Read A Clean Sweep Page 24

  Although Josh and Ted made sure to send her plenty of playful winks as they gathered together in Riverfront Park downtown, one of her favorite places in the city.

  The ceremony would be short, the dress business casual, and they’d chosen to hold it on a Sunday so her coworkers and Dr. Channing could attend. They were holding their reception at a nearby restaurant.

  The sister of one of her coworkers was a notary and performing the ceremony. As Essie hooked her arm through Ross’ and he walked her toward where the rest of the wedding party waited, he leaned in close.

  “Blink twice if you want rescuing,” he softly teased.

  She didn’t bother suppressing her giggle. “You try to rescue me, I’ll fight you tooth and nail.”

  “Atta girl. They’re crazy about you. This is the happiest any of us have seen them since we’ve known them.”

  “I’m crazy about them, too.”

  “Good.” They reached the front of the gathered group.

  The notary asked, “Who gives this woman?”

  “Her mother does,” Ross said as he handed her off to Mark after placing a fatherly kiss on her forehead.

  One of the things she loved about her men was they didn’t try to change her. When she’d told them she didn’t want a large wedding and all the associated expenses—and clutter—they’d agreed without argument. She’d also asked the men to let her keep this ceremony short and sweet. What mattered more to her than becoming Mark’s wife was the collaring ceremony they’d have back in Florida, when she could publicly acknowledge in front of the rest of their friends her true relationship with all three men.

  After exchanging rings and vows, Mark leaned in to kiss her. Then he whispered in her ear.

  “I hope you’re prepared for tonight, Mrs. Collins. Because you’ve got three husbands who are looking to make sure you know who that ass belongs to.”

  She didn’t know how they did it, but they managed to yank her equilibrium out from under her in a good way.

  She loved it and wouldn’t trade it for anything.


  He nipped her earlobe. “What was that?” he whispered.

  She swallowed, sure that everyone could see how red her face was. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.”

  Oh, she was wet now. And she knew from the evilly playful looks on Josh’s and Ted’s faces that they would keep her wet all afternoon, until they got to the hotel.

  Then the fun would begin in earnest.

  Starting with her being able to put Ted’s and Josh’s rings on them, since she couldn’t very well do it in front of the wedding guests.

  Must not scare the ’nillas.

  Time both dragged and blurred for her. When they finally made it to the restaurant for the reception, it was a flurry of congratulations and hugs and handshaking and dancing and eating.

  During the dancing, Ted and Josh took turns with her on the floor, making sure to whisper their own little teasing comments in her ears until she wasn’t sure she could even stand to stay for the cutting of the cake.

  It felt like forever until Mark finally took pity on her and directed her over to the table where the cake sat.

  In this way, she’d let the men help choose. She didn’t mind spending more money for an ornate cake, because it wasn’t like there would be much, if any, left over at the end.

  And the beautiful ceramic cake topper, made up of four white doves, would look beautiful on the shelf in their living room. Josh had already found a domed glass display case for it to protect it from dust.

  Her men knew her so well.

  It still took almost an hour more for her and Mark to get out of there. Ted and Josh would hang around a little longer and then join them at the hotel.

  This time, her men had prepared for their trip to Spokane, although it was Ted’s suitcase that had received TSA scrutiny. When he’d opened it to unpack, he’d found they’d left him a note.

  Josh theorized it was the butt plug, dildo, and vibrator that had triggered it, although he’d had leather cuffs, a collar, bit gag, lube and condoms in his suitcase.

  Mark had brought the rope and a riding crop.

  Upon reaching the suite, Mark scooped her up into his arms with a grin after handing her his key card. “Mrs. Collins, let’s get you inside and properly attired.”

  She found out that by that he meant naked, collared, cuffed, gagged, and tied facedown and spread wide open over the end of the bed, feet on the floor, when Josh and Ted arrived.

  “Not starting without us, are you?” Ted joked as he unfastened his tie.

