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  A Change of Fortune

  Valencio’s Story: Book Two.

  By Veronice Ceccarelli

  Copyright Veronice Ceccarelli, 2011

  14 chapters, around 45,000 words.


  The Kobi family was in the habit of selecting beautiful children for use as sex slaves. Once they were too old to be much desired, their work changed. Now they were used as subjects to teach spells to the Kobi boys, and imprisoned in ‘Enclosure 2’ instead of ‘Enclosure 1.’ Valencio had been moved over seven years before, after trying to kill his owner, Narzu-Han. Any other slave would have been killed, but Valencio was special to many of the wizards, including Elder Yiko Kobi-Wynn, second only to the matriarch, Grandmother Riza herself.

  All through Arabia and Asia, the world of Freign knew and feared the powerful Kobi family. The names of the great Fighters were known - Adil, Ahjmed, Yiko, Hicham and Brahim - their very names struck terror. But they made a mistake when they tried to extend their territory to include the Western world. The great wizard, John Bellamy, was not renowned as a Fighter and seldom interfered in matters of law-keeping. Yet he was more powerful than any other. When John Bellamy interfered in the affairs of Kobis, things began to change.

  This is Book 2 of the Valencio series.


  Short glossary:

  Freign: Wizardkind, Frei: male, Freia: female. The words ‘Frei’ or ‘Freia’ are sometimes used as an address, eg ‘Freia Bouchra.’

  Medj: Normal humans, humans without magic.

  mekkri-lifting or mekk-lifting: to vanish from one place and reappear instantly in another. Wizard strongholds such as the Kobi Compound are normally protected by crio magic that makes it impossible to mekkri-lift within the Compound – an obvious safeguard against intruders.

  Svend: wizard law-keepers.

  El-Kobi/ Kobi-Wynn: The Kobi family divide themselves into two classes, the powerful ones are Kobi-Wynn and the servant class are el-Kobi.

  Chapter 1:

  The boredom was the worst, as Valencio complained to Shirley. She looked at him teasingly, “You should be glad to be bored. Anything else than a boring life here, is usually unpleasant.”

  Valencio shrugged and remarked, “I’ve become an expert on car engines, except that I haven’t seen one in so many years, never will again, and the books are probably out of date anyway.”

  “I’ve read every book in the library, time and time again.” She glanced at Valencio’s right wrist cuff that still bore the significant colors of ownership, and suggested, “You could probably ask Narzu-Han for more books, maybe tennis racquets, and then we’d get Abimael to make us a court either side of the low fence.”

  Valencio said positively, “Both Yiko and Narzu-Han have forgotten me, and I like it best that way.” Narzu-Han had been his owner, but Yiko, too, had enjoyed him, and Yiko was very senior, second only to the matriarch, Grandmother Riza.

  Abensur el-Kobi was Enclosure Overseer since Nusa’pei’s sudden death, and made his monthly report personally to Elder Narzu-Han that day. “He’s twenty-four now, and fit and well.”

  “Is he happy?”

  Abensur concealed a sigh. What a question! “He’s cheerful with the women, ignores the guards, the same as always.”

  Narzu-Han smiled and asked, “Not too insolent?”

  “He has been with Zhang occasionally, but more by a look than anything else, though it’s enough to have Zhang seething. But Zhang’s going to take over the job of overseeing the new enclosure in New York, so he won’t see him again very likely.”

  “Just keep him safe for me, Abensur.”

  “Of course, Elder Narzu-Han. Are you planning on joining the others in New York?”

  “Not at this stage.”

  “I’m leaving Kamchatsu in charge for a few weeks while I set it up. He’s a competent Fighter, but has asked to be a permanent enclosure guard. Fudo has agreed.”

  “He knows to take care of my boy?”

  “He knows.”

