Read A Holland Kiss Page 9

  I know he’s probably right. I just want it done, though. The sense of urgency I’d felt that day in the lunch room had never left me. I was racing, full steam ahead toward the finish line.

  The Facebook page continued to be a smash, and by summer’s end, Dutch and Tulip had nearly 1,000 friends. I posted the photos and sketches found in Ruth’s attic. Several people requested copies and soon we were selling photos of the couple.

  People from all over the country had taken our cause to heart. A Route 66 enthusiast group had contacted us and were planning a visit next year. Several couples had shown interest in the idea of marrying beneath Dutch and Tulip and one was planning a wedding, but not in time for the big reveal.

  I was trying to come up with new fundraising ideas, but the constant effort and strain of the summer was wearing on me. I’d lost a few pounds and wasn’t eating right. Kelly took me shopping for vitamins. But not just any vitamins. Oh, no. My vitamins couldn’t come from just anywhere. My vitamins were from a health food store and cost me a small fortune.

  “Well worth the added expense. You really do get what you pay for in this case.” Kelly had also signed me up for yoga, trying to lower my stress level, but I skipped class. I couldn’t very well spend my time in downward dog, when I needed to save Dutch and Tulip.

  I hadn’t done a darn thing to prepare for the start of school, which to me is the official end of summer. Early August was just around the corner. I guess I’ll recycle last year’s lesson plans. That should make Kelly happy.

  Kelly also suggested I start dating, but who would I date? The guy I wanted wasn’t interested in me and the pickings in Holland were slim. Most eligible bachelors were snatched up, with the exception of Jonas. For some reason he’d managed to avoid all serious relationships.

  Strangely, I hadn’t heard a word from Jay since the Fourth and I gotta say that hurt. I kind of expected him to at least call and check on me. I deleted Katy Perry from my iPod. Hearing her sing, which I’d once enjoyed, now brought me pain.


  A week before school started, Jonas called. “Lils, let’s take a break and go to the drive-in.” It had become a summer ritual for us. I love the drive-in. They have the best french fries.

  Forty-five minutes away, in Reo, the Holiday Drive-In has five screens. For just $7.00, you get to see two movies. Seriously? Who can beat that price, even if it was two in the morning when you got home.

  We loaded up a small cooler, a couple of lawn chairs and we were set. Usually we’d just stay in Jonas’s Blazer, parked facing away from the screen and open up the back. We laid the seats down, so if it wasn’t too hot we could sit inside, free from the mosquitoes.

  Tonight we’d be sitting outside. It was unbearably hot and humid.

  The first movie was great. An action movie. I know I’m a girl, but I prefer them any day over a romantic comedy. Nothing like big strong men, hopefully with no shirts on, fighting to save the world.

  My current favorite man of action is Chris Hemsworth. Tall, blonde hair and blue eyes, he’s the perfect on-screen crush. Next to him would probably be Chris Evans, equally stunning, but without the blonde hair.

  Sad really, when I think that even my celebrity crushes have to meet Jay’s standards. Between movies, while standing in line for my second helping of french fries, I heard a

  familiar voice. “Hey, Lily.” Directly behind me was Jay.

  Great. Again I look like crap! The drive-in isn’t the place to go to dress up dammit! A lot of people wore their PJs, for crying out loud. Jonas didn’t care how I dressed and I wouldn’t have cared even if he did. I was wearing a navy tank top, paired with a pair of Abercrombie boxer shorts. They were really cute, bright green with navy mooses all over them.

  “How’s the ankle?” Better late than never, Jay asked.

  “It’s fine. What are you seeing?” I looked around for Britni, when I didn’t see her, I wondered if he was here with someone else or a group of friends. Do guys do things like that? I know when they go to the regular movies they each sit a seat apart. Would a bunch of guys go to the drive-in? I doubt it.

  Seth approached before Jay could answer. “I got my ice cream.” Seth noticed me and smiled, before appropriately addressing me as a teacher. “Hi Miss Mein. What movies are you seeing?”

  After telling Seth my movie selections, Jay shook his head. “My Mom won’t let me watch those movies. Says they’re too violent.” Only he couldn’t pronounce violent, it sort of came out like wilent.

