Read A Common Language Page 23

Chapter twenty-three


  The old doors creaked open. This was the oldest building on campus and no one ever figured to lock it. Kalli hadn’t been there since her piano showdown with Percy on her first day in England. Even the smell of the building brought her back to simpler days. The Grand Piano was just as beautiful as when she first sat at it and like that day her fingers spread across the black and white keys hitting a single note of the chord at a time. F. C. A. D. F. finding minors and patterns within it eventually moving around the piano, creating a sad melody out of minor chords. She closed her eyes and let her hands take over. So peaceful, so...

  “That’s beautiful,” Kalli jumped and fell off the piano bench. Just off stage stood a middle aged man. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you,” He said apologetically.

  “Startle me? You scared the living be-jeezers out of me,” Kalli paused. “Sorry, rough day. Can I help you?”

  “Now that you ask, do you know a student named Percival Delano?” The man inquired. Kalli couldn’t detect a specific accent of any kind, but something about his blue-green eyes made her nervous. He seemed familiar but she knew that he was a stranger to her.

  “Percy?” Kalli asked keeping her voice even. “Yeah I know him. I think he’s in the field.”

  “Can you take me there? I don’t know the campus that well,” Something about his slimy charm seemed wrong to Kalli but she couldn’t place it.

  “Yeah, sure,” Kalli jumped calmly off the stage and walked out the door. The man followed close to her but wasn’t following too suspiciously. “So how do you know Percy?”

  “Percival? I’m an old friend of his mother’s.”

  “Really? So are you here on her errand or…”

  “No I came on my own. His mother and I are having a...disagreement,” He said with some hesitation. He was fidgety.

  “So you traveled all the way to Cambridge from...” Kalli paused for a thematic building moment. “Where did you say you were from again?”

  “I didn’t. Is there a reason you are conducting a full interview? Or are you normally this chatty? Miss…” He paused like she did. “I never did catch your name.”

  “I didn’t throw it at you. Hardford, Kalli Hardford,” Kalli didn’t like this guy. He gave her the creeps. “But you never did answer my question. What part of the world are you from?”

  “I travel around. Europe and Asia mostly,” He said calmly but impatiently. “Now where did you say this field was? How much further?”

  “Not too far. Just up this hill actually,” Kalli imagined he was lying on in the grass staring up at the clear sky, feeling the breeze in his hair. “Percy!” She called as they reached the top of the hill. “There’s a man here to see you,” She was right. There he laid, arms spread wide just lost in thought. He sat up as she approached.

  “A man? Who…?” Percy rose to his feet quickly and with a grace only he could pull off. “Come over here. Get away from him,” He grabbed Kalli’s arm firmly and pulled her behind him, backing up slowly.

  Kalli was speechless. “Now, now, Percival. That was not very kind,” The elder man purred.

  “Like I care. And for your information my friends call me Percy,” Percy said his voice even but Kalli could he was shaking, and hear the venom in his voice, who was this man?

  “Fine then, Percy…”

  “I said my friends call me Percy. You do not qualify for that title,” Percy had barely finished his sentence when the man charged him and grabbed him firmly by the shirt.

  “You listen to me, boy. I am your father and you will respect me!” The man shook Percy hard, as if to get across a point.

  “I’m hardly a boy anymore. I haven’t considered you my father since you left. How can I respect someone who only comes around to get money to get wasted and leave bruises on my mother and me? You can’t hurt either of us anymore,” His father shook him and yelled but Percy only gritted his teeth, keeping his face hard. Something silver came out from under Percy’s gray t-shirt. His father grasped it firmly. Percy’s eyes widened and his mouth dropped slightly.

  “Percy, I’m so sorry, I had no idea…” Kalli whispered to him, his hand still holding onto her.

  “Shh,” he said quickly, watching his father’s movements carefully.

  “That’s sweet, Kalli toujours, Kalli forever. You know, son, there is more to pain then the physical,” Things moved quicker then. Percy went flying sideways hitting the cold ground with a force that jarred his entire body, leaving Kalli unprotected from his father. She tried to run but his hand was already enlaced into her hair, pulling between the ponytail holder and her scalp. She heard herself cry out as he dragged her head backwards.

  “No, Kalli! Leave her alone! She has nothing to do with this!” Percy pleaded but his father just laughed.

  “That’s right Percival. Now that I have your attention: Why has your mother suddenly decided to not talk to me?”

  “Maybe she got sick of you…” His father pulled at Kalli’s head, making her wince, “I don’t know, I haven’t spoken to mom in months! Now please let Kalli go!”