  “Nope.” Mark sat, still dressed, in a chair next to the bed. He’d laid the riding crop, butt plug, dildo, vibrator, condoms, and lube out on the bed. “Just getting her ready. But I think she wants to do something first.”

  “Blow jobs?” Josh joked.

  Mark produced the ring box with the men’s wedding bands in it and took it over to the bed. He held it so she could reach it with her right hand. She took out the slightly larger one, which she knew was Ted’s.

  Ted knelt next to the bed and held his left hand out to her. “’Til death do us part, sweetheart,” he said.

  She smiled and mumbled around the gag. “’Til death do us part.” She slipped the ring on his left finger.

  He leaned in and kissed her over the gag, amused when she tried to kiss him back.

  “Who’s our good girl?” he asked.

  She felt her juices flow even more. “Me, Sir,” she mumbled.

  “Yes you are.”

  He stepped out of the way so Josh could take his place. She got the other ring out of the box and Mark put it on the bedside table. Josh knelt next to her, repeating what Ted had done.

  “’Til death do us part, sweetheart.”

  “’Til death do us part, Sir.” She slid the ring onto his hand and he also leaned in to kiss her.

  Mark clapped his hands together, rubbing them eagerly. “I’m thinking time to stripe her ass. To remind her who this ass belongs to.”

  They didn’t use a crop on her very often, but she’d take it over a cane any day. They’d given her the choice of ten hard strokes each with a paddle, five each, hard, with a riding crop, or ten total, hard, with a cane.

  “First things first,” Ted said. “She needs those toys stuffed in her. And I want to be using the Hitachi on her.”

  The men quickly stripped. Mark lubed up the butt plug while Josh grabbed the Hitachi. Josh started teasing her with the vibrator, keeping it on low and not leaving it in place long enough to let her come. Meanwhile, Mark worked lube into her ass with his fingers before sliding the butt plug home.

  She moaned as it slid into place. They’d worked her up two sizes in the past eight weeks, enjoying taking her all three at the same time, loving the way it totally unhinged her mind and nervous system and turned her into a satiated puddle of happy.

  Now her morning spankings consisted of being stuffed with a dildo and butt plug before they used the vibrator on her while they each spanked her.

  It was the rare morning, unless she was on her period and didn’t feel up to it, that she didn’t look forward to their morning ritual. In fact, the men were delighted when they realized a couple of weeks earlier that just the mention of a butt plug made her wet.

  She’d thought they might order her to wear it during the wedding. She would have, even if she hadn’t wanted to.

  She’d quickly come to learn what Loren and her other friends meant, that sometimes it was fun to submit even when she didn’t really feel like it. Because her men could tell when she made that active choice, and always rewarded her for it.

  Which reinforced that submitting was fun. Which made them challenge her more.

  Which made her want to submit more.

  And the wheels on the bus go round and round…

  Ted slipped two fingers into her pussy. “Yep, she’s ready.” He withdrew his fingers and slowly worked the dildo inside her ready cunt.

  Josh pulled the Hitachi away and she heard it change from low to high.

  “These are going to sting, sweetheart,” Ted warned. “Okay?”

  She closed her eyes and bit down on the flexible gag. “Yes, Sir,” she mumbled.

  “You still want them?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” She felt Josh switch places with Ted, and now Josh was holding the dildo inside her. Ted stood next to her, his left hand resting on the small of her back.

  “Hold her down, Mark.”

  “She’s tied down.”

  “She likes to be held down.”

  “Oh, duh. Sorry.”

  She felt him climb onto the bed, one hand in her hair, the other firmly gripping her by the soft leather play collar she wore.

  The gauzy haze of subspace sank into her. It always did during their morning ritual, and especially so now when she knew they’d take their time with her.

  “Okay, Josh.”

  He pressed the vibrator against her clit as she heard the whish of the crop slicing through the air before it struck her squarely across both ass cheeks.

