Read A Colony of Girls Page 10



  On this selfsame day, after a two hours' trip on the cars, Helen foundherself at length at her destination. It was somewhat after three whenshe stood ringing the front-door bell of a substantial brown-stonehouse in a quiet side street. The city seemed hot indeed after thedewy freshness of the country, and the sun's rays beat relentlesslyupon the stone flagging and cobblestones. The rumblings of carriagesand wagons rolling by, the tinkling of the far off car-bells, theconstant roar of the great city fell strangely upon the girl's ears sounaccustomed to the ceaseless din. Just then a street vender passedby, his shrill voice crying now and again, "Peaches! peaches! tencents a quart!" Helen watched him pityingly until her attention wasattracted by a hand-organ grinding away, "White wings, they never growweary." Two poor little urchins sat on a neighboring doorstep pitchingpennies, their small pale faces making her heart ache as she wonderedwhat a glimpse of green fields and winding lanes would be to them. Afeeling of sadness assailed her, as these sights and sounds, sofamiliar to city life, awakened within her a realization that outsideof her sheltered life lay so many full of sorrow and suffering. Herreverie was cut short by the appearance of the maid, who immediatelyushered her into the darkened drawing-room. Between the closedshutters crept a few rays of straggling sunlight which fell upon thefurniture in its muslin slips, the bronzes and gas jets in theirwrappings of tarlatan.

  Helen had hardly found a seat, when someone hastily descended thestairs, and pushing open the door, made a rush across the room andthrew her arms about her.

  "You dear girl," Miss Stuart cried, "how glad I am to see you, and howgood of you to come. You cannot imagine how overjoyed I was when Ireceived your telegram."

  "But I wanted to come, Lillian. You do not seem to take that intoconsideration." Then, after a pause, "Ah! how lovely you look, butthen it seems to me you invariably do."

  Helen was right, for Miss Stuart, gowned in a dainty peignoir of whitesilk covered with filmy lace, looked especially charming.

  At the compliment she laughed softly, and pinched Helen's cheek."There is no curing you, is there, dear? I thought, perhaps, aseparation from me might have improved you."

  "But you must not expect it," Helen maintained naively, "unless yougrow less pretty."

  Miss Stuart kissed her warmly. "Let us talk sense now," she saidreprovingly. "Were you surprised at my message? I must explain. I wasobliged to come down for mamma on a matter of business, and as it wastoo long a trip to return again to Bar Harbor to-day, I thought itbetter to rest, and remain overnight in town."

  "And do you go back to-morrow?"

  "Well, no; not if you will take me to Hetherford with you."

  "Indeed I will, with the greatest pleasure."

  "And you are quite sure it is convenient now? I did not expect to bewith you until the middle of August, but being obliged to come down atthis time, I thought perhaps I had better go to you at once for myvisit. Later I have several others to pay, and do not know that Icould manage then to get to Hetherford at all."

  "I am delighted to have you at once, Lillian; you could not come toosoon to please me, and you can always be sure of a welcome at themanor."

  "Yes, with you, but I am not so sure of those sisters of yours."

  Helen flushed. "Pray don't say that."

  "Ah, my dear, don't let it trouble you. I rest quite content in youraffection."

  But whatever there was in Miss Stuart's words or tone, a shadow restedon Helen's face for some little while afterward.

  Perhaps Lillian Stuart saw it, for, by and by, she began to speakagain of the manor.

  "You have no idea, Helen, how much I long to see your lovely home, norwith what pleasure I look forward to being with you, dearest."

  "You are good to say so, Lillian, and I will do all in my power tomake you happy."

  "You will not have to try, dear, I am sure."

  Miss Stuart rose and touched a bell. A quiet middle-aged womananswered it.

  "Mrs. Perkins, Miss Lawrence remains with me overnight. See thatdinner is prepared for us."

  "Yes, Miss."

  "Wait, Perkins. I want you to send Virginie to me."

