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  Suncoast Society

  A Kinkmas Carol

  Seth and Leah are hosting a kinky Christmas party for their friends, complete with a rigging contest. This time of year is always hard on both of them as they each remember Kaden in their own way and the past and present come together in their hearts and memories.

  Kaden wasn’t just an important part of their lives—he mentored countless people as a founding member of the Suncoast Society munch group. As the revelers congregate and reminisce about their lost friend, it soon becomes apparent to some that, just maybe, there’s an extra guest in attendance who wasn’t on any RSVP list.

  Are their imaginations simply running wild due to the evening’s high spirits? Or is it possible that the ultimate control freak is fulfilling a promise he made to those he loved most?

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 34,029 words


  Suncoast Society

  Tymber Dalton



  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Siren Sensations


  Copyright © 2016 by Tymber Dalton

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-68295-662-5

  First E-book Publication: December 2016

  Cover design by Harris Channing

  All art and logo copyright © 2016 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: This literary work may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including electronic or photographic reproduction, in whole or in part, without express written permission.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  For Hubby and Sir. And for our friends who’ve passed on, who helped make so many good memories for so many people.


  I’ve been asked a lot about writing a “Kaden” book, a prequel of sorts to The Reluctant Dom. Unfortunately, “the voices” really haven’t given me that. I’ve had this tale rattling around in my brain for a while and hope that it will help give you more of a look at some of Kaden’s thoughts throughout the years he was with Leah, and especially during his final years.

  Some of the characters in this book appear in or are featured in previous books in the Suncoast Society series. Kaden, Leah, and Seth were first featured in The Reluctant Dom, and there are more parts of their story referenced in Open Doors and Spank or Treat. The rigging contest Leah wins is in A Very Kinky Valentine’s Day. While you don’t have to read those titles first to get the gist of what’s going on, it’ll make more sense if you do.

  While all the books in the Suncoast Society series are standalone works which may be read independently of each other, the recommended reading order to avoid spoilers and to not miss any backstory information is as follows:

  1. Safe Harbor

  2. Cardinal’s Rule

  3. Domme by Default

  4. The Reluctant Dom

  5. The Denim Dom

  6. Pinch Me

  7. Broken Toy

  8. A Clean Sweep

  9. A Roll of the Dice

  10. His Canvas

  11. A Lovely Shade of Ouch

  12. Crafty Bastards

  13. A Merry Little Kinkmas

  14. Sapiosexual

  15. A Very Kinky Valentine’s Day

  16. Things Made Right

  17. Click

  18. Spank or Treat

  19. A Turn of the Screwed

  20. Chains

  21. Kinko de Mayo

  22. Broken Arrow

  23. Out of the Spotlight

  24. Friends Like These

  25. Vicious Carousel

  26. Hot Sauce

  27. Open Doors

  28. One Ring

  29. Vulnerable

  30. The Strength of the Pack

  31. Initiative

  32. Impact

  33. Liability

  34. Switchy

  35. Rhymes With Orange

  36. Beware Falling Ice

  37. Beware Falling Rocks

  38. Dangerous Curves Ahead

  39. Two Against Nature

  40. Home at Last

  41. A Kinkmas Carol

  All titles available from Siren-BookStrand.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Author's Note

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  About the Author




  Suncoast Society


  Copyright © 2016

  Chapter One

  An e-mail sent out by Tony Daniels to specially selected members of the Suncoast Society munch group:

  November 1

  Dear Friends,

  I know it’s early, but with everyone so busy for the holidays, I decided to send this out now so people could plan ahead.

  Seth and Leah would like to invite you and your significant and non-significant oth
ers to their home for a Christmas/Holiday/ (insert your preferred choice here) Kinkmas Party. Or, if you’re into CBT, a Nutcracker’s Ball.

  Sorry, but that joke never gets old.

  Dress up (or undress) for the holiday spirit and a sexy night of kinky festivities, or whatever decks your balls or trims your tits.

