Read A Dozen Roses Page 1


  Timothy Paterson

  Copyright 2012 Timothy Paterson

  Nikki sensed that something was wrong. Roger seemed distracted, as if his mind was elsewhere. She snuggled up close to her boyfriend. “Thanks again for the necklace, Roger,” she said. “I just love it.”

  They sat there in silence for a while longer, before Nikki spoke again. “What’s wrong, Roger?” she asked. “You seem upset about something.”

  “I wanted this to be the perfect Christmas,” replied Roger.

  “And, it has been,” said Nikki.

  “You won’t think so, when I tell you the bad news,” said Roger. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to tell you this, but there is no way to say it without you getting upset, so here goes; “Remember, when I told you that TeleCom was expanding the company into Europe? Well, Mr. Bradley is sending me to London to help iron out some technical problems.”

  “When do you have to, leave?” asked Nikki.

  “I leave tomorrow,” said Roger, “and I won’t be back until the sixth of January.”

  “So, you won’t be here for my birthday?” asked Nikki. She tried to say it casually, as if it did not really bother her, but Roger could tell that she was upset by the news.

  “If there was any way for me to get out of this, you know I would,” said Roger, “but I have the chance to become the youngest vice president in the company’s history. Once I get that promotion, we can begin planning our future together.”

  Nikki told Roger that she understood, but she was finding it hard to accept.

  Roger and Nikki had known each other for five years. They met through mutual friends; Brent and Kennedy Moore. They met at UCLA during Roger’s senior year. Nikki was two years younger. Her roommate, Kennedy and Roger’s roommate, Brent had already been dating for a year, when they introduced Roger and Nikki to each other. Within six months, Roger and Nikki were dating. Two years later, Roger and Nikki stood up with their roommates, as Brent and Kennedy became husband and wife.

  Now, three years later, Roger was working for TeleCom Corporation in the Research and Development department. He was a genius, when it came to telecommunications. Nikki was finishing her doctorate in Botany, at UCLA. Roger was twenty-seven and Nikki would turn twenty-five on January 1st.

  Roger and Nikki talked for another few hours, before Roger announced that he had to get back to his apartment and finish packing for his trip. Nikki told him that she would drive him to the airport in the morning. Before Roger left, he and Nikki kissed, and held other for a long time, before Roger had to force himself to leave.

  On the way home, Roger made one stop. He had to talk to Brent and Kennedy about some final arrangements. “I’m counting on both of you, to help make this Nikki’s best birthday ever,” he told them. “I’ve planned out everything carefully, but I need the two of you to help bring it all together.”

  “Don’t worry” said Brent. “She’ll never know what hit her”

  “Roger, you are the most romantic guy I know,” said Kennedy.

  “Hey!” said Brent. “What about me- you do remember me, don’t you? Your husband.”

  “Brent, darling,” said Kennedy, Roger has been planning this for over a year. I just think it is very romantic.”

  Roger was up early the next morning, and he was ready to go, when Nikki arrived to take him to the airport. When they arrived at the terminal, Nikki accompanied Roger until they reached the security gates, and then, they kissed each other goodbye. Roger promised Nikki that they would celebrate her birthday when he returned.

  After several more hugs and kisses, Roger finally passed through security, on his way to the boarding gate, while Nikki walked to the parking lot. She sat in her car for a while and watched Roger’s plane take off. Then, with tears running down her face, she began driving towards her apartment. On the way home, she decided that since she did not return to class for three weeks, that she would go visit her family for a while. When Nikki got home, she threw some clothes in a suitcase, and then called Kennedy to tell her that she was going to Santa Barbara to see her family for a few days. Nikki thought that she detected a little anxiety in Kennedy’s voice.

  Kennedy finally admitted that Roger had made some plans for Nikki’s birthday a year earlier, and that since he would be in London, he insisted that Brent and Kennedy help Nikki celebrate her birthday. Kennedy made Nikki promise to be back in Los Angeles by noon on Thursday, December 30th.

