Read A Fire in the Blood Page 28

  “Now?” He nuzzled her neck. “I had something else in mind.”

  “Did you?”

  “Can’t you guess?”

  Her gaze slid downward to the obvious evidence of his desire. “No guessing required,” she muttered, then burst out laughing.

  “I hope you’re not expressing an opinion of my masculinity,” he said dryly.

  With a shake of her head, Tessa took him by the hand and led him to the bedroom. “Have no fear. I know just how to ease your problem.”

  Andrei’s grin stretched ear to ear. “I know you do, love. I’m counting on it.”

  In the bedroom, he drew her into his arms, then turned her around so he could unfasten her gown. He whistled softly when she stepped out of it, revealing a lacy white bra and matching bikini panties.

  He groaned softly. “I’m not sure you’re solving my problem.”

  “In time,” she promised as she removed his coat and tie.

  He obligingly toed off his boots and peeled off his socks.

  He sucked in a breath as she unbuckled his belt, unzipped his fly. He kicked his trousers aside, then scooped her into his arms and carried her to bed.

  “I love you, wife,” he murmured.

  “Love you more.”

  “Impossible.” His hands played over her body, lingering in those places he knew aroused her most, carrying her to the peak, then backing off until she thought she might go mad with wanting him.

  She clutched his shoulders as, with a lustful growl, he thrust into her, carrying her over the edge of desperate need into ecstasy and beyond.

  * * *

  Tessa was drifting off to sleep when her cell phone rang. She sat up, instantly alert. People never called with good news at three a.m.

  “Who is it?” Andrei asked as she reached for her phone.

  “Jilly.” She mouthed the word before answering. “Jilly, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m afraid Jilly can’t come to the phone right now.”


  “Sorry I missed the sham of a wedding. Do tell my husband hello for me.”

  “What do you want? Where’s Jilly?”

  “Oh, she’s right here. The hunter, too. And the priest who dared to marry you.”

  Tessa stared at Andrei. With his preternatural hearing, he could listen to both sides of the conversation.

  He took the phone from her hand, his expression grim, his eyes as hard as flint. “What do you want, Katerina?”

  “I want what’s mine. But since you don’t want me, I don’t want you to have anyone else. So, tell your whore that if she ever wants to see her friend and the hunter again, to come and meet me.”

  “That’s not going to happen.”

  “Then put her on the phone so she can tell her friend good-bye.”

  Tessa snatched the phone from Andrei’s hand. “What do you want?”

  “I’ve decided to fight for what is mine. If I win, I get Andrei. If you win, you get your friends back. I’m afraid it’s too late for the priest.”

  “You killed him?”

  “I never could control my temper.”

  “Just tell me where you are.”

  “We’re in the high school gym. Be here in ten minutes, or she’s dead. Oh, and come alone. I’ll know if you don’t.”

  There was a loud click as Katerina ended the call.

  “Are you crazy?” Andrei exclaimed. “You can’t fight her.”

  “Well, I can’t let her kill Jilly and Luke.” She jumped out of bed and went to her closet.

  “I’m not letting you go alone.”

  “She’ll know if you’re there.”

  “I don’t give a damn,” he said, following her across the room.

  Tessa pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweater, tugged on a pair of fur-lined boots.

  “Dammit, Tess, she doesn’t play fair. For all you know, Jilly’s dead already.”

  “Katerina loses her leverage if she kills her. Because I’ll know if Jilly and Luke are alive as soon as I get there.”

  Andrei bit out a curse.

  Tessa put her arms around him. “You know I have to go, don’t you?”

  “Yes, dammit, I know. I’ve been expecting her to pull a stunt like this. Stay strong, love. I won’t be far behind.”

  * * *

  As soon as she left the house, Tessa’s courage deserted her. Katerina was ancient. She was a fledgling. But she had Andrei’s blood in her veins. And by extension, Katerina’s, too. Hopefully, that would make all the difference.

  When she arrived at the school, all the windows were dark. After vaulting over the fence, she made her way to the gymnasium. One of the doors stood open. It was pitch-black inside. Pausing, she opened her senses. Katerina was inside. So was Jileen. She could smell her friend’s fear. And Luke’s. And overall, the smell of blood and death.

  Taking a deep breath, she entered the gym’s yawning maw.

  “So, he let you come alone.”

  In the darkness, Katerina’s voice seemed to be disembodied.

  Tessa’s gaze swept the room. Jilly and Luke were bound to metal chairs. The priest lay dead in the far corner, his blood congealing.

  There was no sign of Katerina. But she was there.

  Tessa moved to the center of the floor, her hand reaching into her back pocket for the weapon Andrei had thrust into her hand as she left the house. “Let’s get this over with. I’m on my honeymoon, you know. Andrei’s in bed, waiting for me.”

