Read A Knight of the White Cross: A Tale of the Siege of Rhodes Page 12


  Among those most pleased at the appointment of Gervaise to the commandof the galley was Sir John Boswell. Ever since the adventure with thepirates, the knight had exhibited an almost fatherly interest in him;had encouraged him in his studies, ridden with him on such occasions ashe had permitted himself a short holiday, and had, whenever they weretogether, related to him stories of war, sieges, battles, and escapes,from which he thought the young knight might gain lessons for his futureguidance.

  "I doubt, Gervaise," he said one day, as they were riding quietly alongthe road, "whether our plan of life is altogether the best. We werefounded, you know, simply as a body of monks, bound to devote ourselvessolely to the care of the sick, and to give hospitality to pilgrims inPalestine. Now this was monkish work, and men who devoted themselvessolely to such a life of charity as that in our Hospital at Jerusalem,might well renounce all human pleasures; but when the great changewas made by Master Raymond du Puy, and from a nursing body we became abrotherhood in arms, it seems to me that the vows of celibacy were nolonger needful or desirable. The crusaders were, many of them, marriedmen, but they fought no worse for that. It would have been far better,methinks, had we been converted into an Order pledged to resist theinfidel, but without the vows of poverty and of celibacy, which havenever been seriously regarded.

  "The garrison here might be composed, as indeed it is now, principallyof young knights, of those who have not cared to marry, and of theofficers of the Order whose wives and families might dwell here withthem. This would have many advantages. Among others, the presence of somany ladies of rank would have the excellent effect of discountenancingand repressing extravagances and dissolute habits, which are but toocommon, and are a shame to the Order. Knights possessing commanderiesthroughout Europe would be no worse stewards for being married men, andscandals, such as contributed largely to the downfall of the Templars,would be avoided.

  "The sole vow necessary, so far as I can see, would be that knightsshould remain unmarried and disposable at all times for service untilten years after making their profession, and that afterwards they shouldever be ready to obey the summons to arms, on occasions when the safetyof Rhodes, or the invasion of any Christian country by the Moslems,rendered their services needful, when they would come out just as theknights of Richard the Lion Heart went out as crusaders. I have spenthalf my life since I joined the Order in commanderies at home, and adull life it was, and I was glad enough to resign my last command andcome out here. Had I been able to marry, I might now have had a son ofyour age, whose career I could watch and feel a pride in. My life wouldhave been far happier in England, and in all respects I should be abetter man than I am now. Methinks it would strengthen rather thanweaken the Order. As a fighting body we should be in no way inferiorto what we are now, and we should be more liked and more respectedthroughout Europe, for naturally the sight of so many men leading aluxurious life in commanderies causes a feeling against them."

  "But I suppose, Sir John, that there is no great difficulty in obtaininga dispensation from our vows?"

  "In this, as in all other matters, everything depends upon interest ormoney. Of course, dispensations are not common; but doubtless any knightwhen he had served his term of active service could, especially ifhis request were backed by the grand master, obtain from the Popea dispensation of his vows. If he had a commandery it would make avacancy, and give the grand prior, or the grand master, or the council,in whosoever's gift it might be, an opportunity of rewarding services orof gratifying some powerful family."

  "I agree with you that it would have been much better, Sir John. I canunderstand that monks, ever living a quiet life apart from the world,should be content so to continue; but among a body of warlike knightsthere must be many who, in time, must come to regret the vows they tookwhen boys. The cadet of a noble family might, by the death of elderbrothers, come to be the head of a great family, the ruler over widedomains. Surely it would be desirable that such a man should be able tomarry and have heirs."