  Her back arched as she let out a howl, the pleasure and pain mixing, merging, becoming indecipherable from each other as her orgasm tempered and masked the pain of the impact.

  He drew it out, four more really hard ones, harder than she normally took. But with the feel of the dildo and butt plug inside her, her body clamping down on them, and the vibrator forcing wave after wave of pleasure out of her, she barely felt the other four strokes.

  The men switched places. Josh pulled the vibrator away only long enough to give her a breather while the men got into position. Ted held her down while Mark stood next to her.

  “My turn,” Mark said. Josh timed it so he got her clit with the vibrator at the same time the first stoke sliced into her ass.

  Her body arched against the ropes and Ted, subspace sending her blissfully soaring as Mark striped her.

  She got another brief respite while the men swapped places again, this time Josh and Mark changing position. Josh rubbed the crop over her upper thighs. “I think I’m going to put my marks here.”

  “Just don’t whack me in the head,” Mark snarked.

  Mark pressed the Hitachi against her clit in time for her to howl over the pain of Josh landing the riding crop directly in the crease between her ass and upper thighs.

  It was one of his favorite targets.

  He left his five stripes up and down her thighs, and when he finished, Mark switched off the vibrator.

  “Gentlemen,” Ted joked. “Time for round two.” They untied her ropes and removed the gag, dildo, and butt plug from her. With Josh at her head, Ted underneath her, and Mark with a condom on ready to fuck her ass from behind, they hesitated.

  Ted’s tone deepened. “Tell us what you want, baby.”

  “I want all your cocks in me at once, Sir,” she said, subspace making it feel like she could barely form words and force them out her mouth.

  They loved it when she asked.

  “That didn’t sound very convincing,” Ted teased.

  “Please, Sir. Please fuck me at the same time.”

  Mark swatted her stinging ass. “You know what we want to hear.”

  She licked her lips. “Please, Sir, I want to be sucking Josh’s cock while Ted fucks my pussy with his cock and you fuck my ass with your cock.”

  All three men drew in sharp breaths.

  “I don’t care how many times she says that,” Josh said, “but it fucking makes my dick hard every time she does.”

  She let out a moan as Ted and Mark filled her pussy and ass with their cocks. They held still while Josh got a comfortable hold on her head. Then Ted grabbed the vibrator. “Ready?”

  “Ready,” Josh and Mark said.

  He turned on the Hitachi while Mark made her arch her back. This was another familiar routine. They’d get at least one more out of her before they’d finish.

  She closed her eyes, the men in complete control of her body as the vibrator hit her clit and sent her over the edge again.

  “There we go,” Ted cooed. “Such a good girl for us.” He waited until he was sure she’d finished before turning the Hitachi off and setting it aside. “And here we go.”

  They found their rhythm, Essie along for the ride, being ridden, Ted and Mark seesawing inside her ass and pussy while Josh’s strokes into her mouth only served to drive her harder onto his brothers’ cocks.

  It didn’t take long. Mark came first, followed by Ted, and then that left Josh being deep-throated by her.

  “Look at me, baby,” he hoarsely ordered. She forced her eyes open and managed to peer up at him.

  He smiled. “Such a good girl. Swallow every drop.”

  He came, but then something in her brain switched over. She swallowed.


  She looked up at him as she let a little of his cum escape past her lips down the corner of her mouth.

  A slow grin spread across his face. “Oh, baby. You disobeyed me.”

  She knew he knew she did it on purpose. She nodded, his softening cock still between her lips.

  “She missed some?” Ted asked.

  “Yep,” Josh said.

  Mark pulled out and headed to the bathroom to clean up. Before she could react, Josh had pulled her up and off of Ted and pinned her facedown on the bed again.

  Arms held her wrists over her head as Josh straddled her back, holding her down. Then Mark returned, forcing her legs apart.

  The Hitachi turned on. “That’s twenty, baby.” Josh pressed the vibrator between her legs as he started spanking her with his bare hand.

  Ted leaned in and whispered into her ear. “And you’ll get twenty more from me next.”