  Nikki was very curious, but she promised Kennedy that she would be home by noon on Thursday. Then she got into her car, and headed to her parent’s home in Santa Barbara.

  When Nikki arrived at her childhood home, she instantly felt like a kid again. The instant she walked through the front door, she was transported back in time. The smells of fresh cut flowers, scented candles and fresh baked bread, wafted through the air, and she knew she was home.

  Nikki and her mother spent the afternoon catching up on each other’s lives. Even though Nikki had not lived at home for over six years, it was as if she never left. Yet, somehow, it was different. She was no longer a little girl. She was an independent woman with a life of her own. In the six years since she left home, she and her mother had become closer. Her mother had become a close friend, whom she could confide in, about anything, without being criticized.

  During their visit, Nikki told her mother that she had been hoping Roger was going to propose on Christmas Day, but the day came and went, without a proposal, without a ring, and without a more serious commitment.

  “Do you really love Roger?” Nikki’s mother asked her.

  “More than anything in the world,” said Nikki. Then, after some hesitation, she added; “However, over the past few years, I have noticed a few imperfections in Roger. For instance, do you know that in the past five years, he has never once given me a dozen roses? He has not even given me one rose. He has given me all kinds of exotic plants, that he knows I would like, being a botany major, and he has given me various flower bouquets, but never a single rose. He once told me that he thought that roses were overrated and outdated.”

  Nikki’s mother began to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” asked Nikki.

  “Well, my dear daughter,” said her mother, “those little imperfections, as you call them, those tiny flaws, are what make Roger who he is. They are what make him so special, so unique, and so human. Nikki, if you truly love him, as you say; then accept him just as he is, pimples, dimples and all. Those imperfections make him who he is, and they are the reasons that you love him so much.”

  Mrs. Zimmerman smiled and told her daughter, “When I look at you and Roger, It reminds me of your father and I when we were first dating. I love your father even more today, than I did then. Our love has grown and matured over the years, as will the love that you and Roger share.”

  Over the next couple of days, Nikki visited with her younger brothers and sisters, some still living at home, and others living in their own home. However, Nikki kept her promise to Kennedy, and on Thursday morning, December 30th, she said goodbye to her family and drove back to LA.

  It was a few minutes before noon, when Nikki drove into Brent and Kennedy’s driveway. Both of them seemed relieved that Nikki had returned on time. They explained that they had both taken a few vacation days, so that they could take Nikki everywhere that Roger had had planned for her birthday weekend, before his boss changed his plans.

  Brent explained the rules to Nikki, “You have to play by Roger’s rules. You cannot ask any questions, and we cannot tell you where you are going, until we get there. Roger wants this birthday celebration to be very special, even
if he cannot be here to share it with you.”

  Nikki promised to play by the rules. She was actually excited at the prospect of several surprises over the next few days.

  After a light lunch, Nikki and her friends got into Brent’s car and they drove downtown. They pulled into a Mall, and headed to a movie theater, which played older movies. When the movie started, Nikki was intrigued. The movie playing was “The Rose” starring Bette Midler. It was the story of a rock singer, based loosely on the life of real life rock singer Janis Joplin.

  After the movie was over, and everybody else began leaving, Nikki remained seated, watching the credits, which she always did, and which Roger counted on. Just as the credits finished rolling, there was a message on the screen for Nikki; “This rose is for you, my dear sweet Nikki. I love you with all of my heart and soul. Roger”

  Even though it made Nikki miss Roger, it also made her love him even more.

  After they left the movie theater, the three of them drove to Santa Monica. As they pulled up in front of a restaurant, Nikki noticed that it was a Thai restaurant. Nikki loved Thai food. After they were seated, Nikki began to look at the menu. She was impressed to see that the food was organic and there were many vegetarian entrees available. After dating Roger for a few months, Nikki had converted him into a vegetarian.