Read A Crazy Little Winter Vacay (BWWM Novella) Page 7

THAT’S ALL he needed to know, huh? Jada pinched her lips in the midst of a smile as the tall, handsome man left the room. Did she just stand there and flirt with a stranger? She’d never done that sort of thing before.

  In truth, Brett Heathrow made her crave his nearness, as if he wasn’t a stranger at all. That kind of drive was dangerous and absurd.

  Jada went to the linen closet in the hall and pulled out more bedding for the next room. A nice man, mid-thirties maybe? And the house was huge.

  She’d done a little exploring after Lance told her to help herself to bedding. After her nap, she decided to prepare all of the guestrooms. The master room boasted a king-sized bed in a simple dark brown and black color-scheme. She’d lingered only a few seconds outside the door, but thought the space was well used and attractive. It somehow matched how she thought Brett would be; interesting layers beneath what met the eye.

  He claimed to have no family of his own, but what about a girlfriend in the next snow pile or in Ohio? Red Main. How did she end up in Red Main? She had another five hours to get to Havre, if the roads were good. And leave Dr. Grey Eyes behind? Don’t get any ideas.

  Jada spread out the sheets and tugged on the covers.

  She mustn’t misconstrue his actions tonight, or their conversation. Surely he was this…flirty…with everyone? Jada sighed to herself. Flirty. Friendly. Fabulous. Facilitating. Claire and very plain Peggy could receive the same rapt attention.

  Rather than buy into his friendliness as something more, she cut off that flow of thinking. The kind doctor took in stranded motorists. The end.

  And he’d quoted that verse. Alone in the room, she laughed at the reference. He’d laid out where he was coming from. Well, left it up to her to interpret his meaning. That was the clincher. Glimpsing a Bible on the nightstand in the master bedroom…

  Snap out of it. Falling for her rescuer like a fainting damsel in distress? Pl-ease.

  Jada went out to prepare the last room.

  “Hi.” Claire, mid-thirties and the only other black woman, scurried past. “I need the restroom. The other one’s taken.”

  Jada laughed as Claire threw up her hands in mock desperation and hurried inside. She watched the door slam as she turned into the last room, and was half way in before she was met by narrow waist, sinewy arms, and bare, bare chest. Eyes scrunched shut, she stopped short. “Sorry!” She switched directions with the sheets in her arms and headed blindly toward the door when Lance called her back.

  “You can stay. I’m just cleaning up the place. Wasn’t expecting company. Like, ever.”

  Just cleaning up in bare feet, loose jeans and that great chest. Eyes still clamped shut, she didn’t turn around. “No. I should have known this was yours. The door was closed earlier, I think. My head’s all jumbled up.”…thinking about your brother.

  “No biggie, Jade.”

  “Jada.” Opening her eyes, she stared out into the hallway.

  “Jada.” His voice drew closer, mixed with a chuckle. “You ladies can stay in here. It has an en-suite, so I’m sure it’s more convenient.”

  Soap and dampness filled the air when he reached her side. He was finished dressing, and leaving. Thank goodness. When she turned, the bare chest with water droplets from his hair encompassed her vision. Not finished dressing.

  She found his eyes. “Where will you stay?”

  “Camp out on the floor of my brother’s room.”

  “A king-size bed and you choose the floor?”

  “You try sleeping with him.”

  Both of them paused.

  “I mean…” Lance’s chuckle sounded nervous. “We shared a bed once when we were kids visiting friends. Ended up on the floor anyway. Just taking the shortcut.”

  She grinned. “You two have to be the nicest men I’ve ever met.”

  “Share the wealth.” He shrugged, turned to the rustic wardrobe, and yanked out a sleeping bag. “If you got it, lend it. Brett says it’s his calling. Some people give, some people pray, some do administrative work. He heals and helps. It’s a little tiring being the selfish brother sometimes.”

  Chuckling at his back, she watched him rummage through the wardrobe, thankful for this amazing pair of siblings. If it sounded too good to be true, though, was it? She glanced at a movement through the door, found Bossy Brett, his eyes glued to his brother as Lance finally pulled on a shirt. They swung back to her, but she didn’t know what to make of the look; surprise, confusion, like she’d been caught up to no good with the town bad-boy.

  She didn’t need that type of drama.

  Shaking her head, she turned and stripped the bed.