  The women of Enclosure 1 were soon counting the days until Abensur arrived back. Abensur, at least, didn’t treat them as his own private harem. As was normal with all other clients, he made an appointment in advance and it was noted on their lists, usually by lunchtime. Kamchatsu, on the other hand, strolled around the enclosure at any time of the day, waiting to be tempted. Then a beckoning finger and a visit to one of the working bedrooms. At least he was quick, but he was resented. This sort of casual use seemed so contemptuous of them as people. Abensur took more care to treat them with some dignity. He’d even banned the use of the word ‘dirt-people’ in the enclosures, insisting that the guards use the word ‘medj’ when referring to them. He said it was a word that simply meant ordinary humans, not Freign, that it was commonly used in the West. The slaves doubted it made any real difference to the wizards’ assumption of absolute superiority.

  The work of those in Enclosure 2 was standard. There was an afternoon class of eight el-Kobi, ranging in age from thirteen to sixteen. They were always educated separately from Kobi-Wynn, from the time of Sorting, though as far as the slaves could see, there was no difference in the lessons. They had other lessons, of course, that didn’t require human subjects, and they assumed there were differences there.

  There was also a morning class of three Kobi-Wynn boys of thirteen and fourteen, Salo, who looked pure Arabic, Laki, a big boy for his age, and Museveni, who looked at Valencio with the eyes of Narzu-Han. Salo had mastered the Spell of Pain without trouble, Museveni not long after, but Laki was having trouble, and to everyone’s relief, Haru had left it for the time being.

  The lessons had been easy for them the past week, as Haru was having the boys working at making spells without the use of a wand. So far, there had not been the slightest success. The slaves were convinced it was Laki that Haru was really concentrating on, and some information came in from Helene that his sire was supposed to have that ability, though demonstrated only once when berserk with anger. He was an American wizard, and Shar-kutsu had mentioned to Amber that he’d been used as a sire four times, because the great wizard from England could work magic without a wand, and Riza wanted the ability for her Family, as well. The American would never know he had four children being raised as Kobi.

  Another hour of repeated attempts and total failure. Haru frowned and looked at the slaves who waited patiently. Valencio, Clarence, and four women. He glanced at the guards, Botan, doing a six week stint of duty as an enclosure guard, though it was the first time that Valencio had seen him since he’d hit him that time, and Kofi-Zee, who was beginning to look old. He made up his mind, and on his orders, two extra guards came in, rostered ones, Hwang and Ariz. Valencio gave them a bare glance and looked away, apparently indifferent. What did Haru have in mind that extra guards were needed?

  Haru was using Japanese, though it was normally Arabic for the lessons. Valencio listened, concentrating hard, as he always did whenever Japanese was spoken. He’d learn the language properly, very quickly, if he had much opportunity. He was picking up quite a bit of what they said even now. He wasn’t surprised when Laki handed Haru his wand, and Haru switched to Arabic and told Clarence he was to attack Laki. Clarence queried the order. Haru changed to English and repeated the instructions, slowly and clearly.

  With obvious reluctance, Clarence took a couple of steps towards Laki and swung at him with a fist that never looked as if it would come within feet of the boy. Laki stared hard at him, concentrating, even made a gesture.

  Clarence stepped back, looking questioningly at Haru, who ordered, “Again, and this time as if you meant it!”

  Clarence tried again, but was even more unconvincing.

  Haru sai
d, “Valencio, attack Laki.”

  Valencio looked down his nose, and asked, “What if he ends up dead?”

  “There will be four wands on you. He won’t end up dead. Attack Laki.”

  Valencio frowned at the boy, who looked thoroughly daunted, then took three swift strides forward and swung at him, not quite grazing his cheek as the boy ducked away.

  Haru laughed and said tauntingly, “A feeble effort. But what do you expect from a dirt-boy trained only for sex?”

  Valencio looked away, waiting, not reacting to the jibe.

  Haru said to Botan, “You’ve had him, haven’t you Botan? What did you think of him? Personally, I thought it quite boring!”

  Valencio was seething, but kept his face expressionless. All the boys were watching him curiously.

  Salo said, “I thought he was just Narzu-Han’s.”

  “Oh, no,” Haru said. “He was in general use a long time - everyone in the Compound had him.”

  Kofi-Zee looked uneasily at Valencio.

