Read A Family Affair Page 18

Chapter Eighteen

  Ellen and Chloe arrived at Mansfield at twelve o’clock that Saturday, just in time for lunch. The smells and sounds of Mrs Jackson's cooking wafted through the front door and into the garden, greeting the girls on arrival.

  “Mum, Dad, we're here,” Ellen called out.

  Mrs Jackson was highly-praised for her cooking skills. She was able to put together tasty three-course meals with little notice, as had been the case this weekend. The girls were greeted by the normal array of kisses and welcoming by both parents. Chloe did not escape any of the affection either.

  Mrs Jackson had prepared arancini balls for starters and offered the girls one from a large silver serving plate.

  Once everyone was seated at the dining table, Mrs Jackson served a pumpkin soup for entree, and a variety of dishes for the main course - including vegetable cous cous, roast chicken, homemade pesto and roast vegetables. Ellen's parents had numerous questions about Tom, her job and experiences at Satinol. They were amazed to hear of the girls’ free accommodation arrangement, as provided by the company. Chloe nudged Ellen a few times, but Ellen wanted to give her parents the opportunity to ask all of their questions first.

  After the dishes from main course were taken away, Ellen passed around a selection of photos from her past photo-shoots, and both Mr and Mrs Jackson declared how beautiful their daughter was. Ellen felt proud and happy to receive their praise. It made the question she wanted to ask even harder though.

  Just as the four of them were starting on dessert, Ellen finally found the courage to ask the question she came to ask. Part of her didn't want to know if it was true, but she took a deep breath and gave a knowing look to Chloe. It was time. “Have either of you ever noticed how I don't seem to look like anyone in our family?”

  Both parents stopped chewing and stared blankly at her.

  Mrs Jackson spoke first, “I wouldn't say that darling.”

  Mr Jackson cleared his throat, “So Chloe, how are you liking your role at this cosmetics company? What is it exactly that you do there?”

  The girls exchanged frustrated glances.

  “Mum, Dad,” Ellen said, not to be distracted. “Was I adopted?” She paused briefly, and thought how crazy that question sounded out loud. Of course she wasn’t. It was ludicrous. “I know it's a strange question, and I’m sorry to ask, but I need to know the truth.”

  “What makes you ask that?” Mrs Jackson enquired without any emotion in her tone.

  Ellen noticed that she did not deny it.

  “It's a yes or no question, Mrs Jackson,” Chloe stated blankly. Obviously she had noticed it too.

  “Remember whose house you are visiting, Chloe,” said Mr Jackson. He did not look happy with her determined attitude.

  “Well, Ellen,” said Mrs Jackson.

  “Beth, I’ll handle this,” interrupted Mr Jackson. “Ellen, you are our daughter. We love you. End of story. Enough of this nonsense,” he firmly declared. “Your mother has cooked a lovely family meal. We haven't seen you in a long time, and we should all be appreciating each other's company, and not asking ridiculous questions like this.”

  The room fell silent as everyone took another mouthful of their dessert.

  The lemon tart suddenly tasted a little sour to Ellen, and she wasn’t sure why her father had reacted the way that he had. She thought it through a little more. He probably reacted that way because it was such a silly question. Ellen decided to believe her father, and felt a wave of relief rush over her body. Of course they would have told her if she was adopted. “I'm sorry, Dad. I'm sorry, Mum,” she said.

  Mrs Jackson looked over and smiled. “That’s okay, Ellie.”

  “And I really appreciate the lunch you have cooked for us, Mum.” Ellen felt the need to explain a little further. “The only reason I asked such a silly question is because I got this weird letter during the week, and it got me thinking. I'm sorry. I should have just thrown it away.”

  “What was in the letter, darling?” asked Mrs Jackson.

  Her husband gave her a stern look.

  Ellen noticed the looks exchanged between her parents with surprise, and tried to explain as quickly as possible. “Um, it said that I was adopted and that my biological mother’s name was Colleen Watson. It said that Colleen’s boyfriend was Tom when she got pregnant, and hence that I am probably dating my own biological father. Something along those lines.” Ellen was trying to laugh it off, but noticed how still the room had become.

  Chloe obviously noticed too. “They're not laughing, Elle,” she stated, putting her spoon down.

  “What?” asked Ellen. “Mum? Dad?”

  Mr Jackson looked towards his wife. “Beth, I think I might go outside and get some fresh air. The dessert is lovely, but I think I have lost my appetite.”

  “Of course, dear,” Mrs Jackson responded.

  Once her father had left the room, Ellen turned to her mother, “Mum, what's going on? Did I say something wrong? Why did Dad just walk out like that? I was just trying to explain why I asked the silly question before.”

  Mrs Jackson sat with her eyes down for some time, not answering.

  Ellen continued, uncertain what to do next. “Should I go and apologise, Mum?”

  Mrs Jackson finally looked up, tears starting to show in her eyes. “It's the name, darling. Colleen Watson. Your father and I decided not to tell you when you were just a baby. We didn't want you to feel anything other than one hundred per cent our daughter. You have to understand that our decision was made with the right intention behind it.”

  “What are you saying? What decision? Am I not your daughter?”

  “You are our daughter, in every way that counts.”

  “But not biologically?” clarified Chloe, who did not seem affected by the emotion in the room.

  Mrs Jackson shook her head. “No, not biologically.”

  Ellen was shocked. How could it be true? How could they have lied to her all these years? Keeping the truth hidden was the same as lying. And if one part of the letter was true, then all of it could be true. “Is Tom Bradley my father?” asked Ellen, sickened by the thought.

  Mrs Jackson shook her head in an uncertain way. “I don't know. Your birth certificate only listed the name of your mother - Colleen Watson.”

  Ellen looked towards Chloe. “Tom could be my father. Shit.”

  “Yes, and it could be anyone else as well,” said Chloe, trying to be reassuring but failing terribly.

  “Why would the letter be right about Colleen being my mother and wrong about Tom being my father?”

  Mrs Jackson was thoughtful before suggesting, “Perhaps we could try and find Colleen, and ask her who the father is.”

  “The letter said that she, um, recently passed away,” Chloe informed Mrs Jackson.

  “Oh, I see,” said Mrs Jackson.

  Ellen thought through the repercussions of this. She would never have the opportunity to meet her real mother. But there was something more that just didn’t make sense. She and Tom couldn’t have secrets from each other. She knew him to be an open and honest person. “Tom would have told me if he had fathered a child that was given up for adoption. We don’t keep secrets from each other. I can't be his, I just can't.”

  “Maybe he was getting around to telling you that one, Elle,” offered Chloe. “It is big, and he might have been worried about your reaction.”

  Ellen thought that through silently. It was possible.

  Mrs Jackson looked very distressed. As it appeared that everyone had finished eating, she started to clear the half-eaten tart slices from the table. Only Chloe had completely finished her plate. “I'm sorry, Ellie. We should have told you sooner,” she started saying, while sobbing over the dishes.

  Ellen realised how upset her mother must be feeling, and went to comfort her. “Mum, I'm not upset with either of you. Maybe I should be, but I’m not. I think you should have told me when I was old enough to understand, but otherwise, I wouldn't change a thing about
my upbringing. I still think you are the best mother in the world.”

  The two women hugged, while Chloe looked on. When they stopped hugging, Mrs Jackson dried her tears with her apron, and said, “I'd better go and talk to your father. And perhaps you should consider breaking up with this Tom character, until the truth is clear and apparent.”

  Ellen nodded. “I should have showed him the letter before I left.” She looked to Chloe. “We didn’t think there was any truth to it. And Tom was upset about something, so I didn't want to trouble him, but I will Mum, I will.”