  In a moment the French maid was knocking on the door.

  "Virginie, preparez la chambre voisine de la mienne, et portez-y lesac de Mlle. Lawrence."

  When the girls at length were seated in Miss Stuart's pretty boudoir,they fell into a long and pleasant chat, finding much to say to oneanother after several months' separation.

  By and by Miss Stuart presented a programme for the evening, saying."Now, Helen, you little puritan, don't dare to find fault orcriticise. My cousin, Harry Stuart, is going to take us to thetheater, and it will be perfectly charming. He is almost like abrother to me, and there could not be the slightest impropriety init."

  Helen did not demur then, but, after returning from the theater and inlooking back over the evening, she felt some misgivings. "Harry"proved to be a gay, scatterbrained youth, more or less in love withhis beautiful cousin. He stared a little curiously at Helen on beingpresented, and then devoted himself exclusively to Miss Stuart, whomhe treated with a lack of deference, a familiarity, which Helen hotlyresented. Miss Stuart, however, was apparently quite oblivious of it,and flirted with him openly, exchanging glances of amusement withhim, as Helen's face grew graver and graver.

  A chance remark of his, which unfortunately reached Helen's ears, didnot tend to soften her judgment of him.

  "Who is your little friend, coz? She is tremendously respectable, anddoesn't approve of us at all."

  Helen retired to her room that night in a frame of mind to findserious fault with her fascinating friend.

  Miss Stuart realized that she had gone a little too far, anddetermined to overcome the impression she had made. She well knew thepower that her great beauty exerted over Helen, blinding her to faultsthat he who ran might read, so she coiled her mass of auburn hair mostbecomingly, slipped on a dainty pale blue wrapper, encased her feet inslippers of the same hue and presented herself in Helen's room, andproceeded to make herself so charming and agreeable that in tenminutes Helen had completely forgotten her grievance.

  The following morning, at an early hour, they left for Hetherford.Helen neglected to wire Jean of their change of plan, so no carriagemet them at the station, and they were obliged to rumble up to themanor in the old Hetherford stage.

  Helen's heart sank when Jean ran down to the veranda to tell her ofGladys' accident.

  "You cannot imagine how I felt, Helen, for I knew it was all my fault.I should not have forgotten her for one moment."

  "Indeed, I think you were very careless, Jean." Helen spoke sharply,for her anxiety made her nervous and irritable.

  Jean had gone forward and shaken hands with Miss Stuart, but at thesewords she turned abruptly away. She felt so reproached and woe-begone.It almost seemed to her that all the world must know how completelyabsorbed she had been in that sweet talk with Farr, to have allowedher mind to wander from the little sister. In this guilty anddepressed state of mind, her welcome to Miss Stuart somewhat lackedcordiality, and the latter, who had never liked Jean, found herself nowhit better pleased.

  Nathalie came flying down the stairs, making a fortunate diversion.

  "Now, Helen, don't scold Jean, for she is heartbroken. Gladys is doingsplendidly and will be about in a few days. How do you do, MissStuart? I am very glad to see you, and so sorry that our anxiety aboutGladys is making us forget to make you at home. Please let me takeyour bag, and come right up to your old quarters."

  Helen looked gratefully at her sister, and Miss Stuart's mannerrelaxed under this warm cordiality, and she followed Nathalie up toher room.

  Jean went out upon the veranda, and walked slowly up and down. Herthoughts, which for a moment had been diverted, flew swiftly back toFarr. He had not spoken the words, yet she knew he loved her. Shetrembled a little, startled at the depth of emotion this knowledgearoused in her. So this was love--t
his sudden wild beating of herheart, this passionate joy of living.

  "Poor fellow," she thought, with yearning tenderness, "how much he hassuffered."

  It was a blessed comfort to feel that it lay within her power to helpto brighten his lonely, loveless life. She stood quite still andclasped her hands tightly together. "I love him! I love him!" Theunspoken words sent the blood to her cheeks, and she was filled withdismay. She roused herself abruptly from her dream and hastenedupstairs to join Helen in the nursery.

