Read A Dark Faerie Tale Books 1 & 2 Page 17


  Shade stretched her legs out before her, massaging her calves and working out some of the knots deep under her skin. They stopped for a rest again after another horrible river crossing. She wondered if the fey ever even got sore. Probably not. She kept wondering what Dylan was thinking, too. Some of the things he did and said confused her. It made her frown at the thought of how nervous he made her feel.

  Standing up, she took her teacup back to Stephen, who seemed to like being the group’s cook and occasional dishwasher. He gave her a short nod, smiling as he continued to wash the soiled dishes. He wasn’t actually physically cleaning them, he was just moving his hands over them, making them rinse themselves in the river.

  I need to learn that! That’d be useful back home! Shade thought, turning back toward the group where Jack was talking seriously to Ewan. Maps sat spread out before them on a table. Who brought the furniture? Shade thought as she walked toward them. She still couldn’t get over the bath tent and the constant use of magic here. When she reached the two men, they were pointing at several spots on the map, plotting their journey.

  “I think going over Fable’s Fair Bridge would be a better option. It goes closer to the cliffs of Raenin. We need to go past the cliffs and end up on Solare’s Beach. There’s a cave road there we can take to the inland forests, around the Santiran lands. If we go down to Maziel’s Pass, it will take us longer to make it to the beach, and it goes too close to Unseelie territory.” Jack’s hand was darting around the map at several points on the unfamiliar land.

  Shade studied it while the men stood there thinking. She could see the cities of Portland and San Diego along one side of the great fey territory. There were areas marked off that showed the highways and smaller human towns. The vast wilderness that belonged to the fey was unbelievable. She traced the river lands with her fingers and found Solare’s Beach on the map. Shaped like a crescent moon, it was not very big at all. It had a small river that emptied into the ocean along one side. Next was Craven’s Cave Road, which wound around the cliffs of the beach and disappeared into a cave. Shade shuddered at the thought of going into another cave again.

  “How do we make it across the cliffs?” Shade asked Ewan and Jack. They turned toward her and smiled.

  “You have to walk down the west side of the cliffs or take a long rope bridge across this great river.” Ewan pointed at a line crossing across the largest of the rivers that bisected the cliffs.

  Shade cringed because crossing a bridge held together by rope was not much of a comfort either. Caves and unstable bridges… it’s my lucky day. Her throat ached from nerves, and it felt as if there were a knot in it. “Really? Ah man, do we have to go on a rope bridge?” She glanced at Jack and Ewan. “And another cave?”

  “You afraid of heights, Shade?” They said at once and laughed at the disgust all over her face.

  “No! Of course not! It’s just, they’re so flimsy! It rocks a lot, and it just isn’t safe!” She crossed her arms and huffed away. Jack started coughing, trying to hold back his laughter while Ewan slapped him on his back.

  When they stopped snickering, Ewan cleared his throat, his face flushed and his eyes twinkling brightly. He motioned for everyone to gather their stuff and fall back into line to leave.

  Shade fell in with the group, still grumbling under her breath. She followed everyone out along the bank of the rushing river. She began to wonder just how long it was going to take to get to the Santiran Fountains. It felt like they were gone forever. Her patience was wearing thin, especially with nature. Seeing the map made her feel even more sullen. The territory they were crossing was enormous and so vast that it seemed like they hadn’t really gone that far. So much happened already, and they weren’t even close yet.

  “Hey, having fun yet?” Soap asked as he hung back from the others and fell in step with her. She gave him a nasty look and didn’t like the fact that someone else from the group was making fun of her.

  “Ok, ok, no need to be harsh,” he said, losing his usual grin. “I was just wondering something, Shade, and I hope you would answer this for me.”

  She sighed and turned back toward Soap. His contagious good mood was already flowing over her and taming her gloomy demeanor. She grinned back, nodding. “What is it?” She slipped on a damp, mossy rock in the slick grasses. Soap caught her arm and cradled her with his other one. Her face was so close to his, he could have kissed her. She laughed a bit and thanked him for catching her, straightening herself up before he answered.

  “The voices, the ones you said are your spirit guides, are they still bothering you? What do they say about us?”

  Shade took a deep breath and thought about it for a moment. She hadn’t really heard from her spirit guides since they’d left the caverns. As a matter of fact, she hadn’t heard the voices at all since waking up from the attack. It was actually somewhat nice to hear just her own thoughts in her head. She stretched out her mind to find them, but no one answered her inner thoughts. Panic suddenly swirled inside her as she felt a kind of emptiness without them.

  Why have they been silent? Maybe they’re gone for good now.

