Read A Fire in the Blood Page 24

  A heartbeat. The knowledge came to her, along with the realization that it wasn’t a single heartbeat, but four. It spiked her thirst, made her whole body ache with need.

  She licked her lips, let out a startled cry when her fangs ran out.


  “Tessa, it’s all right.” His arms tightened around her as he sensed the panic sweeping through her. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. What you’re feeling is natural.”

  She stared up at him in silent horror as the memory of the night before flashed through her mind. The images were hazy, dull, but she clearly remembered demanding that Andrei turn her into a vampire.

  She didn’t have to ask if it was true.

  The answer was there, in his eyes.

  “I’m so thirsty.”

  “I know, love. You can drink from me, if you like, or I can take you hunting.”

  Hunting. She waited for a sense of revulsion to overtake her, to feel nausea churning in her gut, to be horrified by the mere thought of feeding on a fellow creature. Instead, the idea was oddly compelling.

  But she was thirsty now.

  And he was here.

  She ran her fingertips along the side of his neck. She could feel the blood flowing there, smell the crimson tide just beneath the skin.

  Driven by a force too strong to resist, she went up on her tiptoes, pulled his head down, and took her first bite into a new life.

  * * *

  Andrei closed his eyes as Tessa’s fangs pierced his skin. Since he’d been turned, no vampire had ever fed on him. The feeling was orgasmic.

  He had been able to read her mind before; she had been able to hear his thoughts. Now it was as if their hearts and minds and bodies were one. He knew her deepest thoughts, felt what she felt as she drank from him—surprise, satisfaction, a growing hunger for human blood.

  When she’d had enough to ease her thirst, he pulled away. “Not too much, love.”

  She licked her lips.


  “Don’t let me kill anyone.”

  “I won’t.”

  Wrapping her arms around her middle, she rocked back and forth. “I’m still hungry.”

  “I know. That’s why we’re going hunting. It’s nothing to worry about. It will come naturally. And I’ll be there to make sure you don’t take too much.”

  * * *

  Walking down the streets of the neighboring town, Tessa felt as if she had been reborn, which, she supposed, she had. Sights and sounds and smells assailed her from all sides. Her new vampire senses were amazing. Her vision allowed her to see things mortals never saw. Her hearing, sense of smell and touch, were equally amazing. And always, like a song that played over and over in her head, the alluring symphony of beating of hearts.

  She glanced at Andrei. How did he stand it without going insane, this constant barrage of sensory perceptions?

  “With practice, you’ll learn to tune it out,” he said.

  A short time later, Andrei found a young couple leaving a restaurant. Taking Tessa by the hand, he followed them to their car.

  Tessa watched as he approached the couple. He mesmerized them both with a look.

  She watched as he took the woman in his arms, ran his tongue along the side of her neck, then buried his fangs in her throat. When he finished, he licked the twin wounds in her neck.

  “Your turn,” he said.

  “I don’t know . . .”

  “Put aside your human preconceptions,” he said. “Listen to the beat of his heart. Let his blood call to you. Follow your vampire instincts.”

  “How will I know when to stop?”

  “You’ll know. And I’ll be here,” he said, smiling. “Just in case.”

  Listen to the beat of his heart. Let his blood call to you.

  Tentatively, she pulled the man closer, felt her fangs run out as the scent of his blood enticed her, a river of rich red nectar flowing just beneath his skin. Almost before she realized what she was doing, she ran her tongue along the side of his neck. He tasted of salt and fear. It sparked her hunger and then she was biting him, drinking from him. His blood was not as thick or rich or satisfying as Andrei’s had been, but it eased her thirst in a way his had not.

  She knew without knowing how when she had taken enough.

  She sealed the tiny wounds, licked the blood from her lips.

  Why had she feared this?

  She smiled at Andrei.

  And he smiled back, his expression smug with satisfaction. “Didn’t I say you might like it?”

