Read A Baxter Family Christmas Page 1


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  To Donald:

  I remember the first time I wrote about the Baxter family. God gave me all the characters in a single cross-country flight, and you were there beside me . . . cheering me on. The Baxter family came to life while we were raising our kids. When they told stories around the family dinner table, we were doing the same. And when their kids auditioned for Christian theater, our kids were singing the same songs. Our family is—and always will be—inexorably linked with the Baxter family. So let me take this moment to thank you, my love. Thank you for creating a world where our love and life and family and faith were so beautiful I could do nothing but write about it. So that some far-off day when we’re old and the voices of our children no longer fill the house, we can pull out books like this one and remember. Every single beautiful moment. I love you.

  To Kyle:

  You will always be the young man we prayed for, the one we believed God for when it came to our precious only daughter. You love Kelsey so well, Kyle. And you are such a great daddy to Hudson. Thank you for bringing us joy every day. We pray that all the world will one day be changed for the better because of your love and your life.

  To Kelsey:

  What an amazing season this has been, watching as a year ago—overnight—you became the best mommy ever. Hudson is such a happy baby, such a miracle boy. He is strong and kind and joyful, with a depth that tells all of us that some way, somehow, God is going to use him. And He will continue to use you also, Kelsey. You and Kyle and Hudson—and whatever other kids God might bring your way. Your family is a very bright light . . . and I know that one day all the world will look to you as an example of how to love well. Love you with all my heart, honey.

  To Tyler:

  Watching you take wing this past year has been another of life’s great joys. Long ago when I imagined you graduating from college and moving out on your own, I thought it would be with tears and sadness. The quiet in the front room where once the sound of you playing the piano filled our nights. The empty space where you once made your bedroom. But this year caught me by surprise. I was simply too happy for you to find time to be sad. You are shining so brightly for Jesus—your songwriting, your singing, your screenwriting. God has great things ahead, and as always I am most thankful for this front-row seat. You are a very great blessing, Ty. Love you always.

  To Sean:

  I cannot believe what a year at YWAM has meant to your life. From the first day we held you, we knew your spirit was bright. You loved God and people with a passion and joy that defied your early past. Yet we agreed with you that it was time to take your faith to another level. You will never know just how thrilled your dad and I were each time you called from your YWAM mission trip, how we had tears in our eyes as you asked about each of the family and then offered to pray for us. Out loud. Over the phone. You left here a boy and came back a man, Sean. One we are so very proud of. I am convinced God has amazing plans ahead for you, Son. I love you forever.

  To Josh:

  This was a year of discovery for you, and for that I’m so grateful. You are walking into a future where being a spokesperson for Jesus can look a lot of different ways. He has gifted you with special skills that will cause you to be in demand in this world. People will always need your help, and along the way, I pray that you always give them more than they expect. Because people will always need a kind word, a gentle smile, a prayer and an invitation to church more than they will need any skills we can offer. I’m so glad you’re my son, Josh. Love you so much!

  To EJ:

  What a tremendous time this is for you, EJ. You are doing so well at Liberty University, so excited about the career in filmmaking you have chosen. Isn’t it something how God knew—even all those years ago when you first entered our family—that you would need to be with people who loved God and loved each other . . . but also people who loved the power of storytelling. I’m so excited about the future, and the ways God will use your gifts to intersect with the gifts of so many others in our family. Maybe we should start our own studio—making movies that will change the world for God. I love it! And I love you—always.

  To Austin:

  A very long time ago I scribbled out the years to come. 2001, 2002, 2003, etc. Under each year, I wrote the ages and grades our kids would be in—so I would get a quick glance at how fast the time would go. I remember writing out the number 2016. Because that was the year you—our youngest—would graduate from high school and move away to college. And now . . . here we are. I’m so grateful I can see you when I travel to Liberty University to teach. We will have many happy times together as you follow the path God has for you. Many breaks and special family times. But I miss you in the everydayness, Austin. You have been such a light in our home, our miracle boy. Our overcomer. You are my youngest, and no question the hardest one to let go. The quiet here is so . . . quiet. Even with your dad’s jokes and little Hudson’s visits. So . . . while you’re at Liberty, on quiet nights when you lie awake in your dorm, just know that we have cherished every moment of raising you. And we are still here. We always will be. Love you forever, Aus.

  And to God Almighty, the Author of Life,

  who has—for now—blessed me with these.


  For some of you, this is your first time with the Baxter family. Yes, you could go back and read twenty-three books on these most-loved characters. The list of Baxter titles—in order—is at the beginning of this book. But you don’t have to read those, to read this one. In fact, there will be other Baxter books coming in the next few years. If you wish, you can begin right here.

  At Christmastime.

  Whether you’ve known the Baxters for years or are just meeting them now, here’s a quick summary of the family, their kids, and their ages. Also, because these characters are fictional, I’ve taken some liberty with their ages. Let’s just assume this is how old everyone is today.

