Read A Lovely Shade of Ouch Page 12

  “Okay. Deal.”

  He helped her into her room, then went to check on George. With everything fine in Tortoise Town, John changed into a pair of shorts and joined her in bed with his own pillow.

  As she was trying to find a comfortable position, he said, “Hey, I just had a really stupid thought.”


  “We need to put you in my bedroom after your surgery. My bathroom will be easier for you to move around in. And I have the shower stall in there. In your bathroom, you have to step over the side of the tub. I don’t want you falling.”

  She knew, logically, where he was going with this.

  She also saw her perfect opening. “I’d feel weird sleeping in there, alone in a strange bed.” She finally took a chance and met his gaze.

  His eyes were focused straight into hers, as if trying to decipher her meaning.

  He slowly nodded. “Okay, then. Would you feel better if I slept in there with you?”

  She nodded.

  He arched an eyebrow at her again. Despite her pain, her clit thrummed a little. There was just something about the way he did that.

  When she was back up to full strength, if he wanted to be more than just friends, she was going to give the man a ride for his money’s worth.

  “Would you like me to sleep in here with you tonight?” he asked.

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered.

  And now that sexy little half smile thing he did.

  He laid down next to her. “You understand the risk here, right? You might wake up and find a woody poking against you.”

  “I’m willing to help you with that, if you want me to.”

  The act dropped as he sat up again. “Abbey, no. Not that I don’t appreciate the offer,” he quickly added, “because I do and, believe me, under different circumstances I’d be more than happy to take you up on it. It’s okay to joke around right now, but I know you’re in a lot of pain. This isn’t about me. Seriously.”

  He laced his fingers through hers. “Hey, I’ll consider it a form of masochism, okay? I’ll also lay it on the table that once you’re feeling better, if you want to have some discussions about this, I’m good with that, too. For right now, my focus is on you, on getting you through Wednesday and healed up. Got it?” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.


  He looked a little confused. “Promise what?”

  “Once we’re through this, that we’ll talk.”

  His expression softened. “Yes. After. You’ve been through an emotional meat grinder, and you’re in a lot of pain. Personally, I would feel like I’m taking advantage of you. I’m not going anywhere. This discussion can wait.” He smiled. “Frankly, I think George could outrun you at this point, so it’s not like I’m worried about you running off anywhere.”

  “Yeah. No shit.”

  He settled in next to her, on his side, his body pressed against her back, the warmth from him washing through her T-shirt and into her flesh.

  It felt even better when he draped his arm around her waist and she was able to lace fingers with him. Like that, she immediately dropped off to sleep.

  * * * *

  John lay there long after the sound of her breathing slowed and deepened and he knew she was asleep. He’d taken off the next two weeks, using vacation time.

  Which was a good thing, because tonight, lying next to her like this, with her in his arms, he knew he wouldn’t get much sleep.

  And not just because of his cock, which seemed to fit perfectly along the seam of her ass, his shorts and her panties the only barrier between them.


  Not even good torture, because he realized how much pain she was in. He couldn’t enjoy that.

  He wasn’t glad that she was in agony. Not a bit. The bad kind of pain had taken its toll on her. He had friends who’d gone through similar surgeries and basically gotten their lives back after.

  But he wouldn’t deny he felt glad that Tom had been an idiot. Because now John knew he had his own chance at happiness with Abbey, as long as he didn’t do anything stupid to fuck it up.

  And as long as she still wanted him when she was recovered. Once she was no longer dependent upon him, once she was feeling back to her old self, that would be the test.

  All he could do now was take it one day at a time.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Abbey was already awake when John lightly tapped on her shoulder Wednesday morning.

  “I’m awake.”

  “You ready?”

  “No. But I know it has to be done. I can’t put it off.”

  He carefully got up without jostling her and walked around to the other side of the bed. There, he reached for her hand. “I promise you, I’ll be there. So will Tilly, Cris, and Landry. We’re all going to be out there waiting for you.”

  She somehow managed to hold the tears back. “Will you please go into pre-op with me?”

  He nodded. “Of course. You don’t want Tilly?”

  “Only if they’ll let me have a second person.” She finally found the courage to ask it. “Can we tell them you’re my fiancé or something today? So they don’t try to keep you out?” She hadn’t told her family the details about her surgery, not wanting them there and crowding around her and squabbling with each other when she didn’t have energy to deal with them. She’d told them she would be having surgery soon, but hadn’t given them the date or invited them to be there.

  If something bad happened, John had their information and had promised Abbey he’d notify them, even as he forcefully reminded her, yet again, that she likely would come through the surgery just fine.

  “We’ll tell them anything you want.” He kissed her hand, holding it against his chest. “Whatever you want.”

  “I’m scared.”

  “I know you are. I know this is scary. But your surgeon is good and there’s no reason to think you’ll have anything but a normal surgery and recovery. Remember what Tilly told you, focus on the finish line. This should put an end to your pain once you heal up. You’ll have your life back.”