  * * *

  Jilly sat on the sofa in Andrei’s living room, nervously chewing on her thumbnail. “Where do you suppose they are?”

  Luke glanced at Bailey, one brow raised, and Bailey nodded. It was obvious, at least to the two of them, that Andrei had taken Tessa hunting.

  Sighing, Bailey closed her eyes. Tristan had gone to tell the pack what was happening and to make final arrangements for tomorrow night when they would be life-mated. She had only a vague idea of what was to take place. Had no idea if Tessa would be in any condition to attend. What was it like, to be a new vampire? Was Tessa filled with uncontrollable bloodlust? Bailey had only had dealings with two vampires—Andrei and Katerina, and they were as different as night and day.

  All things considered, Bailey decided she’d rather be a were-panther.

  Rising, Jilly paced to the window and stared out into the darkness. “Luke, go find them.”

  “I’m sure they’re fine. She’s with Andrei. He won’t let anything happen to her.”

  Jilly whirled around to face him. “What if she’s turned into a monster? What if that’s why they’ve been gone so long? What if something went wrong and he had to . . . to . . .”

  Taking Jilly in his arms, Luke said, “Honey, calm down. Andrei would have let us know if there was anything wrong. I know this is hard for you, but try not to worry.”

  “She’s my best friend!” Jilly exclaimed, her voice rising. “How can I not worry?”

  Urging Jilly to sit down again, Luke went into the kitchen. He returned moments later with a glass of wine. “Here, drink this. It’ll help you relax.”

  “I’m sorry. I know I’m overreacting, but I just can’t help it.” She sipped the wine. “What if we can’t be friends anymore?”

  “Tessa’s fine,” Bailey said.

  “How do you know?”

  Bailey shrugged. “I just do. I can sense it through Andrei. They’re on their way home.”

  Jilly’s eyes widened.

  And then she drained her glass.

  * * *

  Andrei slid his arm around Tessa’s shoulders. “Are you ready to go home?”


  “No regrets?”

  She shook her head. “No. I think, deep down, I always knew this was inevitable.” And then she frowned. “I don’t feel like a monster.”

  “You’re not a monster. You’re a beautiful woman.”

  “Who just happens to have a craving for blood. Will I be dead all day?” Funny, she hadn’t worried about that when she considered everything she’d be giving up. But it was too late now.

  “I wouldn’t call it dead, exactly, but you’ll probably have to rest when the sun’s up, at least for a while. But don’t worry, love, I’ll be there beside you.”

  “When do you rest?” she asked. “You’re usually with me during the day, and most of the night, too.”

  “I catch a nap when I can. I don’t need to rest as often as I once did. Or feed as often,” he remarked, his expression thoughtful. “And I’ve been eating normal food. I think it’s all because of your blood.”

  “So I’ve made you more human?”

  “In a way.” He grunted softly. “But you’ve also made me stronger. Come on, let’s head back. This might be a good time for you to practice willing yourself from one place to another.”

  “Seriously? How do I do that?”

  “Gather your power around you, then think about where
you want to . . .” He laughed as she vanished from his sight. “Be.”

  Following their blood bond, he found her waiting for him outside his house.

  “That was kinda scary and fun at the same time,” she said, eyes sparkling.

  “What are you doing out here?”

  “All of a sudden I feel a little nervous about being around Jilly and Luke.” She could hear the two of them whispering, wondering if she would be a “civilized” vampire, like Andrei, or like one of those out-of-control fledglings who attacked without provocation or remorse. She might have been offended, angry, even, if she hadn’t wondered the same thing herself.

  “Not Bailey?” he asked.

  “No. She’s sort of like one of us. But Luke’s a hunter. And Jilly . . . she’s my best friend. What if I want to drink her blood?”

  “I think you’re worrying for nothing, but there’s just one way to find out.” And so saying, he took her hand in his and opened the front door.

  The conversation in the living room came to an abrupt stop when Tessa and Andrei entered the room.

  Luke looked wary.

  Jilly worried.

