Read A Chance For Love Page 54


  Mum's recovery seemed closer than ever. She'd walked around the house today. She'd engaged me in conversations, and had even helped prepare lunch.

  Sat in bed, I scribbled the first draft of a story I planned to write. I'd name it Silver Lining, and would dedicate it to my Fairy Godmother. Cynthia didn't seem comfortable with me writing a story of my life, but I had already made up my mind. I would do this. I would start with a prologue, briefly showing the world my mother's last moment on earth. She would grieve over the end of her life. She would write two letters, to the people she loved the most, after which death would whisk her away, paving way for chapter one. That would start with me in dad's funeral, reminiscing over happy times with him.

  The end was here.

  And Naomi could feel it. Clutching her newborn to her chest, she conflicted within herself. She wanted to believe things would be fine. It was okay to be weak after childbirth. But she felt much more than this, and somehow she knew she would soon fade into nothingness. Her gaze pierced through the man beside her. Now he rejoiced over the birth of a child. Soon he would mourn over the loss of his wife.

  The door cracked open and I shut my book on impulse. I wouldn't be comfortable with someone reading my book in its crudest form.

  Cynthia stepped into the room. "Vicky, you have a visitor. It's a friend from school."

  "Tell her to come in." Preparing to welcome my guest, I rose to my feet. Who else would come see me but Amarachi or Flora? But then, Flora didn't know where I lived. Unless Amarachi had given her directions.

  Biting back a smile, Cynthia walked out of sight. Barely a second later, Farah stared at me from the doorway. A smile tore my lips apart as she crossed the room to meet me with a bear hug.

  "It's been ages!" she said. "I'm sorry about your mum's health. We came as soon as we could."

  We? That only meant Raheem had come along. "Raheem is here?"

  "He's with your mum," she said.

  "Oh no." What was he thinking, going to see her? After a lifetime, we'd finally glued our family together. I didn't want her having new reasons to hate me. She'd feel I'd invited a guy over. How would she react to this?

  With the speed of light, I made for her room. I hoped to find her asleep so she wouldn't have to see him and have a wrong impression of me.

  Giggling, Farah dashed after me. "You're in so much hurry to see him. Aren't you?"

  I stepped into the room to find Cynthia, Raheem, and my stepmother laughing over a joke I'd come too late to enjoy.

  "You really do have a sense of humor," my stepmother said between fits of laughter. It warmed my heart to see her laugh so whole heartedly. "What's your name again?"

  "Raheem," Raheem said.

  "Who's the fine young girl?" she asked, staring at Farah.

  Farah smiled. "I'm Farah. I'm his sister."

  "Victoria, you have such great friends," my stepmother said. "Imagine, none of Tonye's friends have come to see me, but your friends keep coming."

  "Not even one of your friends have come to see you," Cynthia shot back.

  "Well, maybe that's because I haven't told them of my ill health."

  "That makes us both, mum. Maybe I haven't told mine either?"

  Farah chimed into the conversation. "Actually, you don't have to tell your friends anything. Real friends just have to see you absent for a day or two, and then they come over."

  "Exactly!" my stepmother said. After a moment, she added, "I'm sorry my ill health has forced your friend away for so long. But I am on the road to recovery. So she will be with you tomorrow."

  Farah grinned at me. Raheem, on the other hand, showed no emotions.

  "It's a blessing your health's returning to you," he said.

  "I'll be good as new in no time," my stepmother said. "My daughters are my reason to live. I wouldn't leave them for anything in the world. Raheem, I know you're probably looking forward to spending time with your friend. But I'm keeping you all to myself. I hope you don't mind my selfishness."

  "It's all good, Mrs. Brown," he said. "I'm here to see you afterall. I'm sure my friend can understand that."

  My stepmother's gaze settled on me. "What do you see in Victoria?"

  "Pardon?" Raheem asked, taken aback by the question. Her question had knocked me off balance too.

  "I mean...there must be some positive trait that makes you want to be her friend," she explained.

  "She makes me want to be a better person." Raheem shot me an abrupt stare. Smiling sheepishly, I looked away.

  "She has that ability," my stepmother said. "She's gifted in stealing hearts. And for this reason, I pray she doesn't end up trying to steal the wrong heart someday. I'd be very much at ease if I knew your intentions for my daughter. It's not every day a guy comes here to show this much care."

  "And it's not every day you fall sick," Cynthia said.

  "My dear, I'm sure you don't understand where I'm going with this. But trust me. Nowadays, it's rare to see a guy want to be just friends with a girl. I do not want either of my children to fall into wrong hands. Neither you nor your sister. She has gone through a lot already. It would break me if anyone breaks her. I swear I'll break the bones of anyone who tries to add to her pain."

  "In that case, Mrs. Brown, you don't have to worry," Farah said. "My brother here is ready to help you break the bones of anyone who hurts her. Right, Raheem?"

  Raheem nodded. Cat got his tongue? I could tell he shared my discomfort. Farah, on the other hand, brimmed with sheer excitement.

  "You see," Farah said. "There's nothing to worry about."

  "Keep her safe," my stepmother said to Raheem.

  "I will," he said.

  "Guys, come on," I said. "It's not like I'm going to a battle field or anything."

  "Sweetheart, I wish you could understand how I feel right now. But you can't. And I'll try to explain it to you. Now, our family is finally mended. I want to give you everything you never had. A childhood. Love. Safety. Even your first love-"

  "Mum!" I said.

  "Raheem's a fine gentleman," she said. "I trust he'll make a good friend. So, I consent."

  Today, mum had given her consent. But to what? My friendship with Raheem, or a relationship with him?