Read A Chance For Love Page 37


  Sighing, I glanced at my wristwatch. I'd been standing outside the staff room for no less than fifteen minutes. Sir Aaron had asked me to meet him after school. If he didn't show up within the next five minutes, I would be gone.

  My mind drifted to Raheem. All day, I'd managed to stay away from him. I didn't want him continuing our discussion about proving something. If he did, and got to ask me again, I didn't trust myself enough. For this reason, I had to stay away from him, lest his sinfully pleasant green eyes pull me into something I wasn't even prepared for.

  "I almost forgot I asked you to wait," Sir Aaron said.

  I turned around to face him. "Good afternoon sir."

  "How are you?" he asked.

  "I'm alright."

  "I've kept you waiting for so long, so I don't want to take much of your time. Wait here." He disappeared into the staff room and returned almost immediately with a package.

  "Stella wants you to have this," he said.

  "Okay." I received the package with a smile. "Please tell her I said thanks."

  Sir Aaron smiled back. "I think in a few moments, you'll be able to do it yourself."

  "What do you mean, Sir?" I asked.

  "Never mind me," he said. "And Victoria?"

  "Yes, sir?"

  "If ever you need someone to talk to, you have me. Stella told me to take over from where she stopped. I know your stepmother and her daughter are bent on making your life miserable, and you're uncertain about what direction your life will take now that Stella's gone. But not to worry. I am here. I will keep you safe as long as you keep me updated. It will be alright, my dear."

  I looked away hiding my unease. I'd never thought I'd have this conversation with Sir Aaron. I could speak to Stella and Amarachi about the dramas in my life. But not Sir Aaron.

  "Okay," I managed to say.

  He placed a firm hand on my shoulder. "Be strong. Okay?"

  "Yes, sir."

  He laughed. "Oh now, that's not an order. You totally sounded like a military man. Or woman. Whatever."

  Sir Aaron had a sense of humor? Amarachi would be shocked to hear this.

  "See you tomorrow," he said.

  I watched him head for the staff room. He had barely walked out of sight when I felt a pair of eyes burning into me. I raised my head and found someone staring intently from the upper floor. Precious. She smiled at me and walked away.

  I knew from experience that an enemy's smile means evil. It only means they have something hurtful on their mind. Foes have an inverse relationship. When one rejoices, the other grieves.

  Shoving Precious out of my mind, I stuffed the package in my backpack and turned towards the stairs. Raheem stood a few feet away. Something about his posture and the look on his face told me he had not moved for at least five minutes, and that was just enough time to overhear my discussion with Sir Aaron. From where he stood, he couldn't have been able to see us. But I had no doubt he had heard every word.

  He confirmed my fears. "I. heard. Everything."

  My temper flared at his confession, but somehow, my voice didn't get past a whisper, "How could you listen in on our conversation? You know it isn't right to eavesdrop, and yet you do this, knowing more than you should. Didn't you think about how I'd feel about you breaching through my privacy?"

  "I was looking for you is all," he said. "And besides, you know just as much about my family. You know about my father's situation. My story with Jameela. My uncle. Farah's loss of hearing. My very useless cousin. These are things I don't want people knowing of. At least, not all at once. But somehow, you know all of that and more. Besides, friends don't hide things from each other."

  "You're right," I said. "Friends don't hide things from each other. I guess I overreacted."

  "Are you ready to leave?" he asked.

  "You don't have to give me a ride."

  "I don't have to. But I want to. Come on now, Farah is waiting in the car."

  "You really shouldn't worry about me," I insisted. "I'll walk home. I want to stretch my legs."

  "Then that exercise is going to have to wait. Do you not see the weather? It's going to rain anytime soon." He tilted his head back to view the gloomy sky.

  "Rain is my best friend," I said.

  "You've got to be kidding me," he said. "Hey, if you think I'm going to ask why you've been avoiding me all day, then stop worrying. I cross my heart, I won't ask. Just let me drop you home, and then tomorrow when you see me, you can continue from where you left off avoiding me."