  Bailey merely curious.

  “I’m still me,” Tessa said. “I promise not to eat you.”

  Luke snorted. “I don’t mean any disrespect, Tess, but you’re a vampire now. In my experience, fledglings are highly unpredictable.”

  “Luke!” Jilly admonished.

  “It’s true!” Luke exclaimed. “And if the time comes when it’s your life or hers, you’d better know which side I’m on.”

  “I think we all knew that,” Andrei said dryly. “But I can assure you that Tessa’s no threat to any of you.”

  “Yeah? How can you be so sure? You might have had hundreds of years to learn to control your powers and your appetite, but she hasn’t.”

  “She carries the blood of a master vampire and that makes all the difference. She’s stronger and more powerful than ordinary fledglings. She won’t be plagued with an insatiable thirst or an overwhelming desire to kill.”

  Luke nodded, but he still looked doubtful.

  There was a moment of tense silence in the room. It was Bailey who broke it. Getting off the sofa, she embraced Tessa. “You’re still coming to the life-mating ceremony tomorrow night, aren’t you?”

  “Of course,” Tessa said, smiling. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Katerina lifted her head, the man in her grasp forgotten.

  “What is it?” Noah, who’d been feeding beside her, looked around, searching for some sign of danger.

  “He’s turned her!” She cast the half-dead man aside like so much garbage. “He’s made her one of us!”


  “Andrei, you fool! He’s brought that woman across, made her one of us.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I wanted her blood. I needed to find out what powers it possessed. Andrei should have died from my bite. Instead, he recovered and grew stronger.”

  “You were his sire,” Noah said, brow furrowing. “But your bite would have destroyed him?”

  “Yes,” she snapped.

  He took a step away from her. And then another. “So, now that she’s a vampire . . . ?”

  “Her blood is now his and his is now hers.”

  “So, whatever healed him doesn’t exist any longer?”

  “No.” She clenched her hands, her fury growing with every passing moment. Tessa’s blood had increased Andrei’s paranormal powers, made him strong enough to survive her bite.

  She fixed her gaze on Noah. Andrei might be beyond her grasp, but here was the perfect target for her fury.

  Seeing the rage in her eyes, he took an instinctive step away from her.

  It was the last thing he ever did.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Bailey went home with Tristan late Saturday night, saying there were a few last-minute things they needed to do for the life-mating ceremony tomorrow.

  Jilly and Luke had left earlier, with Jilly pleading a headache.

  Alone at last, Tessa thought, snuggling on the sofa with Andrei. He had turned off all the lights. The soft glow from the fire in the hearth cast dancing shadows on the walls.

  “It’s nice,” she murmured, “just the two of us together.”

  Andrei nodded.

  “Do you think Jilly will ever feel comfortable around me again?”

  “In time.”

  Staring at the flames, she said, “I don’t know what I’m going to do about Christmas. I always go home.”

  “We’ll figure something out.”

  Tessa sighed. “I was looking forward to seeing my folks. And eating my mom’s pumpkin pie.” She glanced up at Andrei, bit down on her lower lip when she saw his face. His eyes were dark with guilt, his jaw clenched. “I don’t have any regrets,” she said quickly. “Honest! I love the new bond between us. I know now there was really no other way for us to truly be together. It’s just . . .”

  “You don’t have to explain,” he said. “I’ve been where you are.”

  “We haven’t talked about our future,” Tessa said tentatively. “Maybe you don’t feel the same way about me anymore.”

  “You’re worried about that now? Seriously? I love you, Tess. Nothing will ever change that.” Cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her.

  There was something different about his kisses. It took her a moment to realize that, in the past, he had always been careful not to hold her too tightly for fear of hurting her. His kisses were deeper now, more intense. She was surprised to realize he had also kept her from reading his more intimate thoughts.

  Lost in his kisses, basking in his caress, she surrendered to the magic that was Andrei. Somehow, she found herself lying on the rug in front of the hearth, wrapped in his arms, their bodies pressed intimately together, so close she couldn’t tell where she ended and he began.

