Read A Common Language Page 17

Chapter seventeen


  “So, Kalli, what do you say about coming to the dance with us?”

  “No,” She answered without the slightest pause in her step or catch in her voice.

  “What? Not even going to think about it first? Why not? Do you not like us?” The twins hooked their arms around her shoulders. “Please?” Kalli brought her arms to her chest as they leant in earnestly.

  “I like you both just fine,” they brightened up. “The answer’s still no though,” she sorted through her books for her next class so she wouldn’t have to look at them. They each grabbed half and carried them for her, giving her no easy distraction from their eager eyes.

  “Why not? It’s just a dance,” Sasha and Demitri pouted and both gave her a sideways look. If looks could kill, she thought.

  “Because, I don’t want to. Besides, if it’s just a dance, why would it matter?” She grabbed her books back, a little harsher then she had intended. “Look, I’m sorry. But I can’t,” she could see the complete disappointment in their eyes. It broke down her resolve. “But I can promise both of you a dance,” She sighed.

  Their green eyes lit up. “Thank you, Kalli! Thank you,” the twins straightened their backs and each offered an arm. Kalli rolled her eyes but took their arms anyway. “So you are going alone then?”

  “Yup. That’s the plan,” she smiled tightly, it was really nice of them to ask her but, despite all attempts by Data Venia (a.k.a. Lupe and Percy) to help her, it was too soon. She was still upset over Drake and the near-tragic trip into town. She needed time to sort herself out before she added someone else into her life and they would have to deal with that.

  “Are you getting ready with Lupe?”

  Kalli shrugged. “I guess. I mean, I don’t see why not. She is my roommate and got me the dress,” she chose not to tell everyone that Percy bought the dress. She still wasn’t sure how she felt about him doting about her. “So I suppose she has exclusive rights to a day of dress up Barbie, Kalli edition,” the sides of her mouth dropped at the thought. Her mother always wanted to dress her up in pretty dresses and do her make up; honestly Kalli hated all that stuff. It was an unnecessary pain.

  “Kalli don’t fret. You are beautiful to begin with and at Lupe’s expert hands…“ Sasha said drawing a sharp breath for the last words allowing her imagination to take over. “Ah, my breath stops just thinking about it,” Demitri said complementing his brother’s comment and giving Kalli a sideways smile that made her breath stop. The twins really were gorgeous. Their brown hair had a red tint to it that made it shine. Their pure height of about 6’7” made them giants even next to Dragen’s 6’1” frame. They were thin and softly built. There was something pleasant about the shape of their chins and mouths. Despite their potential to look rather scary and overpowering their presence was oddly comforting and carefree. Like she had no worries around them, the problems fell off her heavy shoulders. If for only a moment, she could just let go of the precedence. Two truly beautiful people.

  “Thanks guys, hug?” she said recovering her ability to speak and holding out her arms. The twins took a step back. “What’s wrong?” She asked concerned with their adverse reaction.

  “What do you think, twin?” Demitri asked Sasha who was speechless and just staring at her.

  “Alien. Definitely extra-terrestrial,” he replied putting his hand at his chin as if studying an exhibit in an art museum.

  “What?!” Kalli protested but Sasha held up his hand to stop her.

  “You asked for a hug. You have personal space issues. This is weird,” He explained carefully.

  “I do not have personal space issues!”

  “Yes you do,” three voices said. They all turned to see Dragen, graceful as ever, seeming to float over to them, cold and distant as usual. He seemed more pleasant than normal a slight smirk on his lips.

  “Hey Dragen! What’s up?” Kalli asked smiling brightly.

  “Hello Kalli,” He looked up to the sky confused. “And about your question of up--I am not sure why you asking me this? Is there something I am supposed to be looking for other than the sky and clouds?” Kalli giggled, she was still working on universal phrasing. “What? What is so humorous?” It was amazing. He was a second year, same as Masashi, and yet he didn’t know the simplest of phrases. She guessed it could be explained by his apparent lack of social time until she came.

  “It’s a saying, in America at least, asking ‘what’s up?’ is like asking ‘what’s going on? How are you?’ or ‘What are you doing?’ it’s a common greeting between friends,” she watched his hard face muse over the saying until he finally nodded showing his understanding. Kalli giggled softly again. “Anyway, I do not have personal bubble issues! I am perfectly comfortable around people,” the guys chuckled, a chorus of beautiful voices. They exchanged looks and all stepped towards her at once. “Ah! No! Ok I have bubble issues, I admit, but I’m working on it!” they all laughed again and squished her in the middle of a group hug anyway. Despite her discomfort it made her happy to see these three guys that tended to hate each other work towards a common goal.