  Kalli pulled against her captor. She got her leg in position and purposely tripped. He fell with her but his grip loosened enough for her to get free. Percy moved with haste holding his father down with one hand and the other was poised to punch. The blow was fast. Kalli heard the crack of his nose. “You are going to leave and never return here or go within 100 kilometers of France ever again. If I ever see you, or if you come anywhere near me, my friends, Kalli, or my mother, I will break more than just your nose and I will deal more than one blow,” Percy promised, his eyes on fire. “Do you understand?” His father’s eyes were shocked and watering about his bleeding face. He nodded quickly. “Get out of my sight, vermin,” Percy released his father’s shirt with some emotional difficulty and watched him stagger away before walking over to Kalli, who was slumped on the ground but watching him. Tears stained her cheeks.

  “Are you alright?” She asked before he got the chance to speak.

  “I should be asking you that. I am so sorry, Kalli. I cannot believe he dragged you into this. Is your head alright?” He asked gingerly touching where the pull had centered. He carefully pulled out the loosened hair band fluffing out her hair lightly, letting it fall free. “There, does that feel any better?”

  “Yes, much, thank you.” He nodded, assessing his own damage. A long cut on his arm where his father pushed him aside, he apparently landed on a stick or rock or something. “Are you alright?” Kalli asked again.

  “I don’t think it is too bad. Give it a few weeks and I will be good as new,” He smiled at her, but the smile was forced.

  “Your father may be a horrible person, but he did have a point: there is more pain than the physical. You just faced the man who beat you for most of your life. It isn’t the physical I’m worried about,” Kalli said placing her hand on his shoulder. The physical contact seemed to calm both of them.

  “I will be fine. I am just glad it’s all over and you are somewhat unharmed.”

  “I’m fine. I don’t even feel it anymore,” a lie, but it was what he needed to hear.

  The twins and Dragen checked into their hotel after a long travel day. Dragen fell onto the bed and stared at the ceiling while the twins unpacked.

  “You guys really make a home of everywhere, don’t you?” He asked. He knew the answer. They had unloaded into the drawers and closet before he could get a decent thought together. Years of experience.

  The twins plopped down on each side of Dragen. “Are you actually trying to make conversation, precious?”

  “Guys, space,” they laughed and got up. “Yes. I feel…obliged because you are helping me.”

  They shrugged. “Doesn’t hurt us that you want to come along for the ride,” Demitri said. Dragen nodded. “You do know that everyone is going to be pissed at you when you come back, right?” Demitri hadn’t accepted that Dragen’s life might be in danger. Dragen couldn?
??t tell if that was chosen or a purposeful fantasy put together by his brother.

  “Yeah, I know.”

  Masashi insisted on both Kalli and Percy going to the infirmary to have a nurse treat their wounds--mostly Percy’s arm. The cut extended from the back of his pale hand and stopped at his elbow. The edges were rugged and it was bleeding all over him. Kalli noticed his face was paler then normal from the loss of blood. Also, his hands were shaking.

  “It looks worse than it is,” Percy said reassuringly after seeing Kalli’s concerned looks but even his voice seemed weak to her.

  “We need to stop that bleeding,” She said opening the door to the infirmary. The nurse took a single moment to get the bandages and drag Percy to the sink where he washed his arm which made it look a lot better. The nurse ran a sanitizing cloth over it.

  “The good news is that the cut isn’t too deep so you won’t need stitches,” The nurse wrapped his arm in gauze then a bandage, securing his arm tightly. “This stays on for at least a week, come back then. How did this happen?” She asked looking into his eyes.

  “Uh...I tripped and I landed on my arm,” Percy lied. He always was good at thinking on his feet.

  “Seems like one nasty fall,” The nurse said suspiciously.

  “Yeah, I landed on a stick. I put my arm out to catch myself but the stick caught me instead,” Percy said with a slight natural laugh. “I suppose I’m just lucky I didn’t break it. I play piano and guitar, my arms are kind of necessary,” His smile was charming. Kalli wondered how many school nurses he had talked his way around in his life.

  “Well we won’t have to amputate. But be more careful. If you start to feel dizzy or faint please come back,” She looked at Kalli. “Is there something I can help you with my dear?”

  “No miss. I’m…”

  “When I fell I tried to grab onto her. I think I got her hair. Can you check and make sure I didn’t hurt her,” Kalli glared at Percy.

  “You are quite the klutz aren’t you young man?” The nurse smiled and looked at Kalli’s head. “What it looks like to me is that you got yanked pretty hard but aside from some redness and some sore spots you seem to be alright. But, if you start to get headaches or any kind of symptoms that would possibly be related let me know and I can take another look.”

  “Thank you,” They said together before getting to the door as fast as they could without looking suspicious.

  “How are you this afternoon, Miss Lupe-chan?”

