Read A Job From Hell Page 5


  Harry didn't even flinch as he drove right through them. He signal ed and stopped on the bus lane. "What's wrong? Did you forget something?"

  For a moment I just stared at him, open-mouthed, then turned in my seat to peer at the crossing. The woman with the buggy wasn't there.

  "Where did she disappear?"


  I turned to face him again. "You didn't see them?" It couldn't be. She'd been standing right in front of the car. The left side of my head started to throb like someone was hammering on my brain.

  Harry regarded me intently. "See who?"

  Throwing a last glance over my shoulder, I shook my head muttering, "No one."

  "Are you okay?" Harry asked. The furrows on his forehead deepened. I nodded, wishing I could get home as fast as possible.

  Less than two hours later, the car pul ed in front of the manor, and I exited, grabbing my bags as I thanked Harry.

  "If you need anything, just ring. It can get lonely here," he cal ed before putting the van in gear and speeding off.

  "I wil ." I walked around the back to the kitchen. It was almost three p.m. but the house was quiet. I grabbed a bottle of water and an empty glass, and returned to my room, sinking into my soft sheets as soon as I shrugged out of my boots and coat.

  The woman with the buggy had been there, I knew it. There could be many explanations why Harry didn't see her. Maybe his sight failed him.

  Maybe something obstructed his view and the woman jumped to the side on time, unhurt. But how did she disappear so quickly?

  I sat up and poured myself a glass of water, emptying it in one big gulp, then pressed the cool glass against my feverish temple, hoping I hadn't caught a cold on my first day out. I closed my eyes and fel asleep, the image of the woman in black stil lingering at the back of my mind. When I woke up, darkness had descended, bathing the room in darkness. My joints felt stiff as though I'd slept in the same position for too long, but my upset stomach felt a little better already. Grunting, I stirred and pushed the covers aside. Dizziness washed over me, making me want to stay in bed. I held on to the bedside table until it passed, then stood on shaky feet.

  Somewhere a clock stroke seven times. I had slept for four hours. The lack of sleep from last night must've caught up with me. I changed into a black V-neck shirt and headed for the kitchen when I heard laughter coming from the library. Stopping midstride, I held my breath to listen.

  A woman laughed. Was it Clare? "Looks like you can try again to win the prize in five hundred years. I can't believe you let that pretty little thing beat you."

  "She didn't," Aidan said. I could hear the irritation in his voice. "I was just too busy to notice her slip in and snatch it from under everyone's nose."

  Chapter 6

  A door opened, startling me. I turned to bolt back up the stairs. Halfway up, I stopped, reconsidering. I might make it before someone saw me, but the stairs would creak, betraying my presence. Besides, I didn't mind a bit of company, particularly since I barely knew anyone and real y needed another human's presence before I turned completely bonkers.

  Heaving a sigh I spun, staring straight into pale blue eyes. For a moment I thought it was Aidan McAl ister standing before me, until I realised the guy was about the same age but a bit bulkier. He smiled and held out a hand with pale, long fingers, scanning me up and down, his eyes lingering on my throat a tad too long. "I'm Kieran." Even his voice sounded like Aidan's.

  I shook his hand, a freezing sensation charging through me. "I'm Amber."

  "Aidan didn't say you were this—" he gestured with his hand and laughed "—tasty."

  One word flashed through my mind—Clare. Why would Aidan brag about a hamburger when he had filet mignon on his plate? I curled my lips into a forced smile. "Thank you." What did it matter if Aidan found me attractive anyway? Cameron and I were only taking a break.

  "Would you care to join us in the library?" Standing a little too close for comfort, Kieran grabbed my hand and guided me toward the other voices without waiting for my answer. He didn't drop my hand when we stepped through the large oak door. Al eyes turned on me as Kieran said, "I found this delightful creature sneaking off to bed without so much as a single goodnight. My dear brother's been keeping her al to himself.

  Remember what Mother always said, it's nice to share."