  "Doubtless it could be managed in such cases, Gervaise, but it is a pitythat it should have to be managed. I can see no reason in the world whya knight, after doing ten years of service here, should not be freeto marry, providing he takes a vow to render full service to the Orderwhenever called upon to do so. Already the vow of poverty is everywherebroken. Already, in defiance of their oaths, too many knights lead idleand dissolute lives. Already, knights, when in their own countries,disregard the rule that they shall draw sword in no cause save that ofthe Holy Sepulchre, and, like other knights and nobles, take part incivil strife or foreign wars. All this is a scandal, and it were betterby far to do away with all oaths, save that of obedience and willingnessto war with the infidel, than to make vows that all men know areconstantly and shamelessly broken.

  "I am fond of you, Gervaise. I am proud of you, as one who has broughthonour to our langue, and who, in time, will bring more honour. I amglad that, so far as there can be between a young knight and one ofmiddle age, there is a friendship between us. But see what greaterpleasure it would give to my life were you my son, for whom I couldlay by such funds as I could well spare, instead of spending all myappointments on myself, and having neither kith nor kin to give a sighof regret when the news comes that I have fallen in some engagement withthe infidels. I often think of all these things, and sometimes talk themover with comrades, and there are few who do not hold, with me, that itwould be far better that we should become a purely military Order, likesome of the military Orders in the courts of the European sovereigns,than remain as we are, half monk, half soldier--a mixture that, so faras I can see, accords but badly with either morality or public repute.

  "However, I see no chance of such a change coming, and we must becontent to observe our vows as well as may be, so long as we are willingto remain monks and try to obtain dispensation from our vows should wedesire to alter our mode of life. We ought either to have remained monkspure and simple, spending our lives in deeds of charity, a life whichsuits many men, and against which I should be the last to say anything,or else soldiers pure and simple, as were the crusaders, who wrestedthe Holy Sepulchre from the hands of the infidels. At present, Gervaise,your vocation lies wholly in the way of fighting, but it may be that thetime will come when you may have other aims and ambitions, and when thevows of the Order will gall you."

  "I hope not, Sir John," Gervaise said earnestly.

  "You are young yet," the knight replied, with an indulgent smile. "Someday you may think differently. Now," he went on, changing the subjectabruptly, "when will your galley be ready?"

  "This is my last ride, Sir John. The shipwrights will have finishedtomorrow, and the next day we shall take possession of her, and begin topractise, so that each man shall know his duties, and the galley slaveslearn to row well, before we have orders to sail. I wish you were goingwith us, Sir John."

  "I should like it, lad, in many respects. It does one good to see theenthusiasm of young men, and doubtless you will be a merry party.But, on the other hand, unless I mistake, you will be undertaking wildadventures, and my time for these is well nigh passed. When the Turkcomes here, if he ever comes--and of that I have little doubt--Ishall be ready to take my full share of the fighting; but I shall seekadventures no longer, and shall go no more to sea. Next only to thebailiff, I am the senior of our auberge, and--but this is betweenourselves, lad--am like to succeed to the grand priory of England whenit becomes vacant, and if not I shall, as the grand master has told me,have the offer of the next high office vacant in the palace."

  Two days later Gervaise and his company of young knights went down tothe port to take part in the launch of the new galley. This was theoccasion of a solemn ceremony, the grand master and a large number ofknights being present. A religious service first took place on herpoop, and she was named by the grand master the Santa Barbara. When theceremony was over, Gervaise was solemnly invested with the command ofthe galley by the grand marshal of the navy; th
en the shores were struckaway, and the galley glided into the water, amid the firing of guns, theblowing of trumpets, and the cheers of the spectators who had gatheredat the port to witness the ceremony.

  The next morning a gang of galley slaves were marched down. A third ofthese had been drawn from the crews of other galleys, their places beingsupplied by new hands. The remainder were taken from the men employedon the fortifications. Three weeks were occupied in teaching the rowerstheir work, and getting them well together. They were a fine crew, forthe governor of St. Pelagius, grateful to Gervaise for the discovery ofthe plot, had ordered the overseers to pick out from the various gangsmen specially suited by age and strength for the work.

