeen the happiest girl in the world, but now . . . a long,shuddering sigh broke from her lips.

  Chris was looking at her anxiously. He was worried by her pallor,and sorry she had fainted, but he quite realized that there wasnothing serious in a faint. Some women made it a habit, hebelieved, and he was anxious to get back and finish that game ofbilliards!

  "What do you want to say to me?" he asked. "Won't it do presently?"

  She shook her head.


  She was standing by the dressing-table, nervously fingering alittle silver box, and for a moment she could not speak, then shesaid in desperation:

  "Chris--I want to tell you--I know all about our Wedding!"

  He echoed her words blankly.

  "You know all about it. You funny kid! I suppose you do. Why---"

  He stopped, struck by something in her eyes.

  "What do you mean, Marie Celeste?"

  She turned round and faced him squarely. "I mean--I know why youmarried me," she said.

  "Why?" The hot blood rushed to his face. "Who told you?" he askedsharply.

  She shrugged her shoulders.

  "Does that matter? I--just found out. And I--I wanted to say that . . .that it doesn't matter. I--I think it was quite right of you."

  He looked rather puzzled, then he smiled.

  "Oh, well--if you think it's right." He hesitated, and drew a stepnearer to her. "Who told you, Marie?" he asked. "Aunt Madge agreedwith me that there was no need for you to know."

  She pushed the soft hair back from her forehead. So Aunt Madge hadbeen willing to deceive her as well. That hurt. Somehow she hadalways believed in Aunt Madge.

  She managed a smile.

  "What does it matter? I only thought it was better we should startby--by not having any secrets. We--we've always been good friends,haven't we?" Friends! When she adored him.

  "Of course!" He gave his agreement readily, and a sharp paintouched her heart. It was only friendship, then--on his side, atleast. She knew how much she had longed for him to wipe out thatword and substitute another.

  There was a little silence, then Chris said again: "Marie--is thereanything the matter? You look--somehow you look--different!"

  He walked up to her, and laid his hands on her shoulders.

  "Look at me," he said.

  She raised her eyes obediently.

  "Now tell me what is the matter!" he demanded. "There is somethingyou are keeping from me! I haven't known you all these years fornothing, you know, Marie Celeste."

  There was a little laughing note of tenderness in his voice, andfor a moment the girl swayed in his grasp.

  If only she could put her arms round his neck and lay her head onhis breast and tell him the truth, the whole wretched truth of whatshe had heard! Even if he did not love her, it would be suchexquisite relief to unburden her heart to him, but she did notdare!

  Chris had always hated what he called "scenes." Years ago, whenthey were both children, tears had been the last means whereby towin his sympathy or admiration. He liked a girl to be a "sport"; hehad always been nicest to her when she could take a knock withoutflinching under the pain.

  She remembered that now--forced herself to remember it, and nothingelse, as she raised her eyes to his.

  "Yes--what is it?" he urged. "Don't be afraid! It's all right,whatever it is, I promise you."

  Twice her lips moved, but no words would come, and then with a rushof desperation she faltered:

  "It's only--it's only . . . you said just now--we had always beengood friends . . ."

  "Did I?" he laughed. "I was rather under the impression that it wasyou who said that, but never mind. Go on!"

  "Well--well . . . Can't we go on . . . just being good friends?--just _only_ being good friends, I mean."

  He did not answer, though it was not possible to mistake hermeaning, and in the silence that followed it seemed to Marie thatevery hope she had cherished was throbbing away with each agonizedheart beat. Then his hands fell slowly from her shoulders.

  "You mean--that you don't care for me?"

  She almost cried out at the tone of his voice. That he tried tomake it property hurt and amazed, she knew, but her heart told herthat his one great emotion was an overwhelming relief. That he hadno intention of even paying her the compliment of discussion.

  Her lips felt like ice as she answered him in a whisper.

  "No--" And the silence came again before Chris said constrainedly:

  "Very well--it shall be as you wish--of course!"

  He waited a moment, but she did not speak, and he turned to thedoor. "Good-night, Marie Celeste."


  The door opened, and after a moment she heard it shut again softly,and the sound of his footsteps dying away down the corridor.

  That nobody should know, that nobody should ever guess, was the onefeverish thought in Marie's brain as she lay awake through the longnight, listening to the sound of the waves on the shore, and tryingto make some sort of plans for the future.