  “We have to go pick up our tuxes; do you think you can handle Kalli for a little while?” The twins asked Dragen tauntingly.

  “I don’t need to be babysat!” Kalli protested.

  “You doubt my skills?” Dragen said ignoring Kalli. “I would think that you would realize by now. I can take anyone on, including you two brats at once,” Dragen continued with a slightly bored look on his face, but his eyes were ablaze. He enjoyed the fight. The twins stepped back fearful of the pleasure he found in tormenting them.

  “Oh, please, not again,” Demitri said as Sasha said: “Did you know I find you scarier when you speak in complete sentences?”

  Kalli was severely confused but kept quiet. She would figure it out soon enough if it was important, but she knew she didn’t want Dragen turning on her, though she wasn’t sure he ever would. Dragen nodded and the twins left without looking back.

  “And then there were two,” Kalli said with a sigh. Dragen shot her a vaguely confused look. “It’s something my dad used to say when a large group dwindled down to two or three.”

  Dragen nodded understandingly. “And how is your father? Have you spoken to him since you arrived?” They began walking through the stone courtyard. His posture was polite and relaxed but still better than most. His hands were clasped behind his back and he was looking forward so Kalli could see the exact side-view of his face.

  “No, I haven’t, not for about 5 months,” she looked forward. She didn’t want him seeing her tearing up as she always did when she thought of her dad. “He died, about three weeks before I got my acceptance letter. He supported my music. My mother never cared for it, but when they got divorced my mom got primary custody because of my father’s poor health. He died of brain cancer,” She looked at her feet, her stomach still turned when she played music, or heard it, or thought of it. She closed her eyes and sent up a prayer. “At least it wasn’t a huge shock, just hard,” She fought back the tears forming in her eyes.

  He nodded. “I understand. I am sorry for your loss. I know what it’s like to lose a parent,” his black eyes remained unchanged despite his confession. Kalli waited for his story but he simply said. “That is all I will tell you for the time being.”

  Kalli didn’t press it, he would come out to her eventually, he just needed time, she could relate to that. For how closed off he was she was surprised he would even tell her that much.

  They walked for a while just enjoying the day. Kalli liked that about Dragen, he didn’t make silence awkward; he made it almost comforting which is a rare quality. “Dragen?” Kalli said after a few moments. He looked towards her. “Can you dance?”

  He nodded. “Some say rather well, why?”

  “Can you teach me? Please? For the formal? I have no idea, even the steps. I don’t want to embarrass myself,” she began walking faster; she didn’t like asking for
help. But what Lupe said about having a good dance partner continued to bother her.

  “Kalli, of course I will help you,” he gave her a smile. He had never smiled at her before; his teeth were blinding white next to his tan complexion. It lit up his dark eyes. His teeth were perfect, and it seemed so natural that he should be happy; she smiled as he held out his hand for hers. What a change from what everyone had told her about him.


  “Why not? No time like the present,” he threw in the phrase as if he was practicing. He nodded to his still outstretched hand, she took it and he slowly swung her around towards himself. He caught her other hand and put it on his own shoulder and placed his on her back, pulling her closer. He led her in circles counting softly. She tried to follow his feet. She caught on pretty quickly. It was simple she realized--it didn’t hurt that Dragen was able to drag her around with ease--his normal black tank-top showed his muscled, built form, and his black pants held up by a belt showed of his long lean legs. He looked good in black-on-black. Kalli was close enough to feel the warmth and softness of his body, he had a calm air about him. She wasn’t sure why the twins had such fear of him. Once she had the steps Dragen began to actually move about the courtyard. She caught on pretty well for her experience level. She re-adjusted herself so he could lead more easily.

  He had to admit he liked the feel of her soft hand in his. He felt like a giant next to her. She seemed so breakable but her determined face still amazed him. Like Lupe, she was too independent to be considered fragile. She was looking down so he couldn’t see her gorgeous caramel brown eyes. He could barely see her brows scrunched up in concentration behind her long flowing hair that she kept pulled back even though he knew it would look fantastic down.

  “Am I doing it right?” She asked looking at him briefly from her own feet, looking back down immediately after a slight stumble. He nodded and grinned.

  “Look at me,” he said, his voice commanding.

  “But then I won’t be able to move my feet right,” she pleaded.

  “You will do just fine. Look at me,” he repeated. “Your feet will follow,” he said, reassuringly squeezing her hand; she cautiously raised her brown irises to see his black ones. Their feet continued to move in time, slightly shaky but not tripping. “See, you are waltzing,” he said straight faced but raising his eyebrows slightly as if to say. “I told you so.”