  The dye by this time had entirely worn off his face, and although hishair was still several shades darker than of old, it differed even morewidely from the ebon hue that it had been when he was in prison. Thus,although he recognised three or four men upon the benches who had beenfellow occupants of his cell, he had no fear whatever of their detectingin the commander of the galley their late companion in misfortune.

  Only a portion of the knights had been out each day while the crew werelearning to row, as there was but little for them to learn. The galleycarried no sails, and the knights were soldiers rather than sailors, andfought on the deck of their ship, as if defending a breach, or stormingone held by the enemy. Moreover, as all of them had already made one ormore voyages, they were accustomed to such duties as they would have todischarge on board.

  All were glad when an order was published for the galley to sail. On theeve of departure Gervaise was sent for by the grand master. The generalof the galleys was with him when Gervaise entered the room. The bailiffof Auvergne always held the position of grand marshal, and the bailiffof Italy that of second in command, with the title of grand admiral.These officials, however, as heads of their respective langues, had manyother duties to perform, and it was only on great occasions that theytook any practical share in the work of which they were nominally heads.The real control in all naval questions rested with the general of thegalleys, who was elected by the council, but on the nomination of thegrand master.

  His power when at sea with the fleet was absolute. He could suspend anyofficer from duty, and had unquestioned power of life and death overthe crews. He had been frequently on board the galley since she had beenlaunched, and had been pleased with the attention paid by Gervaise tohis duties, and with the ready manner in which the young knights carriedout his orders.

  "Sir Gervaise Tresham," he said, "it is usual, as you know, to appointeach galley to a certain cruising ground, to which it is confined duringits three months' absence. At present there is a galley on each of thesestations, and as the last relief took place but a month since, it isbetter that they should remain at the stations allotted to them. Ihave therefore, after consultation with his Highness the grand master,decided to give you a free hand. You are as likely to meet with piratesin one quarter as in another, and you will pick up from vessels youmay overhaul news of their doings, which will enable you to direct yourcourse to the point where you will be most useful."

  "In the first place, however, you will proceed to the coast of Tunis.Visconti's galley is already there, but the coast swarms with corsairs,and we have had many complaints as to their depredations. The Court ofSpain has twice represented to us lately that the pirates have grownso bold that vessels have been carried off, even when coasting from oneSpanish port to another. Visconti is specially watching the coast nearTunis, and you will therefore perhaps do better to proceed farther west,for every village from Tunis to Tangier is little better than a nestof pirates. I should imagine that you will find ample employment thereduring your three months' cruise. When I say that you are free tochoose your own cruising ground, I do not mean that you should go up theLevant, or to the east of the Mediterranean, but that you are not boundto keep close along the African coast, but may, should you obtain anyinformation to warrant your doing so, seek the pirates along the shoresof Spain, Sardinia, Corsica, or Sicily.

  "I need not warn you to act with prudence as well as courage, for youhave proved that you possess both qualities. Do not allow yourself tobe carried away by the impetuosity of your knights; it is more oftenthe duty of a commander to restrain than to encourage his crew, and withsuch young blood as you have under your command the necessity will begreater than usual. Be kind to your slaves, but be ever watchful;yet this I need not tell you. Maintain a strict but not over severediscipline. You are all knights and comrades of the Order, and equalswhen on shore, but on board you are the captain and they are yoursoldiers. I have this afternoon had a meeting of your knights, and haveurged upon them very strongly that, having volunteered to serve underyou, they must obey your orders as promptly and willingly as if you werethe senior knight of the Order, and that it behooves them speciallyupon the present occasion, when the crew is composed entirely of youngknights, to show themselves worthy of the honour that has been done tothem by entrusting a galley of the Order to their charge. I told themI should regard your report of their individual conduct with the sameattention and respect with which I should that of any other commander,and that they might greatly make or mar their future prospects in theOrder by their conduct during the cruise. I am convinced, from what Iknow of you, that you will exercise no undue harshness, but will actwith tact and discretion, as well as firmness."