  To behave as if nothing were the matter, as if she were quitehappy. An impossible task it seemed, and yet she meant to do it.She would not further alienate Chris by scenes and tears.

  If he did not care for her she would not let him think that itworried her. Surely, if she were brave and turned a smiling face toa world that had suddenly grown so empty something good would comeout of it all. Some small reward would creep out of the blacknessthat enveloped her.

  Though she knew it was unjust in her heart
she laid all the troubleat Dakers' door--"Feathers," as Chris and young Atkins called him.She thought of his ugly, kindly face as she lay there in thedarkness, and silently hated him. She would never be able to likehim, she would never be able to forgive him. But for him and hiscarelessly spoken words . . . and then she hid her face in thepillow, and for the first time the tears came. What was the use ofblaming him when the blame was not his? How could he help it thatChris did not love her? What was it to do with him if Chris hadseen fit to marry her in order to get her father's money?

  It was fate, that was all. A cruel fate that had drawn a linethrough her happiness almost before the word had been written.

  It hurt unbearably to think that Aunt Madge had known all the time.Marie clenched her hands as she recalled the old lady's whisperedgood-by:

  "God bless you and make you very happy!"

  How could she have said such a thing--knowing what she knew?

  "I will be happy, I will," the girl told herself over and overagain. After all, there were other things in the world besideslove.

  She got up early, long before the other people in the hotel wereastir, and went out and down to the sands.

  It was a lovely morning, warm and sunny, and the tide was out,leaving a long wet stretch of golden sand behind.

  A boy with bare, brown legs was pushing his way through the littlewaves with a shrimping net, and further along a man was strollingby the water's edge, idly picking up pebbles and throwing them intothe sea.

  Marie walked on, the fresh breeze blowing through her hair andfanning her tired face.

  Only two months ago and she had been a girl at school, with herhair down her back and not a care in the world save an occasionalheartache when she thought of Chris. Only two months! She felt asif she had taken a great spring across the gulf dividing girlhoodfrom womanhood, and was looking back across it now with regretfuleyes.

  Why had she been in such a hurry to grow up? She understood for thefirst time what Aunt Madge and other grown-up people meant whenthey said that they looked upon their school days as the happiestof their lives.

  "Are mine going to be the happiest?" Marie thought. Even they hadnot been very happy. She had never been very popular at school, andshe had never been clever. Her lessons had always worried her, andshe never quite got over het first feeling of homesickness as theother girls did.

  "You're too sentimental, too romantic!" so her best friend, DorothyWebber, had often told her. "If you don't cure yourself, my dear,you'll find a lot of trouble waiting for you in the future."

  She had found it already, sooner even than Dorothy had dreamed.

  She looked down at her hand with its new wedding ring, and a littleblush rose to her pale cheeks.

  "He's mine, at any rate," she told herself fiercely. "Even if hedoesn't love me, he is my husband, and nobody else can have him."

  It was some sort of comfort to know that the adored Chris was hers.The knowledge sent some streak of sunshine across the blackness oflast night.

  She strolled along restlessly, blind to the beauty of the sea andsky, lost in her own bruised, bewildered thoughts. She had passedthe boy with the shrimping net, and had come abreast with the mansauntering at the water's edge without noticing it, until he spoketo her.

  "Good morning, Mrs. Lawless."

  She started, flushing painfully as her eyes met the kindlyquizzical gaze of "Feathers."

  He looked uglier than ever in the morning sunshine, was her firstbitter thought, and he wore a loose, collarless shirt which wasopen at the neck and showed his thick, muscular throat.

  His big feet were thrust into not over-clean white canvas shoes,and a damp towel and bathing costume hung inelegantly over oneshoulder.

  "Good morning," said Marie. "I thought I was the first one up," sheadded resentfully.

  He laughed carelessly.

  "I'm always up with the lark--or aren't there any larks at a placelike this? I've had a dip--I like the sea to myself, before it'scrowded with flappers and fat old ladies."

  "Perhaps they prefer it, too," said Marie. The words had escapedher almost before she was aware of it, and she flushed hotly,ashamed of her rudeness.

  But "Feathers" only laughed.

  "I knew you didn't like me," he said in friendly fashion. "I couldread it in your eyes last night."

  She was nonplussed by his frankness.