  “I am just fine. How are you Mister Kaname-sempai?” she mimicked his overly polite tone.

  “I am having a pleasant day thank you.”

  “I'm sorry for the delay,” she said. She dropped the pleasantries. "Masashi said he would be right along, he got held up by something,” Kaname quickly translated to Miki and she nodded with understanding. She turned to see Masashi jogging up and sweeping her up in an embrace.

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “It is alright. Lupe and I were just ‘making small talk’. I do believe those are the correct words.”

  “You got it! Your English is improving!” Lupe clapped.

  “It helps to be around others who speak English well,” Kaname glanced at Lupe.

  “Kaname?” Masashi said. “Are you trying to steal my girl?”

  “Is this anything new?”

  “No, just checking to see if you were up to your old tricks.”

  “Always.” Kaname said smirking.

  “Good to know. Miki…” He then started talking quietly to his sister in Japanese. “Kaname, I trust you were listening in just now?”

  “Yes, I was.”

  “Then you understand I must visit with Lupe this afternoon? But no one has classes tomorrow so we shall spend the entire day with you then.”

  “Of course. Until the next day Miss Lupe-Chan,” Kaname said, bowing slightly before departing with Miki.

  Masashi watched Lupe’s face as they left. “If I’m not careful Kaname will win you over.”

  “Mmm,” Masashi gave her a fearful look but she rolled her eyes and grabbed hold of his shirt. “Do you really think anyone could out-charm you? Face it, boy, you are stuck with me,” she kissed him sweetly and skipped to his side to take his hand. “So you had to talk to me? What’s up?”

  “Kalli and Percy. I just had to send them to the infirmary,” he informed her.

  “Are they okay? What happened?”

  He shook his head. “They’re fine. I made sure they were sorted before I left.”

  “You’re the best.”

  He kissed her lightly on the forehead. “I think a movie is playing tonight in Performance Hall Four. Do you want to go?”

  She smiled up brightly at him. “I would love to.”

  Kalli found herself in such a moral dilemma. She knew about the scholarship problem. But did Percy? Percy, her greatest threat, and her greatest ally. How could she keep it from him? How could she tell him?

  The intercom cracked above the piano class, “Percival Delano, please come to the main office building.” Everyone in the class turned and looked at him. Kalli creased her forehead and Percy shrugged, he was just as clueless as she was.

  “Percival, you are excused,” Mr. L dismissed him and continued on the lesson. Percy gathered his things and slumped out of the room. Nothing good ever came from having a personal invitation to the office building.

  Campus was small so it only took him a few minutes to get to the central office. The lady at the front desk pointed him across the lobby to the conference room. The door was propped open. He pushed his way inside to see the headmaster, Charles (he always insisted on first-name terms to create a sense of comfort), Luke Stanley, and Thomas Allen all sitting at the far end of the table. Percy cleared his throat. “Ah, Percival. Come in,” Charles said.

  “You asked to see me, sir,” Percy readjusted his backpack on his shoulder.

  “Yes, please sit. We need to have a discussion,” Charles was straight-faced, such a rare sight that Percy knew that he wouldn’t think fondly of the ‘discussion’ to come.

  “Freaking ridiculous! That’s what it is!” Percy paced while Kalli sat patiently waiting on the courtyard bench for him to start making sense.

  “What did they say?” She asked for about the 7th time, with little hope for getting an answer.

  “’Trouble child’? Please, I practice more than the rest of Data Venia combined. No offense.”

  “Maybe I won’t take any if you tell me what is going on? Percy you’re scaring me.”

  Percy looked at her as if suddenly realizing she had been sitting there the entire time. His eyes were wide and shifty. “Sorry, Kal,” He took a deep breath. “Basically they said that they are looking into revoking my scholarship and expelling me based on ‘behavioral issues’ which is total crap by the way. This is Mr. Stanley. He’s been out to get Data Venia since day one and now he has headmaster Charles buying his lies,” Percy plopped down next to Kalli and ran his hands through his hair. “This is my life. This is my future. I can’t lose this,” He cradled his head in his hands, elbows on his knees. Kalli couldn’t speak. It was too preposterous. Percy was one of the best students at the university and since the Drake fiasco hadn’t started any fights with students or done anything out of the normal parameters. It didn’t make sense. Why him?

  “Hey, Masashi? Do you know Kalli’s Spring Break plans? Like is she going to try to go home, or what?”

  “I have no idea. I have not talked plans with her yet. Why do you ask?” Masashi answered and asked without so much as a glance up from his book.

  “I was just wondering,” Percy said almost innocently.

  “You never ‘just wonder’ Percy. You are human, always searching for information. The only real question is why, not if,” Masashi said only looking up for a moment to watch Percy’s reaction to his words then storing the information for later use.

