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A Journey to the Land of Spirits

  By J.L. Chan

  Coypright 2016 J.L. Chan

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  Chapter One - SPIRITUAL


  Chapter Three -SEA OF MEMORIES


  Chapter Five -ISLE OF REGRETS


  Chapter Seven -A TRUE DESTINY

  Chapter Eight -TRIAL OF REGRETS




  Do you believe in spirits? Or maybe I should ask, do you believe in a land full of spirits?

  Little white glowing orbs that dwell in a world beyond comprehension.

  Do you believe in spirits? Or maybe I should ask, what if I could take you to the land full of spirits?

  You could say I am not spiritual―or even partially. I mean, why even be spiritual, let alone believe in spirits, if one can never even see a spirit in real life? At least that was what I thought. My experience will truly be unforgotten. That long trip that only lasted the blink of an eye. What was it, really?

  I am but a young teenage boy, ignited by the embers of life and charged by the sparks of energy. I live in the quiet and peaceful countryside, orchestrated by the voice of the birds, the flutes of the wind, and the bass of the sea. Vella dè Costa, Oriental Coast, the name bestowed by the locals. Indeed it was like lying in a hammock all day long. I study in a school, Edward Jr. High, the only school of this place.

  "Hey, did you know that spirits roam in the countryside?"

  "No, why?"

  "Well, they do! They exist, and they are watching us right here, right now,"

  "That is nice to hear, though I am not interested to know it."

  The same old story. Rumour. Spreading like a plague around the school. Why do people even believe in spirits? Have they even seen them? I am getting really tired of being repeatedly and continuously questioned the same way. The answer is always "No". No, no, no. Spirits do not exist. They make it up. Why? Because they have nothing better to do! Of course! Tsk, tsk, tsk.

  "Trish, Robert, Frank? What are you doing?" I asked out of curiosity.

  "We're trying to communicate with the spirits. Want to join us?" replied Trish, with a smile.

  "Like I would. I have said it, I am not interested about this 'spirit' hoax," I said with a thrust of rage.

  "It's not a hoax, Michael. We've done it before. Come, just try it. Please," pleaded Frank.

  "Yeah, it's not a hoax! Michael, just do it, for once, and then never ever forever," said Trish, siding with Frank.

  They pleaded me, just to try out their shenanigan. I... shouldn't really, but... God, it's hard. They are my friends, disillusioned by these 'spirits', but still my friends. Maybe I should try just to show them that it really is their imagination… or maybe I shouldn’t? Think. Think. Think.

  "So, have you pondered enough? Tell us your answer, Mike!" Trish said with excitement.

  "You know what? If it's just for once, then I'll do it," I replied.

  "Hooray for Michael! Hip! Hip! Hooray!" cheered all three of them.

  What have I just done? I have just accepted a request I shouldn't have had. Ugh, sometimes, I just have to hate myself. Either way, I can't get out of this now. Robert tutored me on how to perform this ritual of some sort.

  "You just sit there, with your feet tucked under your legs. Posture yourself so you feel comfortable. Now, lower your head and look straight down."

  I did as said by Robert. Ridiculous I felt, honestly.

  "Okay, I will ask you to close your eyes now, and empty your mind. Close it, softly, and think of something peaceful, something tranquil, something very much comforting for you. Do it for at least a minute and a half."

  So, I closed my eyes, and thought as calm as a cat would. My vision was black. All I could see was an empty, vast distance of blackness. Like I was thinking, there was no way anything could happen just by doing this. I relaxed my mind as long as what Robert mentioned. Still, nothing happened. What am I doing?



  ...Who's there? Who said that?


  H-how do you know my name?! Come out! Whoever you are!


  Just come out! I want to speak to you!


  Suddenly, my eyes opened. I... wait, where am I? What is this place? Where in the world have I been transported to?


  This place... surely it doesn't look like any place I know. I seem to be on an island, marooned far away from mainland. The ocean my eyes behold, with a palette of dark blue mixed with black. The skies, covered with floating purplish cotton. The sand, bluish, like my whole surroundings. The waves from the wide ocean splashing my feet... and the sea breeze blowing through my hair. I felt cold. Where was I?.. Why was I here?..

  A vast stretch of fog covered the whole island. In the distant, a tiny glowing orange dot. Guessing in my mind, it was a boat, or maybe a beacon. As far as I could see, it was still quite far away. Anyway, first things first, I have to find a way off of this island. Looking behind me, I found a large dense jungle filled with oversized palm trees and dangling vines.

  So, I entered the jungle, overcame by curiosity for what I could find in there. Of course I got lost! How could I not? I've never been into a jungle before. I ran and ran and ran... and ran... until I managed to find my way out. But.. wait! Wasn't this the same beach as before? That was strange, did I just make a circle? Hmm, guess I should go back.

