Read A Dark Faerie Tale Books 1 & 2 Page 12

  The group huddled together near the glass bridge, silent and solemn. Their backpacks laid strewn about, reminding Shade of a summer camp she’d visited in the thick forests of California. People were still skittering about, stuffing packs with rations and supplies.

  Shade sat on the ground with her own backpack already stuffed, since she’d never really had a chance to unpack before the attack. It sat balanced between her crisscrossed legs, ready to go. She held onto it as a child would a precious stuffed animal or blanket for comfort. It felt like the only thing in the world that actually did belong to her. They’d risen early the day after the trial to reassemble and continue with the rest of the journey. Shade felt almost entirely healed, but her spirits remained dampened. Her head ached with everything that had happened to her. Taking comfort in her solitary spot, she watched the others frantically rushing around. At least, Sary retrieved her clothes, cell phone, and charger from her old room. Shade had refused to enter it ever again. Her phone sat fully charged and put away, for there was no signal penetrating the dark stone cavern.

  Her chestnut brown hair was pulled back into two thick, tight braids, making her look even younger than her seventeen years. She’d let Braelynn fuss over her this morning, even though she’d already pulled it back into a sloppy ponytail. The tight braids Braelynn had woven her hair into were intricate but restrictive. However, she could deal with it since it made Braelynn feel so useful and motherly.

  Soap came by and lingered before her. His tall figure seemed gigantic while she sat scrunched on the ground. His hair was also tied back but lay in a simple half braid, with leather and beads streaming through it and shimmering under the torchlight. He was looking at her with his bright eyes, so deep in color in the dim light that they seemed to glow with their own light. “Hiya there, kid. You feelin’ all right?” His voice twanged with a made-up southern drawl. He winked and tipped an imaginary hat to her.

  She smiled up at him and nodded, not feeling quite as gloomy as before. He was definitely in a joking mood. “I’m okay, maybe just a bit tired. I’m not sleeping so well since….” She laid her chin on her pack as she pulled it tighter against herself and closed her eyes.

  Soap sat beside her on the ground and sighed as he watched the rest of the group tidying up. He turned toward her with his smile gone and his eyes immensely serious. “Are you having nightmares?”

  She nodded and breathed in slowly. She closed her eyes, still leaning her head on her pack and arms. Sleep was definitely lacking, severely affected by her anxiety and paranoia throughout the night. Every creak, every rustle made her eyes fling open and her heart jump from her chest. She resorted to sitting up in bed with a dagger in hand, just in case.

  Shade wondered if she’d ever feel safe going to bed again.

  “Well, let Braelynn and Sary know. I’m sure one of them can whip you up a dreamless sleep potion. It might help for the first few weeks. We’re leaving in five minutes. Did you eat anything this morning?”

  “Yes, I ate some toast and fruit. I wasn’t too hungry, though.” Opening her eyes, she sat up as she saw Dylan enter the area. His captain’s uniform was gone, replaced with different leather and metal armor. It was probably his traveling armor. His helmet was also gone, but his sword was still strapped to his back. His brown tunic was soft under the leather and lacked any kind of ornamentation at all. Wrist sheaths were strapped securely on his upper arms, and as he moved, they flashed slightly, revealing silver knives. He also had a sheath strapped to each thigh, and his belt had pouches with more weapons laced throughout. He was well armed and carried a small pack strapped to his back. The long locks of hair he’d previously possessed were now cut to a standard length for a human male. Shade wondered why he was sporting the short style, especially when he was the only faery man she’d met so far who didn’t have long hair.

  “I guess this means he’s joining us now,” Shade said with her voice lowered. “Soap, why did he chop his hair off? It was so long. Did he have to cut it for the journey?”

  Soap shook his head and leaned in toward her, his voice just above a whisper.

  “No, Shade. The fey do it as a sign of mourning. He’s probably in mourning for his brother, treating it as death. It may also be because it’s a sort of enslavement that he has to be with us. He might just be mourning his freedom and former life. Your guess is as good as mine.” He jumped up to stand so fast, he appeared to have just floated up. He held out a hand to Shade again, smiling. “May I have this dance, oh ye fair maiden?”