  "I will try to do so, your Excellency. I feel that it is a heavyresponsibility and will spare no pains to justify the unmerited honourthat has been bestowed upon me."

  "You have seen that the taking in of stores is complete, and thatnothing is wanting for the voyage?"

  "Yes, sir. I stood by while the overseer of stores checked off everysack and barrel as it came on board. The water is to be brought off thisevening, and as I was unable to be present, Sir Ralph Harcourt is thereto count the barrels and see that all are full."

  "Goodbye, Sir Gervaise," the grand master said, as the interviewterminated.

  "Hitherto you have given me, from the time you reached the Island,naught but reason for satisfaction at my nomination of you as page,and I have no fear that you will fail this time. Remember that valour,however great, cannot prevail against overpowering odds. You had alesson of that when you served under Ricord, though finally the affairturned out well. I do not say, don't attempt desperate undertakings, butdon't attempt impossible ones. Be careful of the lives of your knights.Remember that ere long every sword may be of the utmost consequence inthe defence of Rhodes, and that even the capture of pirates may be toodearly purchased; but that, at the same time, the honour of the flagof the Order must be upheld at all hazards. Ah!" he broke off, seeinga slight smile on the young knight's face, "you think my orderscontradictory? It may be so; but you know what I mean, and I fear notthat you will blunder in carrying them out. Be prudent, and yet notover prudent. I mean, be not rash, unless there are such benefits to beobtained as would justify great risk in obtaining them."

  On returning to the auberge, Gervaise had a long chat with Ralph.

  "I think the admiral's talk with us this afternoon had an excellenteffect, Gervaise. I do not say that every one was not before disposedto obey you in all things, willingly and cheerfully; but he put it sostrongly to them that they had volunteered specially for service in thisgalley, knowing well who was to be its commander, and the circumstancethat the crew was to consist solely of young knights, and had thereforespecially pledged their honour so to act that the enterprise should bein all respects a successful one. To render it so, obedience was evena greater necessity than valour. This was the most important of all thevows taken by the knights of the Order, and it was only by the strictestand most unquestioning obedience on the part of all to the orders oftheir superiors, that the work of a vast community could be carriedon. Passing over the fact that you were their superior in rank, both asbeing a secular knight and a knight commander of the Order, you hadbeen specially appointed by the grand master and council, as well asby himself, and that they
bestowed upon you while at sea, and inthe absence of any officers of superior rank, their full powers andauthority. You were, in fact, their representative and agent, andtherefore to be regarded with the same deference and respect that wouldbe due to the oldest knight similarly placed. 'Lastly,' he said, in aless serious tone, 'you must remember that this is an experiment, and,as some think, a somewhat rash one. Never before did a galley, mannedentirely from among the youngest of our knights, put to sea; and you maybe sure that, unless successful, the experiment is not likely to be everrepeated. You have been selected from among many other candidates, andyou have not only to justify the choice, but to uphold the reputationand honour of the young knights of your Order, by all of whom yourdoings will be regarded with special interest, as reflecting credit notonly upon yourselves individually, but as representatives and championsof them all.'

  "I could see that his words had a great effect. He had placed me besidehim, and I marked their faces as he spoke. Each face lit up at hisappeal, and I do not think there was one but silently registered a vowto do all in his power to prove himself worthy of the confidence placedin him and his companions by the grand master and admiral. I had beforeno shadow of fear that everything would not go well. I knew almost allof them personally, and if I myself had had the selection from amongthe whole body of knights in the convent, I could not have made a choicethat would have suited me better. It seems to me that in each aubergethe bailiff has endeavoured to pick out the seven young knights whom heconsidered would most worthily support the honour of the langue. Still,confident as I was before, I feel more so now, after the admiral'saddress to us."