  “Probably a good idea. Are you having a good summer?” I asked eager for any details I could gather, even if it was through Seth’s six-year-old eyes.

  His eyes lit up, then he looked at Jay. It was clear that Seth idolized him. We had something in common. “It’s been the best! Jay lets me help with his snakes, he built me an awesome tree house, we go fishing. This week we’re taking our station.”

  “Stay-cation.” Jay clarified.

  “Yeah stacation. We went to the zoo yesterday, then played putt-putt. We slept in today so I wouldn’t get tired for the movies tonight. And on Friday we’re going to Splashin’ Safari. Jay’s gonna ride the water slides with me.” Seth was so excited. And I was getting excited as I imagined Jay in a pair of Speedos.

  “Jay. You lazy, good-for-nothing bum. Takin’ a week off, just when you knew we had three roofs this week.” Jonas winked and put his arm around me in a familiar way.

  Apparently, Jay didn’t expect to see me with his favorite cousin. “Jonas.” He didn’t bother with chitchat or their normal joking.

  Rubbing Seth’s head, “Hey little man. How’s that tree house?” Jonas asked Seth.

  “My tree house is so cool!” Seth went into great detail, giving us the full specs. Finally when he was done, “What movies are you seeing?” Seth asked Jonas. Maybe six-year-olds don’t notice things like this or maybe Seth didn’t think I could get a date.

  After Jonas told him, realization hit. “Oh you and Miss Mein see each other like my Mom and Jay. Are you gonna get married?”

  Grr. I wanted more than anything to marry a Heimerschmitt, just not Jonas. Wait! Did that mean Jay and Britni were that serious? I felt my face fall. Jonas noticed it as well and squeezed my shoulder.

  “Nah. We’re just friends, Seth. What are you up to this summer?” Jonas was a kid guy, too. As Seth again went into his grand summer with as much detail as he had when describing the tree house, I watched as Jay surveyed his cousin, before turning his eyes to me. I smiled, but Jay only looked away.

  “Come on Seth. Your Mom will be wondering if we got lost.” Taking Seth’s hand, Jay said his goodbyes and gave Jonas a long pointed look.

  “Well, you boys enjoy your movie.” Walking away, I couldn’t help but glance back. Jay was watching me and he wasn’t smiling.

  “You okay, Lils? You look kinda lost.” Jonas ruffled my hair, just like I was six. What was it with the Heimerschmitts seeing me as a kid? “You’ve had a crush on him since we were kids.”

  No use trying to hide it from Jonas. “I know. Stupid, isn’t it? How long have they been dating?” I couldn’t help asking.

  “Not long. I think they got together over New Year’s. She’s been going to church with him though.” This was a big step and Jonas looked pained to tell me.

  As we made our way back to our spot, Jonas was yawning, so I knew I’d be driving home. Sadly, this gave me time to think.

  So Jay and Britni were pretty serious. Taking a vacation together. Shit! Surely, they weren’t living together? Jonas would have mentioned that. Was Seth’s tree house at Jay’s? Suddenly I felt horrible. Britni had him. They were probably going to get married. She would become Mrs. Jeremiah Heimerschmitt. That was supposed to be my name.

  My heart would be broken even further if they did it under my Dutch and Tulip. I wanted to cry. I wanted what Britni had. What would it be like to have a family? Have a husband to share a life with? Would I be a good wife and mother?

  Britni managed t
o run a business, raise a child and look amazing. How did she do it? I was always exhausted after a day of school and never could attain amazing looking. I can’t imagine coming home and essentially starting a second job. A husband, kids, cooking, cleaning, laundry. How did women hold it all together? Could I?

  Heck yeah I could!

  I’d be an incredibly loving wife and mother. My husband and I would take our kids, two boys and one girl, to the drive-in every summer. We’d watch a quality family movie first, our kids well behaved, the boys would look out for their younger sister. Since they were such great kids, we’d let them get a drumstick, eating it during the movie.

  After the first movie, my handsome husband would take the boys to the bathroom, rinsing their mouths and washing their hands. Of course, they’d also use the bathroom. I’d take our daughter, who by the way will be a knockout when she’s older. Her dad is going to hate that.