  A full body shudder rippled through her as another orgasm pulled her deep into subspace again.

  Yes, she knew.

  And twenty more from Mark.

  And when they all recovered from that round, she’d do it again.

  And again.

  As long as they promised to never stop loving her the way they were now.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  They rented a condo on Siesta Key for the week following the wedding, and pretty much stayed there the whole time, until Loren and Tilly arrived Saturday afternoon to pick Essie up.

  Ted handed Tilly a garment bag that Essie hadn’t been allowed to look in. “There’s her outfit.”

  “Has she seen it yet?” Tilly asked.

  “I’m right here.”

  “No,” Ted said with a grin. “Don’t let her see it until she puts it on.”

  Tilly nodded. “Will do.”

  “Hey, whose side are you on?” Essie asked.

  Loren laughed. “She’s in full-on Domme mode right now, honey. Landry likely wouldn’t argue with her if his life depended on it and you know what a hardheaded sadist that man is.”

  “Damn,” Essie’s men muttered.

  After the three kissed Essie, they sent her on her way with her friends.

  “Where to first?” Essie asked from the backseat of Tilly’s SUV.

  “Hair, then to Shayla and Tony’s to get dressed. We have to take her to the club because Tony’s going to help the guys set up.”

  “I thought you all were doing that?” The men had compromised with Essie. She got total control of the wedding and reception.

  They had total control of the collaring ceremony.

  “I’m officiating the ceremony,” Loren said, “but your guys assured us they have everything under control.”

  When they reached Shayla’s later, Tilly unzipped the garment bag. “Oooh, sweetheart, this is gorgeous!”

  The iridescent black dress looked like something from another era, long and flowing, with draped sleeves and a low bodice. There were also a pair of black ballet flats in the bottom of the bag.

  “No underwear?” Essie asked.

  Tilly snorted. “Nope, but there is this.” Pinched between her thumb a
nd index finger, she drew out a zipper-top baggy. Inside, a butt plug and a tube of lube.

  She held it out to Essie, who finally took it. “Um, no offense, but I’m supposed to make sure you wear what’s in this bag. Don’t make me check you for that, ’kay? I love ya as a friend, but girls are not my thing.”

  Loren and Shayla burst out laughing as heat filled Essie’s face. “Oh, honey,” Shayla said, “get used to it. Because your guys know you love it and them, and they know that you aren’t about to safeword for sex.”

  Essie stared at the butt plug. No, she wasn’t going to safeword for this. Hell, it wasn’t even the largest size they’d used on her.

  “Dammit,” she muttered.

  “We’ll let you get that put in first,” Loren said. “We’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  “I’d better do it in the bathroom.”

  “Recommended,” Tilly said.

  Essie wasn’t sure if she should be aggravated or turned on by the fact that getting the butt plug inside her made her fricking horny.

  Whatever her men were up to at that moment, they were no doubt getting a giggle out of knowing she would be very horny by the time she arrived at the club.

  Her friends helped her get the dress on over her updo so she didn’t muss it up, the hairstyle another directive by her men, relayed by Tilly and Loren at the salon.

  “Hey, at least they didn’t make you put the butt plug in before the hair appointment,” Shayla said with a grin.

  “Are ya helpin’?” Tilly asked.

  Shayla shrugged. “I thought I was.”

  Tilly drove them to the club and timed it so they arrived just before seven o’clock, the time for the ceremony. Several dozen cars filled the parking lot, unusual for this early hour.

  In the lobby, Ross met up with them, giving Loren a kiss. “They’re ready for you inside,” he said. “Go on in and find Ted.”

  He handed Tilly a roll of duct tape, which Essie realized had Hello Kitty printed all over it. “What’s this for?” she asked.


  “Goddammit,” she muttered before she stormed through the door and into the playspace.

  Shayla hugged Essie. “I’m sure I’m wanted inside, too. See you in a few.” She followed the other women inside.