  “Really?! Oh my gosh, Dragen!” he laughed and they continued dancing. Kalli was smiling wildly up at Dragen; he thought she looked like a little kid discovering the grass was green, or how to do a cartwheel. Dragen’s eyes softened. He enjoyed dancing greatly; he always had. He just never had a partner he liked before. Lupe had taught him his first year and he had been practicing ever since in hope that he would meet someone he truly enjoyed being around. Maybe Kalli was it.

  Kalli looked back at her feet. She heard Dragen clear his throat obviously. “Sorry,” she said glancing up and down, her feet were suddenly unsure and managed to find the only slick stone in the courtyard. She felt her feet slip forward and out from under her. Dragen’s eyes widened but he easily caught her just inches before her head hit the ground. He rose is eyebrows slightly asking if she was ok. “Yeah, I’m fine, nice catch,” he grinned, flashing his bright white teeth.

  “I now see what the twins meant,” He said. She smiled bashfully. She hated and loved her klutzy self. It was bad to trip in front of everyone. Pretty embarrassing. But since she got here…it was nice to have an attractive male catch her every time she did. She always knew music brought good things. “Um--Dragen? Can you help me up now?” Kalli asked because she was still being suspended inches from the ground. Dragen lifted her to her feet with ease, but her own weight surprised her and she stumbled forward slightly. Dragen caught her by the hand and stomach. “Thanks,” he blinked and let go of her stomach but held onto her hand.

  “Shall we begin again?” He asked his eyes piercing her soul. “This time I will add some turns, so just follow my lead,” he again swung her around to him and they began dancing. Kalli wanted to look at her feet but there was something about Dragen’s face under a cloudy sky that told her she couldn’t move her eyes from his. When he turned her she closed her eyes remembering his face. He had her transfixed. Cinderella syndrome is what her mom had called it. She had been warned it was a bad thing but this seemed right. How it was supposed to be.

  Dragen felt like, although they were surrounded by random people, they were alone in a sparkling ballroom; she was wearing a long turquoise waltzing dress that complemented her skin tone. She was smiling brightly at him. He gave her one final turn. Kalli watched as Dragen’s eyes melt while they were dancing, they stayed liquid blackness while they finished.

  “Thank you, Dragen.”

  “For what, might I ask?” His face remained forward but his head crooked to the side so he could look out of the corner of his eye at her.

  “For taking care of me. Not many people would make sure I got through the day without a dull moment while not pushing me to do things.”

  He almost laughed but he did smile. “You are more than welcome. Are you doing alright? I don’t mean to pry, but I fear you are an excellent actress.”

  She laughed at the constant gravity of his voice. Like any question he asked would be an obscene intrusion on the world. “You are so careful, dear friend. Why is that?”

  “You did not answer my question.”

  “Well, I am fine. And I don’t think I am the actress you would like to think I am.”

  “Let’s hope not,” He smiled at her, looking her straight in the eyes--a social nicety she hadn’t gotten used to yet. “Well, here is your class. Good luck and may you succeed in your endeavors.”

  She laughed, “And where are you off to?”

  “I’m going to go check on our dear Sasha and Demitri. No one has seen them all day and it’s not like them to skip.”

  “That’s kind of you, especially for one whom outwardly dislikes them so.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t have class and, don’t tell anyone, Masashi worries about them.”

  Kalli mocked shock. Dragen put a finger to her lips as if to say it would be their little secret then walked away.

  Everything was set. Percy nodded at Lupe, who was standing across the hall from the class, as he sharpened his pencil. “Hey, Kalli,” Kalli looked up from the key cover questioningly. “Can I talk to you out here for a second?”

  “Lupe, I have class,” she held her palms flat and swirled around, gesturing to the entire room.

  “It won’t take long. You won’t be late,” Kalli sighed and met Lupe in the hallway, just out of sight of her piano.

  Percy moved quickly, taking the small black velvet bags out of his uniform pocket, as well as the note he had written. Kalli had not yet opened the cover to the keys. He arranged the gift quickly and returned to his piano in just enough time for Kalli to walk in. He wondered what clever excuse Lupe had used for pulling her out of class. Room key maybe.

  Kalli moved quietly to her piano but paused when she saw a white note on it. Percy could hear her gasp from across the room. She sat down and the two black bags fell into her lap but she left them there as she read the note he had carefully prepared.


  I apologize, it took me a long time to think and even longer to work up the courage to say I am sorry (which I will say in person after class). I had these made for us to remind us of our everlasting friendship. I believe they are quite popular in the U.S. The one with the gold tie on the bag is yours and the other is mine. I will see you after class. I am truly sorry. I really hope you can forgive me.

