Read A Blunder Worth Telling Page 2

  “Oh any love life?” He teased me.

  “Not so fast its just me and my curiosity.” I replied.

  We moved to the canteen and ate some light meal. In canteen we made some more friends but the group of four ( I,Shashwat,Aarav,Tanay) was becoming the best. We talked, laughed, made some tough calculations about girls who passed over the canteen door and enjoyed. I almost forgot that girl. Shashwat was studious but only at the time when he had to study else he was just like one of us. Sometimes I desired to be like him.

  Chapter 4

  It was the time for our next lecture , I didn’t want to get late so I stood and quickly started moving towards our lecture hall.

  “Wait!!” Tanay shouted.

  “Wait for us” Shashwat said.

  I listened to no one and kept walking to the hall, I reached and no one was there. “What!!” I was the first one to reach. This was a great achievement for me ever in my lifetime, always the last student to reach his class today came first. Never ever in my school time I had been on time, I was always late and sometimes was sent back with a diary note. Then also I was somewhat famous in school for two things, First, holding the record of getting late and second being a football champion. Our team always won the football championship and always I was the captain. I never got chance to develop my interests in studies but always had a keen interest in all the sports. After ninth grade my parents also lost all hopes from me and from then never forced me to study. It was my decision to come to NSc to live a college life and also now I had decided to change myself and study hard.

  In the hall

  “Let’s sit and have some fun.” Tanay said.

  I instead of sitting on my seat sat on that girl’s seat for whom I was waiting so eagerly.

  “Let’s make some paper planes. It will be fun flying them during class.” Aarav said.

  Aarav resembled me , always trying something different, who else except me and him would like to flew planes during first day of the lecture. We started making them and Tanay and Shashwat helped us they didn’t got involved in our plan but helped with the paper work. Now few students started coming in the hall. A group of girls came and I could hear their talks and reason for their giggling.”

  “See how much face of Tanya has changed. She is looking like male.” Hahaha. All the girls laughed.

  Surely they were pointing me as I was sitting on a seat that was allotted to a girl. No not ‘that girl’ now I knew her name it was Tanya. What was there to laugh. I thought in my mind, what a foolish joke it was. Now if I go to one of them and ask them “Where is Tanya?” then all of them will shockingly ask how do I know her name, then I will say “you all told me her name” and they will say “we never talked to you how could we.” And all this drama in the whole conversation will only lead to prove me wrong. That's why I said earlier girls are complicated “beings” on the earth. I used the word “beings” here because if I had again use the word animal again, then any girl reading this book will surely behave like animal to me. I realized that saying them anything or any conversation with them was of no use. So I quietly stood and moved back to my seat. Our professor came in the class and started his lecture but she didn’t come. I waited for her eagerly, kept staring at the empty chair but it was of no use she was not there. My mind was still not present in the room, I kept looking everywhere in the class at everyone's face examining how serious they were. Finally I got fed up of myself and thought “Who’s that girl. Nothing to me. Then why am I thinking about her so much. Just let her go to hell and study”. I made up my mind to study and before I even opened any of my books to focus something struck my head. I looked, it was the paper plane, inside was a message from Aarav. “ Why sitting ideal lets have some fun.”

  “What” I looked at him and asked him in signs what to do.

  “Open your bag there are many more planes, write a message and just enjoy.” He said.

  First of all I took no interest in that stuff but soon an idea came to my mind. It was nice and easy way to get expelled from the class, once I got expelled I could search for Tanya outside. So to begin my plan I wrote

  “Do your toothpaste contains salt, If yes then please use it, everyday I get afraid by seeing your killing smile.”

  “Ching chang chu shi sha shu…..if you don’t understand please pass it over if you do then congrats you are a duffer.”