  “Honestly, I haven’t heard them talk since Darren attacked me. It’s funny, my whole life I wished they would just shut up, and now–now I miss them.”

  “Well, it’s probably just the rivers. They’re quite magical, you know. They say that the rivers are the roads of dreams. Once you stand by one, the magic is too strong. It can literally turn a fey into a near mortal. We can’t use too much of our magic here. The river won’t have it. That’s the myth, anyway. It’s like dead space to our kind, the in between of worlds. I think it might be affecting you, too. I literally can’t change around the rivers. I can only use a simple glamour and charms. It’s strange….”

  Shade nodded as they continued down the slippery banks without speaking again for a while. She wondered if Soap wanted to ask her anything else. He seemed more quiet than usual. This would have bothered her more, but concentrating on not slipping on another rock or wet mossy patch kept her attention for now. They reached the edge of the bank to another crossing area. She groaned as she watched the front of the group submerge themselves up to their waists in cold river water. The rush of the current wasn’t as strong at the crossings points, but she loathed the cold feel of the water. She reached the edge of the bank and watched as Soap strode right on in without so much as a whimper. Man up, already! She sighed and dipped her feet into the icy water, sucking in a breath.

  She was near the other side when she heard some shouting. She straightened up to see further up the bank where Ewan, Jack, and Than were wildly shouting at someone, someone she couldn’t see from her position in the river.

  “Shade, come on. I think we’re being attacked. Hurry!” Sary waved at her frantically and held her other hand out to her. She took it and pulled herself up out of the rushing waters. The chill was there again, and her teeth chattered together. She was pretty sure her lips were blue with cold. Sary kept half turning and pressing her on to follow, practically dragging her along.

  Soap already left his position in front of her to join Jack and the others, who were now taking shelter behind some trees and drawing weapons. Shade found a large tree trunk to hide behind as arrows started sailing by, buzzing like bees as they flew. She felt drugged and sluggish from the cold. She had the blanket on, but in the cover of the trees and with no hot tea to drink this time, she was not recovering as well as before. Huddling against the tree and pulling the blanket around tightly for warmth, she was still shivering. She peeked around the tree as there was a break in the flying arrows. Whoever was attacking them had either run out or was restocking their weapons.

  Jack was yelling at someone. Everyone stood their ground, hiding in their makeshift covers. She couldn’t see who or what they were yelling at. She strained to hear anything… and then suddenly it came—a voice. The grave laugh was in the distance, but whoever it belonged to was not too far away.
  “You can’t hide forever, little half-breed. I know she’s with you. Just hand her over, and we’ll be on our way,” the voice screeched through the trees.

  Who is that? I’ve heard that voice before, Shade thought as the cruel laugh made her cringe. She strained a little more to see across the trees, spotting the owner of the voice. Lady Blythe was perched on a branch not too far above Ewan and the others. The Queen of the Dryad’s skeletal, translucent wings were fluttering so fast that Shade could barely see them. If there hadn’t been a slight breeze whirling around her, the tiny wings would have gone unnoticed altogether. Shade’s heart pounded. She knew just what they wanted but not why.

  “We will never give her to you, Blythe! You are far beyond your borders, and you have no rights here. This is neutral territory. Be gone already!” Jack’s voice was strong and sturdy. He did not seem afraid but was definitely on the side of caution.

  “You stupid fool! You dare insult me? I am Queen here. The trees are my domain, no matter where! You give me the Halfling, and I let you leave alive. Otherwise, you can all die, and I will still take the girl. Choose wisely!” Her cackling voice echoed through the air.

  Shade didn’t think it was possible, but she felt even colder than before. She worked hard to keep her teeth from chattering again, praying silently that the old hag of a faery would leave her alone. She didn’t look like a nice faery from the ‘fairy’ stories of Shade’s childhood. She looked vicious, dark, and ruthless flying up there in the branches. Shade’s heart was racing as she glanced around, trying to think of a way to get away from there.

  “No, Lady Blythe. We can’t do that. It is our oath to protect her, and that we will, to the death even.” Jack was holding his sword out. It glinted in the few rays that escaped the canopy of tree leaves above.

  “So be it. Die then,” she said without feeling. Lady Blythe laughed even harder as more arrows began to fly.

  Shade ducked back behind the trunk and looked around for the others. Sary was pulling out daggers and weapons from behind a tree near her. Stephen was already returning arrows to whomever it was that was shooting them. Some screams of pain howled through the trees, but she wasn’t sure who was behind it. Cracking branches and thumps in the bushes made her jump. She pulled out her own short sword and held it tightly in her hands. Taking a deep breath, she stood up and pressed herself against the tree, trying to become one with it. If only she could change into a tree, she could hide pretty well then.