  We’re having another rigging contest. You know what that means—prizes! Yes, we’ve already disqualified the usual offenders from winning the recreational category to keep things fair, but we’re having two categories this time—occasional and close enough to pro—so the two groups can compete fairly amongst like skillsets.

  May whatever deities there are help the experts’ poor rope bottoms, because you know the competition will be fierce between them.

  Also, since it’s the holidays, we’re having a white elephant gift exchange. If you’d like to participate (optional) please bring a wrapped gag gift of $10 or less in value to toss into the pile.

  The event takes place Saturday, December 15.

  RSVP to Tony BEFORE Monday, December 10. Directions and gate access code will be sent to those who RSVP on Tuesday, December 11.

  Arrive after 6:00 p.m.

  Dinner will be at 7:00 p.m.

  Stay and play until ???

  There is a heated pool and a hot tub. If you’d like to use them, bring a towel and a bathing suit. The towel is mandatory, but the suit is optional.

  Please bring a side dish to share, and beverages of your choice. There will be a main barbecue dish provided (beef and chicken).


  1) Please arrive in non-fetish attire. The neighbors are very vanilla and we do not want to upset their peaceful world.

  2) Dress for a sexy holiday barbecue. If you want to change (or strip) after dark for sexy play, that’s okay, too.

  3) Don’t bring uninvited guests (we usually say yes if you want to add someone, but please ask first), and please don’t talk about the party to anyone not on the guest list.

  4) NO drugs. No smoking inside (outside on lanai ONLY in designated area).

  5) Alcohol is allowed, but you must bring your own and play responsibly.

  6) Please leave the parking spaces near the house free for people bringing play furniture. If you wish to bring play furniture, please coordinate with Ross, Seth, or Tony.

  7) The house is on a septic system, so no…

  Chapter Two


  “I don’t understand why we can’t just place orders for snack trays, subs, and desserts from Publix,” Karina Glaussen snarked. “They’re good, and cheap. A fraction of the price of this ridiculousness. And the venue is so expensive.”

  Leah resisted the urge to rub her temples and show weakness. The octogenarian had done her level best to simultaneously take over the Christmas fundraiser as well as shirk all duties she claimed she wanted to volunteer for. The only reason Leah hadn’t ordered her out yet was because the woman’s husband had left a sizable endowment to the foundation upon his death six months earlier, and Leah knew it would be impolitic of her to kick the old bat out, even if the gift couldn’t be revoked by the estate or the cantankerous old widow. Being a widow herself, Leah tried to be sympathetic, except Karina had been an obnoxious canker sore even before her husband died.

  But Leah had nearly reached the end of her patience.

  “This is a formal dinner,” Leah said in what she hoped came off as a patient tone. The other ten women gathered around the conference room table were staring at Leah in hope, possibly tinged with desperation. “It is always a formal dinner when I run it. That’s the way we do it, and when I took over years ago, it proved worth it.”

  “Well, I don’t think it’s an effective use of funds. I didn’t do it like that.”

  Leah drummed her fingers on the table. “The years I was unable to function as the winter fundraiser chair because of my personal situation, our donations plummeted nearly seventy-five percent despite an eighty percent ‘savings’ in the dinner costs due to using that type of format. In other words, we tripped over a ton of hundred-dollar bills while trying to pick up pennies.”

  Leah didn’t have to mention the old bat had been “in charge” those years and had refused Leah’s suggestions and even scoffed at the detailed project plan Leah had tried to give the woman. A blueprint Karina could have easily used to follow what Leah had been doing.

  Everyone at the table already knew that. “In contrast, with myself back in the chair and returning to a tried and true format, our donations rebounded and even exceeded previous years despite the economy. Would you like to see the spreadsheets?” Leah arched an eyebrow at her and waited.

  “Well…why can’t we do a potluck, then? And maybe find a church or something to hold it at.”

