Read A Common Language Page 25

Chapter twenty-five



  You probably won’t get this until you return from Japan--I hope you took Lupe this time--by that time I will be long gone, so this is my goodbye to you.

  You were the best friend I have ever had and--I’m sure--will ever have again. You “talked” to me when I needed someone and kept quiet at all other times. You were the first person to be there for me. You had faith in me. I know you don’t like my choice to run off like this but I know you are behind me anyway. Just stand by me one last time. God knows I could use the help. I know the danger I face, but I am prepared to face him. And then face Him.

  You are my brother in arms, in pain, and in heart. You know by now that I am in love with Kalli. I want you to make sure she is taken care of. If Percy hurts her…beat the snot out of his worthless face. Just make sure she is safe. Help her move on from my death. I know she will try to blame herself. Don’t let her.

  Masashi, one last thing: in a few years you need to marry Lupe. She loves you and it’s obvious how much you love her. Graduate, take care of Kalli, and marry Lupe. The rest of your life is yours to decide. Of course I won’t know if you don’t complete my little checklist. I can only hope you will. I trust you will.

  Goodbye, Masashi. My first friend and my best friend. If by some miracle I go to Heaven, I will watch over you.


  Dragen Kown

  Lovely Lupe,

  First I would like to say, what a woman you have become. And, of course, you are dating my best friend. Aren’t you glad now that I refused to join Data Venia without him? Anyway, enough boasting about my own brains. I wanted to say goodbye and I have a few final requests if you don’t mind.

  One, make sure Kalli is taken care of. Be her friend. She seems to have lost all the ones she had in America.

  Two, don’t let anyone cry for me when I’m gone. Be happy that you can still live free.

  And three, here comes the big one: After he graduates, marry Masashi. I know he will ask you. He loves you more than the world. I know you run away from commitment but you two are good together. Don’t run from him. I beg you.

  One last thing before I say goodbye for good. Make sure Percy treats Kalli right and keep him out of trouble.

  Lupe even though we had our moments of not being able to stand each other, you are a truly decent person. I care about you like my sister (if I had one) so never again say you have no family. We, Data Venia, are your family.


  Dragen Kown

  Lupe and Masashi looked at each other, tears in their eyes.

  “Dragen requested you not share your letters with anyone and he said he will miss you all. Also, he asked you don’t despair for him,” Sasha said before they had recovered enough to speak.

  “So it’s official then?” Lupe asked.

  “I imagine we will either get Dragen or news of his death pretty soon now.”

  “Let us hope it’s not the latter.”

  It had been so long since he had been forced to keep to the shadows in fear of that man. But it wasn’t fear that kept him now, it was patience, patience in the knowledge that soon the deed would be done. He stayed to the back alleys and underground societies. He couldn’t think of how he had come to this. He wasn’t 11 now but even being around these streets made him feel that innocence he used to have. He looked at this world with new eyes. And this world looked at him as a man now. He was respected. He didn’t have to torture to get the information he needed. He asked and the answers came freely. He hated the feeling of being feared but it got the job done and expediency was of the utmost importance. The more time he wasted, the closer that man came to picking him up on his radar. It was time to strike.

  The entire Data Venia was waiting when Kalli and Percy stepped off the plane. “What’s going on?” Percy asked when he saw their distraught faces.

  “Dragen…?” Kalli asked, seeing the twins, hoping he was just hoping he was sick or had jet lag or something.

  “He has started his journey. But he left you these,” the twins handed Percy a standard letter envelope and Kalli revived a thick envelope with a CD case. “His last request to us was that we ask you not to share the contents of your envelopes, or in Kalli’s case, CD as well.”

  “I’ll read it when we get back to campus. I don’t want to break down in the airport,” Kalli said quietly.

  “Same,” Percy agreed, though he was curious to what the quietest person in Data Venia had to say to him.

  My Dearest Kalli,

  You are probably curious as to why you are the only one who received a disc with your goodbye letter. The reason is I wanted to show you how I feel about you (As if the airport wasn’t enough. Sorry about that by the way) so I did some music searches. I found a lot of songs that reminded me of you, but I wrote one which is all yours. I wrote it for you. It’s simple but I tried to write it from my heart.

  Speaking of my heart, it’s yours. Where I’m going I won’t need it so I’m leaving it with you for safe keeping. I love you. But should the time the time arise: I want you marry Percy. I don’t know how, but you two were obviously meant to be together. He loves you and although you hide it I know you love him too.

  One last thing darling--don’t cry over me. Don’t you dare shed a single, precious tear over me. Your smile is beautiful, wear it always, it lights up those caramel eyes you have.

  I wish I could see you just once more, but unfortunately that is not possible without putting you in danger. So this is my last goodbye to you, I hope, because this hurts like hell.

  Goodbye my love,

  Dragen Kown

  P.S. I included my journals from Russia for you. I don’t know if you want to read them. I’m leaving that up to you. It’s your choice.

