Read A Broken Fate Page 58

Chapter 27


  I lay awake. Our bedroom was dark and the only sounds were our quiet breathing and the crashing of the distant ocean waves. I closed my eyes and snuggled my face even deeper into Ari’s chest. That’s when I heard the first tiny creaks of the hardwood floor down the hall from our room. Someone was up; the creaking became slightly louder as that someone crept with slow deliberation toward our bedroom.

  Long moments passed and the noise stopped. Our doorknob began to turn. Adrenaline coursed through my veins and the hairs on the back of my neck stood on high alert. My heart pounded and my palms were sticky. The metallic flavor of adrenaline flooded my mouth. The doorknob clicked and the door was slowly pushed open with a quiet creak. The air was sucked out of my lungs. I was too scared to scream. Not a single sound would come out as I began to panic.

  “Ava, wake up; you’re having a nightmare.”

  My eyes shot open to Ari’s voice and the door closed like a quiet whisper. I drew in a breath. I was drenched in sweat.

  “Ari, someone’s in the house!”


  “It was my time. I was deciding my fate. No. 7 was here. You scared him away when you woke me up.”

  My fingers trembled.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I was asleep, only I didn’t know it. I heard someone walk through the house and come to a stop in front of our door. The latch clicked -someone was pushing the door open. You woke me up and the door closed. I was dreaming reality.”

  “Is No. 7 still here?” Ari shot up and grabbed his cell off the bedside table. Max was still asleep, but his face was pinched up and his little hands were shaking.

  “I don’t know.”

  Ari started to get out of the bed but I grabbed on to him tightly.

  “No, Ari; please don’t go. I’m too scared. I don’t want you to go out there.”

  “What do you want me to do then, Ava? We can’t just stay in here like sitting ducks.”

  I bit on my lip and thought for a moment.

  “Will you hand me my phone, please?”

  Ari did as I asked and slid my cell off the little table to hand it to me. I checked the time. One o’clock in morning! Okay, he would definitely be asleep, but I dialed him anyway.

  “Allo,” August mumbled, groggily and a little grumpily.

  “Je suis vraiment désolé, August, mais c’est une urgence,” I apologized for waking him and explained that it was an emergency. The tone in his voice immediately changed.

  “Ok, Ava, what’s going on?” his words were rushed.

  “There is someone in the house. Can you please meet us at the back door?”

  “Yeah, sure, right now?”

  “Yes,” pushing away the blankets, I climbed out of bed, motioning at the same time for Ari to follow. He hesitated just a second, then grabbed Max, cradling him in his arms. I turned the light on in the bedroom, and then opened the door. I flipped on the hallway light and looked up and down the hall. There was no one in sight, but an oddly familiar fragrance created a nausea that rolled around in my stomach. I shot Ari a worried look and hurried to the living room, turning on every single light I passed. The living room was empty, but the blankets, pillows and couch cushions had all been thrown about room. I let out a shaky breath. If Ari had not convinced me to sleep with him and Max, I would be dead. I jumped when I heard a knock at the back door.

  “It’s locked,” August’s muffled voice sounded through the thick glass door.

  “Locked?” I looked at Ari and he nodded.

  “Yeah, I locked the door earlier when I got up to get Max some water.”

  Whether or not a door to our house was locked or unlocked at any given time was definitely a hit-and-miss question. So many people came and went that a lock was more of a hindrance than a help. This time the door had been locked.

  Ari walked through the kitchen with Max in his arms and let August and Collin in, I flipped on the rest of the lights and explained to them in detail what was going on while Ari called and woke up Julia and Rory. They clambered up the steps a few minutes later. Everyone pulled open doors and walked through rooms checking to make sure no one was hiding. The front door was also locked.

  “I’m so sorry. I swear someone was here.”

  Ari wrapped his arms around Max and me.

  “Ava, it’s very late and you’re tired. We’re all tired. The house is empty, it’s locked up. Let’s go back to bed.”

  I nodded and suppressed the nasty chill that ran up my spine.