  That day seemed interminable to Jean. When the long afternoon had wornaway and Farr had not come, she consoled herself with the thought thatthe evening would surely bring him. She tried to curb her impatienceby filling the slow-footed moments with manifold unnecessary duties,but it seemed to her that the happy time would never come.

  They were all very quiet at dinner, for Helen was listening for theslightest sound from the nursery, while Jean's absorbing thoughts heldher tongue in chains.

  "Well, well," cried Nathalie at last, "what will Miss Stuart think ofus? No doubt that this is the home of the Sphinx. Our silence isgrowing gruesome."

  Thus recalled to her duties as hostess, Helen glanced quickly at herfriend, and was distressed to see the expression of cold disdain thatrested on her face.

  "I beg your pardon, Lillian," she said penitently, leaning forwardand taking Miss Stuart's hand. "I am so upset about Gladys that I haveforgotten my manners."

  "Pray, don't apologize, Helen. It is of no consequence whatever." MissStuart spoke with studied indifference and withdrew her hand. Shedeemed it only her right to be first with her friends always and underall circumstances; and to have Helen, adoring, subservient Helen,relegate her to a position of secondary importance was an offensewhich merited instant punishment.

  Jean and Nathalie, on the alert for any slight to their sister,exchanged significant glances.

  Helen made no further demonstration of affection, but began to talkgently and courteously to her guest. Jean and Nathalie came valiantlyto her assistance, until at last Miss Stuart was forced to respond totheir friendly overtures. When they were leaving the dining room sheslipped her hand into Helen's arm. It was the nearest approach to anapology of which her nature was capable, and Helen had fain to becontent. All her life Miss Stuart had been in the habit of snubbingpeople at her own sweet will and had found it a diverting occupation;but somehow it hurt her to snub Helen, the girl was always so patientand generous about it.

  They drifted quite naturally out onto the veranda. The sky wasovercast, and a faint wind sighed among the trees. The heavy cloudspromised rain, and the earth, after reveling in days of sunshine andnights of brilliant beauty, seemed wrapped in melancholy submission.

  Before very long Nan and Emily came running across the lawn. Nangreeted Miss Stuart cordially, but Emily was very cool, and lookedaskance at this dangerously beautiful addition to their circle. Whenshe had shaken hands, she faced the girls as solemn as a judge.

  "Girls, what do you suppose has happened? The _Vortex_ has gone away,and those miserable men never came to say good-by, and did not evensend a line."

  "Now see here, Emily," Nan interposed warmly. "I don't believe inbeing unjust. It must have been a sudden move, and of course we willhear from them."

  "It is a great shame," complained Nathalie. "What shall we do withourselves?"

  At Emily's first words Jean started forward, then fell back in herchair, dazed and stunned. She pressed her hand against her heart tostay its loud throbbing, passionately grateful that the kindlydarkness sheltered her from view. She could not tell how long it mighthave been when she was aroused by a sentence from Emily which arrestedher attention.

  "Yes, it is such a pretty stitch. I'll teach it to you some day,Helen."

  Had she heard aright? Could it be possible that the _Vortex_ wasalready forgotten--its officers banished to the indifferent past? Hersudden excitement died away and a dull feeling of pain tugged at herheart. Her hands dropped nervelessly into her lap, and her lids closedwearily over her aching eyes.

  The conversation drifted into local channels, and Miss Stuart wasbeginning to feel very much bored when Eleanor and Cliff sauntered upthe driveway and joined the party. She awaked from her apathy tosurvey Cliff critically, and then proceeded to monopolize hisattention. Cliff dropped into a chair beside her and lent himselfreadily to her plan. She was a charming woman, a beautiful woman, sohe assumed his most devoted manner, and apparently succumbed at onceto her gracious, subtle flattery. Eleanor cast an amused glance at himover her shoulder; she felt too sure of him to be disturbed; andpushing her way among the group until she reached Jean's side:

  "I met Johnnie Matthews at the gate, dear. He was on his way to themanor with a note for you, and, since it required no answer, Ivolunteered to bring it up."