  Sibling rivalry? I had no idea what to make of it, but being the centre of attention made me feel awkward. I decided to ignore Kieran's comment as I peered around. I had been inside the library to clean, but I hadn't inspected the room too closely because my thoughts had been preoccupied with Dal as's plan. Taking it in for the first time, I realised the room was spacious with scarce but heavy furniture. Heavy brocade drapes in the colour of rusty leaves covered the large bay window. Three leather sofas were set in the middle; mahogany bookcases covered the wal s up to the ceiling. Aidan sat on the armchair to the right, dressed in black from head to toe, his pale blue eyes staring at me as though I was some sort of freak. Behind him, a soft fire burned in the fireplace, the crackling of wood carrying through the unnerving silence.

  Clare jumped up from the floor in front of the fireplace, her skin flushed from the heat, and pointed at a sofa opposite from Aidan, inviting me to sit. "Amber, how fabulous that you should join us. I see you've met Aidan's brother, Kieran." Her silver dress enveloped her athletic body like a sheath. Her glossy hair smel ed of roses and something else I had never smel ed before—mysterious and different. Clare was always so dressed up. Wearing my usual jeans and top, I felt like the pauper standing next to the beautiful princess.

  I dropped on the sofa. Kieran sat down next to me, his thigh brushing mine, and draped his arm around my shoulders. Aidan frowned but didn't comment. He probably didn't like his brother hitting on the employees. Even though he had a point and I vowed to keep al my relationships strictly professional because I needed a good reference letter, I couldn't help but feel flattered. It wasn't the norm that a good-looking guy pay me attention.

  Smiling, Clare walked over to a cabinet and retrieved a bottle of something red. It looked like wine, smel ed like it. Surely, she knew I wasn't eighteen just yet. She shot me an inquiring look. When I nodded, Clare poured the liquid into four crystal glasses, then handed me one.

  "Thank you," I murmured. There were no snacks or drinks on the table, no empty plates or bowls. The rich kids in this house behaved nothing like the teens I knew. The atmosphere reminded me of going to a party that had been raging for hours and as soon as I walked in, someone suddenly decided to break the keg. I realised I shouldn't be here at al , drinking whatever was in my glass with my employer in a house I cleaned for a living. What was I thinking?

  With trembling fingers, I lifted the glass to my mouth when Kieran inched closer sniffing the air. "This is good stuff."

  "Shut up," Aidan said. It was barely a whisper, but the tiniest hint of a threat echoed in his tone.

  Kieran laughed. "Please, someone teach him how to appreciate the good things in life."

  The door flew open and another guy entered. He was tal and dark, long hair framing strong cheekbones and spil ing onto his col ar, his golden skin seemed free of any blemish. He looked like a statue: cold, smooth, and untouchable. His brown gaze fixed on me and stayed there. I curled my lips into a smile at the prospect of meeting yet another rich kid, remembering that I was nothing but the housekeeper. It was only a matter of time until they let me feel it.

  "Blake, how fabulous that you should join us." Clare, repeating the same words she'd used before, seemed unfazed by his frown. "Meet Amber.

  She's—" Clare hesitated "—just arrived." I breathed out, thankful that Clare hadn't referred to me as the maid. Even though that was the job description, not being cal ed one mattered. Clare turned to face me. "This is Blake, a good friend."

  Blake looked me up and down, and I realised it wasn't with animosity; just cold curiosity like you'd watch a lab experiment. I sank deeper into the sofa,
wishing I could make myself invisible. First Aidan couldn't stop staring, and now Blake. Was a mole growing on the tip of my nose and I hadn't noticed?

  Blake crossed his arms over his chest and cocked an eyebrow toward Aidan who shook his head and turned away. The sudden silence seemed oppressive. I fidgeted in my seat, unsure what to do to break the ice. I felt like an intruder who'd interrupted an important conversation and everyone was too polite to ask me to leave.

  Eventual y Clare cleared her throat and said, "I heard you had a nasty fal last night. How are you?"

  Four pairs of eyes turned on me, their faces blank. They were probably as grateful as I was for the opportunity to break the silence. Of course I would've been more grateful if the topic of conversation didn't involve me. "I'm fine, thanks for asking," I said.