  “Will you please come into the recovery room with me? I don’t want to be in there alone and unconscious. Please?”

  While she knew it was rare, she’d heard horror stories about unconscious female patients being molested. Yes, it was as irrational a fear as her fear of spiders, but it was still a fear.

  “I don’t know if they’ll let me.”

  “Tilly will get you in there.”

  “You know, she probably can. I’ll promise to try. I don’t want to get tossed out of the hospital.”


  He helped her stand. Considering how bad her pain had grown lately, she knew this had to be done. If her condition deteriorated, she’d get to a point where she wouldn’t be able to walk.

  He helped her into the bathroom. He stepped out while she used the toilet, then returned, helping her get her T-shirt off and offering a steadying arm to her as she got into the shower. She had to use the special antiseptic soap again and was grateful when John reached in, took the washcloth from her, and gently scrubbed her back for her.

  She didn’t care if he saw her totally naked. They’d crossed that line a long time ago. It was more humiliating for her that she felt nearly helpless and had to rely on him when he already had so much going on in his life. Even though he proclaimed he was happy to help, it still grated on her that she needed the help in the first place. That life and circumstances had robbed her of the freedom to choose whether or not to accept his help.

  That was what she hated.

  He helped her get dressed and waited while she brushed her teeth. Then he brushed her hair for her, pulling it back into a ponytail.

  When she met his gaze in the mirror, he offered her a smile. “I promise,” he said, “I’ll be there.”

  “You won’t run off to Dallas?” she whispered.

  “No. Never. I’ll never abandon you.”

bsp; She turned and hugged him. That was when she realized what she wasn’t smelling. “You didn’t make coffee?”

  He looked confused. “No. Why?”


  “You can’t have coffee.”

  “But you can.”

  “I’m not having anything to eat until after we get you there and you’re in. Tilly or Cris or Landry can run get me something while we’re waiting.”

  “But that’s not fair to you.”

  “Life’s not fair.” He gently cupped her face in his hand. “Can I ask you a favor?”

  She nodded.

  “For today, shift your brain out of control mode and let me take care of you without you second-guessing or feeling guilty about it. Okay? Do you trust me enough to let me do that for you?”

  Of course she did. “Yeah. Thank you.”

  With his arm firmly around her waist, he helped her out to the sofa to wait while he finished getting ready. She realized he must have already taken care of George, because the blinds out to the lanai were pulled open a little.

  He really was taking care of her. Not just her, but George, too.

  As she sat there and looked around, it hit her just how many of her things he’d incorporated into his home over the past couple of weeks. Some of her family pictures sat on a shelf next to a few of his. Several of her turtle and tortoise figurines were interspersed on the top of the entertainment center with things he’d collected on various vacations, like a ceramic lighthouse from Michigan and a small model of the St. Louis Arch.

  I’m home.

  Not once had he made mention of her moving out. Not even when she’d made hypothetical statements about needing to start looking at apartments had he ever talked about her moving.

  It was like he’d gone out of his way to steer the conversation in a different direction.

  And then there was Tortoise Town.

  Maybe she was engaging in wishful thinking. She didn’t trust herself anymore. Not when she looked back on her relationship with Tom. Maybe she was doing something similar now, seeing what she wanted to see instead of the full truth.

  Maybe I need Tilly to reality-check me.

  For now, it was a topic she’d have to shelve until she was through this.

  * * * *

  Tilly and her guys met them at the hospital. The nurse let John stay with Abbey while she changed into her hospital gown and while they started her IV. Only then was Tilly allowed to come back and join them.

  For simplicity’s sake, on the hospital paperwork she designated John as her fiancé and next of kin, and Tilly as her sister. That way they both could access her records and receive information. She certainly felt closer to them than her blood kin. Not that she didn’t love her family, but as stressed as she felt today, she refused to add to it. Today, she would let John and Tilly supervise her care as much as they could.

  When the anesthesiologist came back to talk to her, Tilly took over and asked for a dose of Versed to relax Abbey.

  “What’s that?” Abbey asked, her fingers tightly clamped around John’s hand.

  Tilly laughed. “Something to keep the circulation going in his fingers,” she said as she nodded toward John’s hand. “It’ll relax you.”

  The doctor returned a few minutes later and added the dose to Abbey’s IV. Within a minute, Abbey felt the world soften around her, the anxiety melting away.

  “Aaand there she goes,” Tilly said, smiling.

  Abbey looked at John. “Don’t leave me alone in recovery,” she said. “Please.”

  “Honey,” Tilly said, “we’ll do our best. Don’t worry, there are plenty of nurses in there. No one’s going to do anything bad to you.”

  Two nurses came for Abbey. “It’s time.”

  Abbey pulled John close, kissing him. “I love you, Sir,” she whispered.

  He smiled, stroking her forehead. “Love you, too, sweetheart,” he whispered back. “You go to sleep and when you wake up, you’ll be on the road to feeling better.”

  Tilly gave her a kiss on the cheek, and then she was being wheeled away.