  Valencio said smoothly, “Are you sure it’s only Laki you want me to attack?” He glanced at Botan, “When I knocked out Botan, he was whipped. Does Laki want to be whipped?”

  Botan snarled, “No-one cares about you any more, dirt-boy. No-one will get whipped!”

  Valencio looked down his nose at Botan and asked softly, “Do the boys know how you were scarred?”

  Didi intervened sharply, using German, telling Valencio to behave.

  Valencio took his eyes off Botan and looked indifferently into the distance, as if he was not quite there.

  The boys stared at him. Haru gave more instructions, using Japanese. Laki said uncertainly, “Wynn Haru says they all had you. He says you learned to like it.”

  Valencio was silent.

  Salo watched him, smiling slightly. He said, “I’d have you if I were allowed. Maybe one day. After all, I’m Kobi-Wynn!”

  Valencio sneered, “By the time someone like you has sufficient power to claim whom you want, I’ll be an old, old man. I really doubt you’ll ever have me!”

  Didi again, snapping his name. Valencio was going to get himself in trouble. She wished Carol or Hilde were here. Or Tasha. They could keep him calm. She’d never seen him baited like this. Haru had always taken care to treat him the same as the others.

  Haru ordered, “Guards, take the women away and silence No. 15.”

  Kofi-Zee said, “Ariz?”

  Ariz nodded, and the women were ordered out, Ariz escorting them. Valencio looked after them and then back at the boys.

  Laki shuddered and Kofi-Zee said, “Valencio, try and hold your temper.”

  Haru snapped at him, “Don’t interfere.”

  Haru turned his attention to Clarence and told him to attack Salo, then Museveni. Clarence each time, cut short his attack. Valencio explained in German, “They’re supposed to paralyze us, but not using a wand.”

  Museveni looked at him with even more curiosity. The dirt-people were not supposed to know Japanese.

  Ariz returned with yet another guard. Ariz had been wounded by Valencio once.

  Valencio had himself under control, and when ordered, he threw a punch at Salo, missing by an inch, and then Museveni, who didn’t even bother ducking. He knew he wasn’t trying.

  Haru knew too. He snapped more orders. Hwang and Ariz grabbed Valencio by the arms and held him in front of Laki, who glanced at Haru and bravely said, “You were more popular than any other in Enclosure 1, he says. He says probably Hwang had you, probably Ariz, probably Kofi-Zee, and definitely Botan.”

  Botan stood back, sneering. He was very much enjoying this lesson. The guards could feel Valencio’s tension. He was going to explode any minute. Did Haru realize how dangerous he could be?

  Laki said, “You have to attack me, seriously attack me, and that’s the order!”

  Valencio abruptly twisted free of Ariz and Hwang, but stepped back, breathing fast, fists raised.

  Haru snapped an order and Laki approached. Valencio was feeling cornered. He suddenly lashed out at Hwang, who swore and pulled away from the stinging blow.

  Laki asked with an attempted sneer, “Did Hwang have you? Did it feel good?”

  Valencio appeared to finally lose control and went for him, hands around his throat and taking him to the ground, but suddenly falling limp, paralyzed. Haru said delightedly, “Well done, Laki!” He turned to the guards. “Any of you do anything?”

  Laki stood up, massaging his throat and looking bewildered.

  “You did it, Laki! You did the paralysis spell and you didn’t use a wand!”

  Botan had his wand raised and said to Haru, “Five minutes? Standard for attacking a wizard?”

  Haru said quickly, “No punishment,” and he said again, “Well done, Laki.”

  Valencio lay on the floor, only able to see what was directly in front of him. It was a full paralysis, and no-one seemed to be thinking of taking it off. They were probably wise. He was feeling very much like killing someone.

  Kofi-Zee asked Haru, “Have you finished with the prisoners now?”

  Haru said casually, “I’ve finished with Valencio, but I still want the other.”

  “Then I might just restrain Valencio a little while until he recovers his temper.”

  Valencio was moved to where he could be restrained by a strap clipped to the wrist cuff. Only then did Kofi-Zee step back out of range and lift the paralysis spell.