  Clare shook her head. "You shouldn't be outside after dark. It's not safe. Aidan should've fil ed you in on the dangers." She gave him a hard stare.

  "It was just a walk," I said. What could possibly be dangerous in the middle of nowhere?

  Aidan raised an eyebrow. "After midnight?"

  Why al the interest? Surely we had more pressing issues to discuss. Like global warming, or the rise in hurricanes al over the world. Okay, so I had been dressed al in black and couldn't blame him for thinking I was out robbing the neighbours—if we had any. Or why else would he make it sound like an accusation? I raised my chin a notch. "I couldn't sleep."

  "Next time you can't sleep, cal me," Kieran said. I shuddered at how much he looked and sounded like Aidan.

  Aidan glowered. "Please ignore my dear brother. He's slightly confused these days."

  My heart fluttered in my chest. It was the longest I'd been able to stare at Aidan without looking stupid. I felt like a schoolgirl having her first crush, but it couldn't be a crush because Cameron and I weren't over. Clare's voice jerked me out of my thoughts.


  "I said did you find anything interesting?" Clare asked.

  Heat scorched my cheeks. What a weird question, as though she suspected something. She couldn't be. "Not real y. I just needed some fresh air."

  Aidan scoffed and rose from his chair, slamming a book on a nearby coffee table. "Wel , then, it's al sorted, isn't it?"

  "Maybe you aren't in the mood for company tonight?" Blake asked.

  "We stil have business to discuss," Aidan said, "and Amber wil probably want to relax after a long working week."

  Working week? Huh? I blinked. Right. I had been working. Sort of. I had also been enjoying the last rays of sun in the garden, but it was part of my household duties to check the exterior of the house remained in pristine condition, or so I told myself. Aidan was stil staring at me. I realised this was my hint to leave. My leg brushed against Kieran's as I stood, placing my ful glass next to the other untouched ones. "I should get going. Thanks for the invite."

  Kieran jumped to his feet and offered his arm with an amused glint in his pale eyes. Aidan crossed the room in two long strides and placed a hand on the smal of my back, barely touching the material.

  "Can I talk to you for a minute?" Aidan said. I nodded.

  "That's so like Aidan. Dying to sink his teeth into my dates," Kieran said. "Just kidding, bro."

  I offered Kieran a tentative smile, deciding I wouldn't take him seriously, as Aidan guided me out of the library through the kitchen and out the back door into the garden.

  It was so dark I could barely make out his features. The moon—a half crescent on the black sky—moved from behind the clouds, throwing glowing shadows across his skin. His eyes shimmered as he pul ed me down on a bench and sat beside me. I shivered but not from the cold. My heartbeat sped up. What could he possibly have to say that he needed time in private? Maybe he was about to fire me.

  He moistened his lips and stared at the lawn as he spoke, "Last night we were worried about you."

  "Why?" I spun to face him, surprised. He certainly was hard to read. One moment, he seemed irritated by my presence, avoiding me at al costs.

  The next, he seemed concerned about my wel being. Why would he care anyway?

  Aidan shrugged. "You're used to city life and may overlook the possibility of threat. There's danger everywhere, not just on the busy streets of London."

  "I'm aware of that. Thanks for your concern." I knew I sounded tetchy, but I couldn't help it. For a moment, I had thought he cared because he liked me. He was just my boss. We barely knew each other, and he dated Clare. I wished I could be angry with his stunning girlfriend, but to my chagrin I realised she was as nice as she was beautiful.

  "No problem," Aidan said. "We're one big family here, and I want you to consider yourself part of it. It must be hard to be away from everyone you know, al alone here with no one around. If there's anything I can do, just say it."

  As he grinned, a dimple formed on his right cheek. My heart quivered. Men like him should come with a warning: date at your own risk. I smiled at my thoughts, then felt instantly guilty. Cameron and I weren't real y over. He just needed space for a few months to sort out his plans for the future.

  It wasn't right to sit here with a gorgeous guy, engaging in al sorts of naughty thoughts.

  "I real y appreciate your concern." I moved away from him. It was only a few inches, but I noticed his smile disappear.