  I reentered the jungle. Brr, this place gave me the creeps. Ah, I see a way out! Err.. wasn't this.. wait, this couldn't be, I swore I went another way unless―ugh, never mind. Time to go back in!

  The jungle I will go! The jungle I will go! Heigh-ho the merry-o! The jungle I will go! ♪

  I got so bored I started singing like an idiot. Heh. Okay, there was an exit. I swore to God, if I came back to the same beach again, I'll blow my mind off. And... voila! Back on the same beach. Wait a second, was that light closer now? Strange... I see it was now closing on to me now. Should I wait for it to come? Actually, I should since going back to that eerie jungle meant I was going to end up back here again either way.

  I waited for the orange dot to come closer. But... nope, it was not getting closer in any way. Yawn... I opened my mouth wide and inhaled in some of the breezy air. Immediately, I started dozing off. And then I closed my eyes.

  Tweet! Tweet!

  Awakened by the sweet sound of a bird, I opened my eyes. What my eyes beheld, a magnificent hummingbird with glowing white feathers. Majestic. That was why I loved hummingbirds so much. I couldn't believe that one could exist here. Symbolization of freedom and will, two of my most desired personalities. Hummingbird―the animal I love so much. You are my life.

  Now that I'd woken up, I stood up on my feet and observed my surroundings. I was still on this beach, and ah, the glowing dot has adopted the figure of a boat and it was going to dock here very soon. I waited patiently for the boat to arrive while the hummingbird flew around me.

  After a while, t
he boat arrived and docked onto the beach. I could see the tall black-hooded oarsman who rowed this boat. His hood covered his face, leaving it a mystery. The sight of him, however, terrified me. He looked like the grim reaper except without his scythe. I did not know if I should step aboard.


  This disembodied voice rang my head again. I think it was asking me to get on the boat.

  "Tweet!" The hummingbird chirped as if it seems to be telling me to get on as well.

  Well then, I must ride the tide!

  "Tweet tweet!" The hummingbird chirped ecstatically.

  I reluctantly stepped on the small boat, and the oarsman proceeded to row the both of us away. The hummingbird followed on our trail. It appears to be guiding me. Was it my spirit animal? No, it couldn't be. I don't believe in spirits; I refuse to. I had no idea what was going on. All of this just baffled me by a ton.


  In a moment, we were already far from the island. The hooded oarsman continued to row further and further into the ocean. The waters continued to ripple the calm sea while producing a harmonious rhythm. I wanted to ask him where we were going, but I kept shivering away in fear. The hooded man turned around suddenly and spoke.

  "Michael, was it?" his deep and echoing voice asked.

  "Yes, but, how do you know my name?" I replied while shuddering.

  "No need to be afraid. Was there something you wanted to ask?"

  "Yes. Do you know where this is?"

  "This is the Land of Spirits. We're on the Sea of Memories, to be precise,"


  Did the man just mention that we―no, I was in the 'Land of Spirits'? There was no way that I could be in such a place. Although with all these bedazzling panoramas my eyes were unfolding, I had no idea what to believe in. This was too much for me to handle. I still had one question: that voice in my head.


  Yes... that one question. Why was I chosen? Chosen to be, to traverse, a place encroaching with spirits here and there. My question. I'll hold it into my thoughts for now.

  "Aye, spirits. I too am a spirit. We live in these lands. That bird over there? It's a spirit too,"

  "I have one question," my mind suddenly talked for itself.

  The man silently waited for the question.

  "Why am I here? What business do you have with me?"

  The man glared at me with his blank eyes. It looked as if he knew I would pop a question such as that.

  "Hmhmhmhm," he laughed silently. "It is better for you to find it out yourself, Michael."

  ...Clearly a vague answer. I felt like someone or something was trying to send me a message or a warning. I chose to remain soundless for the rest of the trip, wherever he was taking me.

  "We're almost to our destination," said the man while overlooking the horizon.

  I too stood up to see in excitement. Alas, all I saw was seawater, expanding the whole region.

  "There's nothing there," I said with confusion.

  "Wait," he replied. And in a moment... "Michael... open your heart and feast your eyes."

  The clouds suddenly shattered like glass into a bright and clear blue sky adorned with the shining yellow sun. A blinding light blurred my eyes for a minute, and when it faded... a view I could not imagine. Still on the boat, I was approaching a sandy coast. The whole experience. Bizarre, as if it was straight of a storybook.

  The boat docked into the white and fluffy sand. I turned around and the oarsman was nowhere to be seen.

  "Woof! Woof!"

  I heard a familiar bark. I peered at where the sound came from and... oh my, it was my one puppy I loved so much! Yankee! Oh, how I missed you. Wait, weren't you gone? I swore I lost you when that happened... I tightly embraced my pup in a joyous reunion.

  I then took a walk with Yankee up the slopes following the path. It looked like I was back into my country! What a tiring experience I had. How I was truly glad to be home. I returned to my house with him.

