Read A Chance For Love Page 26


  My heart pounded as I neared the restroom. What if I ended up like Doreen and Nengi? Did I really have to take this risk?

  I didn't believe in Bloody Miri, and I wouldn't start now. Swallowing my fear, I reached out to grab the door handle.

  "Vicky!" a shrill of a voice pierced my eardrums. My heart flew to my mouth, and a gasp escaped my lips. But it only took a moment for me to regain composure.

  I whirled around to find Confidence jogging toward me. I hoped she hadn't witnessed my moment of fright. Blinded by her own fright, she definitely hadn't.

  "I'm super glad you came to my aid," she said. "I need to use the toilet so bad, but I don't want to go in alone. I don't want to end up like those girls."

  Barely giving me a moment to decide, she clung to my arm and ushered me in.

  "Please wait." She swept big, frantic eyes around the restroom. "I'll be out in a jiffy." Taking one last look around, she dashed into the first stall.

  Of course I would wait. I had plans of spending time in the restroom. I knew Bloody Miring would freak her out. But what did I care about the slut?

  I sauntered toward the rectangular mirror that almost covered the full breadth of the wall. My heart raced with every step I took. Time seemed to slow down, waiting for me to become the next victim. Taking a deep breath, I shoved off my fears and trained my eyes on the faucet opposite me. I secured the sink and turned on the faucet.

  "Bloody Miri," I said, my voice merely a breath. I took a step back and looked around for a sign of anything out of place. Finding nothing, I returned my focus to the mirror.

  A lump formed in my throat, constricting it. But I wouldn't back out. "Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri."

  Confidence burst out of the stall, her eyes wide with fear. "What are you doing? Stop! Stop it!"

  I kept my eyes trained on the mirror. "Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri-"

  "You're crazy," Confidence screamed, sprinting out of the restroom. The door slammed after her.

  "Crazy!" her fading voice screamed on.

  The emotions I thought I'd overcome fought to consume me. Every fiber of my being told me to drop this silliness and drag myself out of the restroom, but I stood my ground. I would not let fear take the best of me. Blinking sweat away from my eyes, I secured the other sinks and turned on the faucets.

  "Bloody Miri," I called. "Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri. Bloody Miri..."

  I chanted on and on, barely giving myself a moment to breathe. I listened for anything out of place, but could only hear my voice and the drip-drop of water. I didn't believe in Bloody Miri and never would. Ghosts didn't exist. If they did, mum and dad would have saved me from my stepmother's depravity. They'd haunt her till she lost her sanity. But they didn't. This only meant ghosts did not exist. And Miriam Adewale was no exception.

  "I don't believe in ghosts," I muttered, hoping it quelled my racing heart. "I'm only doing this for the benefit of doubt. Bloody Miri? Hah! What a joke!"

  A knock on the main door forced me to punctuate my words with a gasp. Although my mind screamed 'Bloody Miri', I tried not to think of it. I did not believe in ghosts!

  I could feel my heart pounding in my throat. Water overflowed from the sinks, but I couldn't move a muscle. Fear rooted me to the spot.

  The slow, haunting knocking on the door continued. My stomach clenched into a fist. Had Doreen and Nengi felt like this moments before it happened? Would I end up like them?

  Terror held me in a death grip. But once the grip loosened, I made for the door, only to hear a door behind me slam shut. My heart fell to the pit of my stomach. A scream escaped my lips.

  The main door jerked open, forcing me to take a step back. I toppled over and lost my footing. My body met the watery floor with a thud. Scrambling to my feet, I led my gaze to the door and found Raheem staring at me with amusement in his eyes.

  He smirked. "Looks like I arrived just in time to save the next victim."

  I blinked. Once. Twice. I gaped at the door that had slammed shut, and then it occurred to me that Confidence had left it ajar. Blast that jerk.

  Raheem bit his lips to stifle a laugh. But despite his efforts, a bubble of laughter sailed across the room.

  "Are you done laughing?" I asked. It took much effort not to join in his amusement.

  "Just what were you thinking?" he asked.

  I ignored his question. "How did you know I was here?"

  His face still crinkled with laughter. "Instincts."

  Instincts? He sure had ran into Confidence. I curled my lips at the thought of that slut checking him out with those dirty eyes. Reflecting back on how she'd dashed out of sight brought a smile to my lips. And despite my efforts to hold back my amusement, I heard myself chuckle.

  Raheem advanced to the faucets. Taking advantage of his distraction, I made my escape. I walked down the hallway, my lips curving into a smile as I thought back to my newest embarrassment. Why did I always end up embarrassing myself in front of him? How would I explain my wet uniform to Stella? How would she react if she knew I had played the game she despised with every fiber of her being?

  It took a moment before Raheem's footsteps joined mine. Lagging a great distance behind me, he walked calmly, apparently having no intentions to catch up with me.