  "I'm not avoiding you," I said. "I just... Okay, fine. Let's go."

  "I'm sorry," he said. "I really didn't mean to listen in on your conversation. Considering that you were meeting with Sir Aaron, I knew you'd leave for home late. And I didn't expect Cynthia to wait for you, because she left without you on Friday and-"

  I cut him off. "It's okay."

  "Are you sure?" he asked, his eyes never leaving mine. "Sure it's all good?"


  We dismounted the stairs and made for his car. I walked past him and hopped in before he could offer me his help. Not exactly pleased, he shook his head and settled in the driver's seat. Beside him, Farah buried her attention in her tablet.

  "So, I've created your Facebook fan page," Farah announced once Raheem started the engine. "Soon, your fans will come flocking at your page, demonstrating their support by smashing the like button!"

  "You think I give a hoot about a dumb fan page right now?" Raheem asked.

  "Hey, it's not dumb. And yeah, I figured out you'd react this way, so don't worry. Leave it all for your proactive little sister. We are both admins. Don't worry, I'll do all the posting."

  "Whatever," Raheem said.

  Farah smacked his arm. "Hey? What's wrong? You just seem so off today. Both of you. A bush pig hit you on your way here? Vicky, did you two have a fight?"

  "Farah, when will you learn to mind your own business?" Raheem asked.

  "Eat the silence," Farah said. She turned to look out the window. Almost immediately, she returned her attention to him. "Hey, guess what? That little show you did in that cafeteria, the whole world loves it. It's YouTube's top hit."

  "What?" Raheem asked.

  A smile spread across Farah's face. "Yeah, you killed it back there. The video's superb." Playing the video on her tablet, she cranked up the volume and held it high for all to see.

  "I'm amazing, I know," Raheem said. "Though I must confess Highway To Yesterday is incomplete without the band. All the instruments work together to bring that song alive. But I performed it with only a guitar. It's by miracle the song wasn't ruined. Though, a closer look at it shows it really is lacking."

  "I don't see how it lacks," Farah said. "And you, Victoria? Isn't the song super great?"

  "It's cool," I said.

  "You see! She loves it! Everyone does! Else you wouldn't be having this much views on YouTube."

  "I still say it's lacking," Raheem said.

  "Create a new band then," Farah said. "You came up with Impaling Sedation. You sure can form another. But remember, MJ wasn't in a band, but that didn't stop him from being a legend."

  Raheem yawned. "Yeah, thanks for the encouragement."

  "If you want to start a new band though, you should consider signing me up as your vocalist."

  "Not even in your dreams," Raheem said. Did Farah sing that bad?

  "Okay, I'm kidding," Farah said. "Why choose me when there are tons of girls in school? I met a few. They're fit. One of them even looks like a Goth kid-"

  "I'd rather give up on music than have any girl play in my band," Raheem said.

  "So you really are forming a new band?" Farah asked. "Awesome! You really shouldn't involve a girl if you don't want to. Like, despite the absence of feminine touch in Bring Me The Horizon, I love that band anyway. And besides, I wouldn't want to suggest you something that'd hurt you tomorrow. I can't believe I talked you into signing up Meela as your lead singer. If only I'd
minded my business-"

  "When do you ever stop talking?" Raheem asked.

  "When I'm not breathing," Farah said.

  "Well, that can be arranged," Raheem said.

  "You fiend." Farah turned around, hitting me with her full attention. "What's wrong, Victoria?"

  "I'm fine," I said.

  "Are you sure? I mean, you don't look fine to me. Wait. Did my brother offend you in anyway? I know he's a bit of an ass sometimes and he doesn't think twice before letting his ego take the best of him, but don't let his words get to you. He has a pure heart."

  How could I tell her I wanted to stay away from Raheem because he'd asked me to prove to him that not all girls were like Jameela? How could I tell her I was the one hurting him?

  Moments later, Raheem pulled over beside my street. Waving them goodbye, I stepped out of the car. "Thanks for the ride."

  Farah waved back. "Bye. See you tomorrow."