  “You caught me,” His hands up in surrender. “If she doesn’t have plans, I want her to
meet my mum.”

  “One, you have spent far too much time in England, my friend. Two, you want Kalli to spend two weeks in France with you and your mother?”

  “Well if she doesn’t already have plans of course. But, yes that is basically the plan,” Percy smiled. “I don’t want to take the risk of suggesting it if she already has plans because that could be awkward.”

  “ want her to meet your mother? Does that mean things are getting serious?” Masashi asked putting down his book; he wasn’t getting any reading done with Percy talking this much.

  “You know Kalli and I are just friends,” Percy said plainly with a touch of exasperation.

  “Yes I understand that was the agreement. But do you still care for her? And don’t you dare give me the ‘of course I care, she’s my friend,’ crap. You know full well what I am asking,” Masashi swung his legs off the bed and placed his elbows on his knees propping up his head in a somewhat bored position.

  “I don’t know what you want out of me. Kalli and I are friends. That’s it.”

  “I just told you not to give me that crap. I am going to give you a blunt question and I want a straight answer. No hitting around the bush: Do you wish Kalli to be more than your best friend? Yes or no.”

  “That’s just so…”

  “Answer the question Percy!” Masashi half screamed in frustration.

  “Yes! Ok? Yes I am full on in love with her! But, I tried that once and I hurt her. I won’t do that again! I refuse to hurt her. If she wants me as a friend then she will have me as a friend. End of story. Don’t forget to take your jacket as you go! And don't let the door smack you on the way out.

  "I want her to come to France with me so she won’t be alone,” Percy admitted. “She’s already having a hard time dealing with the twins and Dragen being gone. Two weeks alone isn’t going to help,” Percy sat down on the floor seeming relieved he could get everything out to someone.

  “Percy,” His voice was filled with concern. “It’s a great thing you are doing for her. And, I’m proud of you for doing right by her. But, why are you putting yourself through this torment? Would it not be easier on you to stay away for a while?”

  “Maybe it would be easier, but I’m not sure you understand how much I’m willing to go through for her. Masashi, I am in love with Kalli--whether she knows it or not--me being away from her side for even a moment is like setting a fire to my body. It’s hard to explain. It’s almost like her presence controls me. Without her, I feel void of purpose, cold. I miss her before she leaves and when I watch her walk away my entire body aches so bad it makes me shiver.”

  “That’s how I felt about Lupe, still do in fact. It’s better now that I know she will always come back to me. You do love her Percy. I can tell you she was planning on staying here in the dorms, but I know she would love to go with you to France,” Masashi smiled--almost ashamed--as Percy discovered his trick. “Good talk, Percy. Go get the girl.”

  Kalli had to speak to Mr. Kelley before she left with Percy for break or it would hang over her the entire time. She knocked on his office door. “Come in,” Mr. Kelley was hunched over his desk with a stack of essays in front of him. He turned towards her. “Ms. Hardford, what a pleasant surprise. Please, come in,” He stood and gestured to a lopsided recliner. “Would you like to sit?” Kalli nodded and sat at the edge of the chair. Mr. Kelley took his office chair. “Now, while I would love to think that you came to see me because you love my class and just can’t stand to be away from the lecture hall something tells me that’s just hopeful thinking.”

  Kalli laughed nervously. “While I do love your class, I came to ask for some advice.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “You have peaked my interest.”

  The words fell out like a rockslide off a mountain side. Kalli explained the scholarship situation and Percy’s issues with the education board. “And I just don’t know. I know I should probably tell him about the scholarship contest but with this ‘behavioral issues’ thing I just feel like he has enough to worry about, you know? But I feel like I should be helping with that too. I just don’t know how.”

  Mr. Kelley leaned back in his chair, hand on his chin. “You have gotten yourself into quite a dilemma, miss,” Kalli nodded. “Telling Percy about the scholarship issue is up to you and your friendship. I think you know what the more honest thing to do is, however I understand completely if you want to give yourself the best chance for success. The other matter, the education board, when are they making their decision?”

  “Percy said that they would meet again after break to decide a course of action.”

  “In that case, I personally would set up a meeting with the board before then to defend my friend and his integrity. If Percy is as good a student as we both seem to think he is you need to point that out to the board. And if they have any brains they will see sense,” Kalli let his advice sink in. She didn’t know if she would be able to convince anyone of anything, but she had to try.

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Please, Kalli, call me Lancelot,” Kalli laughed and shook her head. “Mr. Kelley is fine too if you don’t want to be on fictional first-name terms.”

  “See you in class,” Kalli smiled and walked out of the office, knowing what she had to do.