  The battle spilled around her as Lady Blythe’s warriors pushed back against them. Jack was clanging swords against one tall but slender fighter. He had bulging muscles, pale skin much like Blythe’s, and long white hair. All but his eyes were pale, and his skin was almost translucent. A pair of wings were tightly folded and pressed against his back to avoid being sliced by a sword. He wore thin metal armor that glinted in the streams of light as he fought. They all looked similar to the queen, and they worked and moved together as a hive of drones.

  Shade ran for cover at the edge of the battle and hid behind some large looming trees. The best way I can help everyone is to stay hidden and avoid getting hit, she thought. Part of her wanted to help, but she was sure there was no way she could fight.

  Suddenly, the arrows stopped altogether, and everyone was on the ground fighting. Even Blythe joined the fight with her own dual slender swords. She was holding off Than, who was fighting with his daggers, their silver sheen glinting with every movement. She kicked him hard in the stomach and laughed as he flew back to the ground. Dirt was flying up everywhere. Blythe caught Shade watching her, and a sinister smile crept across her face as she started toward Shade.

  “Come here, little girlie.” She started marching toward Shade but ran right into Jack and his swords, losing one of hers in the collision. She blocked him with her remaining sword and began battling his two. The metallic resonance filled the air as Shade backed away into the shadow of the forest. Her heart was pounding in her chest so hard that she could feel the beat vibrating in her throat. She felt flushed as her blood pumped rapidly throughout her body, her breaths growing short and quick.

  “Shade!” Dylan was now next to her and tugging at her arm. He led her deeper into the woods, and she tried hard to not stumble or fall on the branches and dead shrubbery that scraped at her legs and sliced at her arms.

  “Slow down, Dylan! I can’t go that fast!” Her hand slipped from his as she fell to the ground, grinding her knees into the dirt and rock.

  Dylan didn’t pick her up. He was occupied, swinging his sword against another warrior dryad. As they fought around her, Shade managed to get to her feet. Mud streaked across her jeans and hands, making her wipe even more of the mess onto her pants. It was then that she noticed her sword had fallen onto the ground. She looked back over her shoulder at Dylan; he and his foe were still clanging their swords together. Dylan had a cut on his left forearm that was streaked with blood. Shade stepped forward and bent down to grab her sword, swearing as she did, for her right knee was on fire. I must have scraped it or bruised it when I fell. She stumbled to another tree and pressed her back to it, gripping the sword in her hands, the blade and hilt also caked in mud.

  Her eyes were stinging with tears, although she didn’t notice she’d been crying. Swallowing back a sob, she shook with fear. Breathing deeply, she looked around the large tree trunk and tried to see through the woods for anyone else in the group. She heard screams, yelling, and swords clanging, but she wasn’t as close to the fighters as she’d first thought. She couldn’t hear them clearly anymore, realizing she’d stumbled too far away. Her heart jumped as morbid thoughts crept into her head. What if they’re hurt or dead? She couldn’t even see Dylan anymore but continued to hear the clank of swords.

  Shade moved slowly from her spot and crept closer to the voices, using the trees and bushes for cover. She hunched behind them, pressing herself close, wishing she could blend in and disappear. The hilt of her sword was cool but reminded her of playing pirates with fake swords as a child. She tried her best to slow her breathing, feeling slightly dizzy from her frantic panting. Shade listened intently, but it seemed like the fighting died down. The silence was even more frightening than the noise. Leaves rustled above her, like a flock of birds flapping their wings, startling her. She could hear a loud roar of rushing water behind her but nothing else.

  This can’t be good. What now? Where is everyone? Shade waited for an answer. Her spirit guides were silent. What happened to you guys? The silence made her feel utterly alone. The forest was daunting, dark, and forlorn. She let the tears flow but bit her lip to swallow her sobs. Sliding down the trunk, she curled herself in the oversized roots that veined the dirt. Her legs bent up under her as she hugged them, her sword still dangling loosely from her hands.

  Time seemed to have stopped now. She still couldn’t hear anyone but felt afraid to move. A fresh breeze rustled the canopy of the trees, and it felt like something or someone, had brushed against her, making her jump just a bit. It prickled along her arms like cactus spines, making her realize someone was very close. She held her breath and slowly stood up, still pressed against the trunk. Listening, she knew that whoever was around was trying to blend in too.

