Read A Dozen Roses Page 3

The note was a short note; “Nikki, you rock my world; Love Roger”.

  By the time Nikki, Brent and Kennedy returned home, it was after one o’clock in the morning. They were all tired, and went immediately to bed.

  Nikki woke up at ten a.m. and saw that Brent and Kennedy were already up. They had let her sleep in a while longer. Kennedy told Nikki to get ready, because they were going to be eating brunch In Pasadena, at a restaurant called ‘The Salad Bowl’.

  When they were seated at the restaurant, the waitress brought their menus and said; “My name is Rose, and I’ll be your server this afternoon.”

  Nikki and her friends each ordered ice tea, and a salad. When the waitress brought then their check, she also wished Nikki a Happy Birthday, and handed her a birthday card from Roger. As Nikki read the card, she had a big smile on her face. “Happy Birthday, my love” the card began, “I hope that you have enjoyed these past couple of days. Do you know how happy you are at this moment? Well, I am ten times happier, because I have you in my life. I’ll see you soon; love, Roger”

  After brunch, Nikki and her friends went to watch a football game, but not just any game. They went to see the Rose Bowl game. Michigan State was playing Notre Dame.

  Nikki was really enjoying the game, but she was really missing Roger. When halftime came, she was looking forward to the halftime show, until she realized that she was the halftime show.

  After Nikki was escorted to the field, Roger appeared on the big screen over the field. He was hooked up via satellite. The first thing that he did was to announce to the crowd of thousands, that it was Nikki’s birthday, and he led them in singing to her.

  Then, Roger addressed the rest of his comments to Nikki;

  “My dear Nikki, I know that I have told you that I think that giving roses to a woman, was overrated, and outdated, But, I realize that you love roses. So, I decided to give you a dozen roses, but not the ordinary kind.”

  Then, as photos began flashing on the big screen, Roger recapped all of the roses, describing each as it appeared before her on the screen. “’The Rose’ movie, the radish rose, The Rose Art Gallery, The rose in the chalk painting, The Wild Rose Café, Karen Rose, Pete Rose, Rose’s Tavern, Axl Rose, Rose; the waitress and the Rose Bowl.”

  “Now, Nikki, if you have been counting, that makes eleven roses. If you will look down the field, you will see the twelfth rose approaching.”

  As Nikki and all of the football fans looked down field, they saw twelve white knights approaching, each riding a white horse. The horse’s feet were wrapped in padding, so that they would not tear up the field.

  The horses stopped at midfield, and the knights lined up, six on each side of Nikki, facing each other. They held their lances up, providing a tunnel. Then, a thirteenth white knight, rode between the two rows of knights, and stopped in front of Nikki. He dismounted, and at held out a single rose. At that point, Roger began talking again, on the big screen. “This rose is a crossbred rose which I have helped a botanist friend of yours and a horticulturist to develop over the past two years. It is a brand new variety of rose, to be known as the ‘Nicole Zimmermann Rose’, in honor of you, Nikki.”

  As Nikki admired the beautiful rose, Roger began speaking again; “Nikki, the knight has something else for you as well. The knight pulled something out of a saddlebag on the horse. It was a ring box. The knight knelt down and opened the box, revealing a diamond ring. At that moment, a man removed the knight’s helmet, revealing that the knight with shoulder length blonde hair, and piercing blue eyes, was Roger, himself.

  “Nicole Zimmermann, I have loved you from the first moment that we met,” said Roger. “If you will have me, I would be honored to spend the rest of my life with you. Nikki, will you marry me?”

  The stadium was eerily quiet, and for a moment, Nikki was speechless. She was a little confused, because she saw Roger on the big screen and kneeling in front of her, as her knight in shining armor. When she realized that Roger and thousands of football fans were waiting for her answer, she shouted; “Yes, oh yes, I’ll marry you, Roger. Then, as thousands of witnesses went wild with applause, Roger slipped the ring on Nikki’s finger.

  Roger again directed Nikki’s attention to the big screen, where a camera zoomed in on various sections of the stadium to reveal that their families and friends were at the game, and had witnessed the momentous occasion. Nikki saw all of them waving at her from the giant screen.

  Roger helped Nikki up unto the horse, and then when he was seated behind her, He rode the horse under the lances of the other knights, who in turn, began following them off the field.

  Roger quickly changed out of the suit of armor, and into more comfortable clothing, and then, he and Nikki returned to the stands, in time for the second half of the game, which Notre Dame ended up winning, 35 to 28.

  Nikki had many questions for Roger, so he explained everything to her. He told her that he began planning the proposal more than a year earlier. He had actually flown to London, but only for a few days. He finished his business there, and returned to Los Angeles by Wednesday night. He followed Nikki, Brent and Kennedy, from a distance, taking photos of their adventures. He explained that when he called Nikki on New Year’s Eve, that he was actually back stage at the concert, and had a buddy patch the call through London, and back to Los Angeles. Roger told Nikki that he had called in many favors from friends and business contacts, to make his plan a success. Roger told Nikki that their families and friends each knew bits and pieces of the plan, but no one knew the entire thing besides him.

  After the game was over, Roger and Nikki met their friends and family in a large private room at the stadium, for a celebration of the engagement, as well as Nikki’s birthday.

  It was at that party when Roger got a pleasant surprise of his own. The president of TeleCom had attended the game, he told Roger that he was impressed at how much thought and detail Roger had put into Nikki’s surprise, and that he was just what TeleCom was looking for in a vice president. He congratulated him on his promotion to Vice President in charge of Research and Development.

  Roger and Nikki celebrated into the late hours of the evening. They fell asleep on Nikki’s couch, in each other’s arms, shortly after midnight. It was a day that they would never forget. Roger looked forward to making each and every day special for Nikki, for the rest of their lives, for he truly loved her with all of his heart.

  The End

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