  Kalli was sobbing by the end of the letter. She flipped the CD case over, it read:

  Just for you – Dragen Kown

  Kalli had never heard Dragen sing before. No wonder why he was in Data Venia. His voice was sweeter then Masashi’s and it was obvious by the sounds coming from his guitar that his technique was amazing. The track that really took the air out of Kalli’s lungs. While simplistic, it was amazing. It was a man telling his lover that everything he ever did was for her. Kalli went to sleep listening and crying to Dragen’s voice on repeat in Lupe’s CD player.

  After reading his letter Percy was left more confused than ever.

  “How many days has it been?”

  “I’m sorry?” The twins were the only ones who seemed even close to normal.

  “Since Dragen got on the plane to Romania, how long has it been?” Percy clarified.

  “Oh. Let’s see. It was the same day we left from Russia and we had an overnight plane. We had to wait,” They thought. “Four days until Lupe and Masashi came back, which was the day before yesterday and you and Kalli came in today has been a week?”

  “And if he’ long before we know?”

  “Probably once the university knows. When who know how soon the Romanian government will tell them, but we imagine we will know within a month.”

  “How soon do you think the deed will be done?”

  “I bet it’s already over. Dragen knew where his father was. He won’t put it off. He’ll get it done as fast as possible,” Masashi said hanging his coat on the chair, his eyes swollen. He had been crying lately. They all had been but Masashi was too proud to allow others to see him.

  “So now we play the waiting game?” Percy asked. He was amazed at how calm they all were about this.

  “I’m afraid so. There’s not much else we can do. Dragen made a point of not letting anyone even know what part of Romania he was headed to. And none of us know who his father is. We don’t even know his name,” Masashi said quietly. “He was very careful not to be followed by anyone.”

  “Well--well that just--just sucks!”

  School started up again the following week without much event. Everyone in Data
Venia had given each other space to mourn even though the news was not official.

  The intercom at UA was old, crackly, and fuzzy. It started with a crack, “*Choosh* would all members of Data Venia please come to office building A. *Choosh*”

  Kalli could tell the entire campus was silent. Word had gotten out that a member of Data Venia was missing; everyone knew what news awaited them in office building A.

  “Miss. Hardford, Mr. Delano, you are excused,” The piano teacher said after a few moments of silence.

  Kalli felt herself being pulled from her chair. Percy’s kind hand found hers when they reached the hallway. He had to half-drag her into the sickly warm office building. It smelled like coffee. A kind-faced woman walked them through the building to a small back room that was brightly lit. Everyone else was already there. Masashi and Lupe were holding hands, their faces pale. The twins were talking calm words to each other but they were obviously afraid of what could be.

  The door opened again, a young man walked in; his face was hidden by long black hair. “Dragen!” Kalli screamed in delight. But the hair moved to show the man was not Dragen Kown.

  “I am afraid not, miss. My name is Stefan,” His accent was the same as Dragen’s. “I am regretful to tell you, but your classmate is dead,” His voice did not sound regretful. Kalli and Demitri broke down to the floor. “I am sorry for your loss,” The man started to leave the way he came in.

  “Wait. Was there a second body? An older man?” Masashi asked desperately, his eyes turning a milky red.

  “I am unsure. I was only told the student was killed. I am sorry,” The man left the room quickly without another word.

  Data Venia sat in silence for several moments. Everyone was crying too hard to speak.

  Lupe finally got a hold on herself. “Everyone stop. Dragen wouldn’t have wanted this, us spending hours crying. He would have wanted us to get back out there and show this campus what we’ve got.”

  Masashi his face with his jacket sleeve. “Lupe's right. He didn’t want anyone to cry for him. He did what he felt he had to. Now we have to do the same. For Dragen.”

  “For Dragen,” The words echoed throughout the small room.

  The ‘no crying’ plan didn’t last long. Each member had to excuse themselves from classes for weeks before could go a day without someone breaking down. Percy made his tea for every member which helped slightly. A week and a half passed before the funeral. Each member spoke but Demitri and Masashi’s were the most heart wrenching.

  “You saved my life. You were there when I needed you to be and you still scare the crap out of me.” Demitri gave a half-hearted smile. “Thank you for all that you did for me and Sasha, we are eternally grateful. You never spoke much, but when you did we listened. You told me once that bravery doesn’t make a person, their decisions and relationships do. Take your own advice, would you? You taught me how to be a man and how to set aside my pride for those I love. I learned too late how great of a friend you are, but all the same, love you, man. Rest in peace.”

  “Dragen was my best friend, my brother, my dad, my partner in crime, my classmate, my confidante, my son, my shrink,” Masashi laughed through the tears running down his face, “And he was an amazing artist. He had the biggest heart I had ever seen in action. He wore it on his sleeve, as hard as that is to believe. He often called Data Venia his family. He never shared with people much, but he kept people close to his heart even if he told them they didn’t matter to him. It mourns me that such an amazing person had to die. Goodbye Dragen. You will truly be missed by all. And I say this with the greatest love in my heart: screw you, bastard, for leaving all of us down here without you. But we understand. Rest in peace, my friend.”