  After writing few more funny messages one by one. I was ready for the execution of my plan. I started throwing the planes here and there in every direction. Aarav too joined me and enjoyed this act even more than I did. Very ugly expressions came from our fellow mates at whom I was throwing these planes. Our professor turned back took the notice of what we were doing but said nothing and continued writing on the board. What!! He said nothing to us, was it the failure of my plan. What a teacher he was, didn’t even bother what was going in his class. I can’t lose, I had never learnt to lose. And after other few revolting thoughts that came to my mind in the fire of anger I threw a plane at him, everyone stopped writing for one second, all of them stared at me as if they were shouting “Stop!”. Shashwat kept his hand on his head regretting what have I done. The professor face turned red he opened the plane and read the message. He looked at me. Out!! He shouted.

  “Sir the same came to me with the message that pass it over, so I passed it over. Sorry sir” I said.

  “Am I the only fool here to receive your pass. Is a big fool word written on my forehead.”

  “Any questions about it.” Aarav made a comment and couldn’t control his laughter. The professor got even more angry.

  “Both of you out. Now.” He shouted. He cursed the paper and we both were thrown out of the class.

  Chapter 5

  “What a shot!” Aarav said.

  “Anger could do anything. You see.” I said.

  We both laughed even though we were standing out of the class then also we were happy instead of being shameful.

  “Let's move to canteen and eat something.” Aarav said.

  “No first we need to find that girl.” I said.

  “Whoa …Love at first sight.” He said.

  “No don’t use your brain, just help me to find her.” I said.

  We looked in the canteen, many places where a girl could be found roaming, like gardens nearby etc. But she was nowhere last place left to look at was the girls hostel, but neither of us dared enter there.

  “What a girls she is, missed her class on the first day.” Aarav said.

  “She might not be feeling well.” I said.

  “Ohh! Wow you know better.” He said.

  “Not again” I said.

  “Might she be in the reading section.” He said.

  “Good idea.” I replied.

  Wow I entered the library on the very first day of my college. Though it was not for study purpose, but for a girl then also I felt proud of myself. We searched in the whole library checked the visitors list she was nowhere to be found.

  “Hey I think she must be a ghost the way she vanishes. It’s awesome.” Aarav said.

  “Better if she was.” I said.

  I got fed up of searching her, my mood started to change. I sat on a chair took a book and pretended reading it. Aarav too joined me.

  Why am I so curious to know her. Am I in love. No it can’t be possible I didn’t got a feeling like the world slowed down and a huge orchestra began to play music and there was only me and her, like what happen in films nowdays. But this is real world anything could happen here no one knows. Between lot of contradictory facts approaching my mind I was unable to decide that why I was so curious to know her. In the middle of all this confusion I stood to keep my book back, from the gap between the shelf I saw Tanya going out of the library door.

  “Hey Stop” I shouted.

  It was so loud that everyone in the library started looking at me. She stopped. Now all my questions would be answered, I was finally happy. I couldn’t control myself and leaped toward
s her. Before leaping I said sorry to everyone for the disturbance created because of me.

  “Who are you.” I said.

  “The girl for whom you are searching I think.” She replied and smiled.

  “How do…” Before I completed my sentence she spoke.

  “My friends told me about how you were staring at me in the class and also I had observed.”

  I felt embarrassed.

  “Just a joke. Don’t mind. I know that you are suffering from a lot of confusion that whether you know me or not. Here is your answer, Of course you know me you idiot, How can you forget me.” She said in a joyful and frank tone.

  I felt overjoyed by knowing that yes I was right there was some relation between us.

  “Let’s move to canteen, we will sit there and talk, if you have time, I think we are disturbing someone.” I said looking here and there.

  All the students in library were staring us.

  “Yes sure.” She said.

  I signaled Aarav to meet me later. He gave a thumbs up understanding the situation.

  At the canteen table.

  “So finally you are in front of me.” I said.

  She smiled.

  “Now please elaborate about what you were speaking.” I said.

  “Don’t you remember even a single blink about me” She said.

  “No I tried very hard but I couldn’t remember a thing, only I felt that yes I had seen you somewhere before.”

  “What! How could you forget your past girlfriend.” She said.