  Your Friend,

  Percival Delano

  P.S. In case you did not know…Toujours is French for forever or always.

  Kalli read the note four times before she opened the black bags, noting the color of the ties so she didn’t mix them up them up. Hers was a circular pendant. In thin black lettering it said, +
Percy Friends, each on top of each other. Percy’s was a ring that seemed to fit right around her half and it said, Kalli Toujours, each word on separate ends of the circle. She put his on top of hers to find they fit together perfectly to say, Kalli + Percy Friends Toujours. He had gotten her a friendship necklace. She examined each necklace closer. The detail was amazing. Hers had a thin delicate chain and his had a thicker, longer, more masculine chain. There was no doubt they were beautiful, perfect. She was about to run and hug him but the professor came in making noise, telling everyone class had started. Her hug would have to wait, but she hung both necklaces from her music stand so she could admire them for the next hour while she was still held away from the beautiful person who designed them.

  The clock ticked slowly for Percy, the lecture was, again, about sight reading--which he had always had a talent for--so it only made waiting worse. Most of the class he watched Kalli which, again, he had a talent for. He noted every blink of her eye, how her finger ran across the keys when she was bored and longed to play. How she pushed her long hair behind her ear when she had to concentrate on something difficult. He imagined how her eyes ran across the page when she received a piece of music and then she seemed to lose herself in the music when it was finally time to play, barely looking at the sheet. Kalli was beautiful but she didn’t see it in herself which made her even more special. She was the kind of person that everyone truly enjoyed being around because she was beautiful inside and out. She drew people in and unconsciously held onto them. It’s people like Drake who take cruel advantage of people like her, betraying their trusting nature. Thinking of him made his blood boil.

  The bell rang in the middle of the lecture. Despite the professor trying to wrap up class everyone left quickly. Kalli, however, ran against the crowd to Percy who was still packing his bag. He looked up and stood slowly. “First of all I would like to say…”

  “I’m sorry!” She closed the small gap between them and threw her arms around his neck. “I said such horrible things. I am so sorry!” Percy chuckled and she pulled back. “What’s so funny?”


  “What about me?” Kalli asked self-consciously.

  “I am the one who is at fault and yet you found some twisted way to make yourself in the wrong. I am amazed by that,” Kalli tried to interrupt but Percy cut her off. “I’m not done yet. I have to say what I need to. I am so, so sorry Kalli. I was wrong to act like that. I never want to hurt you and I did. But I promise you now, I will do all in my power to never hurt you again,” Percy had slipped the combined necklaces from her hand and held it up between them. He unclasped them from each other. “This,” He handed her the half. “Is for you. Please take it with a promise. I will always be your friend,” He lowered the chain into her palm and closed her fingers clasping her small fist between his hands. “And I will always be there for you, my friend.”

  Kalli stood silently looking at her hand for a while, letting his words soak in through her brain. His hands still incased hers. “Thank you, Percy. Thank you so much.”

  “No. Thank you, for being my friend and for forgiving me.”

  “There’s no way I couldn’t. I need you more then you know.”

  “Ditto,” He did a little crooked smile and picked up Kalli’s bag for her. “Come on. Let us go, friend.”

  “Wait,” She said holding out her necklace. “Will you help me put it on?”

  Percy dropped the bags and took the silver chain out of her hand. Kalli turned around and pulled her hair away from her slender, sunless neck. Percy took a breath and clasped the necklace around it. “There. Help me with mine?” The same ritual ensued except Percy had to kneel. Kalli was a tad surprised he was wearing it outside his shirt. The chain dipped well below the collar of his shirt. Most guys would be ashamed to wear a necklace like that. Maybe it was just Americans. Or maybe Percy just had enough pride not to be ashamed. Maybe a bit of both.

  “So...Where to?” Kalli asked. “We don’t have any classes for the rest of the day...”

  “Let’s just walk.” Percy gave her a crooked smile and offered his arm. Kalli took it gleefully.

  “I cannot believe you convinced Charles that I should chaperone your stupid dance.”

  “Consider it a meet and greet with music going in the background. Besides, I won the bet. Not my fault you chose stakes you couldn’t live with, Luke.”

  “Well, we both knew that you could eat more jalapenos than I could.”

  “I did not. I just knew you can’t handle spicy Italian meats. I used my intuition. And you agreed, idiot,” Thomas chortled.

  “Please? I really don’t want to deal with your students all night.”

  “Sorry buddy, deal’s a deal. Come on. I’ll buy you a drink for your trouble.”