  "Would you like to go back inside?" Aidan asked.

  "Sure. I know you have important business to discuss." I forced a bit of cheerfulness into my voice, but didn't quite manage to sound nonchalant.

  Without another word, Aidan led me down the path to the kitchen and held the door open. When we reached the hal , he halted. I almost bumped into him. He touched my shoulder to steady me and breathed in as if to speak, but stopped. Clare appeared from the library, holding two glasses of wine in her hands. "There you are. I've been looking for you." Her questioning gaze wandered from Aidan to me.

  "We were outside," Aidan said.

  "Ah. Blake's waiting." Clare raised her eyebrows and turned to me. Aidan hesitated, then walked away. "Come on, let's finish our wine," Clare said. "I'm glad for the company. Aidan's business talk always puts me to sleep."

  She seemed her usual pleasant self. If she found it strange that her boyfriend had just spent alone time with me, she didn't show it. We retreated to the massive living room. She put the glasses down, switched on a lamp on the wal and lit several candles on a nearby table. Sinking into the soft cushions on the sofa, she patted the space next to her. "I assume you've heard theories about what's going on in the woods," Clare started.

  "People claim to have seen strange lights—"

  "You mean like UFOs and aliens?" I interrupted, smiling. There it was, the woods topic again. I couldn't quite shake off the feeling they kept something from me.

  "No." Clare shook her head, playing with the hem of her sleeve. "More like stories of legends and supernatural stuff. Anyway, people have been disappearing for a while. Mostly visitors, because the locals know to stay away after dark."

  I'd known something was going on. The weird blue light, the strange sounds, the man fol owing me, his threat. People went hiking al the time and nothing happened. Trust my brother to find the one forest that came with a deadly warning sign. Suppressing a shudder, I forced my attention back to the conversation. "I'l keep that in mind, thanks."

  "It's not just that," Clare said. "Other things have happened, people coming back and suddenly seeing things."

  She certainly had my attention now. "I don't understand. What things?"

  Clare inched closer and dropped her voice to a whisper. "Ghosts, souls, or whatever you want to cal them."

  I nodded, a cold shiver running down my back. Like the woman with the buggy crossing the street. Harry never saw her, but I knew she was there. Everything snapped into place. Back in London I'd have laughed at such superstition, but I was in Scotland, the land of mystery. Here anything seemed possible.

  "Did anything strange happen in the woods?" Clare regarded me intently, her
long fingers with black-painted nails curling around my wrist.

  "Because we can help you. You can trust me. It's not too late."

  Hadn't Aidan said something similar last night? I thought of the blue, flashing light, and then of the man, too dark to see, his deep voice too low to distinguish. Nothing had happened, but it could have. I shook my head. "Nope."

  Clare peered at me, doubtful, but didn't persevere for which I was thankful. I didn't want to keep lying. "How do you like your new job?" Clare asked.

  "It's different, but I like it." I said. Another lie.

  Clare smiled. "I remember your application. You were Aidan's choice straight away. Wil you be staying in Scotland after summer?"

  My heartbeat sped up. He wanted me straight away when I didn't even have any experience. Whatever Dal as put on that application helped me beat the competition. Or Aidan liked me, even if only on a subconscious level. Somehow, I wanted him to like me. "I'l be going back to London, I think. My boyfriend, wel , sort of has plans to move in together once I start col ege."

  "The one in the picture on your dresser?"

  "That'd be Cameron." I narrowed my gaze. Was she spying on me?

  Laughing, Clare raised her hands. "It's not what you think. I smel ed smoke and had to investigate. Wouldn't want to burn the house down, would we? Anyway, I cal ed Harry and he said it was the heating system. You know these old houses."

  "It's okay." I smiled, realising I was overreacting again.

  Clare brushed an imagined stray hair out of her face. "So, it's serious between Cameron and you?"

  "I think so." I blushed, wondering why Clare seemed so interested in my private life. But then I remembered I was in Scotland. If I were to live in a house in the middle of the Highlands, where nothing ever happened, I'd probably be pursuing any piece of gossip I could get my hands on.