Read A Job From Hell Page 12

  A car pul ed up on the gravel in the driveway. Before I had time to peer out, the door burst open and Cass walked in, dressed in her trademark oversized jeans, what looked like an orange dress reaching down to her knees on top of the jeans, and a military style jacket that wouldn't be too bad were it not scorched in several places. I gaped in awe. Cass's outfit was so ghastly it could easily pass as art.

  Cass grinned. "You think? Thanks, mate." For a minute I didn't register Cass was reading my mind. How could I forget that tiny detail? "So, what's cooking?" Cass strode to the living room and dropped on the sofa, making herself comfortable. "Rumour tel s me your boyfriend's gone."

  I sat in a leather chair, facing her. "He went to some sort of court and never came back. Clare should be here. She said she'd wait up."

  Cass straightened and tilted her head to the side as if to listen. "Nah, she's snoozing like a stone." She slumped down again. "Are you sure he isn't just making a run for the hil s? You know the usual excuse, going to buy milk, cigarettes, or whatever, and never bothering to come back."


  "Oh, goodness," Cass said. "I see I hit a soft spot. Didn't mean too. Who's Cameron?"

  I grimaced. "Somebody I never want to see again."

  "I was just messing with you, mate. Want me to send out a few demons to track Aidan down?"

  "No need. Don't ask me how, but I think I know where he is." I ignored the demon remark. Nothing surprised me any more. Besides, no mortal I knew could read thoughts and carried two horns on the head. "At the beach house, I met two Shadows."

  "Connor and Devon," Cass said. "You're playing with fire, mate."

  I peered at her intently. The girl was strange, no doubt about it, but she also had something likeable about her. Could she keep her scattered mind to herself so the others wouldn't find out about my plan?

  Cass clapped her hands excitedly. "Try me, try me, try me."

  Oh, sod it. I had nothing to lose. "I want to meet them."

  "Wow, Aidan's gone, like, five minutes, and the next guy's already peeping around the corner? Naughty." She shook her finger, laughing. The next instant, the smile disappeared and she looked embarrassed. "Sorry. It's not my style being rude and al . I just can't keep it in. It's my—" She shook her head. "There's this—never mind."

  "I have a plan, but Clare & co. mustn't know," I whispered.

  "You want me to keep this a secret from the others." She leaned closer, eyes gleaming, her cheeks turning a pink shade. "That's a good one.

  Pure chaos. Even better than chocolate. I like you."

  It seemed as though I was making a pact with the devil herself. Was that good or bad?

  "Definitely good." Cass winked. "I could be your go between. Aidan's hooking me up with this cool ambassador gig. Yeah, I'l be a diplomat."

  Her eyes lit up again. "Who would've guessed, right? I'l make you my first mission."

  "Promise you won't tel anyone," I said.

  Cass raised her right arm to her chest. "I promise I'l keep the secret as long as my scattered brain can keep it in. After that, it's pure chaos."

  I sensed that was about al I'd get. "I'm going to strike a pact with them to help me save Aidan."

  "You're real y into him. Going after Layla with the Shadows' help." Cass literal y glowed. "That's going to be major drama. Hope Aidan got me my ambassador position so I can watch it al live."

  "Let's do this thing now. Do you know how to get in touch with them?" I didn't want to sound impatient, but something told me Cass could chat for hours.

  Tucking her legs under her, Cass pursed her lips and straightened. She closed her eyes and started rocking back and forth, murmuring something that sounded like an incantation. I stared at her. Clearly, the rich kids had other ways to get in touch than pigeons.

  "You're just too gul ible, mate. You've got to meet my dad. He'd love you." She pul ed a silver phone out of her oversized bag and dial ed, her gaze fixed on me as she spoke, "Hey babes, it's me, listen—" she paused and tapped her chewed fingernails on her thigh "—al set? Aidan's girl wants to talk to you. Pop over now before she changes her mind. You owe me. Cheerio."

  "What did they say? Are they coming?" They simply had to. Aidan's life depended on it.

  Cass nodded. "They'l be here in a flash. Do you want me to negotiate? I'm quite good at it. Always get the best deal, or so Dad says."