  After getting the kids settled in the back of the mini-van, they’d chatter amongst themselves before falling asleep. My amazingly sexy husband and I would cuddle under the stars, watching a romantic comedy. Yeah, yeah, whatever! I’d watch a romantic comedy with the man I loved. I give up all my on-screen crushes for Jay. Him, I mean. My husband.

  We’d make out and mess around a little. After the movie was over, we’d load up and drive home. Putting the kids to bed, my husband would say his love for me was boundless and we’d make love.

  In reality, my husband would probably complain about how late it was, falling asleep during the second movie. The kids would have stomachaches from too much popcorn and ice cream. Of course, my youngest son would be allergic to peanuts so we wouldn’t have had drumsticks. I’d drive the 45 minute drive, while my husband slept, stopping twice, once for my oldest to throw up and once for my daughter to pee.

  Driving home, with a snoring Jonas, my night was ruined, even though the Chrises had done all they could to cheer me up. Even their shirtless, perfectly sculpted abs didn’t lighten my sour mood. You know it’s a sad day when that happens.

  And my husband didn’t even attempt to have sex with me.

  Chapter 11

  “Say cheese,” Tulip instructed. She’d never understood why people always said that. What did cheese have to do with having one’s picture taken? But she smiled brightly anyway. “Is my bonnet straight?”

  “It’s perfect, flower. Just like you.” Dutch smiled. It wasn’t that he didn’t like getting his picture taken, but he was sure that Tulip wouldn’t kiss him with people around.

  More and more people came to the park now. And all of them had their cameras. Some even had video cameras. Tulip loved being a movie star. Like all celebrity couples, Dutch and Tulip were gorgeous.

  “In the movies, at the end, the couple always kiss. We should do the same,” insisted Dutch

  “We haven’t practiced our lines yet. We can’t kiss until the big finale.”


  “So that’s where we’re at, guys. By this time next year, you’ll be good as new.” Standing under Dutch and Tulip, I was giving them an update on our progress. They enjoy knowing what’s going on and deserve to be kept in the loop.

  There was a family visiting them now, so I had to shut up, but I loved watching the kids look at Dutch and Tulip in awe. I took their family photo under the statues and suggested they post it on the Facebook page. I know Tulip loves all the attention. She’s a beautiful girl, who deserves to have her picture taken.

  Visiting Dutch and Tulip was a daily ritual for me, but with school starting, I likely won’t have as much time to devote to them. Which I hate.

  When school started, I found myself dreading it for the first time in my career. I needed to work for Dutch and Tulip, not the school board. I’d done the bare minimum to prepare, but had made a nice home for my new classroom pet. Raider.

  Yes. I kept him. By the way…why can’t he be a she? How does one determine the sex of a snake, anyway?

  Principal Kyser hated Raider, but didn’t argue when the kids got their first look at her. They were so excited. Many of them had been present for the naming and they wanted to get class t-shirts made featuring our classroom mascot.

  Over Labor Day weekend, I made up for lost time and spent most of it preparing for school, even though it had already started. Next weekend was Bill and Tootsie’s anniversary party and I knew I’d be busy.

  Forty years. That’s a long time to be with just one person. In this day and age, it’s hard to imagine couples making it that long, but Bill and Tootsie had. When their daughter, Angela, called and asked for my help, I was only too happy to lend a hand. Bill and Tootsie’s family was planning a surprise party for their anniversary and it was my job to get them to the Shoe.

  Which was harder than I thought it would be. Finally, I had to resort to flat out lying. I told them I wanted their thoughts on having a New Year’s party at the Shoe. Even though they insisted on staying home, I managed to drag them there, where they were happily surprised.

  Tootsie may have been surprised, but she was anything but happy due to her state of dress. Oops. I guess I should have thought about that, but Angela didn’t say I was supposed to get them here dressed up.

  I can’t be held responsible for the fact that all their ruby anniversary photos will be of them dressed in sweatpants and t-shirts while everyone else was wearing their Sunday best.

  Bill thought it was a hoot, laughing as he twirled the ends of his mustache.

  “Sorry, guys.” I said lamely.

  Tootsie was gracious and forgiving. “That’s all right, Lily. You really had us going, though.” She smiled and reached for Bill, who was already headed for the food table. “Just think, we’ve been married all these years.”