  "I can't like you or dislike you," she said after a moment. "Idon't know anything about you."

  "I know you don't," he agreed calmly. "But you think you do! Andthat's where you are mistaken! If you take my advice, Mrs. Lawless,you'll make a friend of me."

  She stared at him with growing indignation.

  "Why, whatever for?" she asked blankly. She had never been spokento in such a manner before.

  Feathers laughed again, and ran his fingers through his unrulyhair.

  "Well, for one thing, I'm your husband's best friend," he saidsententiously. "And I always think it's policy for a woman to keepin with her husband's best friend. What do you think?"

  There was nothing but friendliness in his voice and words, but theyangered Marie.

  "My husband's friends don't interest me in the least," she saiduntruthfully.

  Feathers stooped and picked up another smooth pebble, with which heskillfully skimmed the surface of the sea half a dozen times.

  "That's a pity," he said. "And sounds as if you are very young." Helooked down at her. "How old are you?" he asked interestedly.

  She ignored the last question. Her eyes were indignant as sheanswered: "It may sound as if I am very young, but it also soundsas if you are very rude and inquisitive."

  His dark face flushed.

  "I beg your pardon. I hadn't the least intention of being eitherrude or inquisitive," he said hastily. "I should like to be friendswith you. As a rule, I've no use for women any more than . . ." Hestopped abruptly, biting his lip, but Marie knew that he had beengoing to add, "Any more than Chris has."

  There was a little silence.

  "Have you got any brothers?" he asked abruptly. "No, of course, Iknow you haven't. Well, why not look upon me as a sort of bigbrother?" His eyes were upon her again; kind eyes they were beneaththeir shaggy brows.

  Marie gave a forced little laugh.

  "Thank you; I don't want a brother."

  "Not now, of course," he agreed. "But we never know what we maywant in this queer old world, and brothers can be very usefulthings at times, you know."

  She did not answer. She thought he was the strangest man she hadever met.

  "We ought to be turning back," he said presently, "It's nearly nineo'clock, and we're some way from the hotel."

  She walked reluctantly beside him.

  Suddenly she asked a question.

  "If you are Chris' best friend, why weren't you his best man at--atour wedding?"

  She looked up at him as she spoke, and saw the quick frown thatcrossed his face.

  "Am I to answer that question?" he asked.

  "Of course. I should like to know."

  "Very well, then, as you insist--Chris asked me to be best man, orwhatever you call it, and I refused."

  "Why?" She was really interested now.

  "Why? Well, because--before I saw you--I disliked the idea of Chrisbeing married. Marriage spoils most friendships between men."

  Marie looked out over the sea with wistful eyes.

  "I don't think marriage will spoil Chris' friendships," she said,with faint bitterness.

  "No," he agreed, "I am afraid it will not."

  There was a queer, hard note of disapproval in his voice, and Marielooked at him in bewilderment.

  "I don't think I understand you," she said angrily. "I don't thinkI understand a bit what you mean."

  "Perhaps I don't understand myself." he answered. "Let's leave itat that, shall we, and forget all the nonsense I've been talking?"

  They went up to the hotel silently. There were several people aboutnow and a smartly-dressed woman with red hair, t
o whom Feathersbowed formally, stared at Marie rather insolently as they passed.

  "Is that one of Chris' friends?" Marie asked with an effort whenthey were out of hearing.

  "Chris knows her," was the reply. "She is a Mrs. Heriot."

  "She is very smart," Marie said wistfully.

  "Smart!" Feathers stopped and looked back at the womandeliberately. "Do you call her smart?" he asked, mildly amazed. "Ithink she looks a sight; but, then, so do most of the women in thishotel. I suppose it's their way of attracting attention--all othersfailing."

  Marie smiled faintly.

  "You don't like women," she said.

  He shook his shaggy head.

  "I do not," he agreed.

  "And yet--just now, you told me I should be wise to make a friendof you."

  "I did--and I still mean it, and hope some day that you will do so. . . Here is Chris."

  Chris came towards them with a batch of newspapers in his hands. Helooked at his wife with faint embarrassment.

  "Early birds!" he said, and then, as Feathers moved away. "Is yourhead better, Marie Celeste?"

  She smiled nervously.

  "Oh, yes, it's quite gone! I got up early and had a long walk alongthe sands, and I met Mr. Dakers and he came back with me."