  Shade could feel eyes burning into her, as though they were waiting for her to give herself away. She wiped the last of her tears from her face and gripped her sword more tightly. Her hair flew in her face, stringy and stuck with sweat. She could taste the salt on her lips, dirt and tears, and knew she was a disheveled mess. She thought about her family and Ilarial and didn’t want to disappoint them. There was no giving up. There was more than just fear inside her, she could feel it. Straightening up, she breathed out slowly and began scanning the woods.

  “I can smell your fear, little girl. Why don’t you just give up? Lady Blythe won’t hurt you, at first. I just want to talk for a bit, and then maybe the hurt can start after that,” she sneered.

  Shade was so disgusted by the old woman
’s cackling laugh. She could almost feel it rippling down her spine. Shade couldn’t see her, but she could feel the old faery’s magic dancing along her skin. The faery radiated power like an unchecked flame that touched Shade with its fingers. She estimated in her head that the faery was just on the other side of the tree. It was then that she squeezed her sword, feeling her fingers digging into each other and turning white from the pressure. She let out a primal scream, swinging the sword hard as she flung herself around the corner.

  The blade sliced Blythe in her shoulder but failed to cut too deeply. She screeched and jumped back, bringing her sword up in defense. Crimson blood dripped down her arm and oozed off into the dark earth. The Queen did not seem very tall to Shade. Even standing up made her still look like a short, bony thing of a sprite. No wonder she spent her life up in the trees. Anyone can look intimidating from up high. Shade retreated behind the tree but readied herself for sprinting or fighting.

  “You stupid girl! How dare you attack me!” There was a loud thump against the trunk of the tree.

  Shade’s bravery was being used up way too fast, and she was pretty sure the old woman had just tried to blast her with something. She stepped back from the tree and readied her sword once more. Blythe suddenly jumped in front of her from the side, hollering in another language, her pointy teeth flashing and her sword held high. Then she charged. Shade dodged her but tripped on a tree root. She scrambled to stand but stumbled backward, forced to crawl on her hands and feet to get away.

  Lady Blythe hit the roots with her sword, making it stick. She tugged at it with her scrawny arms but failed to budge it from the earth. The tree seemed to grip it tighter the more she fought to retrieve her weapon. Shade took the moment to get back on her feet and run. She ran as fast as she could, glancing back only to find Blythe without her sword, moving just as fast and quickly gaining ground.

  Shade dodged and wove her way through the trees. The roar of the river water was closer now, but the rush of wind blowing in her ears made it impossible to calculate how far away it was. She prayed that the land would not run out for her. She had the feeling the Dryad Queen could cross the river faster than she could.

  Shade forced herself to make an abrupt stop as the land narrowed to an edge. Stuffing the sword away in her pack, she prepared to cross the river, but she was shocked to learn that instead, she found a drop-off. One of the rivers emptied over a cliff and formed into a waterfall.

  Oh my God….Water clouds rose from the rocks below, and she could feel herself pale as the height of the cliff became more evident. The land stretched out beyond the drop-off with more forests, hills, rivers, and jagged mountains.

  There’s nowhere to go but down.

  Shade turned to see Blythe slowing her run to a jog and snickering at her. Her large eyes flashed with her wicked smile. Her pale skin had a slight flush to it now, and she slowly stepped toward Shade. Shade felt her heart thudding hard in her chest and tried not to be afraid. The Dryad Queen licking her lips didn’t help, but it made Shade feel like she was about to be dinner.

  Blythe took out her dagger. “You have nowhere to go. You’re so weak. I wonder why Zinara could even fathom that you could save them. The Unseelie will be greatly pleased to have you as their prisoner. The Unseelie Queen will owe me, and she will be sick with my victory. Come to me now… I promise it won’t hurt much.” She sneered, but her eyes were cold and dangerous. She stepped closer, pulling a rope from her waist belt.

  Shade shook her head and turned her eyes back to the waterfall. There was nowhere to go. She strained to hear her comrades but heard only the rush of water overwhelming her ears. No one was coming to save her. She glanced back at Lady Blythe and her evil smile. No, Shade could not go with her. As Shade stepped farther back, she realized that the edge was inches from her feet. She knew with certainty that her fate was sealed.

  “You don’t want to fall now, do you?” Lady Blythe asked, eyeing her with words coming out like sweet, poisonous honey.

  Shade wasn’t fooled. She could feel her knees wobble but concentrated on not falling. She wasn’t sure how long she could steady herself with a horrid witch in her face. Letting out a nervous sigh, she began to reach for her backpack. This is crazy and it won’t work! After stuffing the warm blanket into her pack, she pulled it onto her shoulders. A moment later, she turned from Blythe and jumped.

  The wind lashed at her body and howled in her ears. She could barely hear the queen’s furious scream as the icy water swallowed her whole.

  Chapter Thirteen