  The love in Tootsie’s eyes made me wish for my own happy ending. Why couldn’t everyone be as happy as them? This kind of love should be celebrated and remembered every day. This is exactly what I needed for Dutch and Tulip.

  Before Tootsie could wander off, I grabbed her arm. “Will you do something for me?” This was a trick.

  “Of course, dear, anything. What is it?” Tootsie said absently. She was watching Bill, who was stacking his plate high with fried chicken and German fries. “What in the world does he think he’s doing?” Bill was on a diet and Tootsie was on him hard to follow it. “I’m sorry hon. What did you need?”

  “I need you to get married.” I was smiling hugely, almost dancing around I was so excited. “Again.” I added when Tootsie looked at me as if I’d forgotten our reason for being here.

  “What on earth do you mean? I’m already married. I don’t think Bill would appreciate me doing it without him.” Now she was just being mean, probably paying me back for her ensemble.

  “Ugh! You know what I mean. I need for you and Bill to renew your vows under Dutch and Tulip at the reveal. It’ll be perfect.” Tootsie didn’t look convinced though. “Come on. Please say you’ll do it?” Pleading with my eyes, I knew she’d eventually give in.

  “It is a sweet idea. Bill and I wanted to marry here, but he was stationed in Washington at the time. All right, we’ll do it,” she said, after a moment of hesitation.

  “Thanks, Toots. I love you.”

  “Love you, too.” She said hugging me. “I wish you could do the same, but your day will come.” Tootsie added with a smile, but I had to wonder about that last part.

  If my day was coming, I wish it hurry up.

  The upstairs of the Shoe was decorated with ruby and ivory accents. A photo of Bill and Tootsie on their wedding day was framed and sitting on the gift table, surrounded by snapshots of their children and grandchildren. There was a nice crowd. Some were eating, and the younger crowd was dancing. Ruth with Jonas, though I’m sure her real motive was to finagle another ride out of him.

  I danced with Bill, his grandson Brock and then Jonas grabbed me for a round or two. All the while I was preoccupied thinking about the renewal that I had just added to the reveal. I hadn’t thought to share my
idea with the committee. It just kind of snuck up on me, like Jay did now.

  “Nice party.” Jay looked his ever handsome self. Khakis and a white dress shirt with a blue tie that really set off his eyes.

  “Yes. I think they were really surprised,” I agreed.

  “Ya think? You should have seen the look on Tootsie’s face. It was shock, then she just looked pissed.” Jay was laughing. “Maybe she preferred to stay home and celebrate.”

  “Yeah. That’s probably it. She wanted Bill all to herself.” Men are really dumb sometimes. Only they would think it appropriate to show up at a party dressed in sweats.

  “By the way, I sort of added something to the reveal.” Sheepishly, I started to tell Jay what I’d done, but Jonas interrupted.

  Grabbing my hand, “Lily, dance with me again.” Jonas had had a few too many already and his speech was slurred.

  Jay grabbed my other hand. “Actually, Lily and I were just about to dance.” I felt like I was the rope in a tug of war. No surprise who I wanted to win.

  “Oh come on, Lily. You’re the prettiest girl here, besides if Jay wanted you, God knows he could have you. But he doesn’t and I do.”

  Jonas could say things he shouldn’t when he was drinking and he couldn’t get his winks right. Both eyes were twitching, first one, then the other, like he was taking turns with his blinks.

  I felt my face get hot with embarrassment, but Jay played it cool.

  “Tough. This dance is mine.” Jay tugged harder than Jonas. Of course, it helped that I went with his tug and extricated my hand from Jonas’s grip.

  When Jay put his hands on my hips, I was so overcome with emotion that I stood completely still, before coming to my senses and putting my hands on Jay’s shoulders.

  Now let’s just take a minute to analyze this shall we?

  Me, Lily Mein, in the arms of Jay Heimerschmitt. Imagine all the things running through my mind and body. This was different than when he’d cared for my ankle. We were dancing! Body to body. His was warm and smelled freshly showered. A hint of aftershave, mingling with my perfume. We made slow circles in time to the music. And I allowed myself to simply enjoy the feel of his hands touching me in such an intimate way.