Read A Man For Darial Page 4

  Chapter 4

  Joe decided he’d better get back in the game and show himself in a better light.

  “I picked up everything on Halli’s list today and stored it in the garage. Where does she want me to drop it off?” Joe noticed that Darial looked uncomfortable with his question when she replied.

  “Please, do not trouble yourself. I will make the arrangements for its loading on the transporter.” Darial wasn’t sure why Joe wanted to drop the plumbing supplies but, was sure she had once again misunderstood his words.

  “Is Halli doing a contract for someone or building a house for Callem and herself?” Joe persisted. “Where is she building?” Now Joe was really getting curious about what Halli was up to.

  “Halli and Callem recently bought some land near a beach and intend to build very soon.”

  Darial mentally braced herself for the next really important part of her mission. She had to succeed, she owed them so much. “I was sent by them both to ask you to accompany me to where the home is to be built. Halli knew that your current contract had just finished and desperately wants you to help her build her new home. She says it was always planned this way?”

  “Well sure, she knows I’ll help. But, why didn’t she just ring me and give me the address to deliver everything and get started?” Joe was confused; this seemed like a weird way for Halli to be going about building.

  “Halli explained that you are not a good traveller and that you might be reluctant. She asked me to assist you with the arrangements.” Darial winced inwardly; she was really getting close to outright lying now. “The building is to take place at a great distance from here and will require that we take a flight and take the supplies with us.” She waited for Joe’s reaction. Halli had explained his fear of flying to her.

  “Oh hell! Why did she have to buy land a plane ride away?” It was a rhetorical question, as Joe knew Callem’s work took him all over the world. They could have ended up anywhere, and now, obviously had.

  “Damn, I always thought that Halli would come back here to the Gold Coast to build. This is a real bummer.” Joe started to burn with embarrassment as he took in Darial’s sympathetic gaze. He tried to make her understand. “I really wanted to build that home with Halli you know, but planes scare the hell out of me.” Inwardly cringing he tried to explain. “I’m not a coward about most things but, flying really gets to me. I once flew to Sydney and then had to take the bus back because I couldn’t face the return flight. God only knows how I’d get back from Iceland or where ever.”

  Darial gave him a sweet, sympathetic smile that almost washed away his embarrassment, not quite but, nearly.

  “That is why Callem and Halli chose me to come. If you will let me, I have the skills needed to help you overcome your fear of flying. Also, Halli asked that I didn’t mention our destination. I am just to tell you that you will be safe, happy and will be building her dream home on the beach with her in no time.” Darial’s smile held the warmth of the sun as she promised, “I will help make it possible for you to fly. Trust me.”

  Joe nearly swallowed his tongue getting the “Yes” out fast enough to agree. Then he immediately felt panic set in. “Oh, damn. What have I just agreed to?”

  “Joe, please trust me, I know I can make the flight pass quickly and without fear for you.” Joe slowly nodded his head, mouth now too dry to reply. Just the thought of flying had got him into this state but, if he wanted a chance with Darial he knew he had to go with her.

  Darial continued trying to reassure him “Tomorrow night I will show you how easily I can deal with your phobia. But, for now, let us just concentrate on buying everything that is left on Halli’s list.”

  Joe was anxious to show her that he wasn’t a complete waste of space, and that his muscles were good for more than just filling out a t-shirt. “If you give me the list I’ll leave first thing in the morning and get it all loaded in my truck. Will I store it here with the gear I picked up today or does it go to some place near the airport?”

  “Thank you I would appreciate your help. All the supplies are to be stored in the hanger at the airport ready for loading. A company plane will be transporting us to Halli.” Her turquoise eyes shone in appreciation and relief that her mission looked like being a success had her positively giddy.

  Darial quickly opened the electronic device that closely resembled an e-reader in size. “Now, if you will give me permission to use your wireless printer I will send Halli’s list to it from my com-pad?” She questioned with her eyes.

  “Won’t they need to be synced first?”

  “That is not necessary my com-pad is very versatile.” Darial smiled as she rapidly tapped the screen. Seconds later beeps sounded from the direction of Joe’s study, the file had been received, immediately after that paper could be heard merrily spitting out of his printer.

  “Wow! I want me one of those little suckers. Where can I buy one? Joe was consumed by electronic envy. “Will it connect to any printer?”

  “Yes, also to other computers, phones and televisions. However, I’m sorry to tell you that it is a prototype and is not available for purchase.” Darial watched his face crumble into disappointment. Desperately wanting to have an excuse to be with him, she made the ultimate sacrifice. “If you let me come with you tomorrow and practice my English then, I’ll let you try it out.”

  Darial watched Joe’s face brighten with enthusiasm, he couldn’t believe his luck. Without even having to invent an excuse to keep her close Darial had just dropped his secret desire in his lap. Rounding the table he plucked her clean out of the chair and hugged her jubilantly.

  “You little beauty, I’ll keep you to that promise.”

  Joe felt Darial’s soft curves squashed against his naked chest, and in a heartbeat, his light hearted exuberance changed to desperate desire. Strong, deep yearning choked his breath and heated his blood. Sweat beaded his face. Damn he was in trouble and he knew it. He didn’t ever want to let her go but, if he wanted to stand a chance with her he had to treat her carefully. No mistakes now man, he told himself.

  Slowly releasing her, he backed quickly away, rushing into speech. “I’ll just go and get changed. I’ll be back in two shakes then we can go over that list. OK?” He held his breath waiting for her answer.

  “I didn’t understand most of what you just said but, I will wait here for you to come back. Is that correct?”

  “You bet! Just don’t move.”

  Darial took him literally and stood quietly in the middle of the room, right where he had left her. Hail Hera, this English was a strange language.

  Later that night Joe left Darial at her front door with a casual “goodnight” and the promise to be ready early the next morning. Walking away from her was the hardest thing he had ever done. Like a drug addict he craved her presence but, he was determined not to frighten her away by being too aggressive.

  Darial felt misery accompany her inside, as, she closed the door on Joe’s retreating back. All evening he had acted like she was no more than another of his sister’s friends. Hail Hera, Didn’t he feel the bond between them as she did? How was she going to show him that he was her life-mate and that they belonged together if he continued to keep her at a distance? Straightening her spine she marched into the bedroom and got ready for sleep, she would not give up. Tomorrow would bring new opportunities.