  With a growl, Katerina materialized and launched herself at Tessa. Hands like claws, teeth bared in a feral snarl, she grabbed Tessa’s arm and hurled her across the room.

  Tessa bounced off the wall and scrambled to her feet. Whirling around, she deflected the blow she saw coming. Katerina fought like a wildcat, her nails scoring Tessa’s arms and cheeks while she hurled insults.

  The smell of fresh blood filled the air.

  Tessa fought back as best she could, amazed by her own strength. She had never been in a physical fight in her whole life. And never a fight to the death. She thought of Jilly and Luke. If she died, they would die. She thought of Andrei, of how much he loved her. How much she loved him. If she lost, she would never see him again.

  It was that thought that spurred her on.

  At Katerina’s next charge, Tessa feinted left, then lowered her guard. And waited.

  With a cry of impending victory, Katerina sprang at Tessa. Tessa fell heavily and Katerina landed on her chest, eyes glowing red.

  “All too easy,” Katerina crowed as she pinned Tessa’s shoulders to the floor. She leaned down, intending to sink her fangs into Tessa’s throat.

  “You think so?” Tessa retorted, and plunged the dagger Andrei had given her into Katerina’s back.

  Katerina let out a shriek of pained surprise as the silver-bladed dagger penetrated her heart. She stared at Tessa in shock for stretched seconds before she toppled sideways.

  Tessa scrambled to her feet, eyes growing wide as the vampire disintegrated into a pile of dust and ashes.

  Swallowing the bile that burned the back of her throat, Tessa crossed the floor to turn on the lights before hurrying toward Jilly and Luke. She quickly untied them.

  “Are you two all right?”

  “We are now!”

  Luke glanced around. “Where’d she go?”

  Tessa gestured to the pile of ashes in the center of the floor. A silver-bladed dagger winked in the light. “That’s her.”

  “You destroyed her?” Jilly asked. “All by yourself?”

  “I had a little help from an ancient weapon,” Tessa said, retrieving the knife.

  “Where the hell’s Andrei?” Luke asked.

  “Right here,” he said, materializing in the doorway. “You didn’t think I’d let Tessa confront Katerina alone, did you?”

  Luke shrugged, his expression sheepish.

  “It’s over, isn’t it?” Jilly asked, her voice touched with awe. “Really over?”

  Tessa nod
ded. “Come on, we’ll take you home.”

  * * *

  “I destroyed her,” Tessa said, crawling into bed beside Andrei. “I can’t believe it.”

  “I can.” He smiled at her. “In fact, I think you were the only one who could.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without your dagger.”

  Andrei grunted softly. “I’m not sure about that. I think your blood would have been just as deadly.”

  “Really? Even now, when I’m a vampire, too?”

  “I don’t think becoming a vampire would have altered the curse. I think anyone who takes your blood by force will pay the ultimate price.”

  “Well, that’s something you’ll never have to worry about,” she said, snuggling into his arms. “Because I’m giving you permission to taste me as often as you like, as long as I can taste you, in return.”

  “Good to know, Mrs. Dinescu.” Stretching out on the bed, he drew her down beside him.

  “Mrs. Dinescu,” she repeated. “I love the sound of that.”

  “You’re gonna love this, too,” he growled as he rose over her.

  They had made love before, but it was different now, she thought, more meaningful, more intimate.

  Later, wrapped in the warmth of her husband’s embrace, she smiled, thinking Jilly had been right. It was better when you were married.


  Tessa stood beside Andrei, staring in wonder at their new home. He had found the original plans to the house Katerina had burned down and had it rebuilt, with a few improvements, and a lair that was impenetrable and looked like a bedchamber fit for a king. The final touches had been completed only yesterday. Tessa hadn’t been surprised when Andrei erased all memory of their hidden lair from the minds of the builders.

  The last two years had seen many changes in their lives. Their friendship with Luke, Jilly, Bailey, and Tristan had grown deeper, stronger.

  Luke had joined the Cutter’s Corner Police Department. Jilly had quit her job. She was pregnant again, this time with twin boys, to Luke’s delight.

  Bailey and Tristan were married now, and expecting a child of their own.

  Tessa still hadn’t found the courage to tell her parents that their daughter and son-in-law were both vampires. She told herself she was waiting for just the right moment but so far, she hadn’t found it. Andrei said waiting wouldn’t make it any easier, but she just couldn’t find the words.

  Andrei gestured at the house. “So, what do you think?” he asked, giving her hand a squeeze. “Is it everything you hoped it would be?”

  “It’s exquisite.”

  “All those empty rooms,” he remarked, seemingly apropos of nothing.

  Tessa looked at him askance.

  “I was thinking we could fill them up with children.”

  “It’s a wonderful idea, but not likely, unless you plan to kidnap them.”