  “What??” I exclaimed.

  I was shocked. According to me I didn’t had a girlfriend in my whole life till now how can she be my girlfriend.

  “What are you thinking.” She said.

  “Were you really my girlfriend.” I said.

  Now first time I examined her from top to bottom. She was a beautiful girl of mid 20’s and looked quite fashionable by her dressing sense. If she was my girlfriend then I didn’t think that I had got any reason to leave her.

  “So poor memory couldn’t even remember you girlfriends. No of course I was not. Do you ever had a girlfriend in your whole life Mr. footballer.” She said.

  “So that means you were not my girlfriend.” I asked.

  “No I was not.” She replied.

  So sad she was just joking how lucky I would be if she was.

  “Will you like to be now? ” I wanted to ask but I managed to keep my mouth shut. So she knew about my football this means she must had known me well.

  “Oh, So you know about my football. Were you in my school.” I enquired.

  “No not in your school.” She said.

  “Let’s start guessing.” She said.

  “I am very bad at it.” I replied.

  “Just give it a try.” She said.

  I stared at her face trying to remember who she was.

  “Don’t look at me like that or else you will fall in love with me.” She laughed. I smiled.

  “Samantha from school.” I said.

  “I already told you not from the school.” She said.

  “Okay!! I loose Please tell.” I said.

  “ How can you forget me I am Aarti. It’s my pet name. You Remember we were in same dance academy for 3 years. Where you always felt shy in doing a couple dance with me, afraid of holding a girl’s waist.” She laughed at the last statement made.

  “Oh!! You. I had never thought that one day you would have grown to be so beautiful.” I said.

  “Should I take it as a compliment or flirting.” She said.

  “Depends on you.” I said. She smiled.

  “I accept that I have changed but you Mr. is the same as in old times.” She said.

  I was just going to answer to her question. But suddenly she stood and said “Oh sorry I have to go, I forgot that I have an important work to do. See you soon Bye.” She said hurriedly walking by.

  “But this is not fair you are going with an incomplete talk. Let’s have a dinner tonight. Will you?”

  “No, not today please. I will surely inform you later. See you tomorrow.”

  She went away towards the girls hostel.

  Chapter 6

  Now I started to think about her. We were very young when we met in a dance class. It was just our common interest in dance that brought us together. We were together for 3 years as after that I left the class because my result was going down and I had to focus on upcoming boards. I imagined the moments we had spent together. We were good friends and she was right I always felt shy to do a couple dance. Imagine how difficult it was for a young boy to hold a girl's waist. At that time she was not so beautiful as she is now. Of course she was a better dancer than me and also was good in studies. Her friendly nature was her best part.

  “So Love story started yet or not. Was she the one.” Aarav came and sat where Tanya was sitting.

  “No. She is Tanya a very old friend of mine.” I said.

  “But I had heard a word girlfriend from somewhere near around.” Aarav said.

  “So you were listening to our talks.” I said. He was sitting behind us and was listening to all our talks.

  “I didn’t said that…I said that I just heard it from nearby.” Aarav said and laughed.

  “It was just a joke. We were friends and will be.” I said.

  The last word will be had been said by putting a mountain on my heart.

  “Okay. Let’s see. Now we should move back to the hall our class is about to get over” Aarav said.

  We moved back to the hall. Aarav and Shashwat were already waiting for us there.

  “Where were you both. We have been searching for you.” Shashwat asked.

  “Just looking for the right girl for Mr. Harsh.” Aarav said and laughed. I looked at him and made some faces.

  “I found the girl for whom I have been searching” I said.

  “Good so is she your cousin.” Shashwat said. They all were making fun of me.

  “No better if she would be yours” I said.

  “I hadn’t ever seen her” Shashwat said.

  “Then decide this after taking a look at her that whether she is mine or yours.” I said.

  “Friends I think she is sister of none of you but Tanay.” Aarav said.

