Read A Bride for Pastor Dan Page 4

“They’re going to get married, aren’t they?”

  Joe grinned hugely. “I think they are. I don’t think either of them realizes it yet, though.”

  Anna and Dan chatted as if they were old friends as she drove back to the church. When she’d parked she turned to him. “That was fun. I’m glad we decided to do that.”

  He smiled and nodded. “So am I. I haven’t been able to just be myself with anyone for a while. It was nice to be able to take off my pastor hat and just be Dan for a few minutes.”

  She smiled. “I haven’t gotten to see the pastor much, but I do like just Dan.” She wasn’t usually able to be so outspoken with men, but knowing that he was too good-looking for her ever to have a chance with him, put her at ease.

  “You know, I haven’t made many friends here yet. If you don’t mind, I’d love to get your phone number and maybe we could go see a movie or something. I love movies, but I really hate to go alone.” He knew it was lame, and was sure she’d see right through it, but he really wanted to get to know her better.

  “Sure. I love going to movies. My mom and I are chick-flick movie buddies, but I don’t really have anyone that I see anything else with, so if it’s not a chick-flick, I either go alone, or wait until it’s on DVD.” She grinned at him. “I do assume you’re not interested in going to chick-flicks with me?”

  He laughed. “No, I’m not interested in chick-flicks.” He programmed her number into his cell phone as he’d done her father’s. “Have you seen the new super-hero movie?”

  She shook her head no.

  “Do you like super-hero movies?”

  She nodded grinning. “All my friends think I’m silly to like them, though, so I always have to rent them on the sly.”

  He leaned over so his mouth was close to her ear and whispered, “I love super-hero movies.”

  She laughed. “You are hereby nominated my new life-long friend in charge of super-hero movies!” she announced in her best royal voice.

  “I will accept that nomination!” He took a second to run through what he needed to do before work tomorrow morning. “How about tonight? Do you have plans?”

  “That sounds like fun. Why don’t you figure out what time it’s playing and give me a call?” She needed to get the apartment vacuumed. It was neat now, but not nearly clean enough for a baby who would be crawling everywhere.

  “Sounds good.” He got out of her car and waved to her. As he watched her drive away, he couldn’t help but grinning. He was sure he’d found the woman who would make his life complete. He’d never believed that love could hit you over the head like a rock, but with Anna it sure had. How long would it take him to convince her? It would be nice to be married before school started. He heard kindergarteners got confused when their teacher’s name changed in the middle of the school year.