  “You know what? You’re such a dork.” She took his hand but gave him a playful whack when he started to dance, swinging her around in a circle. “Stop it already!” Shade smiled again, feeling him radiate calming warmth, too. Somehow, she just knew it was for her benefit that the Fey did that. What they gave off in their magic was like happy juice to a moody teenager. It made her feel safe at least, and that’s what she wanted most of all right now.

  Dylan was watching them from across the way. His empty, blank stare made Shade shiver as her happy mood faded with his icy look. She couldn’t blame him for being mad, but it really wasn’t her fault he was stuck guarding her. He was going to have to just deal with it.

  He started walking toward her and Soap. Holding her breath, Shade hoped he wasn’t going to be a pain. Dylan stopped right in front of her, causing her to take a step back as he invaded her space. He seemed to know that it made her nervous to stand near any of the Teleen, even if they were shielded with glamour.

  “Dylan of the Teleen clan reporting for duty, Miss Shade. What will you have of me today?” He stood still, so close to her she could feel his warm breath across her cheek. His steel eyes were smoldering. She was not sure if it was just his eyes or if she saw a twinge of hatred swimming in them.

  “Nothing, Dylan, I….” She let her words trail off and shook her head. It took a moment or two for what she wanted to say to come out right. Straightening, she decided to go ahead and glare right back at him. “I’m not your master, boss or whatever. I didn’t want this, so go do what you want, okay? I really don’t care.” Shade took another step back to dodge around him but stopped herself. “If it’s any consolation, this was not my idea. Darren should’ve manned up and taken his punishment though I do think death is an easy way out. If there’s anything I can do to help you unbind us, you just go right ahead and let me know.” He remained glaring at the ground with his jaw set hard. She sighed when he gave her nothing but silence as she swung her pack onto her back and walked away.

  Jack motioned her over, as well as all the others. Everyone quickly finished their packing and circled around him. “Okay, everyone, we are way behind schedule. Today we anticipate to at least make it to the river lands. We will be near a large iron city, so once we approach, we must be very careful. We should stay near the rivers and be out of sight. If we are spotted, we might have to do memory charms on any humans that may be nearby. I would like to avoid that. You know how much fun that is,” he said sarcastically.

  “Oh, and we have two newcomers on our quest. Everyone welcome Dylan, former captain of the Teleen.” His arm swung out toward Dylan, who stood just outside the circle, his arms crossed and his gaze at the ground. “Also, Miss Sylphi of the Teleen has so graciously volunteered to serve as a tracker. When our supply runs low, she can help us track down food around the Santiran fountains, where there are no cities for miles. Please welcome them both with open arms.”

  He held his arm out to Sylphi, who came over and gave him an aggressive hug, apparently invading his space. He stumbled back a bit as he shifted his weight, but he did avoid losing his balance. She laughed and smiled, as though it was nothing to volunteer on a treacherous mission.

  Shade glared at her. She hadn’t forgotten how friendly she’d been with Darren the night of the attack. Sylphi caught her glare and smiled sweetly at her, ignoring the look on Shade’s face. I wouldn’t trust her as far as I could throw her boney, pointy body, she thought.

sp; “Everyone should be ready by now. Let’s go!” Ewan’s voice boomed in the cavern, echoing down the ravine. The group all swung packs onto their backs and sheathed the weapons they’d been cleaning. In about a minute, they were all crossing the great glass bridge. Shade held her breath as she walked across. Unfortunately, looking down made her stomach ache, so she avoided it at all costs. She’d be happy never to cross this blasted bridge again.

  They journeyed through the same tunnels and large rooms they first passed on the way in. Shade felt relief wash over her as she caught sight of the great doors. They creaked open, and a stream of early morning sun beamed in and grew wider to meet them. Shade increased her pace and laughed when she felt the rush of the cool spring morning air. The sun was warm on her face, and the tension she’d been feeling seemed to be easing. Somehow, she knew she was not going to miss the Teleen Caverns.

  Chapter Ten