  "I had no fear either, Ralph, though doubtless the admiral's wordswill carry great weight with them. It was thoughtlessness rather thananything else that I dreaded; but now that the admiral himself hasspoken to them, there is no fear that anything will occur to give ustrouble. I have particularly noticed that when we have been on board,and have been laughing and chatting together before we got under way,their manner changed directly the first order was given, and that allthe commands were carried out with as much goodwill and alacrity as ifthey were under Ricord himself."

  On the following morning the knights all went on board the SantaBarbara. Their baggage was carried down by slaves, and by the personalservants from each auberge who were to go as their attendants duringthe voyage. The grand master had advanced Gervaise a sum equal to half ayear's income of his commandery, and with this he had purchased a stockof the best wines, and various other luxuries, to supplement the rationssupplied from the funds of the Order to knights when at sea. Gervaisehad to go round early to the admiral to sign the receipt for stores andto receive his final orders in writing. All were, therefore, on boardbefore him and, when he arrived, were drawn up in military order toreceive him.

  Every knight was in full armour, and as, at a word from Ralph, theydrew their swords and saluted the young commander, Gervaise felt with athrill of pleasure and of confidence that with such a following heneed not fear any encounter with a pirate force, unless in overwhelmingnumbers.

  The young knights were all, with the exception only of Ralph Harcourt,between the ages of seventeen and nineteen, and their young faces, freein most cases even from the suspicion of a moustache, looked almostthose of boys. But there was no mistaking the ardour and enthusiasm intheir faces, and the lack of breadth and weight, that years alone wouldgive to them, was compensated by skill in their weapons, acquired bylong and severe training, and by the activity and tireless energy ofyouth.

  "Knights and comrades," Gervaise said as, after walking through thedouble line to the end of the poop he turned and faced them, "I amproud indeed to command so gallant a body of knights. The success of ourexpedition depends upon you rather than upon me, and as I feel assuredof your warm cooperation I have no fear as to what the result will be,if Dame Fortune will but favour us by throwing in our way some of thosescourges of the sea in search of whom we are about to set out. Many ofus have already encountered them, and, fighting side by side with olderknights, have borne our share of the work, while those who have not doneso will, I am sure, do equally well when the opportunity arrives. Weshall not this voyage have the encouragement and confidence inspired bythe presence of those who have long and valiantly borne the standard ofthe Order; but, on the other hand, we have to show that we are worthyof the confidence reposed in us, and that the young knights of the Ordercan be trusted to emulate the deeds of those who have rendered the nameof the Hospitallers a terror to the infidel."

  A shout of approbation greeted the close of his address. Gervaise thenwalked forward to the end of the poop, and looked down upon the slaves,who, with their oars out, were awaiting the order to row.

  "Men," he said in Turkish, "it is my desire that, while it is necessarythat you should do your work, your lot shall be no heavier than can beavoided. You will not be taxed beyond your powers, save when the enemyis in sight, or there is supreme need for haste, but then you must becalled upon for your utmost exertions. I wish your work to be willing.I abhor the use of the lash, and so long as each man does his fair quotaof work, I have given the strictest orders that it shall never be used.I have, at my own cost, made provision that your daily rations shall beimproved while under my command. Meat will be served out to you daily,when it can be obtained, and for those of you who hold that the stricttenets of your religion may be relaxed while engaged in such severelabour, a ration of wine will also be served out; and such otherindulgences as are compatible with the discipline and safety of theship, will also be granted to you."

  There was a murmur of gratitude among the slaves. Gervaise then gave theorder to row, and the galley started on her voyage. The knights had nowfallen out from their ranks, and were soon laughing and talking gaily.Being all of noble families and knightly rank, there was, except when onactual duty, a tone of perfect equality and good fellowship prevailingamong them. French was the common language, for as the Order was ofFrench foundation, and three of the seven langues belonged to thatcountry, most of the high dignitaries being chosen from their ranks,it was natural that the French language should be the general medium ofcommunication between them.