  Now, let me introduce you to—or remind you of—the Baxter family:

  The Baxters began in Bloomington, Indiana, and most of the family still lives there today.

  The Baxter house is on ten acres outside of town, with a winding creek that runs through the backyard. It has a wraparound porch and pretty view and the memories o
f a lifetime. The house was built by John and Elizabeth Baxter. They raised their children here. Today it is owned by one of their daughters—Ashley—and her husband, Landon Blake. It is still the place where the extended Baxter family gathers for special celebrations—like Christmas.

  John Baxter: John is the patriarch of the Baxter family. He is a doctor, well known in Bloomington. He also teaches medicine at Indiana University. John’s first wife, Elizabeth, died ten years ago from a recurrence of cancer. Years later, John remarried Elaine, and the two live in Bloomington.

  Dayne Matthews, 41: Dayne is the oldest son of John and Elizabeth. Dayne was born out of wedlock and given up for adoption at birth. His adoptive parents died in a small plane crash when he was 18. Years later, Dayne became a very visible and popular movie star. At age 30, he hired an attorney to find his birth parents—John and Elizabeth Baxter. He had a moment with Elizabeth in the hospital before she died, and years later he connected with the rest of his biological family. Dayne is married to Katy, 39. The couple has three children: Sophie, 6; Egan, 4; and Blaise, 2. They are very much a part of the Baxter family, and they split time between Los Angeles and Bloomington.

  Brooke Baxter West, 39: Brooke is a pediatrician in Bloomington, married to Peter West, 39, also a doctor. The couple has two daughters: Maddie, 18, and Hayley, 15. The family experienced a tragedy when Hayley suffered a drowning accident at age 3. She recovered miraculously, but still has disabilities caused by the incident.

  Kari Baxter Taylor, 37: Kari is a designer, married to Ryan Taylor, 39, football coach at Clear Creek High School. Kari also runs the Bloomington Crisis Pregnancy Center with her sister Brooke. Kari and Ryan have three children: Jessie, 16; RJ, 9; and Annie, 6. Kari had a crush on Ryan when the two were in middle school. They dated through college, and then broke up over a misunderstanding. Kari married a man she met in college, Tim Jacobs, but some years into their marriage he had an affair. The infidelity resulted in his murder at the hands of a stalker. The tragedy devastated Kari, who was pregnant at the time with their first child (Jessie). Ryan came back into her life around the same time, and years later he and Kari married. They live in Bloomington.

  Ashley Baxter Blake, 35: Ashley is the former black sheep of the Baxter family, married to Landon Blake, 35, who works for the Bloomington Fire Department. The couple has four children: Cole, 15; Amy, 10; Devin, 8; and Janessa, 4. As a young single mom, Ashley was jaded against God and her family when she reconnected with her firefighter friend Landon, who had secretly always loved her. Eventually Ashley and Landon married and Landon adopted Cole. Together, the couple had two children—Devin and Janessa. Between those children, they lost a baby girl, Sarah Marie, at birth to anencephaly. Amy, Ashley’s niece, came to live with them a few years ago after Amy’s parents, Erin Baxter Hogan and Sam Hogan, and Amy’s three sisters, Clarissa, Chloe, and Heidi Jo, were killed in a horrific car accident. Amy was the only survivor. Ashley and Landon and their family live in Bloomington, in the old Baxter house, where Ashley and her siblings were raised. Ashley still paints and is successful in selling her work in local boutiques.

  Luke Baxter, 33: Luke is a lawyer, married to Reagan Baxter, 33, a blogger. The couple has three children: Tommy, 13; Malin, 8; and Johnny, 4. Luke met Reagan in college. They experienced a major separation early on, after having Tommy out of wedlock. Eventually the two married, though they could not have more children. Malin and Johnny are both adopted.

  In addition to the Baxters, this book will revisit the Flanigan family. The Flanigans have been friends with the Baxters for many years. So much so that I previously wrote five books about their oldest daughter—Bailey Flanigan. For the purpose of this book and those that might follow, here are the names and ages of the Flanigans:

  Jim and Jenny Flanigan, both 45. Jim is a football coach for the Indianapolis Colts, and Jenny is a freelance writer who works from home. Bailey, 22, is married to Brandon Paul, 25. Bailey and Brandon were once actors in Hollywood—Brandon, very well known. Today they run the Christian Kids Theater in downtown Bloomington. Bailey’s brothers are Connor, 19—a student at Liberty University; Shawn and Justin—both 17 and juniors at Clear Creek High; BJ, 16, a sophomore; and Ricky, 13, an eighth grader.


  Heavy snow clouds hung low over Bloomington, Indiana, the Saturday before Thanksgiving. But the atmosphere was warm and bright in the Clear Creek High School gym, where Ashley Baxter Blake sat next to her husband, Landon. On the floor with the ball was her fifteen-year-old son, Cole, whose freshman team was minutes from beating its crosstown rival.