  I shook my head. "It's a tempting offer, but I have to do this myself."

  Cass shrugged and jumped up. "Got it. Just a word of advice since we're now chums and al , stay within the gates. That gift of yours is quite handy. Some people would kil for it—literal y. So try to stay out of the fire, okay?"

  "You were right about the vampire thing," I said.

  "You didn't believe me?" Cass shook her head, laughing. "Do you see angel wings on my back? I'm far from perfect—maybe beautiful y flawed

  —but I don't lie."

  "Thanks for fil ing me in. If it weren't for you I'd stil be in the dark."

  "Us girls have to stick together," Cass said.

  Okay, I had to ask, now or never. "You're not one of them. What are you?"

  Cass pointed at the floor. "You know the big guy downstairs who loves to steal the souls of naughty people? Wel , that's my dad."

  Her father was the devil himself? I blinked. Why not? I was wil ing to take on vampires, so why not believe in good old Lucifer too? "This is too weird. Talk about getting al wrapped up in your new guy's world."

  "The shock wil wear off soon."

  I accompanied Cass to the door and gave her a brief hug, murmuring a thanks.

  "No problem, but you owe me," Cass whispered. Waving, she jumped into her huge, black truck and sped off.

  Chapter 14

  Terrified, I leaned against the gate to wait. A strong gust of wind blew my hair in my face. It'd rain any minute now. I wished I had brought an umbrel a because, whatever the Shadows were, I wanted to see them clearly, not half-blinded by water pouring down my front.

  Cass left only minutes ago, but it already felt like hours. I wiped my damp hands on my coat and peered around, listening for any sounds. Were the Shadows nearby? How long would it take before they arrived?

  Devon's tal figure, appearing out of nowhere inches away from my face, made me jump. I bal ed my fists. A shriek remained trapped in my throat.

  "Amber." He held out his hand as if to shake mine through the thick metal rods. I regarded it, unsure whether to squeeze my hand through the rods and touch him. Then decided against it in case he had some sort of magical power up his sleeve. Devon pul ed back. If he was annoyed he didn't show it. "I understand your hesitation. You've probably heard nothing but bad things about our kind."

  I raised my chin, the memory of the failed kidnapping stil vivid in my mind. "I haven't heard much about you. My opinion of you is based on a previous encounter."

  Devon's eyes locked with mine, the black of his iris shining unnatural y bright. "Fair enough. I must apologise for my brother. He's too heated for his own good. He acted without our queen's consent. He's received his punishment already."

  There was something strange about Devon that I couldn't quite pinpoint. He was too charming, too perfect, and I didn't believe a word he said. I curled my lips into a fake smile, hoping it looked genuine enough. "I've a proposition to make. You want my gift, and I'm wil ing to share it with you if you do something for me in return."

  He didn't hesitate with an answer. "If it's in my power to grant your wish, I'l do it." No blink, no sudden movement, nothing. He was plain eerie.

  And probably lying.

  I quivered inwardly as I forced myself to meet that liquid black gaze. "Aidan's disappeared. We suspect Layla's locked him up. I know you can help free him."

  Thunder roared across the sky, making me flinch. Dark clouds gathered in the distance. Devon's face remained expressionless. "With a boss like that, he needs to consider a career change. He used to be her favourite pet. What did he do to piss her off?"

  "It doesn't matter." I squeezed a hard edge into my voice. "Are you going to help or do I need to take my proposition to someone else?" I crossed my fingers in my pockets, praying he'd take the bite. Truth was, I had no idea who else to contact. The Shadows were my only option.

  "We'l do it." A smile crossed Devon's lips, disappearing just as quickly. "He'l be free by tonight, but you'l have to come with us."

  I shook my head. "No way. I'm not going anywhere with you. I'd rather be struck by lightning. Just take the gift out of my mind. Put your hand on my forehead and just zap it out, or whatever you do." I shuddered at the thought.

  Devon hesitated. "It's not that simple."

  I didn't like the sound of that. Were they going to whisk me off to some laboratory and have a mad scientist cut it out of me, turning me into a modern-day Frankenstein? A chil ran down my spine. Oh, Dal as, messing up as usual. If I died, I silently vowed to come back and haunt my brother for the rest of his life. I gripped the metal bars as I inched closer. "So how does it work then?"