  Until noon the slaves rowed steadily and well. Work was then stopped,for there was scarce a breath of wind stirring the water. Even under theawning that had, as the sun gained power, been erected over the poop,the heat was oppressive. The knights had all divested themselves oftheir armour, and most of them retired below for a siesta. As soon asthe slaves stopped rowing, an awning, which Gervaise had purchased,and which was rolled up under the break of the poop, was, to theirastonishment, drawn over them.

  "Don't you think you are spoiling your slaves, Sir Gervaise?" one of theSpanish knights asked doubtfully.

  "On the contrary, Sir Pedro, I hope that I am improving them. You havenot worked as a galley slave, but I have, and I can assure you that Iused to feel the hours when we were lying broiling in the sun, doingnothing, much more trying than those during which I was at work. I usedto be quite giddy and sick with the heat, and on getting out theoars again had scarce strength to work them. But this is not the mostimportant point. In port the slaves always sleep in the prison, but atsea they must rest on their benches; and to do so with clothes soakedwith the heavy dew must be a severe trial, and most prejudicial to thehealth. The awning cost but a few ducats, and I reckon that, puttingaside the comfort to the slaves, it will be very speedily repaid bytheir better health and capacity for labour. When away in the galleywith Sir Louis Ricord, I used to feel the greatest pity for theunfortunate wretches when at daybreak, in their drenched clothes, andshivering with cold and wet, they rose to commence their work. I thentook a vow that if ever I should come to command a galley I wouldprovide an awning for the slaves."

  Two or three of the knights standing by expressed their warm approvalof what Gervaise said. There was, in those days, but little of thatsentiment of humanity that is now prevalent, and slaves were everywhereregarded as mere beasts of burden rather than as
human beings. When,however, they had the question put to them, as Gervaise had done, theywere ready to give a hearty agreement, although it was the utilitarianrather than the humanitarian side of the question that recommended itto them. After three hours' rest the journey was renewed, and justat nightfall the galley anchored off an islet lying to the north ofCarpathos.

  While the servants were laying the tables along the poop for theevening meal, Gervaise went down to see that his orders were carried outregarding the food for the slaves. They were already eating theirbread and meat with an air of satisfaction that showed how warmly theyappreciated the unusual indulgence, while there were few indeed who didnot hold up their drinking horns as a servant passed along between thebenches with a skin of wine. Gervaise spoke to many of them.

  "Ah, my lord," one of them said, "if we were always treated like this,slavery would be endurable. For ten years have I rowed in Christiangalleys, but never before has an awning been spread to keep off the sunor the dew. We shall not forget your kindness, my lord, and will row ourhardest right cheerfully when you call upon us for an effort."

  There was a murmur of assent from the galley slaves around.

  "May Allah be merciful to you, as you are merciful to us!" another slaveexclaimed. "The blessing of those whom you regard as infidels can atleast do you no harm."

  "On the contrary, it can do me good," Gervaise said. "The God youMoslems and we Christians worship is, I believe, the same, though underanother name."

  Gervaise had, indeed, during his long conversations with Suleiman Ali,often discussed with him the matter of his faith, and had come, inconsequence, to regard it in a very different light to that in which itwas viewed by his companions. There was faith in one God at thebottom of both Mohammedanism and Christianity. The Mohammedans heldin reverence the lawgivers and prophets of the Old Testament, and evenregarded Christ Himself as being a prophet. They had been grievously ledaway by Mahomet, whom Gervaise regarded as a false teacher; but as hehad seen innumerable instances of the fidelity of the Moslems to theircreed, and the punctuality and devotion with which the slaves said theirdaily prayers, exposed though they were to the scorn and even the angerof their taskmasters, he had quite lost, during his nine monthsof constant association with Suleiman Ali, the bigoted hatred ofMohammedanism so universal at the time. He regarded Moslems as foes tobe opposed to the death; but he felt that it was unfair to hate them forbeing hostile to Christianity, of which they knew nothing.