  Leah snapped. “Because this is not a church social, Karina. And we’ll be having a cash bar, of which we also get a cut of the proceeds. No offense, but you had a couple of years to do it better than I did despite your years of bitching at me about how I did do it, and you didn’t do it better than me. So why don’t you sit back and enjoy the fact that you don’t have anything to do now other than try to gripe about how we do do it, hmm?” Leah stared the older woman down, ignoring the audible gasps from the others.

  Well, except Loren, who sat at the far end of the table and not-so-silently snickered.

  Karina blinked first, her face going red. “You’re certainly being very rude.”

  Leah’s voice dropped, channeling Kaden as she always did in these situations, the way she’d seen him handle opposing counsel countless times when she’d accompanied him to depositions and meetings.

  “Ooohh, honey, you haven’t seen rude yet. That was me being polite. Now, are you done wasting our time here, or are you going to actually help? I’ll be happy to assign someone else your duties if you’re unable to perform. I know at your age it can be difficult to get out as much as you might like.”

  “Ssss, burn,” Loren whispered, which prompted a round of nervous laughter from everyone else in the room.

  Leah, however, didn’t even blink as she continued staring Karina down.

  The older woman finally sat back, her arms crossed over her chest as she glared at Leah.

  Leah took a deep breath and shot Karina a don’t fuck with me, bitch look as she started speaking again. “As I was saying, we put out bid requests, and once again, Cartierie’s Catering came back with the best price. Considering that they’ve handled the dinner for us for the past twelve years, not counting the few years they weren’t hired because other avenues were unsuccessfully explored”—she shot Karina a dirty look—“I think they are definitely a wise choice. I have already confirmed they can meet our deadline with the agreed upon menu. Show of hands?” Leah raised hers.

  Loren’s shot up immediately, quickly followed by everyone else’s.

  Except Karina’s.

  The woman glared at the other eleven faces around the table before slowly raising her hand. “I still say it’s a waste of money, but apparently my opinion doesn’t matter.”

  Leah flashed her a Kaden grin. The kind he used to don when he’d just skewered someone in a deposition or hearing. “That’s all right, Karina. Embrace the future. It’s a good thing.”

  * * * *

  “Holy shitballs,” Loren muttered as she and Leah crossed the parking lot and headed toward Leah’s car. “That woman is freaking miserable to work with. Remind me again why she’s still on the committee?”

  “Donald Glaussen’s two-million-dollar endowment.”

  Loren snorted. “Probably the only thing he was endowed with.” She wiggled her fingers. “Such tiny hands he had. You know what they say.”

  “You might be right. She was equally miserable even before he died.”

  Leah hit the button on her key fob and the horn of her Lexus sedan chirruped as the doors unlocked. She stared at Loren across the roof after setting her purse and messenger bag on the backseat.

  “I mean, does it mak
e me a horrible person for not being more sympathetic to her? I was only married to Kaden for twenty years. She was married to her husband for something like forty.”

  The women climbed into the car. As Leah cranked the engine and got the AC going, Loren spoke. “Honey, it doesn’t matter if she was married to him four or four hundred years. She’s a miserable cunt, and I don’t use that word loosely, you know that. Hell, the years she was in charge I wanted to strangle her. There were a few nights Ross was close to ordering me to quit the committee because I’d come home from a meeting ranting about her bullshit. She’d bulldoze over everyone else and ignore what we told her to do despite our votes and just authorize shit we didn’t agree to.”

  Leah fingered her day collar. “I wish you guys had told me. I would have come back sooner to run it.”

  “Seriously? No. You were doing what you needed to be doing, and that was taking care of you and yours.” Loren sighed. “Sweetie, believe me, we love having you back. Your worth to the foundation has been more than proven. The second year she was in charge, George did everything in his power to try to ‘gently’ suggest to her to step aside and she wouldn’t. If it hadn’t been for her husband and his money and influence, George would have found his balls a lot sooner and kicked her off the committee.”

  “It’s a good thing Tilly wasn’t available to volunteer this year.” Leah smiled. “Although I would have paid good money to see her go after Karina in there just now.”