  Devon shook his head. "It's complicated, but I can assure you that you won't be harmed. Why don't you open the gate and come out so we can talk face to face?"

  How stupid did he think I was? "Trust is earned."

  He raised his brows. "It goes both ways, sister."

  Tiny drops of rain started to pour again, soaking my clothes. Devon winced as though the water hurt him. I pushed my wet hair out of my face and yel ed over the howl of the wind, "Are you okay out here with the rain?"

  He smirked. "Do you think I'm going to melt?"

  "I just thought because you're a Shadow, you might need sunlight and—" I waved my hand about "—you don't look comfortable. Never mind. So you'l just take the gift and let me live?"

  He nodded.


  "I give you my word."

  What was it worth? "One more thing. Is it going to hurt? I'm not so good at dealing with pain."

  "I assure you there's no pain involved." He stretched out both hands, waiting for me to grasp them. I didn't. He squinted and pul ed back his arms. "So you're ready to give up your own life to save Aidan?"

  "It's al my fault. I'd do anything to set it straight," I said.

  "But you hardly know him." He opened his mouth to say something else, then closed it again.

  "What?" I asked, irritated.

  He peered at me intently. "You know he's a vampire, right?"

  Did no one but me miss that tiny detail? Rain poured down on me as realisation kicked in. I had fal en for a real vampire, like the ones in myths and legends. It was crazy but true. I could final y understand how a person could give up everything for someone else, even though I couldn't imagine doing this for Cameron. Then it struck me—Aidan and I shared a connection deeper than anything I ever felt with any of my exes. Hopeful y he felt the same way. Too bad I might never find out.

  "Your gift wil help our entire civilization."

  I rol ed my eyes. "I get it. You're helping your race, even if it means kil ing me."

  "Last chance to back out. Are you sure Aidan's worth never seeing your family again?"

  Why wasn't he assuring me I wouldn't literal y die? I faltered as the downpour intensified. Aidan meant everything to me. I'd make the ultimate sacrifice and give up my former life. Staring into Devon's eyes I said, "He is worth it."

  Devon nodded. "To show our gratitude we'l see to it that your family's taken care of financial y."

  Wel , at least my parents and Dal as would never have to worry about money again. "Deal. But you'l have to show me proof that you've kept your word before I keep mine."

  Fishing in his pocket, he retrieved a tiny silver phone and placed it on the damp ground, then pushed it toward me, careful not to touch the iron bars. "Keep it switched on. The moment you hear his voice, you leave Aidan's premises and walk down this road—" he pointed at the street behind him "—otherwise he's dead."

  When I nodded, Devon turned and disappeared between the trees. I picked up the phone and put it in my pocket. My old phone vibrated. I peered at the unknown cal er ID, deciding I might as wel answer.

  "I've been trying to reach you for ages. You should switch that thing on more often," Dal as said. He didn't sound his usual easy-going self.

  "I told you I've no reception." I breathed in, annoyance washing over me. "You're such an idiot. Do you have any idea what mess I'm in because of your stupid plan?"

  "Listen, I have bad news and bad news. You pick."

  Yet more worries. Could my life get any worse? "Just tel me."

  "The diamonds are worth nothing." He paused. When I didn't reply, he said, "You stil there?"

  My heart fluttered in my chest. If they were worthless, maybe Dal as didn't sel them just yet. "Yeah, I am. Do you stil have them?"

  He hesitated. "Yeah, that's the other bad news. I couldn't sel them, not even on eBay. They're not the real deal."

  "Are you tel ing me the diamonds are fakes like cubic zirconia?"

  "Not just the diamonds, the other gemstones as wel . What a waste of time, huh?" He laughed. "But there's more, sis. There's tiny symbols etched on every stone. You can only see them under ultraviolet rays. Pretty freaky, eh? So I had them inspected by a friend of mine who runs a lab."

  Groaning, I kicked a nearby pile of leaves. "A lab? Oh, Dal as, please don't get us mixed up in drugs."

  "Don't be sil y. A science lab, obviously. Now, get this. Hold your breath and sit down." He was into show and drama big time. Al eyes on Dal as.