  As the anesthesiologist slipped a mask over her face, he looked down at her over the top of his surgical mask. “Just take deep breaths and count back for me…”

  * * * *

  Tilly stood there with John, watching as they wheeled Abbey down the hall.

  She gently rested a hand on his shoulder. “I heard that,” she said.

  When he looked, he saw she wore a smirk. “What?”

  “The ‘Sir.’ And the ‘I love yous.’”


  He thought Tilly was going to bust his balls over it, but she shocked him.

  She pulled him in for a hug.

  “Promise me,” she whispered. “Promise me you won’t fuck things up with her. You won’t hurt her.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  She finally let him go. “Good. Now, let’s go get you something to eat. I bet you didn’t even have coffee yet, did you?”

  “No.” He followed her out to the waiting room. “How’d you know?”

  Tilly turned, smiling at him. “Because you’re a good egg, even if you are a little cracked.”

  * * * *

  Abbey had proven feistier than her recovery nurses anticipated. When John and Tilly were called back from the waiting room by a nurse, she arched an eyebrow at them.

  “Don’t know how she is normally,” the nurse said, “but apparently she’s used to getting her way. She says she won’t calm down unless we bring you two back.”

  Tilly grinned and elbowed John. “Knew she’d pitch a fit.”

  Abbey lay propped on her side with pillows, a nurse sitting on a rolling chair next to her bed and filling out a report.

  “Here’s her fiancé and sister,” the other nurse said.

  “Good. Her numbers were getting a little sketchy.”

  John leaned in and kissed Abbey. She opened her eyes long enough to see it was him before they dropped closed again and she blindly groped for his hand.

  “You settle down now,” he softly said. “Don’t cause trouble.”

  She squeezed his hand long and hard, desperately. He understood her fear, even if he didn’t share it. And if she needed him to stand there all afternoon next to her, and if the staff allowed it, he would.

  “Abbey,” Tilly said, “you’re fine. You’ll be moved to a room once they’re satisfied you’re doing okay.”

  “Actually,” the nurse with the chart said, “it might be a little longer than that. They’re full upstairs. Right now, they don’t have a room for her. That’s the other reason we’re bending the rules a little for her. It might be several hours before we can get her upstairs.”

  They brought chairs for John and Tilly. It was actually after six o’clock by the time they had a room ready for Abbey. On the way upstairs, they collected Landry and Cris. They offered to stay with Abbey while John ran home to check on George and take care of him.

  As he drove, relief filled him. Abbey had come through the surgery all right. If her feistiness post-op was any indication, she’d be okay.

  When he returned to the hospital, he brought an overnight bag with him. Their private rooms allowed patients to have someone stay with them, if they chose.

  After Tilly and the others left for the night and John settled in, Abbey spoke up.


  He got up and went to her side. “I’m right here.”

  She looked like she was in a lot of pain. He reached over and hit the button on her morphine pump, the beep indicating it had delivered a dose.

  “Thank you for staying with me.”

  “Sweetheart, I told you, I’m here for you.”

  “You don’t have to spend the night if you don’t want to.”

  “I want to.”


  “Yeah, really.”


  And with that, she drifted off again.

  He stared down at her
, watching her sleep.

  Now, with this over and her healing able to start, maybe he could truly begin to show her just how much he wanted to be there for her.

  For the rest of their lives, if she’d let him.

  * * * *

  Abbey was sitting up in bed after having kept her breakfast down. Everything hurt.

  John, with the assistance of the nurse, had helped Abbey out of bed and into the bathroom when she refused to use a bed pan in the middle of the night. When the doctor showed up for morning rounds with his PA in tow, he smiled as he glanced over her chart on the rolling computer terminal.

  “How do you feel about going home today?” the doctor asked.


  John frowned as he looked up from his work laptop, where he was dealing with e-mails. “You’re releasing her the next day?” They’d originally told Abbey she might be in two or three days, depending on how she healed.

  “The nurses say she ate her breakfast, and she was up and walking last night.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “I can go home?” Abbey asked.

  “No reason not to send you home,” the doctor said.

  “I thought people usually had to be in for a couple of days after this kind of surgery,” John said, suspecting insurance-mandated fuckery afoot.

  “Well, sure, a few years ago. Not anymore. Surgical techniques have improved. If a patient is eating and has help at home, no reason not to send them home. Her records indicate you’re her caregiver, correct?”

  “Yeah, but—”

  “I want to go home,” Abbey said.

  John wanted to argue with her, but knew if the doctor wanted to discharge her and Abbey wanted to be discharged, likely he couldn’t fight it either way. “Okay.”

  “I’ll write her orders and we’ll have her come in to my office on Monday for a check.”

  “Thank you, doctor,” Abbey said.

  John immediately called Tilly.

  “What the hell? What do you mean they’re discharging her? No, she should stay at least another day.”

  “Then you get your ass down here and help me,” he said, trying to keep Abbey from overhearing him where he stood by the window. “She wants to go home.”