  Valencio pulled himself to a sitting position and leaned back against the wall, shooting a ferocious glance at Haru and then shutting his eyes, a heavy frown still on his face. Museveni still watched him curiously until Valencio felt it and opened his eyes, glaring back at him. Museveni took his eyes off him.

  For the rest of the lesson, it was only Clarence trying to provoke Laki into repeating the feat, but without success. Haru was unworried, glancing at the clock finally and saying, “We’ll finish now. Laki, you have done very, very well. Grandmother Riza will be extremely pleased with you.”

  Laki said uncertainly, “I only did it once…”

  “Doing it once means you can do it again in the right circumstances. It is an ability very, very rare, and of enormous potential value.”

  Grandmother Riza was extremely pleased with Laki and extremely pleased with Haru. There was applause for Laki everywhere he went and he felt wonderful.

  Salo was resentful, Museveni a little detached. They’d be going on to Advanced Combat and Control in a couple of years, using prisoners held in Enclosure 3. He’d decided to leave the Kobi Family before that happened. He did not enjoy hurting people and did not approve of the way the prisoner had been manipulated. He’d sensed a great anger within that one, and thought they were a little lucky that no-one had been hurt. There had been four guards all covering him with their wands, of course.

  Narzu-Han heard soon enough that Laki had shown that extremely rare ability, but it was not until mid-afternoon that he heard the details. The six afternoon subjects could tell Valencio that he’d come in to the classroom looking very grim and snapped that the lesson was finished as he had something to say to Haru. “Haru looked green,” Gloria said gleefully. “The students hurried out even before us and we didn’t hear anything else, but Haru looked green!”

  More gossip came from the ones in Enclosure 1. “There was a duel, and Haru is currently crippled.”

  “Zola couldn’t fix him, and, of course, Narzu-Han wouldn’t.”

  Carol said to Valencio, “It appears Narzu-Han’s still protecting you, after all.”

  “I’ve spoilt my clean record. I totally lost control.”

  “By all accounts, Haru wanted you to lose your temper.”

  Valencio opened his fingers, showing a glinting piece of glass. “Maybe I didn’t totally lose control!”

  Kamchatsu had a visit from Narzu-Han as well, with the result that Botan was transferred away from enclosure duties, though he would not be worki
ng again or doing much else until he found someone able to undo Narzu-Han’s spell.

  Kamchatsu looked at Valencio with a great deal of curiosity. Even after all these years. Was he that special? Luckily for him, Narzu-Han accepted that he’d had no prior knowledge of Haru’s scheme. The other guards who’d been present were reminded that Valencio was never to be harassed in any way, and three Kobi-Wynn students each received a fierce warning as well.

  Narzu-Han seemed to have all the details and looked at Salo grimly, until Salo said humbly, “Please have me whipped if you choose, Elder Narzu-Han. I am guilty of taunting your Valencio.”

  Narzu-Han said grimly, “If you ever do it again, I will not have you whipped, I will kill you.” But then he turned and strode away, to the boys’ profound relief.

  The Compound emptied further as two mothers prudently decided to take their boys with them to New York - to improve their English. Museveni’s mother was dead, but he also left for New York. Narzu-Han was rarely seen angry and it would be best if the youngsters were well out of his sight. In any case, Haru was unable to teach, no longer with a mouth suitable for human language.

  Old Riza, the matriarch and leader, said that she’d be returning to Morocco in a week or so, and Haru could wait until then, and so could Botan. The class of el-Kobi left for Japan to join the Intermediate class there.

  Several boxes of new books arrived for the enclosures and were dived on. Few books about cars for a change, but books about airplanes and spaceships. Adventure books, books about animals, books about mountain climbing. A few books about romance, but like previous romance books, they were virtually ignored. Romance didn’t exist for slaves.

  Elder Brahim was killed in a duel with a Mellouk and his current Favorite, Amber, was upset. Brahim had always been good to her, and now she’d have to submit to anyone who asked. She’d been the spoilt darling of rich parents, once.