  The high-pitched sound of a whistle pierced the gymnasium. “Traveling!” The ref called Cole for the violation and instantly Ashley was on her feet. “Are you se—” She eased herself back down to the bleacher and bit the inside of her lip. Gradually she brought her hands together and clapped. “Here we go. You got this, Cole.”

  Four-year-old Janessa scrambled up onto Ashley’s lap. “Cole’s the best basketball boy in the world, right, Mommy?”

  “Yes, baby.” Ashley kissed her cheek. “And the refs are just human.” She met Landon’s eyes over Janessa’s head and managed a smile. She mouthed her next words to him. I’m trying.

  Landon chuckled. “You’ve come a long way.”

  It was true. Cole was just a little guy when he first started playing basketball here. Part of the park league program. On his first game, Ashley had caught herself getting too enthusiastic, yelling a bit too loud. And yes, maybe a bit too concerned with questionable calls by the referees. Her attitude wasn’t that surprising. Lately she’d been frustrated with her father and snapping at everyone.

  Ashley drew a slow breath. She still cared about the calls and the scoreboard. But she’d learned a lot. Winning and losing meant nothing compared to the thrill of enjoying the game.

  Cole played basketball because he loved it. Today. For now. If he scored twenty points and his team won, great. But the joy Ashley felt watching her son play had nothing to do with his points scored or an official’s call or whether Cole played next season. Let alone whether he played college ball one day.

  Even living here in the shadow of Bloomington’s Indiana University.

  Amy, ten, and Devin, eight, sat on the other side of Landon. Devin tugged Landon’s sleeve. “That wasn’t traveling, right, Dad?”

  Landon smiled. “If the ref says it’s traveling . . .”

  “Oh! I know!” Amy’s eyes lit up. “If the ref says it’s traveling, it’s traveling!” She came up behind Landon and looped her arms around his neck. “Right?”

  “Right.” Landon grinned at Ashley and then he winked at Devin. “You have to play ten points above the refs. Just in case.”

  Thanksgiving was less than a week away, but Ashley Baxter Blake’s mind was on Christmas, and the dinner her dad was trying to pull together. Which was the reason she felt so irritated.

  By halftime Cole’s team was up six points. The kids were hoping for the first snow of the season, so Landon agreed to take them outside to check. Ashley stood to follow but her phone rang. Her dad’s name appeared on the screen. She motioned for Landon to go on without her. Then she took the call.

  “Hey, Dad.” She sat down again and tried to sound pleasant. “How are you?”

  “Good. Beautiful day. It’s already snowing here.”

  Ashley pictured it, the way fresh snow looked across Bloomington. The whole town would turn into a Norman Rockwell painting, the way it did every year at this time. “Amy and Devin will be thrilled.”

  “You kids always were when you were little!” Her dad laughed. “Of course, we always needed a big box by the front door for coats and mittens and boots. But that never stopped us!”

  Ashley smiled at the memory. It seemed like yesterday when she and her siblings were the little ones, clamoring to get outside and play in the first snow. Now all of them were married with kids of their own.

  Her dad paused for a moment, and Ashley could feel his tone ch
ange before he said a word. “Ashley, I think you know why I called . . .”

  She closed her eyes. I’m not ready for this, God. Help me. Please . . .

  “You and Landon.” Her father sighed. “You haven’t given me an answer about Christmas Eve. About dinner with Kendra Bryant and her husband.”

  Anxiety left an instant wake across the already troubled waters of Ashley’s heart. She blinked a few times and stared at the small cross on the wall just above the side entrance to the gym. “I’m not trying to be difficult, Dad.”

  “I know.” His tone was kind. “And I don’t want to force your decision. It’s just . . . I’d like a plan.”

  Thanksgiving was still days away, but her father had been talking about Christmas Eve since the beginning of November. Ashley and her siblings disagreed about how to handle their dad’s request. But Ashley was easily the most concerned about the idea. “Landon and I talked. We don’t think a family meeting with Kendra on Christmas Eve is a good idea. Maybe not ever.”

  Silence followed before her dad finally spoke. “I understand.”

  “You can still use our house. Landon and the kids and I will have dinner with his parents.” Ashley tried to sound upbeat. But her effort didn’t seem to be working. “I don’t want to get in the way of your plans. But on Christmas Eve? I’m not sure how Amy would handle that.”

  “I like the idea of Christmas Eve. Because everyone will be together.” Her dad sounded like he was struggling with the idea, also. At least a little. “I keep asking myself what would Erin want us to do?”

  The mention of her sister made Ashley catch her breath. For a long moment she didn’t speak. She closed her eyes again. Erin should be here, God. We shouldn’t even be having this conversation.


  “I’m sorry.” She exhaled slowly. “What would I say to her?” What would any of them say? She spotted Landon and the kids entering the gym again, headed toward her. “Can I call you tonight? I’m at Cole’s game. Halftime’s almost over.”