  His hands were cool against her heated flesh. For the first time, she let herself caress him in places she had not dared touch before. He groaned softly, a wordless plea she could no longer resist.

  Tessa ran her hands up and down Andrei’s back. She loved the feel of his skin beneath her palms. Because of the bond between them, she knew what he was feeling, thinking, knew he was keeping a tight rein on his own desires, determined to let her go as far as she wished. Her vampire senses heightened the intensity of every need, every desire, overpowering every other emotion she had ever known.

  She wanted him, wanted him desperately. Always before, she had been able to draw the line before things went too far, wanting to take Jilly’s advice and wait until her wedding night. But tonight there was no turning back.

  She was lost, drowning in a world of sensual desire that would not be denied. Their clothing disappeared as if by magic and for the first time, she knew what it was like to feel the wonder of bare male skin against her own. It was a feeling beyond description, like silk brushing silk. All her inhibitions fell away under the touch of his hands. She couldn’t stop looking at him, touching him. He was beautiful, his shoulders broad, his chest solid, his arms and legs firm and well muscled. He was, she thought in a rare moment of lucidity, a study in sheer masculine perfection.

  She writhed beneath him, her hands restless as they skated up and down his back.

  He whispered to her in a language she didn’t understand, but it didn’t matter. His husky tone, the fire blazing in his dark eyes, told her everything she needed to know.

  His mind brushed hers, a question looking for an answer, and she raised her hips in silent invitation.

  There was no pain as his body melded with hers, only indescribable pleasure as he moved deep within her. She cried his name, desperately yearning for something that hovered just out of reach, then exploded within her, leaving her breathless and feeling oh so complete.

  * * *

  Andrei rose on one elbow, his hand brushing a wisp of sweat-dampened hair from her cheek. “No regrets, dr
agostea mea?”

  His tone was light, but Tessa saw the worry in his eyes, the fear that now, no longer caught up in the heat of the moment, she would wish they had waited. “How could I be sorry when you’re such an incredible lover?” she asked, trying, and failing, to stifle a grin.

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” he said, flashing a wicked grin of his own. “I took it easy on you because this was your first time.”

  “Oh, my!” she exclaimed, widening her eyes in mock horror. “I am so afraid. Maybe you should do it again and get it over with.”

  “As always,” he said, his eyes growing hot as his body covered hers, “your wish is my command.”

  * * *

  Tessa sighed as Andrei washed her back. It was a night of firsts, she thought, because she had never showered with a man before. The feel of his soapy hands aroused her in new and exciting ways. Apparently, it was having the same effect on him, she mused, catching sight of their reflection in the glass.

  Having made love twice, she wondered if there was something wrong with her, that she wanted him again so quickly. Would he think her a wanton if...

  The thought had no sooner crossed her mind than he was carrying her back into the bedroom, sitting on the bed, pulling her down on top of him.

  So many ways to make love, she thought. How glad she was that she had waited for Andrei to teach her.

  Later, locked in his arms, his breath cool against her cheek, she grew increasingly aware of time passing. In a few hours, the sun would rise and she would . . . what? Lose consciousness? Fall asleep? Andrei had never told her what it was like to succumb to the darkness.


  “Yes, love?”

  “What will happen to me when the sun comes up? Is it like falling asleep?” she asked hopefully.

  “Not exactly.” It had been terrifying for him, the first time. The sudden lethargy, the sense of falling into nothingness. There were no dreams, no sense of time passing, no sense of anything until the sun went down and he awoke abruptly.

  “Tell me.”

  “I won’t lie to you. It was scary the first time. One minute you’re awake and the next you’re waking up with no memory of what happened in between. It doesn’t hurt. There are no dreams, good or bad . . .” He paused. That was no longer true for him. Since tasting Tessa’s blood, his existence had changed. He dreamed while at rest. He was able to partake of mortal food from time to time.