  "Thanks, Eleanor. I suppose Mrs. Matthews wants me to take her classagain next Sunday. She has been ill."

  Eleanor had dropped the note into Jean's lap and was moving away, butsomething in her friend's voice startled her. She looked at hercuriously, but in that light she could not discern her expression. Shehesitated a moment, and then sat down on the arm of Jean's chair.

  "How is Gladys to-night?" she asked.

  Jean made an effort to speak more naturally.

  "Very comfortable, thank you. The doctor says her arm is doing nicely,and so far she has not had any fever."

  "Eleanor, did you know the _Vortex_ had gone?"

  As Nathalie spoke Eleanor impulsively took Jean's hand in hers. It wasvery cold, and trembled in her clasp. Jean's unhappiness wasexplained, and at the same moment another idea flashed through hermind. She answered Nathalie with well-feigned lightness:

  "It can't be more than a temporary absence, I am sure." Then added ina lower tone to Jean, "Don't you want to read your note, dearie? Itmay not be from Mrs. Matthews."

  Jean gave a start, and, instinctively, her disengaged hand closed overthe note in her lap.

  "I think I will take it to the light."

  She rose hurriedly and made her way to the doorway, where the lightfrom the lamp fell upon her letter. The handwriting was unfamiliar,and Jean's heart seemed to stand still as she tore open the envelope.The opening words dispelled the last doubt; her whole expressionchanged, and she eagerly drank in the contents of the sheet, allunconscious of the pair of eyes that were watching her narrowly.Nothing escaped Miss Stuart. She saw plainly the sudden start, therising color, the tremulous happiness in the young girl's face.Perhaps the sight stirred some strange memory, deep hidden in herheart, for she smiled bitterly, and answered some pleasantry ofCliff's with such stinging cynicism that even that languid youth wasaroused to retort.

  But to Jean the whole world was forgotten, as she read the lines:


  It is with deep regret I write you that the _Vortex_ has been ordered up the Sound to survey a certain locality. Most unfortunately, our orders came very late. We have only just time to catch the tide by weighing anchor at once. I do not know whether you realize how great is my disappointment at leaving Hetherford, or how great is my regret at not seeing you before I go. Our stay, I trust, will not extend beyond a week, and I look forward with great pleasure to the time when we once more cast anchor in your harbor. I shall be anxious for news of little Gladys, and if I did not fear to presume, I should ask you to write me. Perhaps your goodness of heart will prompt you to forgive and indulge me at the same time. My address will be F----, which is the post-office nearest to our anchorage.

  Yours faithfully, VALENTINE FARR.

  Jean raised her eyes and let them rest on the group of people outsidethe doorway. No one, apparently, had a thought for her; for MissStuart had discreetly withdrawn her gaze, and they one and all seemedabsorbed in the merry conversation. She longed to slip away to her ownroom, that she might be alone with her happy thoughts, but paused,irresolute, wondering, as she crumpled the note in her hand, if
itwould be unpardonably rude to leave her guests thus abruptly. Helencame to her rescue.

  "Jean, will you please go up and see if Gladys is asleep?"

  Jean nodded her head in assent, and gladly disappeared. Eleanor lookedafter her with a kindly smile, yet she sighed a little,notwithstanding.

  "What would Nan do if she knew this?" she thought.

  Shortly afterward a servant came to the door, bringing word that MissGladys was sleeping soundly, and that Miss Jean begged to be excused,as she had a headache.

  In the night the rain fell heavily, and the rising wind sighed andsobbed like a child in pain, but Jean's dreams were sweet, and herlast sleeping and first waking thoughts were of Valentine Farr.