  "Woof! Bark bark!" Yankee barked cheerfully.

  Immediately at home, I started playing frisbee with Yankee. The good old days. Yankee had always liked playing with the frisbee. I enjoyed playing so much I literally forgot about the events earlier. Here you go, boy! Oh shoot, I threw that one too far out! No, Yankee, don't chase it!

  *Honk! Honk! Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech*

  Oh no, no, no, no, no, no! This cannot be happening! Not again! I rushed into the streets. The sight scarred me. Yankee was hit by the car. Blood was everywhere. Yankee's body―mangled beyond recognition. I cannot allow this to happen again, not after I got you back! There was no way in hell that this was happening!

  Wait a minute... this was nostalgic. This had happened before. Was history repeating itself?!

  Suddenly, the mutilated carcass of what used to be Yankee transformed into the hummingbird from before. A dark shadowy figure manifesting into a silhouette that resembled me smiled at me with a devilish grin. The surroundings then started to dissipate into an empty void of darkness.

  "Chirp..." the hummingbird chirped with disappointment.

  I blinked and I found myself back on the boat, with the oarsman from before. I must have slept and dreamed of my tragic past.

  "Good morning, Michael. I'm a tad bit upset with you," the man said.

  "For what? I was just taking a doze,"

  "You weren't. You were simulating your memories,"

  "You see―the Sea of Memories, it's where all your past, present, and future are stored. You were supposed to relive your past and be strong. Yet, you failed. Miserably,"

  "I don't understand what happened. I don't understand any of this. Where in the world am I? Why am I here?" I sternly asked.

  "You will learn, Michael. For now, sit calmly while we continue on."


  And so we set forth for another destination. The oarsman said that I was not sleeping, but simulating my memories. Simulate? Like a hologram world? He also mentioned that I failed. What was there to fail? It was horrible for me to relive such a terrible past. I just didn't understand any of this, nor why I was brought here in the first place. Sigh.. guess I have to start 'learning' whatever there was to learn.

  "Enjoying the calm blue sea, Michael?" said the oarsman, triggering a conversation.

  "Uh, yeah. It's scenic and marvelous,"

  "Well, we're headed to somewhere north from here,"

  "How long―"

  "About thirty to forty-five minutes or so," he interrupted.

  "Continue enjoying the view."

  Just then, I saw an enormous cumulonimbus cloud. I feared a hurricane was going to blow both the boat and us away. I started getting more worried as we rowed onwards. However, the oarsman was seemingly calm. Too calm...

  "Hey... are we going to like, plow through that storm?" I asked while profusely sweating.

  He gave not a single response.

  Thunder started cracking. Winds started brewing. In a flash, we were trapped in the storm. Rain poured and drenched the whole mass. The seas were no longer tranquil. The boat rocked hard from side-to-side like we were on a buckling bull set on max speed. Still, the oarsman remained deviantly calm throughout the calamity. I knew something was awfully sinister about him!

  "We are taking a detour," said the oarsman.

  Phew! I exhaled a breath of ease. Oh, was I relieved to hear him say such words. I was scared out of my skin.

  *Crick! Crack! Crang!! Crick! Crack! Crang!!*

  The thunder echoed throughout the area. I couldn't even hear myself in such a state. When I turned around for a bit, I saw something that I had not imagined up until this point. A colossal wave was chasing our stern, and it was catching up really fast―fast like meteor entering Earth! I became extremely petrified.

  "Hold tight, Michael..." the oarsman said a cryptic line.

  How am I supposed to brace myself for suc
h impact?! We were going to capsize! It was hopeless! I turned around and attempted to face the oarsman. But.. holy mother of God. He was gone! Vanished into thin air! What in the world was going on? Was he leaving me out here to die?! No! This couldn't be! I could do nothing. I squatted down and closed my eyes, bracing for impact.

  Whoosh! Bam! Grugrugrugru...

  The boat capsized. I was in the water and I was too fatigued to swim back up. I started drowning, and I had no energy to hold myself up. And then my mind went blank. Sinking into the great blue ocean. I couldn't move an inch, let alone struggle. Plunging deep into the depths of the ocean. I then landed on a circular platform. I then realized I could breathe, so I attempted to stand up as well.

  I observed my surroundings. The platform I was on was illuminating a bright green light and looked like it was made of stained glass. There was no sky, and below the platform was an bottomless pit. The whole platform was shrouded by a black-blue cloudy mist. Where had I gone to now?

  "Tweet! Tweet!"

  I heard a charming tweet again. I turned around and saw that the hummingbird was there. Its feathers glowing in the dim. Hey little guy, what were you doing here? Once more, the hummingbird was twirling around me, indicating me to follow it. Alright then, let's see where you'll be taking me to. Reaching the edge of the platform, a pathway magically showed up from nowhere. As I followed it and walked along the path...