  "Call him 'Feathers,'" said Chris. "Everybody does."

  "Do they? But I hardly know him!"

  "You soon will." He looked at her doubtfully. "Do you think youwill manage to have a good time here, Marie?"

  "Oh, yes, with . . . " "With you," she had been going to add, butstopped. She felt instinctively that she would not be allowed tohave much of her husband's undivided attention. There were so manypeople in the hotel who were friends of his.

  "There is a Mrs. Heriot here who knows you," she said, more forsomething to say than for any other reason, and she was surprisedat the way Chris suddenly flushed.

  "Yes, I know," he said. "I saw her last night."

  They went in to breakfast together. Marie thought she had neverseen such a big room. She kept close to Chris, conscious that alleyes were upon her.

  Feathers and young Atkins occupied a table a little way fromtheirs, and Atkins got up as soon as he saw Marie, and came over toask how she was.

  "I'm quite well, thank you, and isn't it a lovely morning?"

  "Ripping! I say, can you swim?"


  Chris looked up. "Can you?" he asked in surprise, then laughed andcolored, realizing how very little he really knew about Marie andher accomplishments.

  "I wish people wouldn't stare at me so," she said to him nervously,when breakfast was over and they were out in the lounge once more."Is there anything funny-looking about me, Chris?"

  He cast a casual eye over her daintiness.

  "You look all right," he said, without much enthusiasm. "Probablythey know we're newly married." he added.

  Marie said nothing, but she turned away from him and looked outover the sea, a little wintry smile on her quivering lips.

  He was quite indifferent to her, she knew! And in her passionatepain and bitterness she almost wished for his hatred. Anything,anything rather than this terrible feeling that she was nothing atall in his life!

  Young Atkins joined them almost immediately and attached himself toMarie.

  "We're going to bathe presently." he said. "You'll come, too, won'tyou?"

  Marie looked at her husband, but he was talking to someone else,and she answered hurriedly.

  "Oh, yes, I'll come, of course! What time are you going?"

  "We generally go about half-past ten--before the crowd gets down.We'll take a boat out if you're sure you can swim."

  She laughed. "Why, of course, I can!"

  "Let your breakfast settle first, my boy," said Feathers, lookingup from his newspaper. "There's no hurry, is there?"

  "Oh, shut up!" said young Atkins lightly. "You're always such anold croaker."

  At half-past ten he sought Marie out again.

  "Are you coming?" he asked. "It'll be topping this Morning."

  "I know--Chris has gone to phone to someone. I wonder if I ought towait . . ."

  "Of course not! He'll be all right! Leave a message."

  "Very well." It would be a good opportunity to show him that shedid not depend on him for her amusement she thought desperately.She went off through the sunshine with young Atkins chatteringnineteen to the dozen beside her.

  It was a perfect morning! Marie stood for a moment on the steps ofthe bathing machine in her blue and white costume, and looked up atthe sun! It might be such a perfect world if only things were alittle different! She wondered if there was always something inlife to prevent people being too happy.

  Young Atkins called to her from a diving stage a little distanceout, and she dived into the water and swam out to him.

  "Ripping, isn't it!" he said as she clambered up to sit beside himin the sun "Look here! I'll race you round that buoy and back. Willyou?"

  "Yes--I'll bet you a box of cigarettes I win."

  "Right! Bet you a box of chocolates you don't. Now then--one, two,three! Go!" They dived from the staging together, laughing and fullof excitement. They were both good swimmers, and for a little theykept abreast, then slowly but surely young Atkins forged ahead.

  Marie felt rather tired. They were swimming towards the sun and itsbrightness blinded her. Her headache had returned, too; she hadalmost forgotten it until a little stabbing pain in her templesmade her close her eyes.

  She thought it must be because she had not slept all night! Thatwould account for her feeling of weakness and lassitude. She oughtnot to have come out so far--sudden panic closed about her heart--she tried to call to the boy ahead of her, but a little wave brokein her face and carried her voice away. She thought that shescreamed--she was quite sure that she screamed aloud in terrorbefore someone put out the sunshine and blotted out the world,leaving only miles and miles of clear, green water, into which shesank slowly down . . .


  "Thy friend will come to thee unsought With nothing can his love be bought; Trust him greatly and for aye, A true friend comes but once your way."