  "Just spit it out," I said, impatiently.

  "Apparently, they're unknown minerals. In other words, they're not from this world. Whoa! Is that wild or what? Can you even begin to imagine?"

  I blew out a breath. "Believe it or not, somehow I can."

  "Now I do have some good news. I was going to ditch them when I found somebody who's interested. My buddy's coming by today to pick them up and take them to a paranormal investigator. He says maybe they've something to do with the world of vampires and werewolves. He matched up the symbols with some legend he found in some old book. Says there's a race every five hundred years or something. What a load of crap, huh?"

  Werewolves? Were they real as wel ? Nervously, I peered to the nearby bushes, wrapping my soaking wet coat tighter around me as if it could protect me. "No," I yel ed. "Don't you dare give him the stones! Bring them back. Bring them back right now."

  "What for?"

  "I know who the owner is, and she's quite fond of her stones. Do you hear me? She's very sentimental. So bring them back."

  "No way. What if she traces their disappearance back to us?"

  I smirked. "Bit too late for that. Just do me a favour and do as I say. I might not be here when you arrive, so wrap them in something and leave them in the kitchen. And Dal as, don't you bail out on me, or I swear I'l kil you."

  "What if—"

  "No ifs. This is serious," I yel ed, cutting him off.

  "Okay." Dal as took a deep breath. "You can count on me."

  Yeah. Heard that one before. "Hey, before you leave, I just want you to know that no matter how mad I get at you, I'l always love you."

  "Even when you kil me?" He laughed, taking none of this seriously. "I love you too, sis."

  "You mean the world to me. I wish I could give you a big hug." I tried to hide the quiver in my voice. "Take care, Dal as."

  "Are you crying? Don't get al mushy on me. I'l be there as soon as I can."

  After hanging up, I hurried back inside. Dal as would arrive soon with the stones. Clare said returning them wouldn't change anything, but I could at least hope. It was a waiting game now. Aidan would be safe soon, and then I'd leave the gemstones up to him. I changed my clothes and tossed the wet ones into the tumble dryer, then dropped on the sofa and stared at the wal s, unable to shake off the feeling that I didn't get the best deal. In fact, I wondered whether I got a good deal at al .

  Chapter 15


p; Several times, I woke up to find new succubi probing my cuts and wounds. The pain was so intense I hung on to my consciousness like a shipwrecked person onto hope that rescue was near. But I knew my rescue might not come for a while. How long did I have before the succubi's poison coursed through my body, moulding my wil to theirs until I longed for what they had to offer? I had no idea and no wish to find out either.

  Where was Kieran when I needed him? The corners of my mouth cracked as I tried to cal him even though I knew words were useless. My powers were weakening and any telepathic bond between us would be lost in the depths of Layla's magic-infused dungeons anyway.

  Something moved before my eyes. I focused my gaze as the chains cut deeper into my flesh. A pang of pain rippled through my body and I let out a cry, hating myself for nourishing Layla's self-satisfaction on which she thrived. The flicker of a girl appeared; a tiny shape with huge, brown eyes I would never mistake, not even in death.

  Amber inched nearer, almost touching me. The succubi shifted, but didn't notice her. Was I dreaming, imagining my mate? I clenched my teeth, suppressing another cry. No need to worry her. Amber stood in front of me now, a deep frown set between her brows, the succubi's flowing dresses brushing against her jeans. I opened my mouth to speak out a warning. Don't come nearer. Don't let them touch you. "Amber." My voice was barely louder than a whisper, but if she could see me, she'd sense the warning.

  The succubi hissed, pushing their nails into my flesh. A new wave of darkness washed over me, and with a last glance at the one I loved, I let go, eagerly fal ing into oblivion that'd gift me a few merciful moments of peace.


  I lifted my head, waiting for that vengeful probing to come back with ful force. When it didn't, I opened my eyes warily. Had Layla tired of me? No chance in hel . Did she come up with a new plan to force me into submission? That was a more likely explanation.

  Through my hazy gaze I first noticed the succubi cowering near the opposite wal . The soft light of a torch highlighted the fear in their pale faces.