  “See Tanay and Tanya, the cousins who were separated in a fair, even their name resembles. Wow such a beautiful story my heart wants to cry.” Aarav made a comment as Tanay was just standing and was not saying anything.

  We all laughed.

  But Tanay was still in a serious tone.

  “What happened to you.” I asked.

  “The girl sitting next to him threw a plane at him with a message.”

  “What message does she also wants to be his sister.” I laughed.

  “No even worst than that read it on your own you would die laughing he is still in a shock.” Shashwat passed the letter to me. It was something like this.

  “Oh! Boi me am badly with to lub in you your smile gave a chest attack on me. I all lub u. After looking you I nothing do just looking u. I want in run to you. You like a vada pao in me. Your shrt a big ice cream In my mouth. I lub u all from my nee to head. Your hairs are black forest where I hide. Your eyes like a black sweat in white bole. Your ears are just fear. I cant stop the traffic my heart in to say u my thing. I cant just sit alon to you. I know my weak in English bt I no you good will see my feel against my English.

  Lubing you…

  “We fell down and nearly cried out laughing. If you were unable to understand it at first try, no problem we were also the one like you. What an English. We can’t stop laughing. We read the same letter 10 times and were going mad.

  “Who the hell gave her admission to NSc.” Tanay shouted. He finally broke his silence.

  “Lub u Tanay.” We said and laughed.

  He was in a great shock.

  “She seems a bit interested in you. That's why she has mentioned some food in you. See how deeply is she in love with you that she could see
a whole ice cream and sweets and all other food stuffs in you.” I said.

  “Hope she doesn’t see a chicken kabab.” Aarav said. We all laughed hard.

  “Ha Ha! That all stuff seems fun to you. Think how would I manage to sit next to that girl whole year. I think she would eat me.” Tanay said.

  “We could only hope her to be a vegetarian.” I said.

  “Not a nice joke. Make fun of me now when the time comes I will also.” Tanay said and started walking away from us.

  “Byee lub u.” We said and laughed at him.

  We knew that he would be normal till the night. For few hours we enjoyed the funny grammar and English and I almost forgot about Tanya. I even didn’t got a chance to exchange our numbers. At evening we went outside to see nearby localities and places. It was nothing new to see in Delhi, only the traffic could be traced everywhere. So after having dinner outside we all came back to the hostel. Now we divided work among ourselves. I was given the duty to cook. I can easily manage it as I had learnt some dishes from my mother. Rest of the work was divided among the other three boys. After completing our notes we all sat together for a small talk to refresh our minds.

  “So what about lub you? What have you thought?” I said laughing.

  “What’s there to think. Change the topic else I am going from here.” Tanay said.

  “Okay. Calm down.” I said.

  “You tell us something about that girl. What's her name? I forgot” Shashwat said.

  “Tanya.” I said.

  “Ya right. So tell.” He said.

  “I don’t know her so well now as we have after a long time and I didn’t even got a chance to talk to her. Tomorrow I will go to class early to meet her, and according to our past she was very nice and a good friend of mine we met in a dance academy and since then this is our meeting.” I said.

  “Okay. So any feelings for her.” Shashwat enquired.

  “No it's not necessary to love every girl you know.” I said.

  “Hmm. Right. But leave something for poor like us too.” Aarav said.

  “Hmm.” I said.

  “So now let's sleep. I have to wake up early tomorrow.” I said.

  We all went to bed

  “Good night lub u all.” I said.

  We all laughed and then we slept.

  Chapter 7

  I was sitting in the hall and was waiting for Tanya. Today first time in my whole life I woke up on my own and that also before the alarm. I was second to reach the hall after another boy Abhishek Verma was his name( Special appearance…:P). He was sitting in the second row and was studying sincerely. I was sitting idle and felt some shame seeing him study, so I also opened my book, though I didn’t study. This was the major drawback for me, I can never sit and concentrate at one point my mind always wandered here and there on useless things but never on the studies. Thinking about all these facts I didn’t remember when I slept.