  “I was thinking of adoption.”

  Tessa shook her head. “No adoption agency in the world is going to give two vampires a baby.”

  “I don’t see any need to mention that, do you?”

  “Do you mean it?”

  “I always wanted a houseful of children. I’m sure we can afford a dozen or so.”

  “Oh, Andrei, you really do mean it, don’t you?”

  When he nodded, she threw her arms around his neck. “I love you!”

  “And I you. Always and forever.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose, then swung her into his arms. “We have a new house,” he said, carrying her up the porch stairs. “And a brand-new king-size bed that’s calling my name.”

  “Just your name?” she teased with a grin.

  “I’m sure it’ll be fine if I bring a friend.” He carried her across the threshold and, minutes later, into their own paradise.

  Read on for an excerpt from Amanda Ashley’s


  available now in paperback or online!

  “A tender paranormal romance exploring love and

  family ties . . . tinged with intrigue and vengeance . . .

  This portrait of new love is sweet and endearing.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “Author Ashley is no stranger to paranormal

  romance . . . Intriguing.”—Kirkus Reviews

  Holly Parrish has never met anyone like Micah

  Ravenwood: his dark eyes, his movie-star smile, the

  indefinable way he looks at her. Even when she

  thought he was no more than another client for her

  investment firm, her lust overpowered her logic.

  But she never expected this attraction to whisk her

  from her busy Southern California life

  to a silent and eerie ghost town in Wyoming.

  Only vampires call the deserted place home—and

  one of them is Micah. He says he’s brought her to

  Morgan Creek for her safety, that vicious creatures

  are hunting her. But how can Holly trust him?

  One look and she can see the need barely restrained

  behind Micah’s polite words. The heat of his kiss,

  the pleasure of his touch—none of it can tell her

  whether he wants her as his lover—or his prey. . . .

  Micah sat at the long ebony bar inside The Lair. He had been coming here long enough to recognize most of the patrons—women looking for a one-night stand, men looking for a woman—any woman—to ease their loneliness for a night or two. He had been in Southern California less than two weeks and had already reached the conclusion that coming to the City of Angels had been a mistake. He had been wandering from one goth hangout to another in hopes of finding a lady vampire, someone to take his mind off his loss, his loneliness, but if there were any vampires here, he hadn’t been able to find them. The state seemed to be filled with nothing but movie stars, wannabe movie stars, surfers, and beach bunnies.

  He was about to leave the club when he saw her—a young woman who stood an inch or two over five feet. Long, blond hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders. Even in the dim light, he noticed her eyes. They were an unusual shade of blue, almost turquoise. Contact lenses, perhaps? A gray sweater and a pair of blue jeans caressed a petite but perfect figure. He guessed her to be in her mid twenties.

  She glanced around the bar, obviously looking for someone. To Micah’s surprise, she lifted a hand in greeting when she saw him at the bar and hurried toward him.

  “Joseph Burke?” she said, smiling. “Sorry I’m late. I’m Holly Parrish.”

  “Pleased to meet you, Miss Parrish. Can I buy you a drink?”

  “A vodka martini, please,” she said, taking the stool beside his.

  Micah relayed her order and asked for another glass of wine for himself. “Holly,” he murmured. “I’m guessing you were a Christmas baby.”

  “Good guess.” She smiled that enchanting smile again. “Mr. Gladstone is very anxious to have you on our team, Mr. Burke. He’s prepared to pay you twice what Lindor-Beakman is offering, along with the usual perks, of course—a company car, a three-week vacation, and the best health insurance on the market.”

  Micah sipped his wine. “I must admit, it sounds like a very generous offer.”

  She nodded. “You won’t find a better one.” Lifting her glass, she took a swallow.

  His gaze moved to her throat, his nostrils filling with the warm, rich scent of her blood, the flowery fragrance that clung to her hair and skin, her perfume. The faint, musky scent of woman. She might be short and petite, he mused, but she was all female.

  Setting her glass aside, she licked her lips. “So, if you’re willing to accept Mr. Gladstone’s offer, we can close the deal right now. I have the necessary papers in my bag.”

  “I’d be more than happy to accept, Miss Parrish, if I was Joseph Burke.”

  She blinked at him. “Excuse me?”

  “I’m not Joseph Burke. My name is Micah Ravenwood.”


/>   Amanda Ashley is one of those rare birds—a California native. She’s lived in Southern California her whole life and, except for the earthquakes, she loves it. She shares a home with her husband, as well as an adorable Pomeranian named Lady and a tortoise who remains nameless. Amanda and her alter ego, Madeline, have written ninety books. Not bad for someone who started writing just for the fun of it. Her books have made the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. You can get a sneak peek at her next book on her website



  Amanda Ashley, A Fire in the Blood

  (Series: Vampire Romances # 28)




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